Thatcher’s Bruges Speech should be played on National TV

Margaret Thatcher’s historic speech known as the “The Bruges Speech” delivered September 20th, 1988. Thatcher’s speech rejecting the political union of Europe which is the federalization of Europe. Thatcher proposed instead a wider, decentralized, outward-looking democratic Europe of independence: “I want to start by disposing of some myths about my country, Britain, and its relationship with Europe and to do that, I must say something about the identity of Europe itself. … Europe is not the creation of the Treaty of Rome. … Nor is the European idea the property of any group or institution.”

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May 16, 2016 1:53 pm

Such a profound tragedy… that this eloquent and remarkable speech would be rendered completely meaningless by those in attendance over the following years… the folly warned against is the very folly they now suffer.

RIP Lady Thatcher– and pray you don’t see what The European Union has wrought.

May 16, 2016 9:42 pm

I’m reminded of this:

The Post War Dream (Waters)

[Car sound, switching on of car radio]
“…announced plans to build a nuclear fallout shelter at Peterborough
in Cambridgeshire…”
[phzzt! of returning]
“…three high court judges have cleared the way…”
“…It was announced today, that the replacement for the Atlantic
Conveyor the container ship lost in the Falklands conflict would be
built in Japan, a spokesman for…”
“…moving in. They say the third world countries, like Bolivia, which
produce the drug are suffering from rising violence…[fades]”

Tell me true, tell me why, was Jesus crucified
Is it for this that Daddy died?
Was it for you? Was it me?
Did I watch too much T.V.?
Is that a hint of accusation in your eyes?
If it wasn’t for the nips
Being so good at building ships
The yards would still be open on the clyde.
And it can’t be much fun for them
Beneath the rising sun
With all their kids committing suicide.
What have we done, Maggie what have we done?
What have we done to England?
Should we shout, should we scream
“What happened to the post war dream?”
Oh Maggie, Maggie what have we done?

May 16, 2016 11:13 pm

My Irish friend doesn’t speak of the Lady Thatcher without hatred for her policies on Ireland.

May 16, 2016 11:22 pm

I watched/listened to all of this speech. She certainly had bearing and spoke with intellect and calm authority. If only they had listened and believed.

May 16, 2016 11:33 pm

Maggie said:
“If only they had listened and believed.”

It was too late even then for the New World Order was well under way.