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May 18, 2016 10:21 am


This is a very misleading cartoon, to the point of being patently dishonest. Hillaqry has been under the microscope since day one as well. It is only last month or so that virtually the entire focus of the media and the establishment has been focused on Mr. Trump. The reason of course is painfully obvious, unless they can find or manufacture an impeachable sin on Mr. Trump, he will be the next president.

Perhaps even more to the point in the overall scheme of things is why hasn’t Bernie Sanders been subjected to any scrutiny at all. Because in my book, any moment now an indictment against Hillary will be handed down and she will be forced to withdraw making Bernie Sanders, who has by some strange coincidence not been the subject of any outright attacks by the media and very little criticism the nominee by default. And yet media has kept his face on the front page virtually every single day for the last 4 months.

This type of “cartoon” is a red herring. It prevents anyone from looking past Hillary to Sanders. It should be clear to all at this point that a very vocal, powerful and dangerous cabal inside the establishment are demanding Sanders. I have been publicly maintaining for months in comments all over the web that this is part of a last man standing strategy to put Sanders in the White House. And from where I sit, things are right on schedule. As is the demise of the Republic at the hands of the very same cabal that is trying so desperately to put him in office. In fact, they are so desperate, that they will not hesitate to pull another Kennedy if they cannot destroy Trump via the media.

May 18, 2016 10:30 am

Hillary under the microscope? Never once in her life. The plan for Sanders all along was to make Hillary look more mainstream. They never intended for him to win or to get any serious traction. Biden will be the nominee.

rhs jr
rhs jr
May 18, 2016 10:41 am

That’s what American “Journalists” and the IRS are paid to do (destroy Conservatives like Trump and save sweet Apple Pie Liberals like Harpy) just like most “climate scientist” are paid to say “man made CO2 causes global warming and it’s going to flood the coastal cities and then kill us all”. And public school “teachers” say Republicans bad, Democrats good; Politicians say “I serve the voters”; Banksters steal billions, no problem; you withdraw over 10,000 or transport it home or spend it or do it on two different etc days then you are a presumptive felon and TPTB take all your money just like in the Dark Ages with Evil King John’s men.

May 18, 2016 10:45 am

Two other rags also on a serious decline readership wise that come to mind for their blatant cheerleading for Hillary and utter contempt for Trump are USA today and the once respected NY Times. I also have noticed their comparison photos of the candidates. Trump is always “angry” in his photos while Hillary is always smiling and seen hugging folks. The media bias is so blatant these days, they don’t even try to come off as balanced. Out.

May 18, 2016 11:08 am

Yeah, what’s up with that?

May 18, 2016 11:09 am

I did, and you beat me to the comment.
That makes the cartoon interesting.

May 18, 2016 11:11 am

I think the reporter in the back and all the way to the right (little guy in blue shirt) is also a Joo. But, he looks like a regyoulah Joo.

May 18, 2016 11:13 am

“Yeah, what’s up with that?” ———– starfcker

WaPo is now owned by Jeff Bezos …. a Joo. It could be him.

May 18, 2016 12:04 pm


Under a microscope? Not even Fox has her under a microscope. If she was a republican we would be hearing about fifty of her scandals and the dead bodies that go with them.

May 18, 2016 2:06 pm

Yeah, I can see Shylock on the left, rubbing his hands in anticipation. Odd thing for a WaPo cartoon, indeed, an eeevull joo.

May 18, 2016 4:05 pm


good point. However, Bernie was a diversion and a joke. He still is a lost cause. He got a little too big for his britches, but the establishment will take him done a peg. That he gets the kind of support that he does demonstrates that there is real discontent in the country. I think he originally was very much like Trump in outlook that is what the hell let’s give it a whirl. Then people took it serious, the message not the personality ( he doesn’t have much charm or charisma). He threw away any real chance when he vowed to ignore “your damned emails” in the debate and still fails to compare her substantial one speech fees from big bankers to his paltry net worth.

May 18, 2016 4:31 pm


I find it very telling that despite the claims of several posters here that Hillary has not been under the microscope (which I believe to be patently false, a cursory look at the headlines going back the last 6 months tells the tale on that one) is that virtually all of you are intimately aquantited with all of Hillary’s “dirt” and more to the point so is every single person I have talked to about the election in the last 6 months.

However, when I mention any of the following I am more often than not met with disbelieve

that Sanders tried to dodge the draft by filing objector status which was of course denied. He never was drafted, but while under the threat he fled to Israel to work on a militarized Kibbutz. A position considered alternative service in Israel at the time.

That Sanders voted quietly to grant Bush Jr to the power to militarily wage war without the consent with the full knowledge that Bush Jr was going to war in Iraq. This right after he loudly proclaimed his opposition to the war in Iraq voting and voting against it.

That his support of the so many conflicts and wars has earned him the reputation as a leading chicken hawk.

His support for the 1999 Kosovo War drove one of his key aids Jeremy Brecher to resign in protest.

That he has been leading proponent of the F-35 which is already the most expense military boondoggle in US history

That he has never voted against an appropriation, subsidy, or aid package for Israel.

That on numerous occasions, on a wide variety of issues his voting record is littered with his very loud and public votes against something, and then turns around and quietly votes to fund or approve them.

That his wife was involved in a scandal about misappropriated campaign funds.

That upon returning from Israel where he was ostensibly a volunteer he suddenly had the money to buy a farm in Vermont.

The during the first 5 years in Vermont, he worked only parasitically as a carpenter under the table so he would not lose his welfare benefits.

That he has always been a hard right socialist and literally became a “democrat” when he filed to run for President. Which means his claims of being a “democratic socialist” is a lie.

He first ran for Senate as an independent under the socialist banner right after he was elected he pledged his support for the Democratic party

He also ran as an anti-war candidate and immediately upon being elected he voted against withdrawal of troops from Iraq.

Voters were so outraged a campaign to to impeach him was started.

Sanders voted for House Resolution 921, which gave full support to Israel’s murderous war on Lebanon. He also voted for HR 4681 that imposed sanctions on the Palestinian Authority with the aim of removing the democratically elected Hamas government.

Hell I could go on all day. And yet almost no one I talk to has any knowledge of these things. And very few of them have ever seen the light of day in the main stream media. On the other hand, at one time or another every single piece of Hillary’s dirty laundry has seen the light of day on the main stream media. But his pattern of duplicity and lies is undeniable. Yet the American people have no idea about this because the media has been protecting him from day one.

Rise Up
Rise Up
May 18, 2016 7:19 pm

TC says: Hillary under the microscope? Never once in her life. The plan for Sanders all along was to make Hillary look more mainstream. They never intended for him to win or to get any serious traction. Biden will be the nominee.
If Sanders was a scheme to make Hitlery look “mainstream”, it’s backfiring big time. He has won a lot of state primaries and had created a “yuuge” following of anti-Clinton Democrats.

Biden (w/Warren)? Only on the slim chance Clinton is somehow indicted.


May 19, 2016 6:52 am

Hillary Obama are protected from law.They have a wall.The public must tear down that wall and prosecute to the full extent of THE LAW

May 19, 2016 7:15 am

DDearborn: also heard he was kicked out of a commune because he only wanted to talk politics and would not do any work. Btw why fault him for his wife’s misdeeds. We don’t hold mrs Clinton accountable for Bill’s misadventures. BTW this is interesting, true and irrelevant. The Fix Is In and it ain’t Bernie or slow Joe.

May 19, 2016 7:36 am

DDearborn, you need to post that info when Westie is commenting on a Bernie thread. He’ll have an aneurysm then pack up his toys and head home again. Thanks for posting that and by all means…go on all day! 🙂 All I needed to know about him is that he’s a fucking socialist. That ranks just below used car salesman, lawyer and politician.