Did you know migrants can now fly within Europe without identification?

Guest Post by Manuel Pfister


Single Dude Travel Advisory: Did you know migrants can now fly within Europe without identification? – The Single Dude’s Guide to Life & Travel™

I recently took a trip through Northern Europe including the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Lithuania and Poland. Although it’s common knowledge that travelers can pass between Schengen zone countries without going through passport control, I was unaware that travel from Schengen zone countries to [some?] non-Schengen zone countries also now has no passport control whatsoever. Even more shocking was that I did not have to show my passport or even any indentification at all to fly from Denmark to Norway, Norway to Sweden, Sweden to Lithuania and Lithuania to Poland.

In fact, in Denmark I was able to print my boarding pass and baggage tags at self-service kiosks and then check my bag at a another self-service kiosk. When going through security and at the gate I was also able to scan my boarding pass myself, nobody checked my name or ID. From Copenhagen to Oslo not only did I not have to show any form of ID, I did not even interact with a person at all except for a cursory wave through the mental detector and a greeting from the stewardess once I had already boarded the plane.

During my entire trip throughout all of these countries I was only asked to show an ID once in Norway because I needed help checking a bag due to the self-service kiosk malfunctioning; it seemed as though a library card might have sufficed just as well as a passport.

Considering the depth of the “refugee” crisis that is currently ravaging Western Europe thanks to their suicidal open border policies, I find it alarming that people can fly all over northern Europe without showing any form of identification whatsoever and can even check luggage and board an airplane without even interacting with a human being. Consider that someone could purchase a ticket online with a stolen or prepaid credit card or even an unverified PayPal account and then fly essentially totally anonymously.

Even worse, it seems like the migrants can easily take advantage of this gaping security hole and enter the only countries that are exercising a sane policy with regards to migrants, such as Poland. I can’t say for sure if it is possible to fly without ID to other eastern European countries besides Lithuania and Poland but I suspect that it is.

I am no defender over-zealous, child molester, TSA style airport security, but being able to fly from migrant, rapefugee infested Norway and Sweden into one of the few countries that is trying to prevent the rape and pillaging of the west can only be described as pure insanity.

I believe it is time for citizens of Eastern European countries to demand that their leaders seal their borders, not just to non-EU countries but to Schengen zone countries as well. It seems that there is a clear and present danger of these migrants traveling freely throughout the entire EU via air into countries that are expressly exercising their sovereign rights to keep them out. Among the significant numbers of petty thieves, rapists and murders there is surely some percentage of true foreign enemy operatives.

It’s worth noting that when I entered Denmark from Serbia my passport was carefully scrutinized and I was asked all kinds of questions about he purpose and duration of my trip. The same happened when I departed Poland for Hungary. It seems like we’ve reached the point in time where Eastern Europe needs to restrict travel from Western Europe and not vice versa.

It is clearly too late for France, Germany, Norway and Sweden but not for Eastern Europe. Eastern Europeans need to continue to demand closed boarders and see that this policy is enforced not just for land travel, but for travelers entering the country via plane or boat as well. It is amazing what a nice country Poland still is when contrasted with a city like Oslo that is over-run with shiftless migrants loafing about and scowling menacingly at the natives. Let’s try to at least save Eastern Europe!



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May 19, 2016 6:55 am

The entire world is afraid of being labeled, infuckingsane.

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May 19, 2016 7:02 am

You can really find some funny stuff on the interweb.

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May 19, 2016 7:21 am

A million thumbs up on the cartoon there card. I’m gonna have to print that out for a few brain damaged liberals I know. They won’t see anything wrong with it though.

If Republicans just self identify as muslims, all will be forgiven and the country will finally be united!

I’m going to self identify as a transgendered black muslim on the next census. I encourage ya’ll to do something similar! The cocksuckers use the census to determine which neighborhoods aren’t dark enough and then agree to increase funding to cities who implement zoning changes to colorize said neighborhoods. I see it happening where I live right now. It used to be difficult to locate an apartment on the south side of town here but now there are thousands with multiple ghetto rat apartment projects ongoing. I’m seriously contemplating a more secluded doomstead.

rhs jr
rhs jr
May 19, 2016 8:28 am

And the bimbos wonder why real men avoid them like AIDS.

May 19, 2016 11:12 am

Years ago I remember flying out of El Paso airport an having to show my driver’s license at the ticket counter. The Spanish speaking guys in front of me in the line didn’t have to show squat. That was about 10 years ago!