Come and Get Me, You Fairies!

By Kathie Shaidle

Via Taki’s Magazine


Normally I wouldn’t subject you to two columns in a row about Canadian goings-on, but I see my new topic has already been deemed worthy of attention here, at “The Week That Perished.”

“Canada Proposes Imprisonment for Anti-Tranny ‘Hate Speech’” topped the list:

Trudeau is pushing a bill that would protect Canada’s eternally vulnerable transgender community by sending offenders to prison for up to two years if they dare commit the unpardonable sin of uttering “anti-transgender speech.”

(And before you scroll down to the comments to lecture me on your clearly overrated First Amendment, American readers should bear in mind that New York state, for one, already has similar laws on the books, and they carry fines of up to $250,000. And this Oregon “transmasculine” teacher got $60,000 because her colleagues wouldn’t refer to “it” as “they.”)

No, the Canadian law hasn’t been passed yet, but Trudeau’s Liberals have a majority in Parliament, so they can theoretically shove through any law they want to. The Grits’ priorities are weed, “green” bullshit, assisted suicide, and, well, another kind of “assisted suicide”: fighting on the “Allies” side in “World War T.” When it comes to chicks with dicks, the Libs are determined to dress on the right (that is, left) side of history.

“Soon we’ll all be obligated by law to say and think the same thing—or else. I choose door No. 2.”
(Then again, so are the Conservatives. At their convention last weekend, the party voted overwhelmingly to drop their official opposition to gay “marriage,” quoting—apparently without irony—their former nemesis PM Pierre Trudeau’s maxim that “the state has no place in the bedrooms of the nation.”)

More proof that we normals are losing this fight? Trannies are rewriting not just the laws of the nation(s) but of politics and other facets of society. You know the old saw about “a dead girl or a live boy”? Well, as Gavin McInnes reported here, the guy behind the North Carolina bathroom bill is a registered sex offender who “fondled a 15-year-old boy when he was 20.” And…Bruce Springsteen and his fellow state-boycotters either haven’t heard or don’t care.

A few leftists break rank and declare their exasperation with all things “trans.” Articles like “My Dad Was Transgender. Why I Still Think Gender Can’t Be Changed” appear with semi-regularity. Activists admit they’ve been pulling our every remaining dangling appendage this whole time:

“We know trans people are one of the most targeted groups. And they experience violence at a much higher rate than other people,” he said.

“But because we don’t collect data, we don’t collect information on these circumstances, it makes it difficult to put in place any programming or training for police or communities that address these crimes.”

None of that matters.

Instead, Canada’s largest newspaper, and one major private broadcaster, have recently been celebrating this “transgendered dad” (and longtime human toothache) who “breastfeeds.” If you’ve got a dodgy gag reflex, you’d best skip over the “how,” although listening to the anchor declare, “It’s a wonderful story and I appreciate you coming on and telling us about it,” is just about as puke-inducing.

Soon we’ll all be obligated by law to say and think the same thing—or else. I choose door No. 2.

I’ve said for years that transsexuals are delusional amputation fetishists, and way too many are manipulative narcissistic bullies and liars, and often prone to violence.

That if they really do commit suicide in epidemic numbers, that’s because, well, they’re clearly insane.

Trannies were cute and funny when they were in movies once in a while—hell, I actually watch The Prancing Elites sometimes, because (I dare you) it’s kind of hard not to—but now they’re everywhere, and I’m sick of them.

I’d compare trannies to kudzu, but kudzu turns out to be mostly a rural legend, whereas trannies are a for-real creeping menace, spreading mendacity and extortion across the land and costing taxpayers untold millions.

To stick with the Southern Gothic metaphor, though, trannies are more like Max Cady in drag. The villain in Cape Fear skirts (pun intended) around the law relentlessly, never doing anything you can actually arrest (or better yet, kill) him for. His mission: to destroy a normal, law-abiding family—precisely because they are normal and law-abiding—in a twisted, selfish campaign for “justice.”

This is the part where I’m supposed to cuck out and put in that transsexuals are clearly mentally ill and deserve our compassion. That they’re being exploited as exotic human pets and fashion accessories by everyone from teenage weirdos on Tumblr (forgivable) to powerful media gatekeepers, greedy surgeons, and political power-grabbers (not).

Yeah, fuck that. I don’t care.

In order to ostensibly protect “transgender and other gender-diverse” individuals, the new Canadian law criminalizes “hate propaganda and hate crimes.” So how’s this?
I hate trannies. I think other people should hate trannies, too.

Does that work?

Hate is just a human emotion. If gays are allowed to tear apart and (ineptly) rebuild 5,000 years of civilization in the name of “love,” why shouldn’t I be allowed to stomp on their sand castles in the name of “hate”?

At this juncture, I’ll get lectured by conservatives that “we” don’t believe in breaking the law. That if we object to an unjust piece of legislation, we’re supposed to work diligently to overturn it blah blah soooo sleepy zzzzzzzz…

The left has gotten every item on their agenda over the past 60 years through the “Rosa Parks” model. As my fellow Canadian blogger Kate McMillian likes to say, “‘Not showing up to riot’ is a failed conservative policy.”

I dare the police to arrest me first the day this law is passed. If they don’t do so spontaneously, then I challenge some chippy little tranny to press charges.

I can’t possibly plead “not guilty.” I won’t even insist that I was “just citing statistics” or “performing a thought experiment” or “being satirical.” Those are all typical (and irregularly effective) defenses in situations like this one. They also don’t apply here.

I have no defense. I don’t even want one.

Come and get me, you fairies.

When I get out, you’ll be able to stick me right back in again, because by then Justin & Co. will also have “outlawed Islamophobia.”

So let’s see if you have the balls.



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June 2, 2016 10:57 am

Trudeau is pushing a bill that would protect Canada’s eternally vulnerable transgender community by sending offenders to prison for up to two years if they dare commit the unpardonable sin of uttering “anti-transgender speech.”

Fuckin’ sodomites – come and get me Trudeau you little New World Order Whore

June 2, 2016 11:22 am

When will the other 99.99% of the people say ‘enough is enough’

It looks like the masses are so lazy, brain washed, brain dead, preoccupied with I-Crap, that nothing registers with them. Wait till they get it stuck up their ass – literally.

Muck About
Muck About
June 2, 2016 12:08 pm

They’re coming for us all, little chunks at a time. I thought Canadians had more guts than to fall into the bull shit PC culture.

I guess I’m wrong and shame on them.


June 2, 2016 12:51 pm

I wonder if the masses will give a shit when the PC crowd makes it a felony to say something against a protect class. I hope so but with the millennials take over the reigns of power in 10 or so years I doubt they care . I fear that my golden years will be spent in a cell because I offended a protected snowflake .

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
June 2, 2016 1:05 pm


I’ve been writing about the disaster that is Canada long enough you should know better. The only difference between us and the rest of the western world is timing and velocity. 🙂

Didius Julianus
Didius Julianus
June 2, 2016 1:47 pm

Just one correction: In you have been in the south, you quickly realize that Kudzu is a scourge, a quickly growing green cancer of the ground that shows no mercy, much like today’s leftists.

June 2, 2016 2:58 pm

I’m assuming this will only be applied to Christians, not Muslims.

The way preachers in Canada are arrested for simply teaching what the Bible says about homosexuality by reading passages from it in public.

Canada take note: It isn’t wise to defy God and his laws by banning even mention of them!

June 2, 2016 3:06 pm

Hate is an emotion. So is love. How can you outlaw an emotion? Is bombing another person with a drone a hate crime? We all hated bin ladens ilk after 911. Was that a hate crime? Re fucking tarded.

On Point
On Point
June 2, 2016 4:01 pm

Interesting take here making the transgender connection with Islam:

Trans – It Makes Sense Now – The Road To Dhimmitude

Chris P
Chris P
June 2, 2016 5:34 pm

Just so you know I gave you a standing ovation. Ok I thought it in my head and a fist bump on top of that. Great read!!!

June 2, 2016 5:40 pm

It starts out with criminalizing speech that is unpopular, uncomfortable, or otherwise, out of the mainstream of “normal” thought, even if it is the TRUTH.
This persecution is already occurring in Canada…
Witness the Canadian government persecution of those who do not subscribe wholly to the Jewish “holocaust ™” story, even if certain “details” of this historical event can be proven false. In fact, as more of the formerly sealed Soviet archives of this historical event are being opened up, many more claims now accepted as historical “fact” are being disproven. The sad part of this, is that Canadian courts have consistently disallowed evidence being placed into the court record, despite being proven TRUTH, as there are “special interests” (both inside and outside the Canadian government) that cannot (afford to be) “offended” as the TRUTH blows “holes” in their present “holocaust ™” claims. The International Red Cross kept meticulous records of camp deaths and losses. Recently released records prove that the whole “six million” figure is put into question. Please keep in mind, even ONE death was one too many…
Thankfully, here in the United States, only job loss, political and social persecution is the result. Our First Amendment protects ALL speech, something that Canadian citizens do not enjoy.

June 2, 2016 6:56 pm

What are transgendered? They are males or females. They are transvestites, the language has been corrupted. They want special treatment. My solution is to make everyday Halloween and let us have a big costume party all year long!

June 2, 2016 7:09 pm

Trans is a mental illness. Play dress up if you must, but if you want to cut your dick off, you have a mental illness. I could see adding boobs though. If I was straight I mean. Maybe you would attach them a bit lower so you could put your dick between them.

June 2, 2016 7:53 pm

I’m looking forward to the day when the two favored victim groups square off in an epic shitfest. They want to do this while importing a bunch of hajjis? Good luck. Muslims are the most intolerant people on the planet. I’m gonna laugh my ass off when Mohammed goes apeshit becoase some little boy is using the locker room with his daughter. Betcha they don’t charge the hajji with a hate crime, that will be reserved for whitey. I just wonder what kind of shit the govt will do to accommodate both special groups. Get yer popcorn ready, my friends. All we can do is watch and wait.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 2, 2016 9:16 pm

I thought this was going to be a guest post by Quadruple Dicked

June 3, 2016 10:23 am

Freedom of Speech…DOA

Never mind the idiots promoting trans whatever. Be worried
about the criminalizing of speech. NWO bullcrap and one
more way to cow the ppl. Get ready for the snitches that will
get a second can of beans for turning their neighbor “in” to
the bosses. This is dangerous. The trans are just useful idiots.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 3, 2016 12:40 pm