Hat tip Robert B.

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June 11, 2016 2:15 pm

I’m only 12 minutes into watching this video and I want to remind you all that the EU is the test case for implementing the One World Currency and One World Government being put in place by the New World Order crowd. Keep that in mind as you watch because this is our future if they get their way. Fuck…….you won’t know who to assassinate even if you had the chance.

I’m soooo glad I never had kids!

June 11, 2016 2:56 pm

Cannot understand why any British citizen would vote to stay in the EU. Except, my guess is that there are a lot of Muslim citizens in UK, which is how London now has a Islamic Mayor who believes in Sharia, that will support staying in the EU cuz they know Europe will become controlled by Islamists.

June 11, 2016 3:21 pm

Good video and well worth watching.

Why is it that the British have this opportunity now? Why not last year or next year and anytime they damn well please.

These evil, elite cocksuckers really deserve to be culled from the planet!

June 11, 2016 3:32 pm

Indeed, that was an hour and ten minutes well spent. If TPTB and the NWO have their way we will end up as the British have, for sure. May many of the Bremainers extricate their heads from their arses by June 23 and vote “LEAVE.” The future well-being and sovereignty of the British hangs in the balance of this vote. May they choose wisely for the world to see, and set an example for all that would trade their sovereignty for faux prosperity, security and “pooled sovereignty.” Just say NO to the EU.

June 11, 2016 5:00 pm

I came, I saw, I went. I hope the Brits understand what their vote means to the world and do the right thing, lift a pint to the Queen.

The EU is a bit much to put up with.

Bard of Bumperstickers
Bard of Bumperstickers
June 11, 2016 8:21 pm

I’m still hoping for a Texit: Texas seceding to help to save the world from its occupation by Mordor-on-the-Potomac. Texas is a large, wealthy, armed, industrial and agricultural modern nation. It would set a great precedent and example for the rest of the USA. It would reflect our founding principles. And the cherry on top? Hillary would screech herself to death, along with the rest of the power elite in government and the international banking cartel and anti-free-trade crony corporatists. Today Texas, tomorrow New Hampshire . . .

June 11, 2016 9:18 pm

@Bard of B,

now that was clever too! I wish that also. Is Texas always
so stormy and flooding? Is it possible the Texan’s are
having “weather warfare tests?” Or am a paranoiac?

June 11, 2016 9:25 pm

Watched the whole thing-worth the time. The Switzerland example would be enough for me as a Brit to support Brexit– as they showed very well, you don’t need Trade Deals and regulations by beauracrats to trade. What could possibly be the benefit of staying in the stagnant EU?

June 11, 2016 11:30 pm
June 11, 2016 11:32 pm
Full Retard
Full Retard
June 12, 2016 1:40 am

How anybody saw that this movie was about diversity and blamed Sharia law and Moozies, I don’t know. But then folks see what they are prepared to see. I saw and heard quite the opposite, it said an insular trading circle, a fortress Europe does not work. White people restricting their trading with other white people is a fantasy that leads to decay. Sorry moran(s), watch the film again.

Its main points:
EU benefits Germany.
EU is a trade agreement
Membership promised increased trade.
Non-member countries are more prosperous.
Switzerland is a smaller country with less people, yet it is richer than most EU.
Britain lost its competitive edge after the first world war due to government interference
As government expanded its control over trade, Britain became even less competitive.
Britain was once a free country, now it is a state in Europe, subject to the EU.
Brits have no say in government, the government has all the power of a dictator.
The regulations make no sense but they come from the EU and are unquestionable.
EU regulations govern every aspect of life, from home to work, every hour and every activity.
Corporations love the EU because it protects them and reduces competition.
Britain traded their freedom for a mountain of EU regulations while non-members enjoy a mountain of trade deals far greater than British trade deals.

Full Retard
Full Retard
June 12, 2016 4:05 pm

susanna says: Is Texas always so stormy and flooding?

They get lots of rain in that part of Texas. There was a time when the Austin lakes were way down, so it might be this is the cycle when nature refills those lakes. Humanity is but a Mayfly in geological time.