LLPOH: More Random Thoughts

1. The entire Kenyan power grid was brought down by one monkey. Imagine what a handful of Islamic terrorists could do. And given Kenya is the cream of the African crop, why would any developed nation welcome folks from Africa, given they can add zero economic value (actually will be a large negative) in general? It is suicidal.

2. Australia is in a precarious economic position, and the majority of the people are totally clueless. Debt and welfare are, of course, the roots of the problem. The balance of payments are hugely against this small-population country, but the people are blissfully ignorant of the implications of that. The feeling of entitlement runs deep.

3. I see the gay community world-wide is using this tragedy to promote their agenda. What a surprise.

4. How is it that the people of Europe, the US, Australia, etc., are not rioting in the streets demanding an immediate cessation to Muslim immigration? Here is the deal – Islam is not a religion of peace. In their holy books Muslims are exhorted to kill infidels and take over the world. Of course the vast majority of Muslims know this is bullshit. Same way the vast majority of Christians know evolution was real. But many Christians think that evolution did not happen, and take the Bible literally. If only a minute percentage of Muslims take their holy books literally, then there is never going to be peace with Islam. Never. Their culture and beliefs when taken literally simply do not meld with those of developed nations and people.

5. My wife and I were approached by an Aboriginal beggar. We did not give anything, but our hearts ached. In the end, we believe tough love is needed. Welfare is plentiful here, but many Aboriginals have zero idea about money, budgeting, saving. Up north, they provide them public housing. These days they are solid concrete, with no windows or doors. Everything is concrete – floors, walls ceilings, etc. Why? Because they would rip out any timber and use it for firewood.

6. I am in a hotel room writing this, as I am travelling at the moment. I got an upgrade. The first room had an unflushed toilet. That did not go over well with me. I bet you are stunned by that. The reception folks were flabbergasted. They had no explanation. I figure it had to have been a Kenyan monkey got in somehow.

7. I am busy learning how to use a chainsaw (felling trees for firewood.). So far I have not cut off any important limbs or digits. It is a miracle, and I expect to be nominated for sainthood any day now. An hour of work usually nets me around 3 days of firewood. It takes me that long to get out all the splinters.

8. I have managed to fence several kangaroos inside my kangaroo proof fence. That somehow defeats the purpose, don’t you think?

9. The number of mistakes that businesses make is astonishing. My gates came in the wrong size, drainage needed to be redone, parts ordered were in fact not ordered, etc. ad naseum. Seriously, why is it so hard for people to do their damn jobs correctly? I do not believe in mistakes. And I very rarely make a work-related mistake – years pass without it happening. What the hell is wrong with people? Where is their pride?

10. Lebron James is a crybaby. Can you imagine Bird or Magic or Jordan whining and flopping and crying like he does? I mean, Bird and Jordan would have had him crying like a little bitch – they were masters of trash talk and would have needled him to death.

Ok monkeys, over to you.

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June 13, 2016 8:16 am

Our nation as well as the rest of Western civilization -what used to be called Christendom- has turned from God and now stands against him.

We are hopelessly divided against ourselves as this latest Islamic attack so distinctly shows, and a house divided against itself cannot stand.

Islam at its core, whether you favor or detest it, is not divided against itself and stands against every value and standard that used to represent the West making it a strong and united house in its core values and standards.

Islam will conquer us as we work to defeat ourselves instead of it.

Be ready for it, it will not be long now.

June 13, 2016 8:23 am

@Llpoh: Keep posting your random thoughts.. Great format and puts knowledge in a teacup that won’t choke the assholes like Anonymous above. Also buy better gloves to hold the chain saw and stack wood – I did it for years in N. Idaho and only broke chain saw chains!! Good on you, mate!)

@Anonymous: You are just what the Islambastards are looking for. A Christian Bigot and a Turkey. The problem lies with religion and people like you who are holier than God himself. You make me ill.

Islam may conquer us – but it’ll walk very slowly across my dead, cold body and God is not involved (only stupid politicians).


hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 13, 2016 8:30 am

Never cut without them.

Keep these with you whenever you are cutting.

You don’t need to take any advice I offer, but your family might appreciate having you intact.

Have you learned to sharpen your own chains yet?

Stay safe.

June 13, 2016 8:41 am

My random thoughts on Andrew Jackson.1) He was a great President who did what needed to be done to provide some law and order for the western part of the nation.

2)The country was young and injuns had no rights what so ever.They had no claim to any land .None. Still don’t. That was is another lie meant to broaden the power of government over the landscape of America and over injuns.
3) Andrew Jackson was heroic. He was a hero in his time.On recently has he been slandered by people who want to rewrite history. Sure he had to break a few eggs to an omlet but that’s life.
4) More random thoughts will be coming if necessary.

June 13, 2016 8:50 am

I was going to mention the chaps, HSF. You randomly mentioned them one time, i had no idea they made something like that. I have two full sets of that gear now. It was inexpensive, and i don’t worry when i see the guys grab saws anymore. Great tip.

June 13, 2016 9:29 am

Lipoh , by now you should be complaining to Admin that I’m pissing on your post and you don’t like it.

I noticed it’s only when I disagree with you is when you go on the warpath.Could this be the totalitarian coming out ? , , When I agree with you on economic / business you’re all happy smiley.

Have a nice day ,lipoh.

The Entire TBP Crowd
The Entire TBP Crowd
June 13, 2016 10:13 am

@ bb –

You’re a douchebag, no matter what the topic is.

You fuck up every single thread you ever post on.

This website would function better without you.

Fortunately for you, but unfortunately for us, Admin believes in Free Speech, even to the point that douchebags like you get unfettered access to spill your gibberish here.

From the entirety of TBP,
Please leave us the Hell alone.

PS – We take the word “entirety” back. We think there may be one or two who like you. But we question them, as well.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
June 13, 2016 10:15 am

“Australia is in a precarious economic position, and the majority of the people are totally clueless. Debt and welfare are, of course, the roots of the problem. The balance of payments are hugely against this small-population country, but the people are blissfully ignorant of the implications of that. The feeling of entitlement runs deep.”

That sounds oddly familiar.,. welcome to the Commonwealth.

“I am busy learning how to use a chainsaw (felling trees for firewood.). So far I have not cut off any important limbs or digits. It is a miracle, and I expect to be nominated for sainthood any day now. An hour of work usually nets me around 3 days of firewood. It takes me that long to get out all the splinters.”

I have one word for you. Earplugs.

Most of my life we used wood as a supplementary heat source for our home. I’ve cut more chords of wood than I can count. Should have worn hearing protection. Also – if you’re going to make a lot of firewood buy a hydraulic splitter. We couldn’t afford one until I had a family of my own. They are a God send.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
June 13, 2016 10:31 am

@ “The Crowd”

Never confuse “Like” with “Understands”.

BB is like a Chinese finger puzzle. The more you pull the tighter it gets.

June 13, 2016 10:44 am


I enjoy the random thoughts format. I would like to use that
style from time to time. Permission? The answer of course
is yes.

Wood and C-saws. Indeed the equipment is required. Our
neighbor cuts and delivers wood to supplement his income.
Ear plugs are good, but a headset (for shooters) many be better.
The Mr. bought the splitter and loves it. Saves time and energy.

Scanning the “news” from all the ports is discouraging. There is
no country worth moving to. They are all set to implode sooner
or later. Worthwhile rural is starting to get more populated. Groan.

Can kangaroos be domesticated? Are they edible? How high can
they jump?

June 13, 2016 10:58 am

bb, I’ve refrained from nuking your posts for some time now as a gesture of truce. You should be nicer to the other regulars. I don’t dislike you and I hope you get past your current health problem. Being a more positive and nicer person will help you with that. If you are nothing but bitter and mean, you will probably die much sooner. That may sound harsh, but it is an observation from watching many older people in many settings. This is a good place to take out some steam on the trolls and uber-idiots, but LLPOH is (quite clearly) neither of those.

June 13, 2016 11:05 am

Susanna – earplugs are far better at noise suppression, but the downside is keeping them clean. Buy them by the gross makes them cheap. I generally give my employees muffs, because with plugs the effectiveness is reliant on proper insertion into the ear canal, and employees cannot be trusted to do it right. Plugs are more comfortable generally. Anything you want to know about hearing protection – I am your man. A result of decades in industry with loud equipment.

Kangaroos can more or less be domesticated, esp. if you start by feeding them as joeys. They are very good eating – high protein low fat. They are hunted for food.

The bastards can jump, well, like kangaroos. I have seen them clear six foot fences easily, and they are known to go over eight foot fences. They can hop around thirty mph. And they can weigh more than 200 pounds.

Rise Up
Rise Up
June 13, 2016 11:13 am

6. I am in a hotel room writing this, as I am travelling at the moment. I got an upgrade. The first room had an unflushed toilet. That did not go over well with me. I bet you are stunned by that. The reception folks were flabbergasted. They had no explanation. I figure it had to have been a Kenyan monkey got in somehow.
Must’ve been a Kenyan TBP shit-flinging monkey wanting to attack you.

June 13, 2016 11:41 am

Smith & Wesson stock up 8% today.

Ruger up 10%.

Obama – best gun salesman in the world

June 13, 2016 11:58 am

“@ bb – You’re a douchebag, no matter what the topic is. You fuck up every single thread you ever post on. This website would function better without you.” — The Entire TBP Crowd


June 13, 2016 11:59 am

“I have seen them clear six foot fences easily, and they are known to go over eight foot fences. They can hop around thirty mph. And they can weigh more than 200 pounds.” ——— Llpoh

Sounds like you’re describing me.

June 13, 2016 12:01 pm

Anonymous said:

“Islam at its core, whether you favor or detest it, is not divided against itself ”

Shia vs. Sunni, friend?

June 13, 2016 12:02 pm

Stuck – I said 200, not 300.

June 13, 2016 12:08 pm



Blow me. 🙂

June 13, 2016 12:27 pm

This entire month the UEFA Euro (European soccer championship) is being played in France.

Right this moment on ESPN it is Ireland vs Sweden. Admin is no doubt cheering for Ireland … so he can celebrate and get shit-faced ……. which he will also do if Ireland loses …. so, it’s a win-win for him

Yesterday the former Nazis (Germany) beat the current Nazis (Ukraine), 2-0 … so, suck it you Ukie cocksuckers!

June 13, 2016 12:34 pm

What’s soccer????

June 13, 2016 12:40 pm

Soccer is a game where if you score twice in one game that’s considered really really good ….. much like Philly baseball.


June 13, 2016 12:55 pm


Aren’t you a Yankees fan? 🙁

June 13, 2016 12:52 pm

But that’s the best thing about Admin ,he has convictions that guide his behavior even towards cockroaches like me.

Penn Head , I think my bitterness comes from my disgust with the political / cultural / economic conditions in the country. Another thing that really chaps my ass is the clueless people even on this site.Look at the comments just yesterday about the Muslim killer. If people on this site really understood Islam they would accept Islam as is.A murderous religious ideology but most people make
No attempt to understand . It bugs the Hell out of me.I have to put down my smart phone sometimes to keep from becoming a flame thrower .I truly try to be nice but ,but ,but …..

June 13, 2016 1:16 pm

@2nd half ….. Ireland just scored ….. 1-0

(Outside of A-Rod, I could NOT name you a single Yankee player. Seriously, not one. I’ve spent zero minutes this year pondering baseball. I don’t even glance at the standings anymore. Fuck da Yankees.)

June 13, 2016 1:46 pm

“Shia vs. Sunni, friend?”

Same Koran, same Hadith, same hatred of Christians, Jews and Western civilization, same religion and same core beliefs.

Sectarian power struggles don’t change that anymore than Maoist and Stalinist make Communism different at the central core of their beliefs.

June 13, 2016 2:16 pm

“Same Koran, same Hadith, same hatred of Christians, Jews and Western civilization, same religion and same core beliefs.

Sectarian power struggles don’t change that anymore than Maoist and Stalinist make Communism different at the central core of their beliefs.”

It only causes them to kill each other! How much more “divided against itself” can you get, when you KILL folks that claim your same belief system? ISIS (Sunni) is being fought by Iranian Revolutionary Guards (Shia) in Syria today! And all because the Shia follow one of Mohammed’s grandkids while Sunni follows another!

Sometimes I think logic is becoming extinct!

June 13, 2016 2:42 pm

OK James, show me where their religious beliefs are different.

If you can maybe I’ll accept your point but if you can’t maybe you should reexamine yours.

Which of the two denies the Koran, the Hadith, accepts Women as deserving of respect and equality, tolerates homosexuality, believes women have a right to choose their own marriage, accepts Christians and Jews as well as all other religions as having the same right to exist as their religion, and on and on and on.

Which of them promotes peace and peaceful coexistence with Christianity and Judaism and allows it to practice freely within their own borders?

I find no difference between them in these matters, and I find no difference in the state of their political, religious and social conditions in the countries they control.

June 13, 2016 3:00 pm

I had to actually look up the story to see if it was indeed a real monkey that did it, or whether it was a figurative monkey…

June 13, 2016 3:13 pm

@bb, I wrestle with bitterness too, for precisely the same reason. I don’t have a magic formula to get away from it. All I’m saying is that you should avoid lashing out at your friends, or quasi-friends, or people who are at least generally on the same page on various important things. In this instance, LLPOH. Groups that splinter over trivial differences in views or goals never get anything done, nor do they make their members happy. Save your energy and anger for those who are entirely opposed to everything you believe in.

June 13, 2016 3:48 pm

Good post llpoh. I enjoyed all of the above, but here are my favorite three (going backward) and my reasons why:

#9 – I deal with this crap every day. At times, it feels like I am carrying people (whom I deal with, vendors, etc) on my shoulders because it always seems to be up to me to Unfuck things. The reason I liked this one is because misery loves company, I guess.

#8 – Somehow I think there might be a parable here? I liked this one because it made me think about the broader applications (implications?) of what that this parable might be and how it might apply to my own life.

#7 – Felling trees and splitting wood can be a great way to reduce stress. There is also immense gratification involved with providing heat for one’s family “off the grid” so to speak. And the reason I liked this one is that it helped me to confront the truth of my inherent raycissness. Being a rayciss is something I am always struggling with and TBP helps me to confront it daily. For example, in spite of my recognizing your obvious intelligence, talent and hard work ethic, below is what popped into my head when I envisioned you with a chainsaw. Or, perhaps (given your obvious intelligence, talent and work ethic), I am merely a “futurist”, I don’t know….

[imgcomment image [/img]

June 13, 2016 4:49 pm

Keep writing bb. The thumbs up you get are proof enough thar not everyone on TBP thinks badly of you.

June 13, 2016 4:51 pm

LLPOH interesting reading and format. Wish I had thought of it.

June 13, 2016 5:55 pm

Anonymous , thank you

Penn Head , I will try to be nicer.

Lipoh , I was getting ready to BLOW torch your rectum over Andrew Jackson but Penn Head has convinced me otherwise. Peace big injun Chief , the buffalo be with you.

Stucky , hope you sell your house before the Muslims blow up New Jersey. The whole state.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
June 13, 2016 7:18 pm

bb, i always find your posts interesting. just finished meachens andrew jackson book. for every great action there was another harder to understand. my favorite part of the book was his take down of biddle and the bank. he delivered some terrific speeches and unquestionable loved for this country. difficult to even consider to judge as that was another era alien to me. i recommend the book.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
June 13, 2016 7:43 pm

the country celebrates jefferson and jackson, yet when aron burr tried to convince the new terrioties post LA purchase to establish independent country, jefferson stated that they are free to decide and we will still be brothers (paraphased), that is the approach i agree with. yet jackson latter part of long statement “the union is constituted by consent, must be preserved by love” this is part of nullifaction in congress and a possible conflict. abe went to these speeches just prior to entering office for his 1st speech to the nation. justifcation for war. wonder how europe’s collapse and breakup will be viewed in the states.

June 13, 2016 8:03 pm

Fear – not everyone celebrates Jackson.

June 13, 2016 8:20 pm

LLPOH, it is indeed a nice format and I enjoy your Random Thoughts posts.

I was telling my husband something about Australia today which was, at one time, true (if memory serves.) My cousin immigrated to Australia with his wife and two children in 1979 and told me that he had to be able to show that he could support his family for two years AND that he had skills or business plans that were needed in the Australian economy.

I have a feeling after reading your MRT that that sort of fiscal responsibility was abandoned sometime after the ten years he raised his family is the land down under.

June 13, 2016 8:27 pm

Maggie – I first lived in Oz a long time ago. But even then, the rules had changed from those of 1979. Permanent residents get the same rights as any other resident – ie. eligible for welfare, etc., to the best of my knowledge these days. There are 3 kinds of immigrants – 1) those with skills that are the largest proportion of immigration, 2) family of the first category (ie. mother, brother etc., of an immigrant which make up a substantial number of total immigrants), and 3) refugees (about 15,000 per year by memory out of 200,000 approximately.

June 13, 2016 8:35 pm

Fairbanks bumper sticker: “Alaskan Chain Saw Club- 1 1/2 thumbs up”.

June 13, 2016 10:48 pm

Llpoh axed:
“What the hell is wrong with people? Where is their pride?”

I don’t have enough time to ponder, let alone answer the first question. However, on the subject of pride in a job well done, that must come from within.

Even if I hate my job and hate my boss, I still do the best job I can because I’m doing it for me first and the company/boss second. My primary goal is not to let myself down and doing a shitty job does exactly that. This was taught to me by my father when I was very young.

June 13, 2016 11:15 pm

Llpoh, aborigines have the lowest mean IQ on the planet. Tough love won’t work. I’ve read quite a few bits over the years written by people who have worked selflessly trying to improve their lot in life. And ended up heartbroken. The world is just too fast for them. There may not be an acceptable answer that checks all the feelgood boxes