Hussein Obama, 50; America, 0:More Adventures in Multiculturalism


Orlando? So what else is new? Why the excitement? I am puzzled that everyone is  distraught over a perfectly ordinary act of terrorism by a perfectly ordinary Muslim terrorist. We have seen these attacks before and will see them again. They grow monotonous, like car crashes. They are as interesting as a commercial break.

Why the surprise? We know Muslims kill Christians. We know they stone adulteresses to death. We know they drive airplanes into buildings. We know they mutilate women. We know they bomb airliners. We know they destroy historic monuments. We know they kill their daughters for losing their virginity. We know they kill homosexuals. We know they make coordinated mass attacks on cities. We know they are incompatible with societies of the First World. We know they have to respect for our laws. We know they hate us.

Knowing all of this, what do we do? Why…of course! What else? We import more of them. Nothing could make more sense. Ten thousand Syrians, coming to your neighborhood. Thank you, Obama. Thank you in advance, Hillary.

More precisely, Hussein Obama imports them. A black President with Islamic roots, barely American, who dislikes white people and recruits immigrants of his two ethnicities as hard as he can. We get utterly unassimilable Somalis in Minnesota, and all the Muslims he can find. Fifty gay men have just paid the price.

For Hussein’s policy.

The man fascinates me. The two worst actors that America has suffered since Lincoln are Osama bin Laden and Hussein Obama. They easily fit into any list of history’s most effective and influential men, being true geniuses. For a few hundred thousand dollars and an army of a couple of dozen, bin Laden stunningly humiliated America on international television, turned the country into a police state frightened of everything, inspired abrogation of its Constitution, and sucked the country into unending wars. On a cost-benefit basis, it was astonishing. He up-throttled national decline and has Americans hopping barefoot in airports while recordings on subways tell us to watch each other and report “suspicious behavior.”

Hussein Obama is in the same majestic league. He has said that he wants to “transform” America, and he has, has he ever, by simply doing what he wants. He found and exploited the hidden weakness in American government, which is that nobody has the balls to tell him “No.” He has won by sheer force of will. You’ve got to hand it to the guy: he’s good.

He has set the stage for, at least, unending divisiveness and very possibly for civil war. He will bring in as many more incompatible savages as he can before leaving office, and Hillary, if elected, will be Obama continued by other means. Amazing. The combined militaries of Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany could not do as much lasting harm as this one man.

Why does he do it? Look at it as revenge for slavery. Obama bin Osama, I strongly suspect, does. Our post-racial President is in fact the most racial.

For those killed by Omar,and their families and friends, there is nothing amusing about the slaughter. In a certain abstract sense, there is. America is like a man beating on his thumb with a hammer and yelling, “Oh! Ouch! Oooh! It hurts!” Why doesn’t he just stop? Well, that would be hammer-phobic. Countries deserve what they tolerate. They even more deserve what they encourage.

From Drudge:Imam speaking in Orlando said gays must be killed out of ‘compassion’…

Hmmmm. Might this not be homophobic? I dare not say so, for fear of being thought Islamophobic. Which I am not. No. I suffer from Islamonausea.

It seems that gays have to be killed on the authority of some Fourth Century towel rack. It is because the Religion of Peace says so. If a televangelist in Kansas said that homosexuals had to be killed for Jesus, the entire zoo of talking heads would be on him like lice on a leper and the FBI would gin up fraudulent charges. Watch the media for the outrage that won’t exist as they cover up. You can bet that Hussein Obama will say nothing against his own people.

From the standpoint of a curmudgeon, to which ashen-souled tribe I belong, the events in Orlando provide the gray satisfaction of confirmation. We in our dismal trade derive no joy from unavoidable sufferings springing from the routine malice of existence—cancer, automobile wrecks, birth defects—but we thrive on the self-inflicted, on the finger-hammerings accompanied by cries of “Ouch!” We observe that Muslims are nothing but trouble anywhere, so we import Muslims. We observe that diversity is the chief source of bitter strife in the world, so we open the borders. When seeking employees, we deliberately hire people who can’t do the job. In our universities we purposely admit those who neither can nor want to learn. Then, when the obvious, the predictable, indeed the inevitable unexpectedly occurs, we insist that it really didn’t, or shouldn’t have, or wouldn’t have, or something, and do it again. In its way it is wonderfully funny.

Unless of course you are among the dead.

In Paris the day after Orlando, another Mohammedan emissary of peace stabbed to death a policeman and his wife. (“Allahu Akbar: ‘Mohamed Ali’ Stabs Cop on Street, Slits Throat of Wife…”)

Yes, Paris, the city in which heartwarming Muslims have carried out coördinated simultaneous bombings, killed editorial staffs of publications that irked them, burned banlieues and countless cars and successfully intimidate the police. Mon dieu! What can these isolated incidents have in common? Nobody knows. Perhaps the perpetrators were troubled youth.

Actually the comic people are only those who generate a personal reality-distortion field and do hilariously foolish things. At the top of the political dunghill it is not stupidity but design. Or so it must be…mustn’t it? One expects academics to gibber and squeak, and neurally-challenged columnists and rabble studentry and talking heads and so on. It takes some very serious believing to believe that the governments of England, France, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and America are too stupid to have noticed what Muslims do, and what they are doing to those countries. Yet governments cover up, hide identities, punish observation as “hate speech,” and keep pumping the barbarians in.

Why? Opening America’s southern borders make sense because it makes money for those for whom it makes money. Who profits from flaming arrondissements, explosions in subways, and dead gays?

Ah, but the irony is delicious. London, once master of most of the world, has become a branch office of Pakistan and now has a Muslim mayor, who sets about correcting the morals of the English. No photos of women in skimpy clothes, you degenerate rascals. Can caning be far behind?

It does a curmudgeon good.

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Greg in NC
Greg in NC
June 16, 2016 11:13 am

Fred nails it again…

“America is like a man beating on his thumb with a hammer and yelling, “Oh! Ouch! Oooh! It hurts!” Why doesn’t he just stop? Well, that would be hammer-phobic”

June 16, 2016 11:17 am

Is Fred laughing at us? And laughing at all the dupes
hastening the demise of the white race? Funny that an Orlando
newspaper/online? published an account of the “Massacre” 6 hours
prior to the event. People can research the “witnesses” interviewed
and thus discover they are actors. Holes are poked into the narrative
left and right. Did the perp use a shopping cart to roll in all the
“magazines” he needed to fire 3-400 rounds? Oh the BS…it burns.

Methinks O hates us and the US with a passion. He imagines we are
all dolts that believe whatever we see on the “news.” And the gov is
correct…many are dolts. Methinks also, the massacre is a distraction
to cover up the negotiations regarding the bankruptcy of the FUSA.

June 16, 2016 11:19 am

Fred Reed, a national treasure!

June 16, 2016 11:24 am


June 16, 2016 11:39 am

The barbarians have breached the gates and the Empire is in its death throes. Centuries ago there were places to run and hide. Not so now – I think even Llpoh’s fine new existence will eventually be tested. This past week has brought me a lot of gloom, mostly over the delusions that prevail in the thinking of far too many, as Fred so artfully describes.

June 16, 2016 12:00 pm

You arrogant ass . . . you’ve killed US!

June 16, 2016 12:04 pm

This is perfect. He nails it. I’m not old enough to be a curmudgeon yet, but I can still find the humor in it. It would be down right hilarious if it wasn’t so goddamn depressing. He is right, especially about a country deserving what it tolerates.

June 16, 2016 12:21 pm

“We observe that Muslims are nothing but trouble anywhere, so we import Muslims. We observe that diversity is the chief source of bitter strife in the world, so we open the borders. When seeking employees, we deliberately hire people who can’t do the job. In our universities we purposely admit those who neither can nor want to learn. ”

Right on the money. I’ve been thinking this for years. It’s our country – we don’t have to do this shit.

The other day I was in a meeting about a newly purchased warehouse, and what kind of office furniture they would buy. One of the vendors had a 5 minute You Tube presentation. Somewhere in every scene, they had a Muslim woman wearing that fucking head gear. Enough to make one puke.

June 16, 2016 12:24 pm

“More precisely, Hussein Obama imports them. A black President with Islamic roots, barely American, who dislikes white people and recruits immigrants of his two ethnicities as hard as he can.”

“He has said that he wants to “transform” America, and he has, has he ever, by simply doing what he wants. He found and exploited the hidden weakness in American government, which is that nobody has the balls to tell him “No.”

On the Dem/liberal side those that support Hillary, still haven’t figured out that this is a problem. They still believe immigration made the country great and more is better. They’re comparing a time when America needed workers to support a growing economy and took in workers that were eager to become part of America, but they’re apparently not able to understand that very different conditions exist today. Today we have a stagnant economy with an unemployment rate at around 20%. Why do we want to bring in more workers? And why do we want to bring in a group of people that hate our system and are willing to kill us to change it?

On the conservative side those that support Trump see this for the problem that it is and are pissed that the GOP has done nothing to stop Obama in his destruction of America.

If Hillary wins we’re screwed we continue on the path to destruction set by Obama. If Trump wins can he turn things around in time?

June 16, 2016 12:43 pm

The European Soccer cup is being played in France this month. A few days ago some hooligans from Russia and England (now there’s a surprise!) got into chair throwing and some fisticuffs skirmishes. The response? If fans from those two countries do it again, their respective countries will be disqualified from any further matches.

But, kill a cop and slit his wife’s throat? Well, the Paris police commissioner was “horrified”. Other than that ….. Y-A-W-N.

I no longer feel ANY remorse, sympathy, or sadness when that shit happens in Europe. They’re getting exactly what their fucked up PC policies call for. I’m still saddened when that shit happens here in the USA!USA!USA!. But, for how much longer? We elected a dumb nigger not fit to be a county dogcatcher … twice! So, I don’t know.

June 16, 2016 12:45 pm

Terrorists my ass .This guy was just typical Muslim following the commandments of Mohammed. He was considered a good upstanding young man until he committed mass murder.

Anyone with an AR or AK could do the same thing . The question is why ? The answer is …. Most minds in America are not poisoned by a murderous religious ideology such as Islam.

The will happen over and over until every Muslim is deported ,we kill everyone of them or we end up in a civil war .There is no compromising with Islam.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
June 16, 2016 1:51 pm

“I’m not old enough to be a curmudgeon yet…”

Yes – we start accepting memberships for the club at age 40. Until then you are a cadet and in training. Keep up the good work though – I know you’ll make it kid.


Director of Membership
TBP Curmudgeon Society

June 16, 2016 1:51 pm

Flu shot?

June 16, 2016 2:09 pm

FM: I’m a charter member, pushing 70. bb: I don’t think for a minute that Islam is a religion. It is a social/political criminal enterprise that wants to impose Sharia law worldwide. For infidels(us) there are two choices: convert or die. That’s it.

June 16, 2016 2:41 pm

“We know they drive airplanes into buildings.” Oh, we do?

June 16, 2016 3:06 pm

Maybe we could have peace with the Muslims if the west agrees to stop letting men kiss other men. Or maybe we could be allowed to blow up their mosques whenever we see one of them fucking a goat. This way it would all even out and things would calm down again.

June 16, 2016 3:26 pm

In 1987 the vile and vicious Muslim Brotherhood wrote: “that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands….so that…God’s religion (Islam) is made victorious over all other religions.”

Here we are nearly 30 years later with a Muslim President and a cabinet teeming with Muslim Brotherhood supporters, sympathizers and members. This administration has given us a political shit sandwich with the Iran Deal, backed the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, overthrown Qaddafi who was aiding the U.S. in the fight against Al Qaeda and has basically thumbed its nose at Israel.

While Obama chooses to deny it, Western Civilization is at war with Islam, and Obama’s band of Muslim Brotherhood supporters knows this and actively makes the enemy’s bed in the morning and tucks them in at night. Despite the obvious, he and his suck ups are opening the spigot of Muslim immigration as far as they can. Trump is right on this one – “[Obama] doesn’t get it, or he gets it better than anybody understands. It’s one or the other. And either one is unacceptable.” It has become painfully and murderously obvious that the turd in the White House has memorized the Brotherhood script and knows it backwards, forward and – tragically – from the inside out. All according to plan. The America-hating, treasonous bastard can not be gone fast enough for those of us that think the Muslim call to prayer is the most vile sound on Earth.

June 16, 2016 3:30 pm

Stucky wrote: “We elected a dumb nigger not fit to be a county dogcatcher …”

And if the current polls are to be believed, we could be on the verge of electing a dumb cunt not fit to be a county dogcatcher…

God help this country if Hitlery is elected, because at that point only divine intervention will save this country.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
June 16, 2016 3:41 pm

Excellent article Fred !!

Time to DEMAND the arrest of Obama. Every CONgressman will be just as guilty if they don’t take immediate action.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
June 16, 2016 3:46 pm

SSS passed ? When?

June 16, 2016 4:13 pm

“they drive airplanes into buildings”

Yup this guy writes for the TPTB. Pushing the 9-11 lie.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 16, 2016 4:44 pm

“Look at this ugly cracka baby”
[imgcomment image[/img]

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
June 16, 2016 4:52 pm


Rise Up
Rise Up
June 16, 2016 4:59 pm

I read today yesterday’s post “Islamic History Lesson”, and a lesson it was indeed. I’ve read other explanations of the Muslim mind and the goals of ISIS, and the common theme is total domination of the west.

We have feckless leaders on both the right and left who simply don’t understand that core issue. It’s too late to meet the enemy at the door because they’ve already breached it. So it will be all the harder to rid ourselves of this scourge, if it can be done at all.

Rise Up
Rise Up
June 16, 2016 5:03 pm

[tried to add this image to my comment but the “clicking here” hyperlink just threw me to the top of the page]

comment image

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
June 16, 2016 5:05 pm

I’d like to amend Jim’s position to:

President and Director of Herding Shit Flinging Monkeys.

Thank you.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
June 16, 2016 5:12 pm

I remember when President Obama announced during his initial run for the Oval Office “I am going to change the face of America” . I believed him and attempted to warn that he is not the man for the job. There is a long list of capable men and women to fill the office but not him , he is a Chicago politician and that’s historically known for trouble and corruption. Sadly only half assed challengers appeared to prevent him but the fix was in and most Americans that supported him were to ignorant to understand just how far he would go . Change the face of America “bad idea” for everyone but I never dreamed he would indirectly support killing us off on one side while continually attempting to disarm us on the other. Yes Obama Supporters Hope & Change is a great sound bite , pity you were taken in or just as foolish as many Germans in 1939 !

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
June 16, 2016 5:17 pm


Now that’s funny and pretty much on target. 🙂

Chris P
Chris P
June 16, 2016 5:28 pm

Bravo Bravo!!! If we could just put this on the CNN teleprompter tonight would be great….

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
June 16, 2016 5:34 pm

Lice on a leper. Priceless! Best line I heard all week

Hey FM just wondering if I could be associate director or maybe a field co-ordinator for dog piling newbies that stumble on site.

June 16, 2016 5:58 pm

FM, I want to be Director of Orneriness, Cussing and Meanness. I’m fully qualified (over 50), capable and ready to employ all three at any moment.

If needed, I can give you an example!

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
June 16, 2016 6:38 pm

Bea – it’s always funny until you’re the one in the crosshairs…

Director of Occam’s Razor and Reasonable Explanations – Bea Leaver

Director of Schizophrenic and Hispanic Women’s studies – El Coyote

Rob – I’ve got something special for you:

Director at large and Good Will ambassador to French Canada

James – I’m not sure where to put you…. yet….

June 16, 2016 6:41 pm

now for something different:

#1 (first posted in Feb.) First time since 1948, propaganda is now legal … Proxy Highlight

Jun 11, 2013 … First time since 1948, propaganda is now legal in the U.S. … gov/cgi-bin/query/z? c112:H.R.4310:) of the bill authorizes the use of propaganda …

#2 FALSE-FLAG Operations – Synthetic Terrorism

#3 “A Growth Industry”

The Marion penitentiary houses 484 inmates, with an additional 330 serving time at a minimum-security camp elsewhere on the grounds. More than 350 employees work at the prison, with an additional 70 expected to be hired by July, when an expansion to the maximum-security area is completed.

“It’s unfortunate, but this is a growth industry,” says Kevin Murphy, executive assistant at the prison. “It’s a sad commentary, but it’s a fact of life.”

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
June 16, 2016 6:55 pm

Merci FM!

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
June 16, 2016 7:33 pm

A bit off topic but my wife suggesed a trip to NYC in fall. Just wondering if there will be another meeting of TBP.

June 16, 2016 8:40 pm

at best it s balkinazation .
shit storm brewing , all factions against all factions.

Tread carefully please

whatever lol just a cook

SSS cable: Department eyes only
SSS cable: Department eyes only
June 16, 2016 9:18 pm

The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.

June 16, 2016 11:59 pm

I think the game is over. The US culture has been defeated, as has the European. The U.K. Is destined to be a Muslim nation unless they immedately evict the Muslims that are there. Same goes for Europe.

The US culture is going to be Mexican, with a touch of black.

I have come to believe the empire has collapsed, and given demographics, cannot be resurrected. The only alternative is immediate and violent revolution, which I do not promote, and which will not happen, because the frog does not know it is being boiled.

Full Retard
Full Retard
June 17, 2016 12:08 am

Francis Marion says: Director of Schizophrenic and Hispanic Women’s studies – El Coyote

I can appreciate the woman studies, I could focus on a comparative study of form and function.
I will leave the crazies to somebody else.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
June 17, 2016 12:11 am

Hey Llpoh

Some of our stats…63.7% White
16.4% Hispanic…12.2% Black. Also, we are 70.6% Christian…0.9% Mooslim. That does not say

Full Retard
Full Retard
June 17, 2016 12:13 am

With regard to my assignment, remember when you had to date a chubby girls to get a taste of big bazookas? Nowadays even the skinny chicks have a pair of honeydews in the titty totes. Here’s what I want to know, has anybody had sex with any of these bags of baling wire with boobs?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
June 17, 2016 12:14 am

F’ing phone…
That does not say Mexican with a touch of black to me. Also does not smack of mooslim unless it is pushed on us.

Full Retard
Full Retard
June 17, 2016 12:27 am

Bea, Mexican is a nationality. Mexico has Mestizos, Indians, Blacks, Whites, Arabs and everything else. The majority impression is that we all look like me. Over there, they think everybody here looks like Trump.

Full Retard
Full Retard
June 17, 2016 12:38 am

Stucky says: I no longer feel ANY remorse, sympathy, or sadness when that shit happens in Europe.

Say what you will, they do have some spectacular wars.

Listen, Stuck, trying to rescue the white man is like trying to rescue women, it’s sad to see them fall into the muck but it’s a waste of time and emotion.

Those deluded folks who feel they have a calling to rescue the European white race from minorities really should consider if they could be more productive by trying to keep America safe from soccer.

June 17, 2016 12:52 am

Rob in Nova Scotia says:

A bit off topic but my wife suggested a trip to NYC in fall. Just wondering if there will be another meeting of TBP.

That made me laugh for some reason.

EC? Titty totes?

Full Retard
Full Retard
June 17, 2016 1:08 am

You ever see these skinny bitches with impossibly large pendulums? That’s not a bra, its a couple of tote bags, plus I had to alliterate, all real hacks do so, it makes the verbiage sound profound. It’s a gimmick and I abuse it to the fullest.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
June 17, 2016 9:21 am


I always figured any study of women would also involve a study in some degree of craziness (present company not included of course). I should have also added multiple personality disorder as well…. 🙂

June 17, 2016 9:28 am

” A black President with Islamic roots, barely American, who dislikes white people ”

That’s one way of describing him. Another is that he’s a Kenyan mulatto moslem illegal immigrant who hates everybody and who was handed the presidency for, as yet, undisclosed reasons.