The New Iron Curtain – A Monument To Washington’s Imperial Folly

Submitted by Justin Raimondo via,

A foreign army consisting of 31,000 soldiers from an anti-American alliance are conducting military “exercises” a few miles from San Diego. Hundreds of tanks converge on the Rio Grande, while jets from 24 countries converge in attack formation, darting through Mexican skies.

It isn’t hard to imagine Washington’s response.

Yet that’s precisely what has been happening on Russia’s border with the NATO alliance, as the cold war returns. Economic sanctions aimed at sinking Russia’s fragile economy, plus a propaganda campaign designed to characterize Russian President Vladimir Putin as the second coming of Stalin – or, in Hillary Clinton’s view, Hitler – have history running in reverse. Once again, an iron curtain is descending across Europe – only this time it’s the West’s doing.

The European Union renewed sanctions against Crimea on Friday: their “crime” – holding a referendum in which the overwhelming majority of voters opted for union with Russia, restoring what had been the status quo since the days of Catherine the Great. And the EU is slated to extend sanctions against the Russian Federation later this week.

Yet dissent against this revival of the cold war is rising in Europe, notably in Germany, where Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier is calling for the “gradual” lifting of sanctions to reflect progress in the implementation of the Minsk accords, which call for the demilitarization of Ukraine and elections in rebel-held territory. This reflects a division within Germany’s left-right coalition government: Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats are holding out for “full” implementation of the accords. Yet it is the government in Kiev – held hostage by far-right crazies – that has been dragging its feet over Minsk, refusing to grant autonomy to east Ukraine and vowing to continue the war against the rebels in spite of Kiev’s lack of success in pacifying the rebellious region.

Steinmeier went further in another interview, characterizing provocative military exercises conducted near Russia’s borders as “warmongering.” The “drill,” which ended Friday, simulated a Western response to an improbable Russian attack on Poland. “What we shouldn’t do now is inflame the situation further through saber-rattling and warmonger,” averred Steinmeier:

“Whoever believes that a symbolic tank parade on the alliance’s eastern border will bring security is mistaken. We are well-advised to not create pretexts to renew an old confrontation. [It would be] fatal to search only for military solutions and a policy of deterrence.”

The reality is that it is NATO that has to be deterred: ever since the collapse of the Warsaw Pact and the implosion of international communism the West has been advancing eastward, gathering its forces at the very gates of Moscow. They didn’t call the recent exercises “Spearhead” for nothing. Herr Steinmeier is correct that the “tank parade” within spitting distance of the Kremlin is “symbolic,” but neglects to tell us what it symbolizes, which is nothing less than World War III.

The Germans are rebelling against the EU/NATO war on Russia because, as in the old cold war, they will be caught in the middle: if the unthinkable becomes thinkable and hostilities break out Germany will become a battlefield, i.e. a smoking ruin. As Cold War II rears its ugly head, it’s hardly surprising that Euro-neutralism is making a comeback.

Aside from that, the post-cold war structures erected by the new cold warriors are coming apart at the seams: the EU itself is disintegrating, with Euro-skepticism threatening to take Britain out of the Union and the rise of anti-EU parties across Europe challenging the legitimacy of the Brussels bureaucracy.

And here in the US, questions are being raised about the utility of the main bulwark of the anti-Russian foreign policy of the West: former defense secretary Robert Gates wants to know why our European protectorates are failing to pay their fair share of NATO’s mounting costs. And presumptive GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump has gone much further, declaring that NATO is “very obsolete” and raising the possibility that, if he makes it to the White House, the Western alliance will be no more, or will, at least, take on a much different form.

With the focus of US foreign policy on the Middle East, and the alleged threat of ISIS preoccupying US policymakers, the impending collapse of the post-World War II international order has taken a back seat in the public eye. Yet this development is far more important, in the long run, for the simple reason that relations with Russia far outweigh whatever is happening in, say, Syria – where the Russian factor is key to solving that seemingly intractable problem.

Here, again, the political class and their journalistic camarilla split with the American people: most Americans want nothing to do with Ukraine and its many problems. The elites, however, have taken up the cause of what is one of the world’s most corrupt regimes as if it is a paragon of virtue and democratic liberalism. It is neither: the present rulers came to power in a violent coup, chasing out the democratically-elected President, and paving the way for a far-right regime that openly celebrates World War II collaborators with the Nazis.

The demonization of Putin’s Russia is based on historical illiteracy. It was only a short time ago that Russia was a one-party dictatorship where millions were enslaved by a regime that had as much blood on its hands as Nazi Germany. To fail to acknowledge the enormous progress that country has made, against overwhelming odds, is beyond ridiculous.

The neoconservatives have long held a grudge against Putin for denouncing the Iraq war as a foolish adventure: American liberals use Putin as a piñata, the puncturing of which is supposed to prove how “tough” they are. Indeed, the Clintons have long been among the worst of the Russia-bashers, and a Clinton Restoration will see the US go head-to-head with Putin, not only in Europe but also in Central Asia, where Bill has long been canoodling with various despots.

It’s time to lift the new iron curtain that is descending across Europe. Russia and the United States have many interests in common: a new cold war, which could easily escalate into a hot war, is in no one’s interests.


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June 21, 2016 8:30 am

I guess WWIII could help bring manufacturing back?

June 21, 2016 9:37 am

WWIII would end most manufacturing everywhere.

June 21, 2016 10:17 am

Not at bomb factories, and such.

June 21, 2016 10:20 am

Russia invaded Ukraine.
Russia stole Crimea.
Russia is getting ready to invade the Baltics.
Russia is godless and evil.
Russia has 10,ooo nukes aimed at Murika.
Russians are fucken COMMIES!

Also, Russia is about to conquer ……….. THE MOON!!! Yes, it’s true, according to today’s edition of the Britfuk tabloid The Sun —-

The author is full of shit.


evan logan
evan logan
June 21, 2016 12:21 pm


What mindless verbal vomit. You’re the one who is full of shit. Get your facts straight before opening yer hole. Unfortunately free speech applies to even ignorant morons like you.

  evan logan
June 21, 2016 12:58 pm

Do you even know who you are fucking with??? I am a BIG DOG round these parts. Highly respected. Revered for my brilliant commentary. A source of near endless wisdom.

Yet, YOU … a peon of the most magnificent minutiae …. dare call my concise (but, brilliant) analysis “mindless verbal vomit”?? How dare you! Dog! May The Good Lord smite you and your offspring with sores and boils!

Russia is the very embodiment of eeeeevil. Gog and Magog, the demonic force which the Lord Himself will defeat shortly. (My calculations point to August 21, 2017).

Rather than belittling Stucky The Magnificent, why don’t you provide PROOF?!! Show me how “good” Russia is. I want data. Stats. And most importantly, pictures.

Get to it, you inferior subspecies masquerading as a human.

June 21, 2016 3:21 pm

Stucky I agree with Evan…you ARE full of shit.

The USA needs to mind its own fucking business and stop invading countries that didn’t attack us. I agree with Trump on NATO.

June 21, 2016 5:17 pm

Tough talk from a COMMIE Bernie supporter.

Listen up a-hole, and learn from The Greatest.

The USA as the world’s lone superpower has ……… RESPONSIBILITIES. It’s not like we’re tiny Austria or Ireland. We are the LEADERS of the free world. As such, it is our DUTY to intervene and protect and spread democracy wherever, and whenever, possible. Without America, the whole world would be enslaved. You are fortunate to live in a land where FREEDOM reigns supreme. It’s time you started acting like a Patriot, instead of a traitor!

June 21, 2016 4:54 pm

Don’t forget to tell evan about your python!

June 21, 2016 5:00 pm

In due time, in due time …. never shoot your wad on the first revelation. Don’t want to given Evan more than he can chew.

I doubt evan even comes back. He seems like a pussy ‘post-and-run’ type.

June 21, 2016 5:40 pm

evan is OBVIOUSLY a newbie or he would have known that Stucky is masquarading ala Milliondollarbonus from ZH.

evan logan
evan logan
June 21, 2016 6:21 pm

I call it as i see it. I’m not a pc pussy. Let the rumble begin. I love my country but they’re clearly the aggressor. A spade is a spade.

  evan logan
June 21, 2016 8:54 pm

Rumble?? Have you said anything at all even resembling a coherent thought? The bacteria eating your brain is the only culture you have. You’re about as useless as rubber lips on a woodpecker. Were your parents siblings? If a single thought crossed your mind it would have been a long and lonely journey. What a fucken useless adversary you are.

Down with Russia!!!


June 21, 2016 8:18 pm

Up against your will
Through the thick and thin
He will wait until
You give yourself to him

Under blue moon I saw you
So soon you’ll take me
Up in your arms
Too late to beg you or cancel it
Though I know it must be the killing time
Unwillingly mine” – Echo & the Bunnymen