Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Via Townhall

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July 15, 2016 2:04 pm

Yesterday, in a town hall-style conversation, Obama once again defended the violent thugs and welfare slugs that comprise the Black Lives Matter gang. Defending the name he claimed: “It’s not meant to suggest that other lives don’t matter; it’s to suggest that other folks aren’t experiencing this particular vulnerability.”

First, other groups do indeed experience “this particular vulnerability.” What Obama did not want to talk about was their claim that the ratio of Blacks shot by police as a percentage of their population was higher than the ratio of Whites or Hispanics shot by police – for obvious reasons; Blacks commit the majority of violent crimes.

Last April in an odd moment of sanity Barry told the group that their yelling and shouting down of their adversaries was not a winning strategy. He reverted to Barry the community organizer and said: “The value of social movements and activism is to get you at the table, get you in the room,and then to start trying to figure out how this problem is going to be solved.” Now, that sounds all Alinsky-like, but it also reflects Barry’s delusion about #BLM. The truth is that they have no desire to solve the problem in such a peaceful manner, if at all. Their alleged grievances allow them to riot, commit violence and fill their financial coffers without resistance. Why on Earth would they want to put the brakes on that gravy train?

As with Islamic terrorism he is deluded as to reality, for ideological reasons, and seemingly believes that if he denies something, or totally refuses to accept an alternative reality to the reality that exists in his mind, long enough then the problem will go away. Seems to me that concerning both subjects, Barry is treading water, and has been for sometime, just hoping he can make it to shore in January without drowning, at which point he will drag his sorry ass on shore and proclaim himself the greatest ever while citing his expert handling of Islam and uppity, pissed off Blacks and demanding another Nobel Peace Prize. Dear God this country has been bamboozled long enough by this shyster snake oil salesman.