Stucky QOTD: Healing

Carol Costello’s chisely face looks like the female DNAs are about to lose a civil war battle to their male counterparts. Behind that fake smile and sweet disposition lies one of the most devious, deceitful, and deceptive personalities on teevee.

So, I’m making strawberry and blueberry blintzes this morning.  It takes about 45 minutes so, I have the boob tube on, listening to horseshit and bullshit … cuz cooking is boring.

So, this half-woman/half-man is interviewing a Trump delegate who is talking about the various expected speeches, one of which will focus on law and order …. to which the chick-with-a-dick with the equally fake smile responds something like; “Well, shouldn’t the focus be on healing rather than divisiveness?”  … implying, of course, that the Donald is the cause for peaceful niggers shooting eeevul cops.

If it was only her him it saying this I would ignore it.  But, the healing meme is almost  literally everywhere I look. Hence, the questions.

1.-  What the fuck does “healing” even mean??

(Seriously, I don’t know wtf it means. If I read about some feral kneegrow killing whites just because he can, does it mean I pretend it never happened, that I should close my eyes and pray “Dear Lawd, please keep me from hatin that fucken’ nigger for whom Jeebus also died”, or some shit like that?  Cuz, really, I don’t have a damned clue.)

2.- Which of this nation’s problems can actually be solved by “healing”, as you defined it above?

3.-  Forget about the nation. That’s too big. Nations are merely a collection of individuals, like you.  So, what do YOU need healing from?

(Not just necessarily race/racism. It can be anything holding you back from Being All You Can Be. It can even involve your physical ailments … such as bb’s sore asshole,  I_S’s bum ankle, Llpoh’s micropenis, etc. Remember, confession cleanses the soul, and we’re all friends here and no one will make fun of you … so just release your inner demons.)

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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July 18, 2016 3:51 pm

Here’s my candidate…. The US and the West need healing from the damage the social engineers have inflicted upon us over the last few generations.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 18, 2016 3:52 pm

I had to Google Carol Costello. Never heard of her. What do I need healing from? I need healing from all guilt trips thrown at me about people who continually sabotage themselves. People just need to stop fucking up.

July 18, 2016 3:57 pm

Healing sounds like we have to give them something.

Just as “affordable” (as in ACA) means someone else is paying for it.

Healing is really the job of those who are diseased. These Neegrows gotta get with the plan, and : assimilate in to the common culture, speak English, get married, get a job, have kids when they’re 30. That would be a good start to their healing.

July 18, 2016 4:16 pm

I need healing for my knee, the herniated discs in my neck, and my gerd. And the thyroid nodule. Non cancerous please Lord. Please.

July 18, 2016 4:31 pm

These shitstains know what the problem is, but they can’t bring themselves to admit it, so they come up with the healing bullshit, and the other shitstains nod, hold hands and sing kumbaya, and because the logical thinkers refuse to join in, we become the real problem.


July 18, 2016 4:36 pm

1.) Is suppose what they mean by healing is more or less a plea to all to not turn up the front burners of hatred and revenge to ten. Just a guess.
2.) I can think of no problems in this nation that will be solved by healing as I’ve described it – put on the back burner on low for a while perhaps, but not solved.
3.) I’m not even going to list my infirmities out of respect for the old adage about complaining about a lack of shoes until seeing a man lacking feet. Besides, they can not be healed, only assuaged.

harry p.
harry p.
July 18, 2016 4:48 pm

1. healing to these fucks means moving onto their “solution” while glossing over the cause of the current problems. the healing is for their egos so us mean people don’t evaluate what went wrong and make them feel bad, cuz they might get triggered when they realize everyone with a brain knows their “ideas” were the cause of the strife. Its not healing because there was no real pain or injury.
2. the only effective healing is when licking ones wounds from conflict. these people don’t know what conflict and/or conflict resolution is. they are a bunch of whiny wussy bitches who have been programmed to yell mean words when people disagree with them.
3. No need here to heal from the guilt and shame thrown my way because no damage was inflicted on me, that ship has long since sailed. I’m healing from some minor aches and injuries from my first brazilian jiu jitsu session last week so I do it all over again tonite and get better.

its all a tactic to try to skip over the shit they want skipped.

July 18, 2016 5:09 pm

What, you expect their words to mean anything beyond “Hillary(!)”?

That said, I don’t know how you can stand that teevee junk. Surely, you can find a better/less painful distraction while baking?

July 18, 2016 5:13 pm

We need healing for the headache reasonable people get when those complaining only demand and complain, yet refuse to discuss or consider the facts. Inconvenient facts like most blacks are killed by blacks, more whites are killed by blacks than whites, I never owned slaves, they have never picked cotton, and even when slavery existed, it was initiated black on black in Africa and finally less than 2% of Americans owned slaves. In addition the government redistributes 20% of our GDP to the “under classes” annually, if you can’t get out of your own way with that much help, you can’t be helped. So healing? Let’s heal stupidity, ignorance, and a deliberate failure to consider the facts of your position.

July 18, 2016 5:18 pm



These one word maroons are winning.

rhs jr
rhs jr
July 18, 2016 5:46 pm

We’ve had 7 years of a liberal at the tiller and the Ship of State has never been so mentally, morally and monetarily derelict. We need men with vision like Churchill and balls like Charles Martel not “healers” bowing to Tyrants and supporting and supplying Muslim Terrorist (which is Treason) or aiding and abetting Anarchist Black thugs (Treason). Subsequence to the Liberal Media is over; the Useful Idiot Communist want the Cops unarmed and to run to gun free zones like schools, theaters, bars or churches when threatened so murderous Comrade Thugs can receive healing and media sympathy; and Obama can invite them to the White House for a beer and press conference; then later for a Peace Medal and college scholarship to Harvard.

July 18, 2016 6:02 pm

Another empty, morally meaningless phase inflicted on us by Slick Billy Clinton (“Let the healing begin!”).

Society accumulated wounds might be better treated by amputation, exile and/or dissolution.

John Angelo
John Angelo
July 18, 2016 6:26 pm

1. What does “healing” even mean?

Their definition of “healing” means abiding by the progressive agenda 100%. Any politically incorrect deviations will not be tolerated.

2. Which of this nation’s problems can actually be solved by “healing”, as you defined it above?

None of them.

3. So, what do YOU need healing from?

The cacophony of clodpates abiding by the ordre du jour.

the tumbleweed
the tumbleweed
July 18, 2016 6:44 pm

National dialogue.
Teachable moment.
Honest conversation.
Common-sense measures.

These are Marxist fallback words they resort to when they’ve completely lost an argument. Marxists never give up, and operate on the principle that even if temporarily defeated, they will eventually get their way if they keep spouting nonsense ad naseum. Normal people, with jobs, families, hopes, and dreams, cannot constantly be on guard against the onslaught of “progressivism.” It’s like a terminal disease that festers and increases in malignancy. The leftists are smart enough to temporarily dial back their rhetoric when they realize they’ve gone too far, too fast, but they will never abandon their push for destruction of normalcy.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 18, 2016 9:31 pm

This is the kind of politics you get when you let women vote.

July 18, 2016 11:34 pm

There can be no healing until the cancer has been excised. We are a long way from that though as it has yet to be diagnosed.

“Healing” is just the latest in a never ending litany of marxist political correct speak to control your thoughts and actions. Quit watching that shit Stucky!

Thanks for the ankle shout out……….it’s been good as new for a couple o years now. My schlort even turned into a schlong during the process. Praise be to the late, great AWD!

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
July 19, 2016 12:45 am

“1.- What the fuck does “healing” even mean??”

It means tuck your penis between your legs and your brains in your pocket.

“2.- Which of this nation’s problems can actually be solved by “healing”, as you defined it above?”

None of them.

“So, what do YOU need healing from?”

Ripped a nice chunk of skin off my leg about 5 inches long hiking with the kids three weeks ago. Would be nice if it healed a little faster. Plus it itches. Does that count?

July 19, 2016 1:59 am

We spent 2.5 trillion dollars on integration over forty years and are worse off now than when we started. Yet, no one has a new plan, we’re just going to act like nothing happened, while criminals run free and we’re poking Russia/China with sticks? I need off the crazy train. Seriously.

July 19, 2016 2:37 am

When I get that feeling, I want sexual healing
Aww cmon baaaybee

July 19, 2016 3:51 pm

This healing shit is really big in the “new age” community. I have meet many people who believe if they just think positive thoughts nothing bad can happen to them. They refuse to talk about world events because it will disturb their happy bubble. They even talk about sending love to the sadists in charge.