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John Angelo
John Angelo
August 3, 2016 12:14 pm

CNN is 100% in the bag for Clinton. I suspect they’re trying to supplant MSNBC as the liberals’ go-to news network. I’ve watched them the past few months and they’ve made no attempt to hide their hatred of Trump or their adoration of Hillary (or anything propagated by the Black Lives Matter domestic terrorists). Sadly it worked for them last week, as they were the top rated cable news outlet during the DNC Convention. It’s also made them less relevant in the process, but that’s the price they’re willing to pay to serve their queen.

August 3, 2016 12:18 pm

I’m waiting for them to feature Obongo eating fried chicken

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 3, 2016 12:47 pm

Truth is that CNN has so few viewers left they have had to resort to doing the hidden commercial schtick like Hollywood where they work products or product signs into the shot.
So, how much did KFC pay CNN for this sneaky spot on the air? How desperate is CNN to grovel for nickels and dimes to stay afloat?

Hillary is so popular the DNC had to pay people to fill the seats at the convention to listen to her scanky ass. CNN and Hitlery both are about as popular as the plague.

August 3, 2016 12:49 pm

So the 19 people who still watch cnn might get a reason to vote for the cunt they was going to vote for anyways.


Get over it. If elections meant anything they would not have them.

August 3, 2016 2:04 pm

Do you realize KFC is just one letter away from FUCK?

New slogan; “KFC! The only thing missing is you!”

Yeah, I’ll have a family bucket of Fuck You Wings.

CuNNt — 40 commercials per hour, 4 filler pieces, 8-10 announcements per hour, and maybe (on a good day) 5-8 minutes of news … which will be repeated all day long. Some asshole chronicled an entire 12 hour CuNNt cycle once. Amazing shit. That’s why, on average, much less than 1% of the population watches their 100% orgasmic pigshit.

Big Dick
Big Dick
August 3, 2016 4:25 pm

These dumb fuckers can’t figure it out. They are too stupid to realize that no one trusts the media anymore and every story about Trump is free promotion to everyone out there that realize just what a rotten cunt Hillary really has become. Keep it up, as I estimate every bullshit slap at Trump adds about 1,000 more voters from Bernie voters who now want to stop the Clinton train of lies, cheating, and corruption.

August 3, 2016 8:25 pm

What? Trump eats chicken on the bone with a knife and a fork? That’s it, that’s the last straw. Looks like I’ll have to move over to Hillary now.

What a bloody joke.

August 3, 2016 11:43 pm

Was it not cnn that gave Chelsea a make work $600k a year job.