Behold, a Pale Horse and its Rider’s Name Was Death and Hell Followed Him

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

I just listened to Obama give Washington’s account of the situation with ISIL in Iraq and Syria.

In Obama’s account, Washington is defeating ISIL in Iraq, but Russia and Assad are defeating the Syrian people in Syria. Obama denounced Russia and the Syrian government—but not ISIL—as barbaric. The message was clear: Washington still intends to overthrow Assad and turn Syria into another Libya and another Iraq, formerly stable and prosperous countries where war now rages continually.

It sickens me to hear the President of the United States lie and construct a false reality, so I turned off the broadcast. I believe it was a press conference, and I am confident that no meaningful questions were asked.

If Helen Thomas were still there, she would ask the Liar-in-Chief what went wrong with Washington’s policy in Iraq. We were promised that a low-cost “cakewalk” war of three or six weeks duration would bring “freedom and democracy” to Iraq. Why is it that 13 years later Iraq is a hellhole of war and destruction?

What happened to the “freedom and democracy?” And the “Cakewalk”?

You can bet your life that no presstitute asked Obama this question.

No one asked the Liar-in-Chief why the Russians and Syrians could clear ISIL out of most of Syria in a couple of months, but Washington has been struggling for several years to clear ISIL out of Iraq. Is it possible that Washington did not want to clear ISIL out of Iraq because Washington intended to use ISIL to clear Assad out of Syria?

No one asked the Liar-in-Chief why Washington sent ISIL to Syria and Iraq in the first place, or why the Syrians and Russians keep finding US weapons In ISIL’s military depots, or why Washington’s allies were funding ISIL by purchasing the oil ISIL is stealing from Iraq.

It seems to be the case that ISIL originated in the mercenaries that Washington organized to overthrow Gaddafi in Libya and were sent to Syria to overthrow Assad when the UK Parliament refused to participate in Washington’s invasion of Syria and the Russians put a stop to it.

All of the violence in the Middle East, violence that has consumed countless lives and produced millions of war refugees now overrunning Washington’s NATO vassals in Europe, is 100 percent the fault of Washington, not the fault of ISIL, or Assad, or Russia. Washington and only Washington is to blame.

Washington produced this violence. Where is the question: “Why, Mr. President, did Washington introduce 15 years of massive and ongoing violence into the Middle East and then expect us to believe that it was the fault of someone else?”

If Helen Thomas were there, she would ask the relevent questions. But the pussies that comprise the American press corps are merely an audience that validates the false reality spun by Washington by accepting it without question.

Meanwhile, Moscow and Beijing have understood the message. Washington intends war. The purpose of Washington’s lies is to prepare the insouciant Western peoples for war against the two countries that Washington cannot subjugate except by victory in war.

By faithful vassalage to Washington, Europe is bringing death and destruction to the world.

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August 6, 2016 7:24 pm

I saw a picture on a news website where it showed the Israeli Prime minister in a hospital shaking hands with a wounded ISIS
Commander. Next it showed Israelis army Commanders in the present of ISIS fighting forces in Iraq. I can’t remember the website but it appears Israel is behind or at least helping these mass murderers.I think the website was Russia Today.

August 6, 2016 8:42 pm

I check RT several times each day. I never saw that reference. Also, I am sure that would have been huge news and reported on Drudge, Zerohedge, etc., and I haven’t come across that news. And I’m sure TBP would have posted it.

It needs corroboration.

August 7, 2016 12:36 am

when it comes to Jews you are full of shit. Just making shit up like Debbie wasserman- Shultz.

August 7, 2016 9:44 am

“I saw a picture on a news website “…….And you didn’t bookmark it, at least? Seems you would have posted a link to it here. It would have illustrated that the eevull joos are behind ISIS.

Look through your browsing history and find it. Post the link here. It will be such a major triumph for you.

August 7, 2016 5:00 pm

It is possible bb, but you didn’t see that on the news. lol

August 6, 2016 7:29 pm

European leadership puppets may be wakening from their coma due to havoc caused by influx of Neanderthals and important European nation states are rebelling against Russian sanctions.
Also, the Brits refusing to invade Syria and voting to leave EU.

I think there are big cracks in Obama’s/Neocon policies and the EU states are not so eager anymore to follow dictate of U.S. compared to past decades.

Keep an eye on Syria. I think the U.S./EU activity in eastern Europe are meant to distract Russia from the real agenda of Assad.

August 6, 2016 10:57 pm

I can’t find it either. Damn ,I got to pay more attention to the websites I’m on.

August 6, 2016 11:09 pm

Hey I found a couple. was the website. Here are some more.
The Times of Israel , Realities Watch ,Daily Mail …video of Israeli commandos saving Islamic militants.
You may have to dig on those sites or just Google .. pictures of Israel Prime minister in IDF hospital with ISIS.

August 6, 2016 11:31 pm

bb….the Israeli commando saving 1 guy – that may be just a means to get info; what do you think they did with him after they got the intel?

However, digging into the Netanyahu business, I did find some interesting info; example

Getting late/tired: OTOH, since we know the U.S. has been aiding ISIS mostly indirectly thru the Saudis, but directly also with CIA, then why wouldn’t Israel help also (deals)

August 7, 2016 1:29 am

Overyourhead ,look at the pictures yourself. I’m only telling you what I saw and read on these websites. Does make sense.

August 7, 2016 5:52 am

Wel I wish that fucking pale horse would hurry up ‘cos I want out of this world asap

August 7, 2016 8:34 am

PCR’s favorite word: insouciant. It seems like he uses it in every article he writes.

Not going to argue with anything he’s written here though. A vote for The Wicked Witch of the West is a vote for continued war.

TV is on at work here and NBC pundits on a morning talk show are squawking that Clinton still has a huge lead over Trump. ZH n Drudge say otherwise. – T4C

August 7, 2016 9:25 am

“We were promised that a low-cost “cakewalk” war of three or six weeks duration would bring “freedom and democracy” to Iraq.”

Outside of Israel, freedom and democracy are alien and incompatible concepts in the Middle East. Their civilization is not western civilization which is mostly based on freedom and democracy, it is Islamic civilization which has no place for such things.

August 7, 2016 6:40 pm

Islamic society has does not have the same concept of freedom that Western societies have. It’s a very simple concept for them. You either submit to Islam and its rules or you die. Sometimes a very horrible death at that.