Official Olympics Thread

Can’t believe there hasn’t been a single thread, and virtually zero posts about this every-four-year extravaganza.  Surely, there must be SOME opinions … pro and con? 

How about some questions to get things started?

–1A)  Most obvious … roughly, what percentage will you watch?  

–1B)  What will you definitely watch?

–1C)  What will you never watch?

[Now is the time for the super-righteous to pontificate on; a) what a fucking waste of time it is,  b) that it is mere “bread and circus” for the masses, c) and that you haven’t watched the Olympics since 1916, and d) that I’m a dumbfuk for even bringing this up.]

–2)  What did you think of the Opening Ceremony  …. especially the Globull Warming segment?

–3)  Do you ever root against the USA!USA!USA!

–4)  Should ping pong be considered a fucking sport?  Golf?

–6) FOR MEN ONLY:  When you watch some of the female athletes … for example, those gymnasts with their muscled legs, firm buttocks, and …….. camel-toe (!!!) …….. do find yourself wanting to rub one off?  Please be honest.


-1A)  25%

-1B) Any soccer game, men or women, involving USA and Germany.  All events with Michael Phelps and Ussain Bolt.  Most track and field.

-1C) Diving. Gymnastics. ANYTHING that involves cheating, corrupt, cocksucking judges. 

-2.  One of the most boring lackluster ceremonies of all time.

-3.  Yes, I am cheering against the millionaire #blackplayersonly team (mens basketball) … special snowflakes who like on a multimillion dollar yacht during the games …. and coached by a Ratface dookie …. to fucken lose to fucken ANYBODY.

I ALWAYS cheer against the England.

-4. Ping Pong is for pussies.  So is golf … that’s why SSS plays it.

-6. Ummmmm,  yeah!  (Stupid fuckin question.)

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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August 7, 2016 11:53 am

Post has been up for an hour and no comments. I take it that no one gives two shits about the Olympics.

Bruce Schneider
Bruce Schneider
August 7, 2016 6:33 pm

My wife and I watch the olympics FULL ON! We are Canadian! Michael Phelps-Awsome,Win more medals Mike, we will be cheering you on. I (as a Canadian) love to see Canada beat the USA, in any sport. I doesn’t happen very often,so when it does its great! GO CANADA!! Anyway,I only watch certain sporting events #1- World Cup soccer (I take time off work so I don’t miss ANY games) #2- Olympics,I enjoy the worlds best athletes performing. I believe Russia was wrongfully accused by the USA pressuring the IOC for a total ban of the Russian Team, well they got their wish as the Russian Paralympic Team is not allowed to participate at RIO. Like the Para- olympians cheat!! Give me a fucking break. Its all politics, I will be shocked, if there is not some kind of disruption ( gee am I allowed to print terror attack) before the games are over. Hope Not! I am Canadian (ps- We own Hockey)

August 7, 2016 7:01 pm

‘The Olympics’ are games for the lesser mentally gifted that emphasize on the physical body. Behind the calcium shell above the shoulders is a vacuous silence.

There is a reason that there are no ‘Olympics for the Mind’ – the U.S. and most other Western countries would never bring a medal home. Not even Bronze.

Therefore, the so called ‘Olympics’ are for people that don’t have a life.

Rise Up
Rise Up
August 8, 2016 10:39 am

Count me as one who doesn’t give a shit about watching the Olympics. And I’m a big sports fan when it comes to watching my local professional sports teams all year long.

But the filth at Rio!…it’s amazing they allow swimmers in that disgusting polluted bay. I will be curious how many athletes contract some diseases.

They should permanently move the Olympics back to Greece and end the construction of facilities every 4 years that are hardly used after and drive host cities into further bankruptcy.

[imgcomment image?ig_cache_key=MTMwMTU1MzMwNjA4NjQ4NjA1NA%3D%3D.2.c[\img]

August 7, 2016 12:03 pm

Most people know that the Olympics started out in Ancient Greece, but did you know that back then the athletes competed in the nude? The guys could wear penis restraints …(today=jock-straps).

“Spanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of sport!
The thrill of victory, and the agony of defeat!
The human drama of athletic competition.”

1.) I’d prefer NOT to see Stucky in any form of dress.
2.) Nekkid women are A-OK.
3.) I don’ have ta watch no stinkin’ MSM channels.
4.) Mebe, at you age Stucky, Curling is your favorite sport.

“The Brazilian Rio city welcomed the game’s arrival on its official Twitter account. “My Olympics will have Pokemon Go,” it said. ”

I’m sorry dude, I am laughin’.

August 7, 2016 12:09 pm

Well, I learned that one of the US Women’s gymnasts invented a new move.

It’s called The Dick. They name new moves after the gymnast who invented it.
Her name is Marissa Dick.

August 7, 2016 12:19 pm

Ota antenna. I only get tv when the weather is right. No olympics for me so far. And I dont care.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
August 7, 2016 12:26 pm


It’s summer. Who wants to watch TV?

I’m going to finish my waffles drenched HSF syrup and go out for the day. To the hell with the Olympics.

August 7, 2016 12:29 pm

Olympics is just a party for the rich – at the expense of the poor.
Money used could have been better used for other “projects” in Rio.
Nope not watching – Don’t care…….

August 7, 2016 12:38 pm

I watched some of the gymnastics Saturday night. It reminded me a lot of my youth when I was in gymnastics and could do a pullup.

August 7, 2016 12:55 pm

It promotes world unity, I don’t give a fuck about that.

August 7, 2016 1:23 pm

I’ll probably watch 35-40% at the most. I will definitely watch golf, especially since it is back for the first time since 1904. Anyone who says that golf is for pussies has obviously never played competitively, and would easily miss a three foot putt with twenty bucks on the line…No mental toughness. Sometimes overcoming pressure takes a bigger gut check than kicking a ball into an open net. I’ll probably watch Coach Rat’s squad some. I’m pretty sure you won’t catch me watching Foil, Tennis, Weight Lifting, Judo or Air Rifle and Air Pistol. I didn’t watch the Opening Ceremony, because I had no interest in it. No, I can’t recall pulling against the USA, ever. Ping Pong and Golf are BOTH a “fuckin sport.” Ping Pong is especially fun to play and enjoyable to watch when played by accomplished players. It requires both quickness afoot and hand-eye coordination.

Some of the sports I won’t watch, I wont watch simply because I don’t have the interest – which is not to degrade them and say they are for pussies. All of these sports take a tremendous amount of effort, time, practice, skill, determination, athletic ability and mental fortitude on a level that many of us have never, or will ever achieve(d). You have to tip your hat to these extremely dedicated athletes regardless of your interest in their sport.

Yancey Ward
Yancey Ward
August 7, 2016 1:40 pm

1A- Probably about 30%.
1B- All finals in Track and Field, swimming, and I will watch pretty much all the gymnastics after the qualifying rounds.
1C- I will watch no team events other than the aforementioned gymnastics, or the relays in swimming and track. I don’t give a shit about Olympic basketball, soccer, cycling, baseball (is it still an event?), softball, rhythmic anything, or anything that doesn’t raise the heart rate of a participant to over 140 bpm.

2- Don’t give a shit about the opening ceremonies or closing ones, and don’t watch them.

3- I don’t root against the USA except for basketball- since the NBA took it over, I hope we lose, but I don’t watch anyway.

4- Of course not, and I like golf, but don’t give a shit who wins in the Olympics.

5- Yes, and that photo of the Swedish high jumper gave me a stiffy.

August 7, 2016 1:41 pm

–1A) Most obvious … roughly, what percentage will you watch?


–1B) What will you definitely watch?

My garden, my dogs, my woodworking project, the batch of jerky I just put in my smoker.

–1C) What will you never watch?

The olympics, sitcoms, MSM, most movies.

Fuck the olympics. It’s just another way for the no value added rich to siphon wealth away from sheople. They also use it inappropriately to promote bullshit agendas like Globull Warming. The IOC is only second in corruption to FIFA. Allowing nations that cannot or will not invest in basic infrastructure for its citizens to host the games is immoral.

That said, it’s a damn shame that such a worthwhile endeavor has been so fucking corrupted. Nearly every time there is some political aspect to the games with one or more countries threatening to or actually boycotting the games. These kids and adults work their asses off striving for perfection and they deserve better.

To top it off, my wife is away on vacation and have no intention of turning the TV on for the next week or so. I might even have the cable turned off while she’s away since she’ll already be a good week into *detoxing* by the time she gets back. They say it only takes two weeks to form or break a habit right?

And finally, in keeping with the theme, I just don’t give a fuck!

August 7, 2016 2:00 pm

I like the Olympics !!!!! Fuck you moraines that dump on physical competition.

I would like to watch the outdoor water sports – hoping someone falls in the water and turns into a Zombie on worldwide TV.

What corruption by IOC and Brazil – open sewage flowing into the Bay. It was supposed to be remedied but corruption stopped it cold. If there was justice in this world, someone would be in jail.

Women indoor swimming events – some of them have a physique of a male. Steroids anyone.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 7, 2016 2:01 pm

One of the basketball teams “accidentally” went to a brothel last night. They said they thought it was a spa. Cough…umm right.
Saw that on Drudge. Watched a couple minutes of the Olympics so far.
Won’t be watching golf as it is like watching paint dry.

August 7, 2016 2:12 pm

-1A) 15%

-1B) Women’s sand volleyball.

-1C) Swimming (except for Mikey Phelps). I find it boring.

-2. Like I wrote similar on another TBP thread earlier: I thought it was an amazing, and very expensive, commercial promoting globalism.

-3. No.

-4. I suppose I am OK with Ping Pong and golf. Why not. I am sure, in a few years, Pokemon Go will be the latest addition.

-6. See # 1B above

August 7, 2016 2:23 pm

When I heard the interview with the Creative Director before the opening ceremony, I knew it was going to be an idiotic, abstract, over-the-top abomination like usual, with the added feature of Brazilian music which sucks worse than sweaty donkey testicles.

I’m good at ping-pong, so it’s definitely a sport.

Women’s beach volleyball is ‘sport’ for the spectators too, and deserves a second set of medals titled “Viewers Choice”.

There are way too many swimming events.

One more observation: When women choose the “Olympic Athlete” option at the sperm bank, they might be getting the fat guy in the Air Rifle competition.

August 7, 2016 5:36 pm

Viewership is down 35% from the 2012 games. What’s THAT tell you?
Maybe if they did their coverage this way……

Yancey Ward
Yancey Ward
August 8, 2016 1:11 pm

That was hilarious!

Da Perfessor
Da Perfessor
August 7, 2016 5:47 pm

The 4th Turning fast approaches and we’re ‘pussies’ for not watching the Olympics?

Stucky, dude, time to check your meds.

C’mon back to me once you can fish effectively, hunt and butcher your own meat, raise your own veg, make your own mead, wine, beer, jelly, dried fruit, yogurt, kefir, bacon, bulk smoked meats, canned meats and a few artisanal breads.

Throw in knowing how to prune fruit trees, vines, and protect each from predation — well, you can have some extra points.

There’s a reason for so few comments here. Most of us are trying to stay ahead of the game. That is mutually exclusive of sitting on our ass and contributing to Nielsen ratings.

Have a nice evening, Stucky. I have pork to smoke for the freezer and fruit to juice for next weekend’s vinting.

About the Olympics ? – – zero ‘effs given.

Da P

Da Perfessor
Da Perfessor
August 7, 2016 7:30 pm


I respect the fact that you do a lot of heavy lifting here.

Should you read my response for content, I think you will be hard put to find ‘pontificating’…just salient points that you appear ill-equipped to rebut intelligently. Up your game, man! (since you like games so much — “Blow me” doesn’t count.)

Now, back to meat and juice.

I’ll likely have something in response to today’s beer post tomorrow after I have a chance to hit my library. And, going through the TBP Amazon portal, interested parties can help out Admin while gaining a very useful hobby.

Unlike those sitting on their ass and subsidizing the ‘Big 5’ brewers.

THE Big Dick,

Da P

August 7, 2016 9:45 pm


August 7, 2016 6:10 pm

I’ll watch men’s & women’s team volleyball only (none of the beach variety) provided it’s broadcast over-the-air, as I rely upon rabbit ears, otherwise my analog responsibilities preclude any vicarious time frittering.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
August 7, 2016 6:19 pm


My 10 year old Grand Son and I both agree it is a waste of money. I am boycotting whole thing.

August 7, 2016 6:57 pm

Any Olympics sport that relies on a judge needs to be eliminated. Gymnastics, figure skating, boxing, diving, martial arts, etc. all should be banned. Even the ones with refs/umpires are suspect. The corruption is rampant.

Anyone remember the US Russia basketball debacle? That was a disgrace. Or the vote rigging in figure skating/gymnastics? Or the SKorean who “won” gold after getting the absolute shit stomped out of him? Seoul of course.

Of course table tennis is a sport. Those men/women are awesome with reflexes rivalling any endeavor anywhere/anytime.

Synchronised swimming? Not a sport. Plus it is judged.

August 7, 2016 7:01 pm

Everyone should support the Olympic host bids of other countries. I think all nations deserve equal opportunity to lose billions and billions of dollars.

I will watch a couple of hours when I am not working around the doomstead.

August 7, 2016 8:26 pm

Greeks competed naked. Want to still see that? Heavyweight wrestlers competing naked? Umm, I will give that a miss.

August 7, 2016 8:24 pm

Race walking = not a sport. Race walking winners are the ones best at hiding the fact that they actually run.

I do not know if there are fags. My theory was it was started by someone with a bad case of the runs.

August 7, 2016 8:53 pm

Thanks for the laugh Westcoaster.

From the same Olympic Games:

August 7, 2016 10:21 pm

I haven’t watched any of it, and don’t intend to.

They should have aired the ‘Basketball Players in the Brothel’ segment, with Bob Costas as the commentator.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
August 8, 2016 12:03 am

What time is the curling on?

August 8, 2016 2:05 am

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harry p
harry p
August 8, 2016 5:41 am

Zero fucks given personally but will watch a tiny bit. My boy is 5 so he is excited to see things like swimming and judo bc he does those things himself and its new to him. my wife will watch gymnastics because she loves it and watches it so rarely but knows its rigged so doesnt even worry about scoring.
My least favorite part os the nauseating back stories of so many competitors, especially the supposedly “disadvantaged” ones.

Its all a stupid spectacle but what isnt these days, at least this is only once every 4 years instead of the nfl that is nonstop for 5-6 months every year.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
August 8, 2016 8:05 am

watching the Olympics is like buying a T-bone from a vegan. It’s just not something anyone would do.

The Olympics is the in your face proof that the entire narrative of modern society is a gigantic lie and yet they are the ones profiting form both. Men and women are equal, but they can’t compete physically against one another. All people are fungible yet some people are clearly superior.We are a global society without borders, yet we compete on a national level.

It’s like a giant, philandering drunk coming home reeking of booze and covered in lipstick hectoring his family for not trusting him. I simply cannot stomach the hypocrisy.

August 8, 2016 9:27 am

I wouldn’t waste one fucking minute of my life watching that shit.

However, I was hoping one of the sports that they would include masturbation. I’m so good – I can switch hands and gain a stroke.

August 8, 2016 3:05 pm

Dear Dutchman, thank You so very much for condensing into a concise statement what I also think about the so called ‘Olympics’. Personally I get always carried away talking about the modern burgers & games version of total distraction from really important events.
Instead of ‘masturbation’ as a new discipline though, I would suggest ‘Dick-Fencing’ and ‘Tit-Slapping’. That would add a sense of reality to this pathetic display of establishment propaganda. Confiscate the effing medals, smelt them and give it to the poor people that always get shafted with each new version of these decrepit imperial ‘games’.

August 8, 2016 4:19 pm

Stucky is likely to be jealous of that!

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
August 8, 2016 4:59 pm

Come on Stucky

I have great respect for the athletes. My problem is the Olympic movement is rotten to the core with cronyism and political intrigues. I would be much more interested in watching if these young men and women were getting paid for being there. There not! Instead we have back room deals and lined pockets for a spectacle every 2 years. For what, it is just bread and circuses. These kids sacrifice so much and most of them will only end up getting to take home is half a box of condoms and the Zika virus.

What has really turned me off is what was done to Russian team. Banishment based on their doping scandals. What a joke! As if they were only country that engages in this type of behaviour. I suspect that they are being punished for not toeing the line of Anglo-American Axis. But at least this time it was just athletics that was effected. In 2014 in Sochi, the west threw up a smokescreen in Ukraine to put in place what can best be described as a modern day Neo-Nazi Government.

[imgcomment image[/img]

In 2008, in Beijing, Georgia took time off from sports to kick some dirt in eyes of the Bear. And when story did break the west, the media lap dogs somehow turned it into a story about mean old Russia.

[imgcomment image[/img]

I am just tired of double standards and young people being used for nefarious purposes. The Olympics for me shines a light not on excellence but on much that is wrong in modern world.

August 8, 2016 9:01 pm

“You people here hate free shitters and lazy fuckers …. and, rightfully so. These athletes are the complete opposite of that ….. yet, you piss on them as well. Go figure ….”

See my comment yesterday @1:41pm.

Life is rough all over and me starin’ at the teevee ain’t gonna put gold around their necks.

You are a conundrum Stucky! You ask questions then get butthurt by the answers. Perhaps we should just lie?

August 8, 2016 12:36 pm

Bring back Eddie The Eagle and I might watch.

August 8, 2016 4:51 pm

Stucky, if you really think table tennis is not a sport then you are just playing it wrong. Just because you play it like a pussy doesn’t mean that the sport is for pussies.

I’m wondering if there is a male/female divide on the events that are judged vs the events that have a clear cut winner based on who finishes first or scores the most points. I could care less about gymnastics, diving, ribbon dancing, synchronized swimming, ice skating and whatever other events that are based on style instead of actual performance, but yet gymnastics (and ice skating for the winter games) always seem to be the biggest ratings draw on TV.

I would like to see more of the sports that I don’t typically get a chance to see. I would watch table tennis. Shit, I would even watch a few minutes of badminton. I don’t really care too much about the swimming races other than the see how many red dots each swimmer has inflicted themselves with prior to the race.

August 8, 2016 4:54 pm

Oh, and the worst thing above all about the Olympics is that we always seem to get subjected to Bob Costas. I hate that fucker and instantly turn the channel if he comes on my TV. My reaction to him is not quite to the same level as Obama or a Clinton, but it is close. I would give NBC high marks if they just retired Bob.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
August 8, 2016 8:16 pm

I read it. Wow IOC should hang their heads in shame. Not the I really needed anymore reason to boycott but hat takes the cake. At least the Ancient Greeks would set aside their grudges and grievances while games were underway.

What bothers me most is all the so-called journalists in West who are nothing more than cheerleaders for the “two minutes of hate” that is foisted upon us by the Deep State.

I know it is CNNt and so bar isn’t set very high for standards but here is the flavour of the slant.

After reading the linked piece from you Stucky, I’d rather go to beach than watch that farce.

August 8, 2016 9:35 pm

You must be watching different judo than me. The match I watched was incredible. One guy grabbed another by the arm, did some kind of jump twist thingy, drug the other down, and damn near ripped his fucking arm off. The victim of said arm bar thingy tapped out, and could not lift his arm to shake hands. The guy that won looked like he would have ripped that am clean out of its socket if the other had not tapped out.

That was very cool to see. I suggest you leave the bathrobe wearing suckers alone and quit nsulting them lest they rip your arm off and beat you with it.

August 9, 2016 12:32 am

Hell yes I am cheering for the Aussie Aussie Aussie – oy oy Oy!

The US teams gave been disrespectful asshats. Sure they are better, but how about showing a bit of class? Umm, no. Just a bunch of jigs signifying. The entire US team would not crack triple digits in IQ. Nothing brings out class in a jig better than giving them a huge pile of money.

But hey, at least I get some pleasure knowing most of them blow it all on hookers, coke, and child support to those nigglet factories they hook up with.

Aussie Aussie Aussie. Oy oy oy!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 8, 2016 9:32 pm

Don’t give Stuck a hard time….he is a hopeless sports nut who believes everyone should be into the thrill of competition as much as he. The problem is, few of us care for any of it even though there are some exciting and amazing moments during these games.

August 9, 2016 1:27 am

I hear ya Stucky. You and I be singing from the same song sheet most of the time. I saw those down votes you got when visited the post to reply after I read your comment on the comments dashboard. It’s hard to say what runs through peoples heads when they play the thumbsy game. Maybe they objected to your spelling , grammar and syntax. Maybe they disagreed with a majority of your comment and agreed with the other 49%. Maybe they just had a seizure when reaching for the upvote button and down voted you by mistake. Who the flock cares?

That’s why I don’t play thumbsies. Nobody ‘splained the rules to me, it’s hard to give many comments a straight up or down vote and as you know, the thumbsies can be rigged ergo, me no play thumbsies and I pay almost no attention to them anyway since I read comments, like you, from the dashboard page of TBP where the thumbsy count is not even visible. When I do see a down vote to something I’ve said I just count it as a small treasure from my adoring fans. Down votes warm my black heart because they mean I’m doing it right……..swimming against the tide.

Either way, I don’t take anything on the innerwebz personally. Too much is lost in translation between thought/speech and the written word. Regulars here are like residents of a small town that we see when in line at the bank or shopping for groceries or at the odd community gathering. We don’t really “know” that much about each other and we all lead daily lives that take place out of view of each other.

Keep on keeping on Stuckmeister!

August 9, 2016 12:46 am

Hey – I am fun at a party. Every party needs a drunken Dartmouth Indian.

Down from the hills we come
Surge on, Surge!
Fucking like Dartmouth men!
We got the biological urge!
Dartmouth’s in town again!

Hide your womenfolk. Your farm animals, too, might be a good idea.

I think me and my college buddies would be considered politically incorrect these days.

August 9, 2016 2:23 am

I watch some parts, ignore others. Like swimming, mostly; some volleyball; various others. Wish they would actually show the shooting sports; some gal from WV WON a gold medal in air rifle, I think; they showed her but not the match! WTF is up with that? They show HEATS in swimming but not a gold medal performance in air rifle? Talk about politically correct broadcasting! Better not glorify anything to do with guns!
The global warming bullshit is stifling, the rah-rah against Russia annoying, the Hungarian gal swimmer is a phenomenon; not sure how much my idle social schedule will allow me to watch past tonight, things are fairly dull most of the time. Watching samba dancers would be far more entertaining than the cycling!

August 9, 2016 2:30 am

NO shit JTW, That girl from WV won the very first gold for team ‘Murica this year and her own countrymen are not allowed to see her performance. Bust your ass, win and still get fucked! Yay Team!

August 9, 2016 5:35 am

Rio Olympics Ratings Fall Behind Barcelona 1992 In 1st Weekend Viewership

Rio Olympics Ratings Fall Behind Barcelona 1992 In 1st Weekend Viewership

NBC ratings are in the toilet!