Stucky QOTD: Fudge Packers!

Q1) — Is homosexuality immoral? Briefly explain your answer.

Q2) — Will unchecked homosexuality eventually destroy a nation?

Q3) — Based on the video below, is Russia more Christian than Amerika?


Q4) — Have you ever thought of performing a homo act?

Q5) — Which TBP member do you suspect of homoism?

Q6) — Will we reach a time in Amerika when homos are persecuted?


A hard-hitting, major recent Russian film which provides a devasting look into the LGBT movement worldwide.  Highly recommended

It has never appeared anywhere in English, until now, subtitled or dubbed. This translation is dubbed. It is available exclusively on the Russia Insider Youtube channel.

It had a substantial 6 figure budget, allowing Russian journalists to travel widely – to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Italy, Australia, Germany, and elsewhere, to do ground-breaking, original investigation into the LGBT movement.

The film is interesting on a number of levels.  It was made by Arkady Mamontov, a popular TV host and investigative journalist famous for his ground-breaking documentaries.  

Mamontov is a  conservative Christian.  His best known recent film is about the Greek orthodox monastic island of Athos (in Russian only).  He has also done a lot of work on Russian social issues, and on the Ukraine conflict.

The film relects popular attitudes towards LGBT in Russia, and is interesting in that it shows what Russians are told about LGBT and Americans in their mainstream media.

The dub is by Russians who speak good English, and is not bad at all.

After a somewhat dull intro section recalling the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, the film gets interesting.  

It leads with a comical interview with an unsuspecting German Lutheran priest in Berlin with a taste for sodomy who explains how Christianity does not actually proscribe this peculiar predilection.

It then profiles Scott Lively – an anti-LGBT activist who takes the Russian journos on a guided tour of lavishly funded Washington DC lobbying organizations pushing LGBT issues deep into the bowels of the the US government (no pun intended).

Next comes a spooky parade of homosexual weirdos – gays being married in Germany, an artificial insemination clinic in LA, grotesque sex freaks at a parade in San Francisco, at which a skeptical mailman tells an Adam and Steve joke, a truly disturbing video of a gay man fake-suckling newborn infants, taken from their surrogate mother minutes earlier, and a painfully awkward scene of a sodomite male couple showing how they raise their children.

We then go to Italy, to talk to a reformed homosexual who realized he had been sucked into a giant hoax and went straight while embracing Christianity, and see a profile of the massive anti-gay movement there, which brings millions into the streets to protest the advance of LGBT, as well as a smaller similar movement in Germany.

Next is Moldova, a small eastern European country sandwiched between Ukraine and Romania, and a battle-ground state in the US-Russia power struggle, where we hear about how US diplomats put heavy pressure on the local government to allow gay parades and the advancement of LGBT issues to a skeptical populace.

Next is the country of Georgia, where there is also a very strong anti-LGBT movement due to the extremely conservative attitudes towards sexual roles in society.  The film exposes how, while he was in power, the former president Mikheil Saakashvili, institutionalized sodomy as a method of torture in Georgian prisons against political opponents, showing a man being sodomized.  Unsurprisingly, Saakashvili’s popularity in Georgia didn’t last, and now he has been installed as the mayor of Odessa, Ukraine, by American neocons, much to the chagrin of certain members of the government in Kiev.

The film argues that the sodomy technique is an American export, used in Iraq, Georgia, and Ukraine by Americans and their clients deliberately in countries with conservative social mores, where such an event is the ultimate humiliation for a man, worse even than death.

The film closes with a brief profile of how Russian society rejects LGBT, quoting Christian teaching on marriage:

“A union, between a man and a woman, granted by God, gives humanity a chance to continue life.  There is a deep sense to the biblical passage ‘Be fruitful and muliply, and fill the earth'”


PS:  All the doors have been removed, hardware bagged and tagged, and everything has been deglossed/degreased.  Sanding starts tomorrow.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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August 12, 2016 6:46 am

I read somewhere that Jew priest suck the blood off a infants newly circumcised penis, is that gay?
If there were no religion, would gays be immoral or just gay?

bb is a fudgepacker for sure, this is bb’s wet dream

August 12, 2016 10:01 am

“I read somewhere that Jew priest suck the blood off a infants newly circumcised penis, is that gay?”

Yes, that’s true for the more conservative groups, and it’s sick and disgusting. But then the whole thing is sick and disgusting, the bleeding-baby-dick-blowjob just takes it to 11.

August 12, 2016 8:12 am

Q1) — Is homosexuality immoral?

No and no explanation needed.

Q2) — Will unchecked homosexuality eventually destroy a nation?
No, why would it.
Q3) — Based on the video below, is Russia more Christian than Amerika?
Didn’t watch the video, so don’t know.
Q4) — Have you ever thought of performing a homo act?
Q5) — Which TBP member do you suspect of homoism?
I don’t give a rat’s ass about other poster’s sexual preferences since I am not planning on having sex with any of them.
Q6) — Will we reach a time in Amerika when homos are persecuted?
They have been persecuted for most of the time already. Not sure what your question is asking.

August 12, 2016 8:17 am

Q1) Yes, It is against nature. Q2) Yes, and this was predicted by the zen master Hsuan Hua
Q3) The Russian Orthodox Church is definitely more Christian than the Catholic NWO pedophile church. Q4) No Q5) Kuntsler Q6) No way political correctness rules here.

August 12, 2016 8:25 am

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August 12, 2016 8:28 am

1) Homosexuality not at all. What is immoral is promiscuity, being it homosexual or heterosexual.
2) Demographics may destroy it. Homosexuality contributes to that, but also heterosexuals with no or with just one sibling.
3) There is no Christianity meter.
4) No
5) Same answer as TJF
6) Nobody can predict the future. But if it ever happens it won’t be because of me.

August 12, 2016 8:33 am

All you have to do if you want real answers is look at the fate of every nation and civilization in the past that first allowed then embraced homosexuality.

But most people don’t want real answers, and don’t want to do their own thinking either.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 12, 2016 8:46 am

Homos are a protected class in Merika only as a vehicle to bring down the country and to make legit the activities of the pederasses.
The same Nazis that have always brought chaos are still in charge and they still dislike homos and I truly believe they will turn against them just as in WWII Germany. The homos were culled out of society along with the nonproductive ghetto dwellers.
Russia is not a more Christian society but we are being led to believe this. Merica is still a 70 percent Christian nation with far more church attendance.
Some people here at TBP are admitted homos but do not use the site to promote their cause.
I absolutely believe TPTB will use their proxy terrorist groups to cull homos. Just my opinion but if I were a homo, I would keep it in the closet. These maroons can’t advertise it enough and I’ll just bet they (TPTB) are taking names and keeping databases.

Full Retard
Full Retard
  Bea Lever
August 12, 2016 1:06 pm

I didn’t know it was a cause but I guess that’s why it’s called homoism.

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
August 12, 2016 9:27 am

If you ever want to send a queer into mental gymnastics, ask this one question. If homosexuality is normal and we place all homosexuals on an island say, Australia, how long until the homosexual gene is removed from the gene pool? This question works great for evolutionists too.
You’ll see a glaze form over their eyes and they immediately change he subject. Homosexuality is the ultimate form of selfishness where as marraige between a man and a woman is act of putting your children ahead of your wants and desires.
Christ gave the ultimate sacrifice for the human race and it is our duty to sacrifice for our families.
Sin turns everything God has commanded on it’s head and these perverts revel in it. They are never satisfied in living in their little world but they desire to rub our noses in it.

August 12, 2016 10:53 am

My response:

Q1) — Is homosexuality immoral? Briefly explain your answer.

It depends on what your definition of “is” is. (Channeling Bill Clinton.) It also depends on what your definition of “immoral” is. Since we are afloat in a toxic sea of moral relativism these days, having sex with your decomposing 6 year old child while your dog licks your backside is probably fine and dandy with the moral relativism crowd. From a biologic point of view, homosexual sex occurs in animal populations which are experiencing severe stress – overcrowding, diminished resources, conflict. See the research on rats for starters. Hmm.

Q2) — Will unchecked homosexuality eventually destroy a nation?

Yes. Because homosexual sex does NOT produce a child, increasing numbers of homosexual “couples” = population implosion = death of a nation. Also, approval of unchecked homosexuality is part and parcel of accepting transgenderism (in which you mutilate your genitals so you can’t have children) and abortion on demand (where you kill any unborn child that might occur). It probably opens the door to pedaphilia as well (in which you destroy in a child any desire to have other children that might be abused). Unchecked homosexuality is just the wedge issue masquerading as “civil rights” for the imposition of the Death Cult that is liberal progressivism.

Q3) — Based on the video below, is Russia more Christian than Amerika?

Yes, amazingly so, even after decades of suppression of all religion by the rat-bastart commies, who are all dead having embraced liberal progressivism.


Q4) — Have you ever thought of performing a homo act?

No, doesn’t float my boat.

Q5) — Which TBP member do you suspect of homoism?

You! Just kidding you left yourself open to that one. I don’t care personally, whatever, I am just tired of the Gay Mafia lashing out at anyone that disagrees or has legitimate criticism with their “lifestyle” while at the same time screeching about “inclusiveness”.

Q6) — Will we reach a time in Amerika when homos are persecuted?

No, we won’t need to. The unhealthy aspects of the homosexual “lifestyle” will ensure their own demise. Besides, shooting fish in a barrel is sooo boring.

My final take: If you DNA does not compel you to reproduce, there might be something fundamentally wrong with you and your vision of the future.

Just sayin’.

There, now I’ve done it.

August 12, 2016 10:54 am

Forget morality and religious views for a second. Throughout history and the world, homosexuality has been actively discouraged for two main reasons. #1. Homosexuals, by definition, can’t have children, which decreases the birth rate of a population and makes said population less successful.
#2. Until recently, there were no treatments for STDs (or condoms), and homosexuals are at much higher risk of STDs for anatomical and behavioral reasons.

August 12, 2016 11:04 am

I don’t think plain, vanilla, homo’s are going to destroy the US. They should just go back in the closet.

However all the other queers and freaks (including the ‘trans’ and ‘bathroom’ people) are mentally ill, and should be treated as such.

What could be a real problem is introducing the idea to young children that they can pick their gender. This will create more fucked up people.

August 12, 2016 8:41 pm

I agree with you there, I don’t care about homos, and I don’t really even care if they are in or out of the closet. It really doesn’t bother me. I don’t think its ‘immoral’ as long as we are talking about adults who are willing participants in whatever strangeness is being done. Then again, Im not religious, so I don’t have some kind of god type of objection to it, since Im not superstitious. None of my business so long as they don’t harm me. What bothers me is having it thrown into my face all the time, and them trying to force others to not only quietly accept, but embrace their life style.

The problem with the ‘homo’ thing isn’t the run of the mill gay people, IMO. As Dutch says, the whole trans and bathroom thing are where you lose me. I don’t want someone with a dick in the bathroom or locker room with my wife, or especially my daughter. Telling kids they can choose their gender is fucked up beyond measure. Its toxic, and it is ruining young lives. Such kids need counciling and therapy, not having their childish delusions endlessly endulged.

rhs jr
rhs jr
August 12, 2016 11:11 am

Harpy is an evil pervert and if Amerikans choose her for POTUS, she will start Civil War II and WWIII; and God will unleash His fierce elements to cleanse this continent with earthquakes, volcanoes and storms. There will be no more LGBT issues here.

  rhs jr
August 12, 2016 11:42 am

Especially SanFranSicko – hope the big one hits ’em hard.

I’ll tell you the liberals here in Minnesota, are trying their best to turn this into a queer haven.

Full Retard
Full Retard
August 12, 2016 1:08 pm

Take a walk on the wild side, Dutchman.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 12, 2016 11:54 am

diogenes says: “Q1) Yes, It is against nature….”

better check with Mother Nature

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 12, 2016 11:59 am

Bea Lever says: “Homos are a protected class in Merika only as a vehicle to bring down the country and to make legit the activities of the pederasses….”

you’ll have to explain that.
especially how children can give consent

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Gay Veteran
August 12, 2016 12:26 pm

Gay Vet

Look up NAMBLA, they have been flaunting sex with little boys since the early 70’s. NAMBLA says it’s OK if the kids like it, so they just give consent (for) the children and the courts DO NOTHING. That is some sick shit Gay Vet and you can bet that in the not too distant future, all these children adopted by gay couples “will be liking it” and the MSM will be all for it.

  Bea Lever
August 12, 2016 6:08 pm

Child molestation and homosexuality are not the same thing Bea.

August 12, 2016 12:03 pm

God calls homosexuality an abomination. In Romans 1:18-32 GOD gives people over to homosexuality as punishment for their idolatry .The more homosexuality is tolerated the more Gods wrath upon themselves and our nation will increase. Just a brief look at the historical record should convince you God hates homosexuality and any nation that approves of this sin will be destroyed.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 13, 2016 7:48 am

is that the same god who ordered the murder of children and babies?
the same bible used by slave owners to justify slavery?

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 12, 2016 12:07 pm

Smoke Jensen says: “If you ever want to send a queer into mental gymnastics, ask this one question. If homosexuality is normal and we place all homosexuals on an island say, Australia, how long until the homosexual gene is removed from the gene pool? This question works great for evolutionists too.
You’ll see a glaze form over their eyes and they immediately change he subject….”

The stoopid, IT BURNS. Hey Einstein, heterosexual parents produce Gay children.

“…Homosexuality is the ultimate form of selfishness where as marraige between a man and a woman is act of putting your children ahead of your wants and desires….”

using your “logic”, heterosexual couples who won’t or can’t have kids are selfish. Yeah, tell that to them and get some teeth knocked out of that stoopid mouth of yours.

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
  Gay Veteran
August 12, 2016 9:28 pm

Let me mansplain the facts to you. Heterosexual couples produce children. Homosexuals are a product of lust not genetics. You’re attempting to intimate that buggery is built into the genetic code. This is scientifically impossible as that gene would have died within the first generation. period.
God made them male and female. You are a man or a woman because of genetics not by choice. Having sex is a choice. Who you have sex with is a choice. You choose to bugger men (I assume you’re a man). I know this because I’ve read many a story of men who have gotten married (to women) had children only to abandon those families to pursue homosexual relationships. And don’t tell me you knew you were gay at age 2. You were taught that behavoir.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
  Smoke Jensen
August 13, 2016 7:46 am

Smoke Jensen says: “Let me mansplain the facts to you. Heterosexual couples produce children….”

you have a keen grasp of the obvious

“…Homosexuals are a product of lust not genetics….”

yeah, no lust with heterosexuals. oh wait, there’s all those bastards being popped out

“…You’re attempting to intimate that buggery is built into the genetic code. This is scientifically impossible as that gene would have died within the first generation. period….”

genetic? don’t know, but then neither do you Einstein. why don’t you tell us about your thesis on human genetics

“…And don’t tell me you knew you were gay at age 2. You were taught that behavoir.”

ROFLOL, guess my Baptist preacher taught me. jeez, you win the stoopid crown

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
  Smoke Jensen
August 13, 2016 7:53 am

“…You were taught that behavoir.”

using your “logic”, YOU could choose to be a faggot. now think about that junior

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
  Gay Veteran
August 13, 2016 9:32 am

“using your “logic”, YOU could choose to be a faggot. now think about that junior”

You’re right. While I’m guilty of many sins myself, any one of which would send me to lake of fire were it not for the grace of God, but buggery is not one of them.
It’s not too late for you either.
Watch the video.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
  Smoke Jensen
August 13, 2016 11:05 am

“You’re right. While I’m guilty of many sins myself….”

obviously one of your sins is lying, because you know you can’t become gay since you are straight

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
  Gay Veteran
August 13, 2016 12:57 pm

GV says: “…because you know you can’t become gay…”
Um, apparently you can and did. Just like you can become un-gay like the Italian dude in the video. He realized what he was doing was wrong and gave up his lust for other men and then married a woman. A true success story.
One day you will bow your knee to the Judge on the big throne and you will confess your misdeeds.
I feel horrible that your father wasn’t the man that you needed him to be but you’re going to have to suck it ( no pun intended ) up and face the fact that women were made for men in order to “be fruitful, multiply and fill the Earth”.
If it had been Adam and Steve like the brilliant newspaper guy says, well then, we wouldn’t be having this nice little exchange would we?
Learn your biology and throw away the playgirl subscription. You can do it.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
  Smoke Jensen
August 13, 2016 1:19 pm

NOT surprised you didn’t use the FULL quote: “…because you know you can’t become gay since you are straight….”

“…Just like you can become un-gay like the Italian dude in the video. He realized what he was doing was wrong and gave up his lust for other men and then married a woman. A true success story….”

and how many of these “ex-gays” go back to being gay. you can change your behavior, not your orientation.
to paraphrase Frank on Shameless: your dick points to what you what

“…One day you will bow your knee to the Judge on the big throne and you will confess your misdeeds….”

or not, you fear death soooooooo much you’ll believe anything

“…I feel horrible that your father wasn’t the man that you needed him to be….”

wow, low blow even for a bigot. you need a 12 gauge suppository to clean out your brains

“…face the fact that women were made for men in order to “be fruitful, multiply and fill the Earth”….”

most are, some aren’t, get over it pharisee

“…Learn your biology….”

hey Einstein, the world doesn’t need gays to procreate, you hets are doing a great job of that with your bastards

  Smoke Jensen
August 15, 2016 4:39 am

Wait, wait, wait, back this train up.
“…face the fact that women were made for men in order to “be fruitful, multiply and fill the Earth”.

What, in the ever living fuck, do you mean?

August 12, 2016 12:12 pm

Just so you know i have a cousin who is homo.Young man.A few months ago he caught some kind of virus from his lifestyle. He ended up in a coma for 3 days. Almost died from having unprotected anal sex.
He started out in life a straight heterosexual man .Got hooked on drugs and became a faggot.

Full Retard
Full Retard
August 12, 2016 9:48 pm

bb, exactly why I’ve said that weed will lead to smoking johnsons in a public facility.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 13, 2016 7:51 am

wow, you mean there are bad consequences to having unprotected sex? better tell your heterosexual bubbies down at the clinic

using drugs causes faggotry? wow, who knew

fucking moron

August 12, 2016 12:16 pm

Anonymous is / was the Great white BB. Gay veteran you are a walking / taking example of God’s wrath. You have already been judged.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 13, 2016 7:55 am

you are a walking/talking example of Nature’s use of mental retardation in a population

August 15, 2016 4:50 am

Hoo hoo boy!! Hang on bb – did you just pronounce God’s wrath on someone in an internet comment section? Is that okay? I mean, like, did God give you the go ahead to do that? Do you have a permission slip or note or something? I’d hate for you to fuck that one up. I mean, he’s pretty clear with that whole “judgement is mine” thing. He must trust you, like, A LOT. Is there a written test or something He makes you take? What’s the deal?

Ticky Toc
Ticky Toc
August 12, 2016 12:32 pm

Q1 – Is homosexuality immoral?
No. I don’t believe it’s a “choice”, for whatever reason some people are wired the way are. Just as heterosexuality is naturally engrained / part of us homosexuality is the natural wiring for others. I’ve seen figures cited that about 10% of the population is homosexual.

Q2 – Will homosexuality destroy a nation?
I am not aware of any nations that homosexuality has destroyed. I can say that the U.S. has bigger problems caused by people that I assume our mostly heterosexual. $20 trillion in debt, in everybody’s business in multiple conflicts, an economy being manipulated and run by psychopaths, a government that by definition and actions that has become fascists, an increasingly oppressive police state culture and atmosphere stifling life and freedom, etc…
Homosexuals are the least of my worries.

Q3 – Based on the video is Russia or the U.S. more christian?
I didn’t watch the video. Does it matter? Is it the christian thing to do to be in a competition with others as to who is more christian? What happens to the loser and what does the winner get? In other words who fucking cares…

Optional quiz:

Knowing that I blew the first part of this quiz out of the fucking water I do not feel the need nor desire to pursue extra credit.

  Ticky Toc
August 12, 2016 2:14 pm

@ticky Tok: “Knowing that I blew” … says it all.

Full Retard
Full Retard
August 12, 2016 6:24 pm

Dutchman, your a funny guy. Who knew?

Ticky Toc
Ticky Toc
August 12, 2016 2:04 pm

If it makes you feel better I asked Admin the other day on the ask Admin anything post if the two of you were trapped on a desert island if ya’ll would become gay lovers. I speculated that you’d go live by yourself under a bush and molest local wildlife while specializing in sea creatures.

Full Retard
Full Retard
August 12, 2016 6:28 pm

Stuck, is that a confession, is this your coming out moment? I feel cheated. It’s a little too low key, like when Ellen Degenerate came out with a weak “I’m gay” on TV. Then again, Bruce Wayne did the same quiet “I’m Batman” confession to a woman who wasn’t listening after he implied he was ‘married but looking’.

August 12, 2016 11:56 pm


I watched the first 15 minutes while trying to corral my thoughts and feelings. I’ll have to go with God…it is an abomination.

I try not to care what consenting adults do in private, but I guess I do. Homosexual acts sickens me, just as abortions do. Yet I choose free will and choice over forcing my standards of behavior. While raised in Christian ethics and teachings, I no longer listen and obey bible thumping lunatics nor well meaning liberal SJWs or well reasoned libertarians. (I do have a wife that keeps me on the straight and narrow.)

That being said, I wish the LGBT community to rot in hell for trying to shove their agenda down our throats.

Good luck with the cabinets.

August 12, 2016 1:14 pm

Because of my medical background, one of my interests has been brain architecture/structure and behavior. Just s epigenetics (the environment in which we place our genes) has been found to be of greater influence on a person’s health outcomes than genetics (DNA), brain structure as documented by fMRI and PET scans offer a different view of behavior than behaviorist and religious doctrine.

The brain structure of men, women, straights, gays, liberals, conservatives predisposes humans to their behaviors. When exposed to the same stimuli, the blood flow to specific areas of the brain differs amoung these groups. For example, show a photo of a flower or an auto accident to a conservative and a liberal, and totally different areas of their brains’ will light up. The same reaction occurs with straights and gays. Can people change their behavior if they have a brain that has a specific architecture or structure? Yes. But the predisposition remains a structural phenomenon not a behavioral decision. Bottom line, people that are conservative, liberal, gay, straight have a brain architecture that predisposes those individuals to common thought patterns.

rhs jr
rhs jr
August 12, 2016 3:00 pm

I have long thought that most Blacks think very differently than most Whites and that they function at a lower point on the Bell Curve. Likewise physically but higher on average.

August 12, 2016 3:20 pm

Are you suggesting that they don’t make their own choices, that all people with the same brain architecture make the same choices, think the same thoughts and engage in the same behavior, in response to the same stimuli?

This would mean no one is actually responsible for their actions, it was predetermined by their fate of birth.

August 12, 2016 6:41 pm

I agree, with one exception. Function or stimulus changes structure (architecture). There is irrefutable evidence that the structure in the brain can be changed or rewired. Contrary to what we believed for a long time. This happens in many places. The amygdala, the hippocampus, the cortex and other structures are known to shrink and grow or rewire depending on the environmental input. Recent research shows that with stimulation, even complete spinal cord dissection can progress to partial, and that is quite severe structural damage. So just about anything can be changed. Is it easy? Not usually. Sometimes quite difficult but there is evidence that it can happen. The problem is that it requires great effort and commitment. Most people don’t have that.

Full Retard
Full Retard
August 13, 2016 1:30 am

Thanks, Tom. Carl Jung may have thought some ideas were universal and I don’t doubt that but you hit on something I have suspected for a while, that people inherit the brain wiring of their parents and tend to react in similar fashions. Even when a child does not know his parents or extended family, they behave in ways that are similar to family members. It has to be genetic and not simply a spiritual recollection or manifestation of ancient archetypes.

One thing I can submit as evidence, there was the story of a white woman who had been raped by a black man, she gave the kid up for adoption and in time he found her and her husband. She rejected him. Later, he was imprisoned for rape.

Full Retard
Full Retard
August 12, 2016 1:19 pm

Where are Vegas Bob and Fabulous? Gay Vet is taking all the heat. He reminds me of that American GI who asked a tank crew, are you looking for a safe place from the Germans? Get behind me.

Gay Rambo is definitely acting like the whole fucking infantry defending these two pussies – VB and Fab. Thank you for your service, Gay!

I hope at some future date you ask, who do you suspect of being a closet Muslim, illegal alien, bunny killer. Hillarite, hellbound Trumpist, etc.

August 12, 2016 1:56 pm

Gay veteran are you a veteran who is gay, or have you been gay so long you are a veteran at it?

August 12, 2016 2:47 pm

Duh. He’s a veteran who’s so old that he’s just a happy veteran.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 12, 2016 3:08 pm

so much stoopid, so little time.

“…Hope@ZeroKelvin says:
…Q2) — Will unchecked homosexuality eventually destroy a nation?
Yes. Because homosexual sex does NOT produce a child, increasing numbers of homosexual “couples” = population implosion = death of a nation….”

hmmmmmm, homosexuality becoming more and more accepted and yet the population continues to rise!

“…Also, approval of unchecked homosexuality is part and parcel of accepting transgenderism (in which you mutilate your genitals so you can’t have children) and abortion on demand (where you kill any unborn child that might occur). It probably opens the door to pedaphilia as well (in which you destroy in a child any desire to have other children that might be abused)….”

wow, that’s a lot of stoopid packed into 2 sentences. let me clue you into something, most gays don’t give a rat’s ass about the transgendered. and you’ll have to explain the “part and parcel”. as for pedophilia, how does a child give content?

“…I don’t care personally, whatever, I am just tired of the Gay Mafia lashing out at anyone that disagrees or has legitimate criticism with their “lifestyle” while at the same time screeching about “inclusiveness”….”

you are free to open your piehole and let the stoopid pour out

“…Q6) — Will we reach a time in Amerika when homos are persecuted?
No, we won’t need to. The unhealthy aspects of the homosexual “lifestyle” will ensure their own demise….”

and yet we still exist

“…My final take: If you DNA does not compel you to reproduce, there might be something fundamentally wrong with you and your vision of the future….”

why, is there a dearth of humans on this planet? and you might try telling that to heterosexuals who choose not to reproduce, might not be too healthy for your teeth

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 12, 2016 3:13 pm

Anonymous says: “All you have to do if you want real answers is look at the fate of every nation and civilization in the past that first allowed then embraced homosexuality….”

obviously Teh Gays are much more powerful than Wall Street banksters, political whores, etc.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 12, 2016 3:15 pm

General says: “…#2. Until recently, there were no treatments for STDs (or condoms), and homosexuals are at much higher risk of STDs for anatomical and behavioral reasons.”

well god knows you hets don’t get STDs, not to mention the bastard babies you don’t pop out routinely

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 12, 2016 3:19 pm

Dutchman says: “I don’t think plain, vanilla, homo’s are going to destroy the US. They should just go back in the closet….”

uh, no, F you very much

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 12, 2016 3:21 pm

rhs jr says: “Harpy is an evil pervert and if Amerikans choose her for POTUS, she will start Civil War II and WWIII; and God will unleash His fierce elements to cleanse this continent with earthquakes, volcanoes and storms. There will be no more LGBT issues here.”

agreed, Hiligua is crazy enough to start a war with Russia

  Gay Veteran
August 14, 2016 12:56 pm

I agree,Hillary will start the war with Russia or China.So it will help to Reset USA,long overdue.Trump will destroy USA also,but much slower.As for LGBT,they are not lucky to be born with that gene.Nature somehow needs those genes for a gene pool,like it needs other down sindrome and schiso genes. AND JUST LISTEN TO GEORGE CARLIN PERFORMANCE ABOUT HUMAN RACE AS ONE OF THE SPECIES IN EVOLUTION,ERROGANCE OF MANKIND.Americans will get the POTUS they deserve.TOO SAD…

August 12, 2016 3:24 pm

Q1) To me it is. That is all that I’m concerned with. I set morals to live by for myself only.
Q2) I don’t know that it will destroy a nation. It will destroy what I call cultural values, and perhaps generate more divisiveness as the sodomites intensify efforts to move from Step #3 to Steps #4&5 as per their agenda stated in the film. (for those that did not watch, step 3 is the celebration and promotion of homosexuality etc to step #4 – the forced participation / intimidation and finally step #5 – using the power of government to punish those that disagree with their agenda (thus infringing on my First Amendment right)
Q3) I don’t see their harder stance as making them more Christian necessarily. They may be, I can’t say based upon what little I know. I see it more as they have less tolerance for Western liberal progressive ideology and its leaders that are hellbent on destroying their countries society and culture, especially its values, norms and religious beliefs for the sake of multiculturalism and diversity.
Q4) No, I truly don’t understand the desire. When I was in kindergarten I was madly in love with a little brunette girl – the kind of love where your heart aches. I have always loved females and can not imagine ever experiencing that same emotion – that same feeling of love for a male. I wasn’t wired that way, thankfully.
Q5) I’m not even going to speculate on that.. There are some that have made their homosexuality known. It is their choice and their personal business. I respect their courage and their lack of promotion of their lifestyle. Other than in questions like these, none of us heteros promote our lifestyle.
Q6) I rather doubt it. As I mentioned, the LBGT crowd has not yet gotten to step 4 or 5. I suspect that if and when they are successful in those endeavors, you may see some push back as in Eastern Europe and Russia.

Stucky, an excellent and somewhat shocking film – well worth the time. Thanks for posting that – a solid contribution as usual.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 12, 2016 3:28 pm

Bea Lever says: “…Look up NAMBLA, they have been flaunting sex with little boys since the early 70’s. NAMBLA says it’s OK if the kids like it, so they just give consent (for) the children and the courts DO NOTHING….”

where have the courts done nothing to NAMBLA who had sex with children? got any proof of that?

“…That is some sick shit Gay Vet and you can bet that in the not too distant future, all these children adopted by gay couples “will be liking it” and the MSM will be all for it.”

ALL these children? Wow, the stoopid is powerful with this one. Powerful accusation with no proof, just a blood libel.
ANY adult who molests children needs to be in prison. And that includes hets who molest children.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 12, 2016 3:30 pm

Anonymous says: “God calls homosexuality an abomination….”

in a book written by men, men who said god ordered the murder of children and babies.
in a book used by slave owners to justify slavery

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 12, 2016 3:33 pm

Anonymous says: “…Almost died from having unprotected anal sex….”

almost a Darwin award winner

“…He started out in life a straight heterosexual man .Got hooked on drugs and became a faggot.”

so using drugs causes homosexuality? wow, better warn the drug addicts!

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 12, 2016 3:36 pm

bb says: “…Gay veteran you are a walking / taking example of God’s wrath….”

and you are a walking/taLking retard

Full Retard
Full Retard
  Gay Veteran
August 12, 2016 4:43 pm

Gay, I resemble that.
Otherwise, you are doing a bang-up job. Keep it up.
The cunt lickers don’t know how to react to a gay that fights back.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
  Full Retard
August 12, 2016 5:22 pm

“…The cunt lickers don’t know how to react to a gay that fights back.”

of course not, they post here knowing that 99.99% of the people posting are hets. So they aren’t used to a good old fashioned butt whipping (but I’m sure they enjoy it, with a ball gag in their mouth of course)

Full Retard
Full Retard
  Gay Veteran
August 12, 2016 5:27 pm

Most of the protest they put up is because they are afraid of their latent feelings. They are curiously yellow.

  Full Retard
August 12, 2016 5:55 pm

Funny you should mention that. I once read a study where researchers found that men who profess the highest revulsion at homosexual behavior also have the highest arousal when shown homosexual acts.
The phrase “methinks thou doth protest too much” comes to mind.
Let the thumbs down rain upon me.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 12, 2016 3:44 pm

nkit says: “…step 3 is the celebration and promotion of homosexuality etc….”

promotion? what, we going to use coupons to turn straight teenagers gay? ROFLOL

“…I wasn’t wired that way, thankfully….”


“…none of us heteros promote our lifestyle….”

ROFLOL, guess you don’t watch much TV

  Gay Veteran
August 12, 2016 4:02 pm

Hey jackass, the steps were generated by the LBGT crowd and listed in the video that Stucky posted.. I didn’t make them up…Gay Pride marches are certainly a celebration and promotion of homosexuality. If you want to give out coupons- buy one-get one free, that’s your business, polesmoker.

Question 5 had to do with who we thought was homosexual on THE BURNING PLATFORM , and none of us heteros on THE BURNING PLATFORM promote our hetero lifestyle HERE… You obviously don’t read for comprehension so well, and you seem way too touchy (no pun intended) on this subject. Nobody was talking about lifestyle promotions on TV for Christ’s sake.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 12, 2016 5:13 pm

“Hey jackass, the steps were generated by the LBGT crowd and listed in the video that Stucky posted….”

well junior, if it’s on the internet then it MUST be true! did you watch it before or after watching the video of the alien autopsy at Area 51?

“…Gay Pride marches are certainly a celebration and promotion of homosexuality….”

and I guess Mardi Gras is a celebration and promotion of heterosexuality

“…and none of us heteros on THE BURNING PLATFORM promote our hetero lifestyle HERE… You obviously don’t read for comprehension so well….”

oh, so no comments on beautiful women, eh? oh wait a minute, wasn’t there a posting a few days ago with a picture of a bunch of beautiful young women? but I’m sure NO one posting were “promoting” a hetero lifestyle, right?

you got the wrong screen name, you need to steal Full Retard’s

  Gay Veteran
August 12, 2016 5:57 pm

You didn’t watch the video, did you? I didn’t think so.. I was commenting on Stucky’s video..I didn’t make up the LBGT agenda and its stages which they admit to.

Your in-your-faces marches are a celebration and promotion of your homosexuality and queerness.. Are you going to deny that? Mardi Gras is what it is, take from it that which you wish..It’s not about sexuality to most people.

So, if some one comments positively on a picture of a hot chick in a bikini, what they really are doing is promoting a hetero lifestyle? You really are a stupid motherfucker..more like a fag on the rag’ll get better, bitch… go suck your buddie’s junior…

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 12, 2016 6:45 pm


I bet you think you are being sooooooo witty……..not

“…I didn’t make up the LBGT agenda and its stages which they admit to….”

oh, you mean Teh Gay conspiracy

“…Your in-your-faces marches are a celebration and promotion of your homosexuality and queerness.. Are you going to deny that? Mardi Gras is what it is, take from it that which you wish..It’s not about sexuality to most people….”

ROFLOL, tell that to the women showing their tits! yeah, not about sexuality. stone cold stoopid

“…So, if some one comments positively on a picture of a hot chick in a bikini, what they really are doing is promoting a hetero lifestyle?,…”

well they certainly aren’t promoting a homo lifestyle, now are they

“…really are a stupid motherfucker..more like a fag on the rag’ll get better, bitch…”

sorry you got all butthurt, maybe mommy will make you cookies

“…go suck your buddie’s junior”

awwwww, what’s wrong, the Mrs. stop sucking yours?

August 12, 2016 3:48 pm

No faggot , homosexuality is a choice . He became a faggot so he could get money to buy drugs. Now he is all fucked up.People like you have a debased mind / consciousness . You no longer care to know right from wrong. Faggotism is against GOD ,nature , society and family. You Sir ,are a degenerate and I will not thank you for your military service. Faggotism ruins everything it touches…..but I would appreciate it if you voted for Trump.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 12, 2016 5:18 pm

“No faggot , homosexuality is a choice ….”

well horse fucker, using your “logic” YOU could CHOOSE to be a faggot. now why don’t you try thinking about that before you spew some more BS out of your piehole

“… He became a faggot so he could get money to buy drugs….”

riiiiiiiiiight, he turned tricks for drugs so that converted him to a faggot. wow, white hot stoopid

“…People like you have a debased mind / consciousness . You no longer care to know right from wrong. Faggotism is against GOD ,nature , society and family.
You Sir ,are a degenerate and I will not thank you for your military service. Faggotism ruins everything it touches…..but I would appreciate it if you voted for Trump.”

F you with a rusty chainsaw, you self-righteous Pharisee. don’t you have a street corner to pray loudly at?

“…I will not thank you for your military service….”

WHY should you? you too stone cold stoopid to understand that the military serves the empire???

Full Retard
Full Retard
  Gay Veteran
August 12, 2016 5:32 pm

Gay, nice reply. Just a word of caution. bb is a troll. Most of his comments are tongue in cheeks trolling. Don’t let it get to you.

  Full Retard
August 12, 2016 10:08 pm

A word of caution to you all, too. “Gay Vet” is a troll. How do I know? HE KEEPS POSTING UNDER A THREAD ABOUT GAY ISSUES UNDER THE NAME GAY VET. And, you guys keep responding to him. Why?

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 13, 2016 8:01 am

what’s wrong gator (jeez, shades of Deliverance), too stoopid to respond to my posts?

August 12, 2016 5:30 pm

We would be better off without queers and niggers. Can anyone really not think that is true?

Full Retard
Full Retard
August 12, 2016 5:37 pm

OTC, You don’t provide any supporting evidence. Your just doing a Trump; spewing incendiary shit and if you get any heat, you backtrack. I was just kidding, I was misunderstood, whatever.

Who exactly is we? Did you mean your local hate group? Your NAMBLA buddies?

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 12, 2016 6:30 pm

Overthecliff says: “We would be better off without queers and niggers. Can anyone really not think that is true?”

We would be better off without retards like you. Can anyone really not think that is true?

August 12, 2016 5:49 pm

I don’t know if it’s immoral or not (I guess it depends on your morals) but using your dick as a ramrod to pack fudge is bad mmkay! It’s fucking disgusting. I spend almost zero time thinking about it so I don’t give two shits. However, any fudge packer that takes the time to inform me of his disgusting proclivities is basically inviting me to ridicule him so don’t bother me and I won’t bother you.

Most, but not all queers (and other assorted freaks) I’ve known seem to have a number of mental issues in addition to mommy/daddy issues. Because of this they should not be allowed to adopt kids IMO. I think kids deserve a mother and a father in order to learn by example how each should be treated. I don’t think kids are going to learn that from a couple of man hating dykes or vice versa. Gay or not, the human race is regressing in every way including child rearing so at the end of the day it’s not going to matter much. Extinction will eventually fix it all. The sooner the better!

Too many groups are trying to force their agenda of gender identity bullshit on kids who are far too young to know the first thing about sex let alone think about it themselves. They’re kids for fuck sake……let them be kids before you fuck ’em up!

I also believe mental illness is apparent in many as evidenced by LBGT support for muslim immigration. That could be the mental illness of liberalism or the LBGT aspect but you are undeniably mentally ill if you support the immigration of people who want to kill you because you are LBGT or simply kafir. Even after the (false flag) of the muslim terrorist attack in Orlando, too many of these mentally ill fucks still support muslim immigration. Those that do deserve what they get. Enjoy!

It could be that the communist/marxist/fascist liberals are just masters at manipulating all the little disenfranchised special interest groups into working together to further *their* own agenda of totalitarian power. When they finally achieve that power they will do what all leftist regimes ALWAYS do and cull the useful idiots. It ought to be quite entertaining too!

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 12, 2016 6:36 pm

IndenturedServant says: “I don’t know if it’s immoral or not (I guess it depends on your morals) but using your dick as a ramrod to pack fudge is bad mmkay! It’s fucking disgusting….”

hey Einstein, maybe you need to tell that to your fellow heterosexuals who ALSO are fudge packers

“…Most, but not all queers (and other assorted freaks) I’ve known seem to have a number of mental issues in addition to mommy/daddy issues….”

oh, so you know 2 or 3 faggots and thus they are representative for all faggots? the stoopid, it burns

“…I also believe mental illness is apparent in many as evidenced by LBGT support for muslim immigration. That could be the mental illness of liberalism or the LBGT aspect but you are undeniably mentally ill if you support the immigration of people who want to kill you because you are LBGT or simply kafir….”

I totally oppose muslim immigration. oh wait, I get it, you saw a picture with a couple of faggots support muslim immigration therefore the overwhelming majority of faggots MUST hold the same opinion! white hot stoopid!

Full Retard
Full Retard
  Gay Veteran
August 12, 2016 6:46 pm

Gay, I really enjoy your argumentative skills. You have no idea how painful it is to bear the daily dribble of dumb dictums that seem to have inspired the Donald.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
  Full Retard
August 12, 2016 6:49 pm

thanks, I enjoy punishing the stone cold stoopids

  Gay Veteran
August 12, 2016 8:30 pm

“hey Einstein, maybe you need to tell that to your fellow heterosexuals who ALSO are fudge packers”

Uhh, that would be a bisexual not a heterosexual. Maybe we need a “Mr. Rogers for the LBGT Community” to explain all this to you? Didn’t Sesame Street go gay? Maybe that’s over your head?

“oh, so you know 2 or 3 faggots and thus they are representative for all faggots? the stoopid, it burns”

Your assumption, not mine. If the shoe fits……

“I totally oppose muslim immigration. oh wait, I get it, you saw a picture with a couple of faggots support muslim immigration therefore the overwhelming majority of faggots MUST hold the same opinion! white hot stoopid!”

If you had any actual reading comprehension skills you’d see that I said “too many of these mentally ill fucks still support muslim immigration”, not a blanket statement at all.

You clearly have issues and an agenda to push hence the broken record flapping of your cockholster here on TBP. You’re the perfect “harpy” example of why so many hate your ilk. Just go suck a dick or something………wouldn’t that me more fun that trying to convince heterosexuals how great you are? You clearly don’t like living with the adversity of being a fudgepacker so why not just shut the fuck up about it and make your own life easier? Does fudgepacking have to define every fucking thought or activity you participate in? What you do in the bedroom is your fucking business and no one else’ unless you make it their business. Ever thought of that? It’s fucking mental illness to run around telling people your business and then getting butthurt when you receive a response you don’t like. You’re a pathetic an antagonistic moron and it’s all your doing! Revel in it fuckstick!

My response was to the post made by Stucky. If you don’t like it………tough shit! I could care less if you agree or disagree. I love it when dumb asses like you willfully fuck up your own lives and then whine about it. You’re a professional victim. I find that hilarious. Silly faggot! Dicks are for chicks!

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 13, 2016 8:10 am

“…Uhh, that would be a bisexual not a heterosexual….”

you actually think HETEROSEXUAL couples don’t engage in fudge packing? and we have a winner! RETARD of the year!

“…Your assumption, not mine. If the shoe fits……”

oh let me guess, your best friend is a faggot

“…If you had any actual reading comprehension skills you’d see that I said “too many of these mentally ill fucks still support muslim immigration”, not a blanket statement at all….”

have to agree that even 1 is too many

“…You clearly have issues and an agenda to push hence the broken record flapping of your cockholster here on TBP….”

I have “issues” with people that are stone cold stoopid. Agenda? spanking the ass of people that spew BS from their pieholes

“…You’re the perfect “harpy” example of why so many hate your ilk….”

yeah, I should meekly stand by like a good little faggot while morons like you post BS

“…You clearly don’t like living with the adversity of being a fudgepacker so why not just shut the fuck up about it and make your own life easier?….”

uh, more like I don’t like living with the adversity of reading BS from the likes of you

“…Does fudgepacking have to define every fucking thought or activity you participate in? What you do in the bedroom is your fucking business and no one else’ unless you make it their business. Ever thought of that?….”

hey Einstein, what’s the topic of this article? it ain’t about baking cookies. and YOU sure seem obsessed with Teh Gays

and I’m sooooooooo sorry you got all butthurt

and to use your own words: “…If you don’t like it………tough shit! I could care less if you agree or disagree….”

“…I love it when dumb asses like you willfully fuck up your own lives and then whine about it. You’re a professional victim. I find that hilarious….”

fucked up life? look into a mirror

August 12, 2016 6:14 pm

I heard Stucky’s cabinets were gay and Stucky now has a splinter in a rather embarrassing place.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
August 12, 2016 6:27 pm

Q1: Nope.

Q2: I can think of about 1000 things that will destroy a nation before unchecked homosexuality. Whatever the fuck that is.

Q3: I don’t give enough fucks to sell candy on the sidelines.

Q4: I french kissed my friend Joel on a dare back in high school. It was to get into a girls pants, though. Does that count?

Q5: Don’t care.

Q6: Probably. But not for a while. This turning is shaping up to be a big battle over social equality. Dumbass fundamentalist Christians are a dying breed. Just ask Pope Frank.

Full Retard
Full Retard
  Punk in Drublic
August 12, 2016 6:31 pm

As revolting as it is to ask, how would you rate Joel’s kiss?

August 12, 2016 6:45 pm

@Gay V: Me thinks you have a LOT to “compensate” for.

You could start by reading for comprehension.

Q2 asks about UNCHECKED homosexuality, which we don’t have now. Homosexual sex does not create new human beings – that is a biological fact. If 1/3 of the population adopted homosexuality tomorrow, it would be the same impact as the Black Death was on the population of Europe in the 1350s, ie, ultimately reduce by 1/3 the numbers of people reproducing – and remove from the equation the potential offspring of these people, and so on. (Of couse, since this gave us the Renaissance , that was to the good and since homosexuals were such a tiny minority, humanity was able to survive this.) If your country cannot replace people MORE than those that die, your nation dies.

That is math, that even the mentally ill and/or the product of a liberal progressive education (but I repeat myself) can usually comprehend.

Homosexuality comes with the same (mental illness) “culture” as transgenderism and pedaphilia. It is part and parcel, heh, of the Death Cult that is liberal progressivism. That all these mentally ill people apparently do not support each other is irrelevant but not surprising since each one of these groups is trying to out-victim the other for a share of the culture/$$$ spoils.

I notice that you do not refute the FACT that the LGBTQ “lifestyle” is an evolutionary dead end.

Child victims of pedaphilia BY DEFINITION cannot give consent – hence the very act of having sex with them is RAPE and the most henious of crimes.

Are you a card carrying member of NAMBLA, by any chance?

Yes, I am was at one point somewhat sympathetic for gay rights. However, the behaviour of the Gay Mafia in attacking Christians for not wanting gay “marriage”, forcing bakers to close that would not bake a gay wedding cake, getting people fired for voting against gay marriage, etc, WHILE AT THE SAME TIME totally ignorning, nay ALIGNING WITH, the Islamofascists that kill, torture, toss of buildings, etc, any homosexuals in their societies sort of did it for me. Any more, this whole “gay rights” crap is totally equivalent to a TWO YEAR old having a screaming fit cuz Mommy or Daddy wants to make a spoiled brat conform to the norms of a productive and sustainable society.

Ahh, yes, you still exist, for now, despite the documented excess of nasty diseases like syphilis/gonorrhea/HIV, the need for anal slings and rectal reparative surgery, and the high rates of mental illness in the LGTB “community”. The homosexual “lifestyle” can only sustain itself because of an intact and functioning health care system that is supported almost entirely by the heterosexual TAX PAYING population, since so many LGTBs get their healthcare through Medicaid/Medicare/charity.

Say, you wouldn’t be Chelsea/Bradly Manning in disguise, would you? He/She/It probably wants to become a “female” to avoid the horrors of being an effeminate pansy-ass in an all male max security prison. Good thing anal slings are probably covered for federal prisoners then.

Butt hey! Sending you a set of ass-less chaps pronto in time for the next Gay Parade in Mecca. Should be a real riot of a time.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 12, 2016 7:02 pm

Hope@ZeroKelvin says: “@Gay V: Me thinks you have a LOT to “compensate” for….”

project much?

“…Q2 asks about UNCHECKED homosexuality, which we don’t have now. Homosexual sex does not create new human beings – that is a biological fact….”

really, didn’t know that. who knew?

“…If 1/3 of the population adopted homosexuality tomorrow, it would be the same impact as the Black Death was on the population of Europe in the 1350s….”

gee, if 1/3 of the population killed themselves, it would be the same impact as the Black Death was on the population of Europe in the 1350s. you’re f-ing brilliant

“…If your country cannot replace people MORE than those that die, your nation dies….”

no shit, you see the world’s population shrinking any?

“…That is math, that even the mentally ill and/or the product of a liberal progressive education (but I repeat myself) can usually comprehend….”

oh, I get it, you disagree with me thus I’m a product of a liberal progressive education

“…Homosexuality comes with the same (mental illness) “culture” as transgenderism and pedaphilia….”

typical blood libel, comparing us to pedophiles, like the Nazis did against the Jews

“…I notice that you do not refute the FACT that the LGBTQ “lifestyle” is an evolutionary dead end….”

hey Einstein, we have BILLIONS of people on this planet, I don’t think a few percentage of gays means the human race will end

“…Are you a card carrying member of NAMBLA, by any chance?….”

no, by any chance are you dog fucker?

“…WHILE AT THE SAME TIME totally ignorning, nay ALIGNING WITH, the Islamofascists that kill, torture, toss of buildings, etc, any homosexuals in their societies sort of did it for me….”

did you stop and think (ROFLOL) that seeing a photo of some faggots support muslim immigration doesn’t mean that the majority of faggots don’t actually support muslim immigration? I certainly don’t support it.

“…Ahh, yes, you still exist, for now, despite the documented excess of nasty diseases like syphilis/gonorrhea/HIV, the need for anal slings and rectal reparative surgery, and the high rates of mental illness in the LGTB “community”….”

well god knows you hets never get STDs, or pop out bastards. and high rates of mental illness? you get that from a Klan website?

btw, I fixed your sentence: The HETEROsexual “lifestyle” can only sustain itself because of an intact and functioning health care system that is supported almost entirely by the TAX PAYING population.

“…since so many LGTBs get their healthcare through Medicaid/Medicare/charity….”

got ANY proof of that?

“…Say, you wouldn’t be Chelsea/Bradly Manning in disguise, would you?….”

Say, you wouldn’t be an asshole in disguise, would you? no, you’re not wearing a disguise

“…Butt hey! Sending you a set of ass-less chaps pronto in time for the next Gay Parade in Mecca. Should be a real riot of a time.”

why don’t you try being a Christian in Mecca?

August 12, 2016 6:53 pm

@T4C: I note that in your story that the sexual aggressors towards your brother and your Dad were homosexuals.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 13, 2016 8:27 am

I note that little girls have been molested by older boys/men, and that women have been raped by men in the Navy

August 12, 2016 7:06 pm

all you old fucks need to spend a sobering day looking at the craigslist m4m sections of every major city. one thing you might notice… MWM’s outnumber gays there on who is trolling for dick!

August 12, 2016 7:24 pm

Well, I don’t give two shits about who is what. Just don’t try to force me to accept your opinions/lifestyle/preference or to indoctrinate my kids. Once you try that, then fuck you. Other than that do what ever you like with someone else who is legally able to give consent. At this time it’s 18yoa, although I wonder if they’ll try to make it less, since it’s already okay for a 14yo to have an abortion without parental consent. Never mind, the brain has been shown to not fully develop until around 25yoa. Well carry on. Maybe anecdotal, but I have also known a few homosexuals, and also noticed many have mental health issues. We do know they have a higher prevalence of mental disorders and much, much higher STD rates (go to the CDC). Does that mean homosexuality causes mental problems? Or are they associated due to abnormal function in the brain? Or the abnormal brain function predisposes them to homosexuality? How about early in-utero exposure to “gender bender” chemicals? Just coincidence? Or what other factors are involved?? Who knows, bc in this day and age it’s fine to question everything but being homosexual as something potentially abnormal. No way. It just is… you know?

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 13, 2016 10:34 am

fixed your sentence: TOTALLY anecdotal, but I have also known a few homosexuals, and also noticed many have mental health issues.

hmmmmm, I have also known a few heterosexuals, and also noticed many have mental health issues.

August 12, 2016 7:33 pm

I’ve only known a few; related to at least one. I wish that they could find happiness. However, society is not set up to allow that for anyone, let alone homosexuals.
Anyone who has sex with a child (arbitrary definition 14 or less) is a criminal, and should be isolated from society (in prison) for twelve and older and executed for under, unless the perp is themselves twelve or younger; they need counseling and probably sex education. Back to the questions:
(1) Immoral is any act that coerces anyone. Most of the current USGov is immoral.
(2) Unchecked acceptance of deviant sexuality will create victims, some of whom will not be able to function thereafter. In that sense, possibly.
(3) Russia may see society in a more rigid, defensive light than America, after all they had at least two near-successful invasions from Europe in their history. In that light, I’m not sure its’ Christianity that motivates them as much as earned xenophobia. They do seem to understand that Islam is a threat to ALL societies, so they are ahead of us in that regard.
(4) Not seriously. As an idle speculation as a youth, once or twice. I have never touched anyone intending a homosexual act or performed one.
(5) I have better things to worry about, like mortgage money, my aging transportation and how to replace it, and keeping the lights on and the house warm / cool. If someone on TBP is gay, that is their cross to bear.
(6) I suspect they always have been, and will continue to be. When the Crunch comes I suspect they will die of starvation in severe numbers, partly because they tend to major in the arts instead of food production / machinery maintenance / martial arts, partly because large numbers of all population subgroups will die and they will die proportionately at least, and disproportionately possibly. Yes, you can say stereotype, but I have to judge by those I know who were homosexual (n = six, maybe?); of whom, two were lesbians involved in church music, one has an English major, one is a small-time actor (male), two are church music department leaders (males not together), one was a partner of one of those two, and that’s it (guess that’s seven overall). It’s possible I have known more who did not identify as such to me, but out of that group there are no mechanics, no engineers, no farmers, no military types so I suspect they would all die when the Crunch makes earning a living by music, writing, or acting much more difficult and precarious.
Not sure I care if anyone is gay or not, haven’t run into any pushy gay people yet; I doubt given my personality any would mistake me for gay or try anything on me. If they did my opinion of that person would descend immediately, into eradication if they attempted anything by force.
Given ancient Sparta it’s tough to say homosexuals would destroy a nation; given San Francisco it’s possible to say they can ruin a city and / or large parts of a state fairly well. Have to see.

August 12, 2016 8:46 pm

“I wish that they could find happiness. However, society is not set up to allow that for anyone, let alone homosexuals.”

What a complete load of horseshit! Happiness comes from within. Self loathing is a big problem with most people. If your happiness is defined by the thoughts and opinions of others you will NEVER be happy!

Fabulous comes across as a well adjusted happy guy. Most people here seem happy too despite the bullshit that surrounds us. GV comes off as a chronically unhappy member of the victim class. I think he secretly loves ridicule he gets here and elsewhere. Why else would he waste so much time on it?

August 12, 2016 10:00 pm

How much of your income goes to taxes? Couldn’t you spend that money better than the USGov? Why don’t you quit paying them then?

Society INCLUDES all subsets, and several of them value money and power more than your happiness, and take active steps to serve themselves at your expense. If happiness comes from within, why would anyone ever commit suicide?

We are happy DESPITE society, and most of those who make laws over us. If you are truly happy, then count yourself lucky; most of us have to struggle through life. GV seems to be slightly mental, and may be masochistic as well; I don’t know enough about him to be certain. The rest of us keep pulling because there is no alternative, but I know very few truly happy people.

Maybe I should rephrase that, since many appear to be sheep who have been told they are happy and appear to believe it. “Society is not set up to allow that for anyone, and especially not ME, who wishes freedom and to be left alone above all”.

August 12, 2016 11:46 pm

Actually I don’t mind paying taxes. I enjoy driving on paved roads, having clean water, sanitation services and lots of other things that benefit me as a result. I wish I were paying a little less but my options are “pound me in the ass prison” or “pay taxes” so I find a way to be happy with the latter. It’s not rocket science.

You asked:
“If happiness comes from within, why would anyone ever commit suicide?”

Are you being obtuse?

If you are unhappy then you need to re-evaluate your life and find a way to be happy. Society or “the system” is not set up to make you happy or unhappy. It’s set up to enrich and grow itself off your labor. As long as you are aware of that you can navigate your way through the system in a way that attempts to minimize what makes you unhappy and maximizes what makes you happy.

Take control of your life. Avoid doing stupid shit that exposes you to more of the system which makes you unhappy. The next time someone does something to piss you off simply look at them and smile…..or laugh and walk away. Chances are they are just miserable fucks trying to make you feel bad just to make themselves feel a little less bad. Fuck ’em! They not worth the energy.

Imagine you are surrounded by a wall. The only things you want to have inside that wall are things that make you happy like friends, family, your hobbies, work (if you like your job like I do), etc. As you navigate your day to day life you will find things that try to breach your wall like speeding tickets, people trying to bring you down in one way or another, crime and all kinds of shit. Your job is to push all that crap out. If you get a ticket, pay it (or deal with it), learn form the experience and forget it. If some asshole harshes your mellow… or laugh at them and move on. Deal with everything that breaches your wall swiftly and decisively and then get back to filling it with the things that make you happy. You have a choice when it comes to the energy you expend in your life. You’ll never be happy 100% of the time but you can strive for 80% or 90% or you can suck start a shotgun.

Perhaps you just lack focus and wander too much?

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 13, 2016 10:57 am

“…GV seems to be slightly mental, and may be masochistic as well….”

stop projecting

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 13, 2016 10:50 am

“…GV comes off as a chronically unhappy member of the victim class….”

the only victim here is you suffering from tertiary syphilis

“…I think he secretly loves ridicule he gets here and elsewhere. Why else would he waste so much time on it?”

btw, great photo of you, little bitch

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 13, 2016 10:41 am

“…(guess that’s seven overall). It’s possibly I have known more who did not identify as such to me, but out of that group there are no mechanics, no engineers, no farmers, no military types so I suspect they would all die when the Crunch makes earning a living by music, writing, or acting much more difficult and precarious….”

in my condo building there is a gay mechanic for Mercedes and a gay active duty Naval officer

“…given San Francisco it’s possible to say they can ruin a city and / or large parts of a state fairly well….”

have you been to San Francisco?!?!?!? beautiful architecture, great food, fine men

August 12, 2016 7:58 pm

Gay Veteran is an insufferable little cunt that lacks gray matter and wants to project his victim hood from here to Shanghai. His stupidity outweighs his faggotry….Mommy didn’t nurture his inner child…so now sucking cocks evens the score…poor little shit…

August 12, 2016 8:47 pm

100% spot on and far more succinct than I was!

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 13, 2016 10:53 am

in your case it would be SUCKcinct

Full Retard
Full Retard
August 12, 2016 9:16 pm

Wow, I totally misread Gay Vet, unless I-S and nkit are projecting. Granted, I-S has surprised me with an unexpected sense of humor. I read GV as a happy warrior just as his name says. I know he has to fight an uphill battle with all the homophobe fucksticks sitting on a velvet throne in their holy abodes.

The problem here is that, like Moozies, the homophobes imagine too much and react to their filthy imagination. I do not go around imagining what people do in the privacy of their own bedroom. Who knows what horrible, despicable, unimaginable acts go on in heterosexual bedrooms? Surely they aren’t all piously doing the horizontal mambo missionary style?
Sex is sex, you filthy animals, your all going to hell for doing the nasty.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
  Full Retard
August 14, 2016 9:25 am

yep, they’re projecting

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 13, 2016 10:44 am

“Gay Veteran is an insufferable little cunt that lacks gray matter and wants to project his victim hood from here to Shanghai….”

cunt? look into a mirror shit for brains

victimhood??? uh, no, but you’re a victim of tertiary syphilis

“…His stupidity outweighs his faggotry….Mommy didn’t nurture his inner child…so now sucking cocks evens the score…poor little shit…”

awwww, what’s wrong, daddy cornhole you?

  Gay Veteran
August 13, 2016 1:32 pm

Oh, the poor little gay victim is back for more. Go back to my first post and you will find that I said nothing anti-gay. I mentioned the 5 step agenda of the LBGT crowd from the film (which is what the thread was about) and you immediately started mocking me and playing your victim card. Too fucking bad, sissy.

I got an idea for you..Start your own little victim club. Call it #FagLivesMatter, you know, cause that AIDS stuff unfairly singles your kind out.. Start screaming for reparations. Demand that white heteros pay for all the mean things they’ve said over the last 5oo years. Petition the DOJ to incarcerate anyone that says anything that YOU find offensive in regards to your depraved lifestyle of sodomy. Demand that the government officially proclaim Gay Pride Day as a National Holiday, and while you’re at it, demand that one or more gays be put on U.S. currency, say, Richard Simmons on the Fifty dollar bill since old Ulysses was a known homophobe. Come up with a complete bullshit chant like “Hands up….” something that will show the Pulse of your little group.

Fuck you and your victim hood. Now fly away butterfly boy….and watch out for car grills…

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
August 13, 2016 4:16 pm

“Oh, the poor little gay victim is back for more….”

victim??? interesting, the ONLY one talking about “victim” is YOU.
so project much? it is understandable, since you’re a victim of tertiary syphilis

August 12, 2016 10:14 pm

If I wind up down below, it won’t be for sex!

August 12, 2016 10:49 pm


Q1) — Is homosexuality immoral? I stopped playing God when everyone began fighting back.

Q2) — Will unchecked homosexuality eventually destroy a nation? Can’t hurt!

Q3) — Based on the video below, is Russia more Christian than Amerika? Ask someone else. I’m out of the daisy-chain.

Q4) — Have you ever thought of performing a homo act? Why, are you interested?

Q5) — Which TBP member do you suspect of homoism? You mean there’s only one?

Q6) — Will we reach a time in Amerika when homos are persecuted? I thought they already were.

I have a question for you, Stucky. You writin’ a book or somethin’?

August 12, 2016 11:00 pm

OK, here goes.– YES, NO, NO, YES, YES, NO or is it YES, YES, NO, NO, NO, YES or maybe NO! Damn, Stucky, it’s so confusing.

Oh, I give up! I need a stiff drink!

August 12, 2016 11:15 pm

Lucy says, “Blech!!”

Full Retard
Full Retard
August 13, 2016 2:00 am

Correct me if I’m wrong but sex is sin. David says that he was conceived in sin. Some fanatic churches frown on women wearing makeup or attractive clothing. Sex for them is just something necessary to engender children. Passionate sex is a no-no. Dancing is a no-no.

Does anybody here live like that? I think not. And yet here we have all kinds of fornicators worrying whether discrete homosexual intercourse is more sinful than wild sex with 3 0r 4 women.

  Full Retard
August 13, 2016 9:08 am

STUCK SAYS (forgot to log in)

“Correct me if I’m wrong but sex is sin. David says that he was conceived in sin. ” —–FR

OK, I’ll correct you.

Our SINFUL NATURE …. NOT the sexual act itself …. is passed from father to son, ever since Adam. THAT is why David was “conceived in sin”. Which, btw, is why Jesus is sinless, as he was conceived from above.

This is basic biblical knowledge so, I am only charging you $20 today.

August 13, 2016 9:03 pm

“Which, btw, is why Jesus is sinless, as he was conceived from above.”

I always loved that part of the Bible. Folks don’t seem to catch on that their God fucked a married woman.

Full Retard
Full Retard
August 14, 2016 12:53 am

Rawdawg, That is precisely why I say Stuck’s next question of the day should establish the Muzzies on this site. That shit is Muzzie talk.

Full Retard
Full Retard
  Full Retard
August 13, 2016 3:17 pm

You gave me an opportunity to write ‘pious missionary style’ – that’s worf a 20 spot.

You stirred up a hornet’s nest of judgmental vipers. GV calls one person above a pharisee. He is referring to self-righteous people who approve of themselves by comparing their relative cleanliness to another’s ‘filth’.

Since there is no one who does right always and never sins, Jesus recommends a more practical approach; humility rather than pride.

This is repeated elsewhere:

Micah 6:8 NIV

8 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly[a] with your God.