Muslims “Blame Trump” After New York Imam Assassinated In Broad Daylight

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A lone gunman opened fire on a Queens’ imam and his assistant as the two walked (near Ozone Park mosque in New York) after Saturday afternoon prayers, leaving one dead and the other critically wounded.

As NY Daily News reports, dozens of angry Muslim men gathered at the murder scene, with one exclaiming “That’s not what America is about…we blame Donald Trump for this… Trump and his drama has created Islamophobia.”

The gunshots rang out near the Al-Furqan Jame Masjid Mosque in Ozone Park, leaving both men lying on the ground in their own blood just a block from the house of worship, according to witnesses.

Witnesses described a chaotic scene where the shooter started firing at the two unarmed victims in the middle of a blistering August afternoon.


“We are devastated,” said Kobir Chowdhury, president of a second neighborhood mosque. “We needs to get to the bottom of this. We need to know if they did this just because of our religion.”


Another witness said the gunfire seemingly came from nowhere.



“All of a sudden I heard five shots,” said the witness, who declined to give his name. “I knew it wasn’t firecrackers. And then the commotion of the emergency (vehicles), and that’s when I knew.

“When I came here, they were doing CPR to both of the people on the ground.”

Blame for the assassination was quickly placed squarely on Donald Trump’s shoulders…

Dozens of angry Muslim men gathered at the murder scene, making it clear they believed the shooting was a hate crime — with the two religious leaders specifically targeted.



“That’s not what America is about,” said local resident Khairul Islam, 33.


“We blame Donald Trump for this … Trump and his drama has created Islamophobia.”

And with that, the narrative is set for tomorrow’s political talk-shows.

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August 14, 2016 7:40 am

So all of them Sand Nazi’s are finally leaving dar al-Harb (“the western word,” dar al-Islam) because they’re getting they’re the word that the Crusaders are putting the muslimes to the sword.

About damn time.

August 14, 2016 8:17 am

“we blame Donald Trump for this”
NO, blame Islam you dumb shitheads.

“We need to know if they did this just because of our religion.”
YES, that is the reason you dumb shitheads.

“..they believed the shooting was a hate crime…”
OF COURSE IT IS you dumb shitheads.

August 14, 2016 10:02 am

These rabid dogs have no place in or near civilized society. Every dead muslim makes the world a better place.

August 14, 2016 10:15 am

More often than not, assassinations of Imam’s are done by competing sects of Muslims from another Mosque, not someone attacking Islam. It’s not an uncommon occurrence that happens throughout the world.

If that turns out to be the case here I doubt we’ll be hearing as much about it in the press as we are now.

But if it does turn out to be some non Muslim attacking them for anti Muslim reasons we can probably expect in depth coverage and political rhetoric, maybe even new legislation on top of it.

FWIW, this will probably be offered up as proof that NYC needs tougher gun laws for law abiding citizens to prevent this sort of thing in the future.

Tha gang of six
Tha gang of six
August 14, 2016 10:05 pm

The double “not” (preceeding the “un)” means that it doesn’t happen all over the world.

Just saying…

August 15, 2016 11:36 am

Sketch of the suspect looks exactly like another middle easterner….

News reports are saying residents think it might be a muslim/hispanic dispute.

Either way, roughly 0.0% chance it would be a Trump supporter.

August 14, 2016 10:22 am

How many think it’s possible that the “journalists” covering this shooting made up the lines about Trump creating islamophobia with his drama? Upvote for creative journalism, downvote for a true quote from a moslem on the scene.

August 14, 2016 11:07 am

“We blame Donald Trump for this … Trump and his drama has created Islamophobia.”

August 14, 2016 11:27 am

1 down, couple million more to go.

August 15, 2016 5:10 am

A couple million? Darling, 20% of the world’s population is Muslim. Hundreds of millions. That you even can conceive that so many deaths is a positive event means you need to right your ship sweetheart. All of the ugliness in this world is rooted in hate. Please resist that hate. You are better than that – you are a child of God

August 14, 2016 1:13 pm

As the Muslims settle their internecine differences, the body count will be blamed on Trump.

Bank on it.

The Modern Chronicler
The Modern Chronicler
August 14, 2016 1:44 pm

Notice, guys, that there has been no complaint, outcry, backlash, or criticism of firearms, the NRA, etc. Not a single peep. Whereas in contrast, when an Afghani man shot and killed many people at an Orlando club which catered to homosexuals, the media almost immediately assailed the NRA. The focus wasn’t so much on a man from Afghanistan who was a member of Islam, but rather, on his firearms… on the NRA.

Now, the focus isn’t on weapons – it’s strictly against Donald Trump. But the odds of this perpetrator being a white man (as the left would love it to be) are not high. Ozone Park, the town where this happened, is an ethnic melting pot; there are whites, but they’re whites of Italian blood. I’m not saying Italians aren’t white – I am saying that there are pretty much no WASP people in Ozone Park who would go as far as to do this. Look at the sketch – it’s nowhere near (by light-years) the face of a white man, whether WASP or Italian or whatever.

These men getting murdered is reprehensible – but do pay attention to how the media portrays this narrative. I am 100% sure they will not once mention the NRA or guns (other than the killer having used a gun). It’ll all be a focus on hating Islam, on racism and bigotry, and of course, on Donald Trump. It’s so predictable it would be funny if it weren’t sad and alarming.

Tha gang of six
Tha gang of six
  The Modern Chronicler
August 14, 2016 10:07 pm

You can’t portray a narrative, by definition. A narrative is the portrayal… Of a story.

August 14, 2016 3:44 pm

I jizzed a little when I read this story. I guess that makes it the feel good story of the day.

Tha gang of six
Tha gang of six
August 14, 2016 10:08 pm

Your girlfriend told me you cum easily… In between gags.

August 14, 2016 5:35 pm

So, is anybody else getting sick and tired of the complete lack (or deliberate obfuscation) of the perp’s description by the written accounts in these sorts of incidents??? Also, love the “gunfire rang out” phrase. Is that just like church bells ringing out?

I mean, the Milwaukee rioters were called “teenagers” and the shooter here isn’t described at all. Just a WAG, he/she doesn’t look anything like Trump.

Just askin’


August 14, 2016 5:38 pm

Reporters have a mindset or story line already planned before they get to the scene of a crime. They disregard facts other than what they need to fit their version of the story. They will only quote witnesses and people at the scene who validate the version of their story. In affect, reporters are turned into ‘casting agents’ searching for people who will say what they need them to say, to fit their version of reality.

August 14, 2016 8:49 pm

Living in NY near the city we were able to watch the local news. They showed the witness sketch. Looked a lot like someone from the Middle East. Unlikely to be a Trump supporter.

Tha gang of six
Tha gang of six
August 14, 2016 10:12 pm

Given that there is every culture, color, language and hair style IN the Middle East (Israel is in the Middle East, as is Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar, that doesn’t seem like a stretch… Trump HAS no supporters left.