It Ain’t Over Till It’s Over

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

It Ain’t Over Till It’s Over

“I did it my way,” crooned Sinatra.

Donald Trump is echoing Ol’ Blue Eyes with the latest additions to his staff. Should he lose, he prefers to go down to defeat as Donald Trump, and not as some synthetic creation of campaign consultants.

“I am who I am,” Trump told a Wisconsin TV station, “It’s me. I don’t want to change. … I don’t want to pivot. … If you start pivoting, you are not being honest with people.”

The remarks recall the San Francisco Cow Palace where an astonished Republican, on hearing the candidate speak out in favor of “extremism in the defense of liberty,” blurted out, “My God, he’s going to run as Barry Goldwater!”

And so he did. And Goldwater is remembered and revered by many who have long forgotten all the trimmers of both parties who tailored their convictions to suit the times, and lost.

Trump believes populism and nationalism are the future of America, and wants to keep saying so. Nor is this stance inconsistent with recapturing the ground lost in the weeks since he was running even with Hillary Clinton.

The twin imperatives for the Trump campaign are simple ones.

They must recreate in the public mind that Hillary Clinton who 56 percent of the nation thought should have been indicted for lying in the server scandal, and who two-thirds of the nation said was dishonest or untrustworthy.

Second, Trump must convince the country, as he had almost done by Cleveland, that he is an acceptable, indeed, a preferable alternative.

While the assignment is simple, as Ronald Reagan reminded us, there may be simple answers, but there are no easy ones.

What is the case against Clinton his campaign must make?

She is a political opportunist who voted for a war in Iraq, in which she did not believe, that proved ruinous for her country. As secretary of state, she pushed for the overthrow and celebrated the assassination of a Libyan dictator, resulting in a North African haven for al-Qaida and ISIS.

Her reset with Russia was a diplomatic joke.

Her incompetence led to the death of a U.S. ambassador and three brave Americans in Benghazi, and she subsequently lied to the families of the dead heroes about why they had died.

Her statements about her server and emails were so perjurious they almost caused FBI Director James Comey to throw up in public.

She speaks of Bill, Chelsea and herself as leaving the White House in 2001 in roughly the same conditions of immiseration that the Joads left Dust Bowl Oklahoma in “The Grapes of Wrath.”

But on leaving State, Hillary Clinton was pulling down $225,000 a pop for 20-minute speeches to Goldman Sachs. It’s a long way, baby, from her Children’s Defense Fund days, the recalling of which almost caused Bill Clinton to lose it and break down sobbing at the Philly convention.

What America has in Hillary Clinton is a potential president with the charisma but not the competence of Angela Merkel, and the ethics of Dilma Rousseff.

However, here is the problem for the Trump campaign.

While exposing the Clinton character and record is essential, among the primary rules of presidential politics is that you do not use your candidate to do the wet work.

Eisenhower had Vice President Nixon do it for him. President Nixon had Vice President Agnew, who was good at it, and enjoyed it.

Yet, still, on the mega-issue, America’s desire for change, and on specific issues, Trump holds something close to a full house.

The country wants the border secured and immigration vetting toughened to keep out the kind of terrorists who committed the atrocity in San Bernardino.

The country wants an end to the trade deficits with China and the endless export of U.S. factories and manufacturing jobs.

On Americanism versus globalism, the country is with Trump. On an America First foreign policy that keeps us out of trillion-dollar, no-win Middle East wars, the country is with Trump.

On Teddy Roosevelt’s “Speak softly, and carry a big stick,” Ike’s “Peace through strength,” and JFK’s “Let us never fear to negotiate,” the country is with Trump.

Americans may not love Vladimir Putin, but they do not wish to go to war with Russia, which we avoided in half a century of Cold War.

Americans do not want to go nation-building abroad, but to start the nation-building at home. On coming down with both feet on rioters, looters, arsonists and Black-Lives-Matter haters who call cops “pigs,” America is all in with Donald Trump.

As for going after Clinton, the media hysteria surrounding the Donald’s new hire, Steve Bannon of Breitbart News, suggests that this may be a fellow who is not without redeeming social value.

Moreover, outside events could conspire against Clinton.

The coming economic news — we had 1 percent growth in the first half of 2016 — could cause a second look at Trumponomics. And whoever is out there strategically dropping Democratic emails may be readying an October surprise for Hillary Clinton, a massive document dump that buries her.

As Yogi Berra reminded us, the game “ain’t over, till it’s over.”

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August 19, 2016 7:59 am

The game is most certainly not over. The Donald made some excellent speeches this week and going to Louisiana is a stroke of genius. I still can’t understand how any White person with a lick of sense can back Clinton. Supporting her strikes me as a sort of Death Wish. She is in bed with the BLM assholes who absolutely hate White people and would kill us all if they could. Also, it sounds like the new additions to his campaign have their shit together and will help him immensely!

August 19, 2016 8:33 am

No matter who wins we face serious problems during the next administration.

There are certain realities, such as economic truth in spite of faked stats and the non assimilating immigrants we are being deluged with, that are going to catch up with us and we cannot stop them. How they are dealt with may be different but the realities themselves catching up to us will not be.

Our nation is irreconcilably divided, the Trump people will never accept Hillary and the Hillary crowd -which probably represents the largest percentage of Americans- will never accept Trump.

At this point, unless Hillary’s health catches up with her I would think she is probably the next President. Hillary has the Democrats and significant percentages of other leftist and independents behind her, Trump can’t even get the Republican party behind him and a good percentage of those non Republicans who actually favor him are just non voters, do the math.

This will not come to a good end, not a good one at all.

Be ready for it, it isn’t going to be easy for most of us above the poverty level but below the wealthy level (what used to be called middle America in better days).

August 19, 2016 8:34 am

The fact that Trump thinks fast on his feet and makes adjustments in his organization makes me support him even more. That’s precisely what we need in DC- someone to get in there, and go break some eggs!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 19, 2016 9:10 am

Still believing that the president and the Congress have anything to do with the decisions that are made for this country? Still believing the superhero will save the day? Thought so…….suckers.

Chumps for Chump 2016

We’re with Harpy 2016

They’re feeding you dirt and telling you it’s prime rib.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
August 19, 2016 9:46 am

I heard an interesting observation yesterday that went like this- “Which of these two, if elected, will be closer watched by the media and held more accountable?”

August 19, 2016 10:25 am

We probably need a mass non complience movement before real revolutionary change can take place anyway. Its not hard to do from the right.

Ticky Toc
Ticky Toc
August 19, 2016 10:26 am

I just puked in my mouth.

I have a box of fishing earthworms in my refrigerator with nearly the same command of both the English language and leadership as the Donald.

I also took a big chili induced dump this morning that I had more respect for than the chosen, bought and paid for, my turn Clinton.

August 19, 2016 10:39 am

I yam what I yam and that’s all that I yam, sez Donald the Comb-over man.

August 21, 2016 1:00 am

OK, enough of this bleak electioneering. Time for a joke:

A raghead, a Polack and a Hebe walked into a bar.
The bartender looked up and said, ” Get the fuck outta here. “

August 21, 2016 7:42 pm

(know it was a joke, but…)
Why the hate on Poles? They’re some of the best damn people on Earth.

Plus, they’re our historic brethern in liberty. Go ahead and look up your history. They’re the first people in Europe to try and break free of birth right monarchy-they instituted the most-hated government in Europe when they started electing their kings. Other kingdoms began trying to institute “regime change” on them when they broke with the standard God-Given order.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 19, 2016 11:39 am

When it gets bad enough and insulting enough to offer up Kanye West as POTUS and Kim Kartrashian as the FLOTUS, maybe just MAYBE the maroons will catch on……….but I doubt it.

This is why we are doomed to the dust bin of history. Rock on wit yo bad selves believing someone will be held ACCOUNTABLE…BwaaHaHaHaHa.

  Bea Lever
August 19, 2016 12:20 pm

Oh, some will be held accountable but it probably won’t be the most deserving or even the ones we expect but it will likely be done in a way that leaves a permanent mark in our collective psyche and tightens up the bunghole of those that remain in dire need of being held accountable. I’m thinking of a Ceausescu done ‘Murican style!

August 19, 2016 2:26 pm

Yeah, I’m sure those who won’t even bother to vote and openly declare they don’t even care will put out the extreme effort and risk of life and limb for this.

August 19, 2016 3:16 pm

Fuck off……..shit for brains! Vote for what? Every single election since the day I was born has led us to THIS POINT!

By all means PLEASE point out where voting helped? I’m all ears!

You have me all wrong…it’s not that “I don’t even care”, it’s that I-don’t-give-a-fuck………..about what we have before us……..any of it. It is the polar opposite of what I was taught and what I believe about The United States of America. Me choosing not to endorse the co-opted and corrupt version of it any longer is they ONLY sane thing I can do at this point.

You can bet your sweet ass that I “will put out the extreme effort and risk of life and limb for this” because I was fucking robbed! My country was stolen from me! I want to steal it back! I’d rather do it today than a decade or two from now.

The really fucked up part is that since I don’t have kids, I’ll effectively be doing it to help the special little retards your DNA will create or has already created. In the heat of the moment though…..I’ll only be doing it for me with no conscious thought of your benefit because that might cause me to lay down my gun.

I sincerely hope that your vote and participation in the system produces the result you desire but of course you’ll never be able to tell me that since you’re too lazy to pick a unique yet equally anonymous username. Is it that difficult to pick a letter or a number or a symbol to post consistently with? That’s why it’s not worth responding to anyone posting under the anonymous username even if you have something insightful to say. Go back to facebook where you can feel safe.

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
August 19, 2016 9:53 pm


Southern Sage
Southern Sage
August 19, 2016 12:53 pm

Ticky Toc and Ed, I assume, as patriots, you will be voting for Comb-Over Man, despite his alarming hairstyle. As for Buchanan´s article, a bit early for panic-mongering, isn´t it? More than two months to the election and we have not even seen the first debate, in which I am sure Donald will wipe the floor with hacking, gagging, head-bobbing, tongue-rotted Hillary. I believe he will pull this off handsomely and win. If not, the country is finished in any case. My guess is that the Chinese and Russians will destroy a Clinton presidency within a few months by calling our bluff in Ukraine and the South China Sea. We will face humiliating military reverses, the economy will immediately tank and the “indispensable nation” will find itself with two choices: Go nuclear or concede that the so-called “American Empire” (and with it our reserve currency status) is over for good. The Saudi´s and “our best friend in the Middle East, Israel”, will drop us like used toilet paper; they will hasten to bow to the winners. As unemployment soars, corporations fall into bankruptcy, the dollar falls like a lead balloon, the government can no longer borrow in international markets or pay for social welfare benefits, chaos will erupt. The idiots who voted for Clinton will now be clamoring for her head while the despised Trump people (me included) will be smouldering with rage at their stupid “fellow Americans” who blew our last chance to escape disaster. Oh, yes, it will be quite a party.

  Southern Sage
August 21, 2016 12:58 am

Sausage, your assumption only makes an ass of you, not of me. Patriots are assholes, voters are wasting their time and I’m not part of any “we” that you’re talking about.

You watch waaaaay too much TV, son. Stop inflicting your diseased thought processes on everybody.


Ticky Toc
Ticky Toc
August 19, 2016 1:29 pm


I cannot be more clear on how poor our “choices” are in November. As a patriot I am positioning myself to survive and do the best I can when the the balloon goes up.

I find it ironic or maybe frightening that you think Trump can win a debate against Clinton. Say what you may about Clinton, she knows her geography and the geopolitical landscape- she’s been groomed for nearly 25 years. I would seriously contend that if you put a world map in front of Trump that he couldn’t locate Ukraine, much less Crimea – in fact I bet a $100 on it.

Clinton is going to wipe the floor with Trump during the debates, that is not wishful thinking on my behalf that is just an honest assessment.

I fail to see the love affair with Trump. People say “he says what he means, no matter the consequences”. How come pretty much daily he’s having to walk back and correct those statements? I’m just a dude on the interweb with an asshole and an opinion, Trump is running for POTUS.

The cake is baked and neither an ego driven dumbass or an entitled dumbass is going to save it.

  Ticky Toc
August 19, 2016 1:48 pm

Ticky toc, go to your doctor. Low testosterone can be treated

Ticky Toc
Ticky Toc
August 19, 2016 2:11 pm


No testosterone treatments needed on my part. I at least have the balls to say what I mean and lay it out there.

I suggest you do the same.

  Ticky Toc
August 19, 2016 3:09 pm

Ok, let me give you a good tip. You chime in on the other thread about your desire to bang hot chicks. Walking the earth saying the sky is falling pretty much guarantees that ain’t gonna happen.

Ticky Toc
Ticky Toc
August 19, 2016 3:51 pm


You know godamned good and well what I said in the other thread, hardly was I saying I wanted to go around banging hot chicks, but hey who doesn’t – maybe a unich such as yourself.

Let’s get back on point shall we if you have the nads.

Tell me are you a thin skinned puss like your mongoloid hero Trump or do you actually have something to say, if you do then let’s hear it asshole. To begin let’s agree Clinton is as dirty and rotten as they come, so let’s discuss your man.

This Trump / Putin fag party everyone wants to see why is that? I can agree it isn’t smart to pick a fight with the 2nd or 3rd largest superpower but if we are going to talk Russian policy then we need to do it in a balanced way with some perspective on history. You know history that pesky shit that happened in the past that often dictates the future – I know facts are so lame and shit. Would you care to address a system that killed 10’s of millions of their own citizens in gulags and Siberian labor camps. Trump is probably not smart enough to know he is being a patsy but his recently resigned manager Manafort is no dummy so I have to ask who’s best interest is Trump looking out for in our eastern europe dealings. It’s a complicated issue, compromises will have to be made and yuuuuuge deals made. Oh fuck it Germany can figure it out when their gas is cut off. Long and short of it bub this is for the big enchilada and he is not up to speed. Trump is woefully over his head. Ok he’s pissed, so am I but that is not a vision.

Clinton will sell out the country to the highest bidder.

Let us get something straight. A political upheaval is not the end of the world. An economic reset is not the end of the world. In my opinion that is the only way forward.

August 19, 2016 3:06 pm

A Trump victory would be great if for nothing more than to watch the sell out presstitutes, the self-righteous Hollywood know-it-alls that have promised to leave the country if he wins, the social justice warriors, the #BLM assholes, the illegal felonious and misdemeanor beaners, the traitorous Rethuglicans, and all the other #NeverTrumpers wail, moan, gnash their teeth, loot, riot and carry out threats of violence and generally throw their foot-stomping tantrums. Now that would be some social justice in my book, if such a thing existed. Worth the price of admission too.

Miles Long
Miles Long
August 19, 2016 5:07 pm

If only all the big-mouthed assholes would actually leave. It never happens.

  Miles Long
August 19, 2016 7:16 pm

If they promise to leave if Trump wins and based on that I vote for Trump and he wins, and then they don’t leave, do I have a contract and therefore basis for a suit for fraud. I would forego cash and demand specific performance.

Also, have to admire Hilary’s work ethic, she actually gave the speeches, I am sure Goldman would have paid just as much or more with no speech required. Or would that be too obvious even for the leftists.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
August 19, 2016 4:30 pm

Ticky Toc, Let me say I share fully in your frustration and understand your view. Nobody in this country ever imagined we would have to choose between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. I get that. I would ask you to take me at my word now. As I have noted before, I spent 30 years in our national security apparatus, in fairly serious positions for some of that time. I know quite a bit about what is at stake here. I have personal knowledge of the corruption, incompetence and fundamental disloyalty of the Clintons. Hillary Clinton is an expert on nothing. Believe me. She has not been groomed for anything and her tenure as Secretary of State was an unmitigated disaster for our country and for millions around the world, in particular in the Middle East. Again, believe me, if she is elected within six months she will destroy our position in the world, a position that ensures any chance we have of regaining our prosperity and maintaining peace. Donald Trump is a brash, loud, self-promoting New York real estate developer. No, he is not a foreign policy expert. I can tell you this, though. He loves this country and he senses, as he says, “that something is going on”. Something is going on and it is sinister as hell. Obama, Soros, the Clintons and the rest of this pack of traitors are hell bent on destroying the America you and I love. Trust me on this. I know for a fact that Trump has a shadow cabinet of good, well-informed, patriotic Americans who have held senior positions. They know what they are doing. Trump IS going to kick Hillary´s ass in the debates for the simple reason that her record can´t be defended. If you do not vote, you vote for Hillary. TT, I know you will never forgive yourself if you do that and this goes for all other Americans. Go out and vote against Hillary. Bash Trump later if you must or he deserves it, but DO NOT imagine that this is a case of six of one, half dozen of another. It isn´t. Our future as a country is in the hands of men like you. Please don´t make the wrong decision.

  Southern Sage
August 19, 2016 5:35 pm

Thanks, Sage. TT, your last paragraph is actually pretty good. So you’re batting one out of twenty. Maybe politics and big stuff like ain’t your game. That’s alright. You can learn. BTW, i thought you were good in those pajamaboy ads. See, i can be nice.

  Southern Sage
August 21, 2016 1:04 am

Sausage, I wish the CIA had taught y’all how to use paragraphs.

Full Retard
Full Retard
August 21, 2016 12:08 am

It ain’t over til the fat lady sings.
However, even if you gave her truth serum she wouldn’t sing.
She would draw a blank.
Like Pontius Pilate, she doesn’t know what truth is.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 21, 2016 12:19 am


I have been downed again….
The fat lady ain’t singing and nobody wants the truth. Skittles for everyone compliments of the unicorn.

  Bea Lever
August 21, 2016 12:43 am

Bea, just read from the comments page of the dashboard and you don’t see thumbsies or have to scroll through entire comments sections to see all the replies in the new format.

Full Retard
Full Retard
  Bea Lever
August 21, 2016 12:49 am

Just keep on keeping on, Bea. A prophet does not hand out good news.
If it was good news, everybody would give you thumbs up and you’d be a rock star.
Rock stars are not crucified, they just choke to death on their own vomit.

  Bea Lever
August 21, 2016 1:05 am

OK, Bea. I just downed your ass because I hate skittles.

August 21, 2016 8:38 pm

Say what you want about Pat Buchanan, but he’s called it right for 20 years. I remember when he spoke out about GATT, NAFTA, WTC, and globalism and how it would result in disaster for the US in the early 1990s. He was fucking right. He’s predicted economic collapse, race war, and other disasters and I see no reason why he’s wrong on his claims at this point. He was attacked every step of the way by the libtards, but they’ve never proven him wrong.