Dark Dynamics

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

What the world is witnessing, without actually paying much attention, is the death of our debt-based economy — that is, borrowing the means to thrive in the now from a future that can’t really furnish it anymore. The illusion that the future would always provide was a legacy of the cheap energy era. That era ended in 2005. The basic promise is broken and with it the premise for living as we had been. The energy available today, especially oil, is no longer cheap enough to run the industrial economies designed to run on it. Any way that you look at the dynamic, Modernity loses.

With oil under $50 a barrel, and gasoline under $3 a gallon (back east), the public apparently thinks that the Peak Oil story is dead and gone. But when it costs $75 a barrel to pull the stuff out of the ground, and the stuff only sells for $47 a barrel, the oil companies’ business model doesn’t really work. The shale oil companies especially have been gaming the system by issuing bonds that pay relatively high interest rates in an investment climate where almost nothing else offers enough yield to live on, especially for pension funds and insurance companies. Two little upward bumps this year in the price of oil toward the $50 range prompted a wish that the good old days of high-priced oil were coming back, that the oil business would be profitable again.

The trouble is that high oil prices — say, over $100 a barrel, as it was in 2014 — crush advanced economies, so that demand for oil crashes, and with it productive activity. Without productivity, the debts issued by companies (and even governments) don’t get repaid. There really is no “sweet spot” in this energy cost equation.

A lot of wishful thinkers would like to believe that you can run contemporary life on something beside oil. But the usual “solutions,” solar and wind energy, don’t pencil out, especially when you consider that the hardware for running them — the photovoltaics, charge controllers, batteries, turbines, and blades, can’t be mass-produced and distributed without the very fossil fuels they are supposed to replace.

These matters add up to the essential quandary of our time. It has expressed itself in falling standards of living for what used to be the middle class, most particularly in the USA. European countries have tried to work around this problem with their rigid bureaucracies for keeping those already employed from losing their jobs. In France, Spain, and Italy, this has only made it much harder for people under 30 to get a job. The jobs picture for millennials in the USA is not much better, though there’s no structural job-protection for their elders who are still working here. They live in abject fear of termination by the HR ghouls of the big corporations.

Sooner or later the younger generation will explode in rage at the system and there is no telling what the result will be. We’re already seeing it in the black ghettos, where decades of accrued social dysfunction make the anomie and purposelessness — of young men especially — much worse. The newer loser class of people who once had good jobs and now have poor prospects of ever getting them back gets swept up in the mania for their incoherent champion, Trump, who shows no sign of understanding the essential quandary of our time. The tragedy of Trumpism is that the man so poorly represents a large group of Americans with genuine woes and grievances. And the larger tragedy of our country these days is that events did not prompt better leaders to step forward.

The explanation may be that people who actually understand the dark dynamics spinning out are rather pessimistic about the our ability to carry on under the familiar disposition of things. Hillary represents the forces in our national life that want to pretend that nothing is wrong, that all the splendid rackets of the day — Federal Reserve interventions, corporate debt-fueled stock buybacks, military log-rolling, medical racketeering, the college loan Ponzi, pension fund levitation, primary dealer bank interest rate arbitrage, agribiz Frankenfood proliferation — can just grind along like some old riverboat banger engine keeping the garbage barge of American life afloat. Thus, Hillary is shaping up to be the patsy of the century, likely to preside, if elected, over the biggest blowup of established arrangements that world has ever seen.

The debt problem alone is absolutely certain to express itself in at least three major ways: the crash of equity markets, the collapse of the bond markets, and the loss of faith in the value and meaning of whatever money you’re using. Any of those events would turn the economic life of the linked advanced economies upside down. Any of them could occur during the 2016 US election season.

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August 22, 2016 9:39 am

I fail to see how jk can attack Trump on this. Hasn’t Trump been yelling about j.o.b.s for 9 months now?

August 22, 2016 9:43 am

Bah ,Bah and more Bah . He never mention that this oil crash was caused by The USA GOVERNMENT and Saudi Arabian government both trying to destroy the Russian economy because Putin supports Syria .

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
August 22, 2016 9:44 am

JHK is addicted to the concept of “jobs”.

Jobs will one day be seen for what they are, a form of economic slavery no different from the whips and chain of the past. The ability to chart not only the course of your life, but the day to day activities that make us truly free cannot be found in employment. Yes, there are beneficial arrangements, kind bosses, excellent work environments but these existed on small scale agricultural and industrial operations that were built around slave labor. In fact most slaves were probably treated as well or better than most modern employees in that someone cared about your welfare on more levels- were you healthy, did you have enough to eat so that you could perform at the top of your game, did you have a place to rest your head at the end of the day. Modern employers could give a crap if you are homeless, sharing an apartment with twenty other guys, overweight, addicted to drugs, etc, as long as you show up and do what you’re told.

Jobs are not the end all and be all of human happiness and fiscal solvency. Admin has repeatedly shown you how little most people actually have and the kind of debt they carry and when their worth is used up to the degree that they can no longer perform, they’re simply let go and left to figure out their dotage on their own.

There will always be a caste of “slaves” who would rather give up the risks and costs associated with real liberty and they will find employment at a drone level. Those with real potential, intelligence, determination and grit will always be able to find liberty and satisfaction.

  hardscrabble farmer
August 22, 2016 12:05 pm


People, like dogs, are really just pack animals. Alpha dogs are meant to lead and the betas are meant to follow. Come to think of it, Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way sums up modern society rather well.

I like to think of myself as a leader and I need happy drones to carry out my will which is to produce high end electronics. Without drones, I wouldn’t have anyone to lead unless I used force.

Drones are not our problem but, instead, the ever growing number of people that have decided to Get Out of the Way which can be found in the basement dwellers, FSA and inner cities. They have no vision to lead us towards and no useful skills needed to be a drone.

  hardscrabble farmer
August 22, 2016 1:46 pm


I suspect the basic reason for “jobs” is that the capital required for industrial production cannot be widely distributed. Barring a change in that dynamic, there will always be a need for vast numbers of people to work at “jobs”, some skilled, some unskilled.

  hardscrabble farmer
August 22, 2016 6:30 pm

Is it true you are afraid to accept risk in your life?

August 22, 2016 10:05 am

Modern, new Nuclear Reactors can provide all the grid requirements for electricity – all it takes is political will.

The major safety issue: do not build a Nuclear Reactor near the shoreline along the Ring of Fire, and do not build near an earthquake fault line.

3rd Generation
3rd Generation
August 22, 2016 10:08 am


Wash, rinse & repeat. For the umpteenth time.


hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  3rd Generation
August 22, 2016 10:11 am

And the oil is going to run out, didja know that?

August 22, 2016 10:13 am

the problem is not cheap energy or peak oil,

the problem is and will continue to be: over population caused by cheap energy.

I believe they are working on a cure, some sort of mosquito virus, very cheap distribution mechanism, designed in a lab, released during a global festival in a southern hot spot, to cull the heard.

August 22, 2016 12:02 pm

Zika, the new Lyme disease.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 22, 2016 1:54 pm


Zika is old news, the new ELE is a weird amoeba-infecting virus from Siberian permafrost that could end us all. Oh the horror, and the pandemic could be worse than the Spanish flu.

  Bea Lever
August 23, 2016 1:15 am

Stop it Bea, you’re scaring me and this is spose to be my safe space.

Hollow Man
Hollow Man
August 22, 2016 10:15 am

When the USA falls into hyper inflation the resulting depression will result in low oil prices for the rest of the world. While we run around like chickens with our heads just sacked off the new world powers will move on. We will be to busy trying to eat to worry about the rest of the world. Justice for our greed.

August 22, 2016 11:47 am

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to James Currie, 4 Aug. 1787 [Quote]

I know no condition happier than that of a Virginia farmer might be, conducting himself as he did during the war. His estate supplies a good table, clothes itself & his family with ordinary apparel, furnishes a small surplus to buy salt, sugar, coffee.

The principles of liberty work from the industrious individual outward. Those principles can’t be imposed upon the free shit army.

August 22, 2016 12:14 pm

When are people ging to understand that Trump is the only possibility to go up against the establishment. A person of fame and fuck you money .

You need both of those. Thats why their has always been fear of him.

August 22, 2016 12:15 pm

There are more than a few things that keep me reading Kunstler. His thesis – the status quo cannot continue ad infinitum – is something I think any TBP reader would agree. He also has a gift with words which in his novels (fiction & non-fiction) makes his storytelling something I enjoy. That said, his weekly political diatribe leans far too partisan…and while he does give some Hillary criticism, his party (D) is the status quo party of late. How he can shill for them is beyond me. I’m not saying he needs to become a Trump fan but his personal bias taints his reputation beyond repair.

The irony is that his World Made By Hand novels read a lot like a libertarian wrote them.

August 22, 2016 12:39 pm

That’s the beauty of libertarian-ism views….. A perfect world without woes. And while Kunstler et al can write beautifully, they have to recognize that the good ol USA has a date with destiny, and no matter who takes office, nothing will stop the inevitable from occurring.
They choose to support their own personal “lesser of two evils”.
Either way, it won’t matter…..

August 22, 2016 7:15 pm

I agree with your view. JK’s disdain for Trump appears to be grounded in his die-hard Democrat or bust beliefs. D or R,
that is the question. LOL. The D we are stuck with is gravely
ill, and she is a class A criminal. Plus, we do not want a female
as president. The equality issue is just a placeholder. Equal respect
is good to strive for. Equality in politics doesn’t work.
Next they will be asking for the people to accept a gay black druggie community agitator for the presidency.
Women are not suited for such a role as president…and if one
were found? We’ll have to check it out. HRC is certainly NOT
the one. JK surely understands this. If not, then maybe he is
an energy savant.

August 22, 2016 12:19 pm

Plenty to argue with here, let’s zero in on JK’s top point, and i believe, his biggest misread of the situation. Oil. Oil has been one of the mainstays of the financial economy since clinton, much to the detriment of the real ecomomy. Energy trading, a euphumism for privately taxing energy, has raised the cost of doing business significantly. Ever wonder how Enron went from zero to seventh largest US company while producing nothing? With Enron gone, goldman has quietly taken over that racket for the last fifteen years (the ICE). Ever wonder why goldman has been so quiet since the rise of Trump? Trump is a real economy guy. Contrary to JK’s prediction, a Trump win will result in energy becoming quite cheap, as regulation and the grift are removed.

August 22, 2016 12:45 pm

Which of the 2 canidates will turn the IRS on the people to stop civil unrest?

Nuff said.

August 22, 2016 1:20 pm

Mark…you left out one thing…Hillary will say,” Fuck You, Give Me Your Money ” !

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 22, 2016 1:59 pm

oil schmoil…….we are on the verge of something BIG and NEW, Kuntsler is starting to mold his material is so old and tired. Just wait a while lads.

  Bea Lever
August 23, 2016 12:00 am

Bea… ??? BIG and NEW?

August 22, 2016 2:03 pm



What the F does anyone think has already happened?

JHK simply can’t get past the false paradigm of Peak Oil. The same amount of oil is still there in the ground, same today (when the USA may be “energy independent”) as 50 years ago before the gas wars. The only thing that changed is perception. Perception changes the outcome of analysis of the same data.

The world in which we live is like a hot house growing roses in January in Fargo ND. For 50 years it appeared that all you needed to do to “make wealth” was borrow some credit-from-nowhere into monetary existence, issue the IOU (the bond,) and squander the money on buying off every constituency in America and the world by dumping money on Israel, Lockheed-Martin, Hospitals and doctors and nurses who took Medicare/Medicaid, inner-city blacks and the NGO’s that catered to them, the federal bureaucracy, etc., etc., etc.

EVERYONE GOT A PIECE OF THE SWAG! Every business sprang up like roses to take advantage of all that heat (money) falling from the sky (Uncle Sammy.) Need more money? Borrow more, issue the bond, and the people HOLDING that bond felt richer by it’s face value. Richer, did I say? Of course, and they then felt emboldened to bid up the prices of stocks, of land, of homes, of Beanie Babies, hell, EVERYTHING!

So tell me, what happens when the Mass Mind changes, and instead of braindead trust and confidence, suddenly questions the value of the bonds in the OCEAN of Bonds now existing?

Their value will collapse. The reverse weath effect will collapse the prices of stocks, land, other bonds, homes, Beanie Babies, and every other thing denominated in dollars. People will be desperate for money because most of their wealth isn’t money, it is IOU-MONEY issued by people (governments, bankers, etc.) who no longer are trusted to deliver it.

What happens to the roses growing in January in Fargo, ND, when the generator runs out of fuel to power it, and the furnace stops heating?

I have no idea when this will happen. I expected it 21 years ago and every year since. I’ve been wrong that whole time.

I’ll be that stopped clock eventually. No tree grows to the sky. The pervasive ills of the last 50 years have all been fertilized or built on the foundation of creating the illusion of wealth by issuing debt. It cannot go on forever. It has gone on so long now that the destruction of its ending can no longer be estimated.

August 22, 2016 7:30 pm

first thing = SS will be means tested, then bank account “haircuts”,
then gov pension cuts, then private pension seizures, then more and
more companies going belly up, the FSA will be the last to go…and
too many will be homeless. Hang on to your hat. Gov may just
unleash their special mosquitoes right about then. No need for
any confiscations at that stage.

August 23, 2016 12:10 am

Gee Whiz Susanna! That seems bleak.

I imagine you are close to being right, but still!

I have been thinking about this all day… what is it about these “dark days” that disturbs me most?

It is the bleakness of the future, no matter what any idiot running for national office does. Face it, we are really in for a disastrous future and like susanna says, they will come for every dime you and I have in the bank or stored in a vault or even buried under the septic lines. They will kill us to get it. They will claim we are anti-murkin or some bullshit like that to justify seizing our wealth so they can give it to more FSA volunteers.

There is NOTHING that can prevent the catastrophe that is coming.

Put your Faith where it belongs. As for me and my house…

I. C.
I. C.
August 23, 2016 6:56 am

Just when I thought The Kunt was stuck-on-stupid with his Peak Oil crusade again, I realized he went full racist on this post:
This piece, “Dark Dynamics”, is tied to “the death of our debt-based economy” where he uses blacks as the example of social failure: “We’re already seeing it in the black ghettos, where decades of accrued social dysfunction make the anomie and purposelessness — of young men especially — much worse.”

Tha’s so racisss.
(And he has really missed the socioeconomically political analysis completely.)