Opinion Infected by Bias

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong




Experience is everything. You cannot forecast something you have never seen, but opinion is fallible because we are all infected with that human trait of being fallible. I have learned so much from the computer. This is the importance of real cognitive adaptive computer systems. They have no emotion or bias so they are objective. In a way, they are like the character Spock from “Star Trek.” If someone believes that paper money is the great evil, then they will be blind to all other influence and look no further. Concluding that the evil is paper money, means they consider nothing else when in fact it is the fiscal mismanagement of the monetary system irrespective of what society uses for money. This is why a gold standard would not work and has failed historically every time just like Bretton Woods. It has nothing to do with the medium of exchange. It is always about those in charge. Milton Friedman said if you put the government in charge of the Sahara Desert, there would be a shortage of sand in no time. Investigating the truth requires abandoning all bias.


The computer has never been wrong because it sees trends without interjecting some theory or bias which infects all opinion. The only times the computer has been wrong seems directly linked to serious manipulation. It projected the Al Gore would win by a tiny, narrow margin. The Supreme Court gave it to Bush and would not allow a recount. When the recount was completed, it proved that the computer was correct after all. But that is reality.

James Carville

The computer projects that Trump (Republicans) should win. As with BREXIT, the media is on board with government to try to push Hillary and defeat Trump. They are skewing the polls as well. So every trick in the book they played out in Britain to stop BREXIT is being carried out in the United States, exactly on schedule. It is always the same play book.

Daily Mail RemainI was in London and saw James Carville helping Tony Blair win his election back in 1994. As in finance, the best traders work around the world. The people working to stop BREXIT, of course, are advising those in the States to stop Trump. Welcome to the real way everything works. These political manipulators are working together on a global level to further their agenda misguiding the people and conspiring with the press.


So my “OPINION” is based upon my experience. This is why defeating Hillary will require a major turnout, in which the silent majority gets off their asses and speaks out. There are far more people at a Trump speech than there are when Hillary appears. This is indicative of how they are manipulating everything and there is a lack of substance.

So yes, the computer projects that Trump “SHOULD” win. However, that is forecasting the trend around the world in this global anti-establishment surge. My experience cautions me insofar as if there is a close election, Hillary will win for they will rig the game. There must be an OVERWHELMING turnout. Now that said, our computer is projecting a surge in the turnout. This was also the computer’s forecast for Britain. It was correct despite my skepticism.

Nonetheless, we may see the same combination here that results in a Trump victory. Trump would help secure the future awhile longer so we could last until 2032, whereas Hillary would just push us off the edge. Either way, by 2032, things will crash and burn. Hopefully, we can see a new political system emerge since this is the Sixth Wave, which means, from a timing perspective, we will either enter a Dark Age or understand what is at stake and rise like a phoenix to a new system altogether.

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September 9, 2016 7:02 am

We need a George Washington. We’re gonna get a Trump or Hillcunt. Three hundred plus million souls, and that’s the best we can do. Yup, we’re fucked, and I think earlier than 2032.

September 9, 2016 8:51 am

Hillary is obviously the Devil’s candidate, but as for Trump: Who would you rather see in his place? Some slick professional politician?

Personally, I think Trump may be the best choice of all other choices available.

At least if you are wanting something other than a run of the mill Elite Establishment political servant we’ve had for the last three decades.

snake pliskin
snake pliskin
September 9, 2016 7:15 am

I will be 66 in 2032. I already broke my back twice. I was looking forward to an easy old age to nurse my wounds so to speak. Wish in one hand, shit in the other, and see which hand gets full faster.

September 9, 2016 7:26 am

I’ve said it before…


Keep your eye on the ball, Folks!

It’s the 4th quarter, 9th inning , final period. There’s no overtime on this one…

The choice may not be a great one. But it is a clear one.

September 9, 2016 7:47 am

Martin, great point about the gold standard. Probably not popular around here, but correct. Stucky, calm down. You go up and down about this, but you’re mostly right. But you’re off today. Trump is exactly what we need. A highly educated, street smart guy, with 50 years of experience in running business and finance, who ain’t a pussy. Name a better man for the times. None exist. Looks like we’re going to get another run. Make it count. Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obongo did real damage to the country. You will be surprised how quickly the bleeding can be stopped. Trump needs very little to go through congress. The laws already exist. And he understands how to leverage that power. We’re about to see who really runs the country. I think you will be surprised how ineffectual the so called deep state is when light is shined on it. Stay tuned.

September 9, 2016 10:48 am

Please explain how it’s a great point about the gold standard. I am not being snarky; I want to know.
It’s my understanding that if your money supply is backed 100% by gold (or any other tangible asset), you cannot spend more than you have. It’s this restraint that keeps government spending in check, since gold cannot be created ex nihilo.

September 9, 2016 1:45 pm

“Please explain how it’s a great point about the gold standard.

Whether people use gold, silver or fancy pieces of paper as money, it’s value is determined by those who control it. Even if we used gold coin as money, the gold content can be diluted like the Romans did. This is why the founders warned us against allowing central banks to control our monetary system. They knew the evils of such banks. They thought that “the people” should remain in control of their money as they would not be inclined to rip themselves off.

Unfortunately they could not imagine the level of ignorance that defines “the people” these days.

September 9, 2016 3:37 pm

Of course gold can be created out of thin air. They aren’t trading physical these days. That’s how they’ve kept inflation from all the counterfeiting in check. Rdawg, i like the idea of a gold standard, it just wouldn’t solve the problems we have right now. I like the idea of a small inobtrusive government, not what we need right now. Right now, we need a government strong enough and determined enough to take our country back from the private interests that have stolen and corrupted it. We can bicker about the rest later, after the messy stuff gets done.

September 9, 2016 4:18 pm

A 100% gold standard will collapse the system immediately. Have you thought about credit? A 100% gold standard means there is NO credit. No credit cards or loans of any kind, because as soon as you make a loan you are no longer 100% gold standard.

The problem we have right now is that 98%+ of the “money” out there is credit. Every credit has a debt and demands interest creating a situation where the interest payments eventually overwhelm the system (the current state of things).

What needs to happen is debt free money needs to issued in payment a wages so that debt can be extinguished. The banks and big government oppose this because the banks lose the interest payments and the government loses power over you.

Crimson Avenger
Crimson Avenger
September 9, 2016 7:49 am

This is just silly. Humans are flawed and ruled by bias, while computers are impartial? Who the hell do you think inputs all the data computers use? If the flawless, impartial computer is projecting economic outcomes based on bullshit numbers like the unemployment rate for example, how reliable is it going to be? If the data input guy fudges the temperature numbers, what will the computer tell you about global warming?

  Crimson Avenger
September 9, 2016 8:53 am

Oh, I imagine they’re as reliable as the ones predicting global warming and such.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Crimson Avenger
September 9, 2016 8:56 am

If the Gold Standard didn’t stop TPTB from spending more money on Welfare-Warfare than existed, neither will computers. There is zero chance that We The People would have any input if we continue to allow the Oligarchs to control a Federal Reserve fiat money machine with their Quid-pro-quo System. Their computers would scientifically prove that there are about 50 million Americans to stupid to pull their own weight (true) but none of them are the Elite. That millions of US should be relocated to FEMA Camps and the Oligarchs get a government bonus. There would be zero chance that the computers would suggest we Make America Great Again by adopting sound money and end the Federal Reserve; reestablish the Civil Service Exam Merit System; replace public schools with a Voucher System like Europe; establish a paper ballot for an audit trail and transparent honest vote counting; produce realistic and honest economic indicators; an honest to God Legal System; and a real Constitutional Government that promotes Traditional Christian Family Values. Computers are a good tool but our ruling American Oligarchs (Soros, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Clinton, the NeoCons etc) are incorrigibly evil and must go.

September 9, 2016 8:26 am

“Trump is exactly what we need. A highly educated, street smart guy, with 50 years of experience in running business and finance, who ain’t a pussy.” — starfcker

Riiight. Lets look at one example. Trump wants to impose a 35% tax on American companies who manufacture outside of America. WHO will ultimately pay that tax? Well … the CONSUMER, of course! (Not to mention that it will virtually certainly start destructive Trade Wars!). Am I to believe that the Donald doesn’t realize this?? You mean to tell me that if the government taxed his hotels an additional 35% that HE would pay for it rather than add the 35% to the guests’ bill?? No fucken way he’s that dumb. So, pray tell, do tell! Why is Donald bullshitting the American people with this 35% tax bullshit, and insinuating that this will bring JOBS!JOBS!JOBS! back to the USA!USA!USA!, hmmmm? I’ll tell you why; he’s either a liar or a pussy … or maybe just a lying pussy.


“Stucky, calm down. You go up and down about this ….” ——- starfcker

Yes, I was against Donald before I was for him.

But, I am NOT up and down about him! He IS a flawed candidate … pretty good in some areas (immigration, not a warmonger (hopefully), and will choose conservative SCOTUS), and flat out horrible in others. So, when I praise him for the good, and criticize the bad — that’s not “up and down”, it’s simply acknowledging reality.

And before the Trump-eteers get all bent out of shape …. yes, warts and all, Trump is a thousand times less flawed that that un-cuntvicted psychopath felon, Hillary Phlegmton.

September 9, 2016 8:58 am


Don’t you think that would bring manufacturing back home since it would serve the purpose of a tariff and make our American labor more competitive with low paid and benefitless foreign labor?

Americans working here and earning (creating and valuing) money that circulates here in our own economy is far more desirable than continuing to consume the wealth of prior generations by sending it to foreign economies where it circulates there and boosts those economies instead of ours.

IMO, the globalists and free traders obviously think differently.

September 10, 2016 12:08 pm

Unfortunately I think it’s too late for all that. The “free trade” agreements were all about destroying US manufacturing and killing the middle class. It has, for the most part, already been accomplished. As for Trump, it’s entertaining to see someone who is clearly not in “the club” making it this far. But many of us are now aware of how the game is played. First they will try to bribe him. It’s doubtful that would work. Then they’ll try to intimidate or blackmail him. Again, doubtful. Then, they’ll attempt to assassinate him. Good chance they’ll succeed because that’s what they do best. Sorry to be so pessimistic and I hope I’m wrong.

September 9, 2016 9:18 am

I hear ya, Stucky.

I don’t know how it plays out from here, but if you look behind us, you will see how we got here.

rhs jr… you forgot to include the Bush dynasty. Many of us are ashamed at voting for George H.W. hoping he would be more Reagan-like. Having helped elect his weasel son at the worst time possible (just before this heinous event) with the SCOTUS weighing in for the first time ever, maybe we think we just shouldn’t vote anymore.

September 9, 2016 9:08 am

Thank you anon. You explain it perfectly. Stucky is a man of intellect and good taste, but he’s not an economist. Stucky, reread my old ‘Maff’ post. See if the changes in the wind make more sense today than they did a year ago when i wrote it.


Francis Marion
Francis Marion
September 9, 2016 10:02 am

“Stucky is a man of intellect and good taste”

Intellect I can swallow. But good taste? What kind of bad crack were you smoking with your coffee this AM when you wrote this little gem??

And you thought you were going to get away with it…..

  Francis Marion
September 9, 2016 10:08 am

Francis. Shush. You’re blowing my cover

  Francis Marion
September 9, 2016 11:25 am

Blow me, Francis.

I don’t have good taste. I just taste good!!

(With apologies to Charlie Tuna).

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
September 9, 2016 1:05 pm

Wayyyy too much information. Even for this place.

September 9, 2016 9:47 am

Armstrong was more believable when he wrote from prison. Now, he cherry-picks his past forecasts and ignores the duds.

He’s not above twisting his forecasts either. He forecast 2015.75 (“The Bomb”) as a major currency/financial crisis which would have been hard to ignore. A month before the event, he changed it to the peak of confidence in government (much squishier) and he’s back-dated every event since to that date.

Our owners (as Carlin called them) have selected the Hildebeast as the next POTUS because she’s a bought-and-paid-for whore. Women (52% of the population) hate Trump. If even half the men voted for him, that would give him only 24% of the popular vote.

Even if he were elected, the Libtards and free-shitters would riot and burn Amerika to the ground ushering in martial law and a bullet for Trump. After all, it’s been more than half a century since the JFK lesson.

The British voted against our owners with Brexit, but our owners won’t make that mistake again. Besides, who’s to say Amerikans are as smart as the Brits. We’ll know in less than two months.