The Coming Dark Age

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong


obama-change-we-can-believe-inHillary is just corrupt and rotten to the core. She represents everything that is wrong with our political economy. Politicians no longer care about the people. Every election promises “change” in some variation. That is admitting something is broken, but it always comes down to the same thing – it’s just about them.


Indeed, it was Mark Twain who put it best during the last century: If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.” We must understand that this has been an age old battle between the rulers and the people. In Athens where Democracy was born, they constantly fought to seize power back and even made Pericles stand trial. Government has always sought to bribe the people creating a welfare state. The Romans knew that the way top power was to promise everything but give them bread and circuses (sport games) and they could maintain power. It was Decimus Iūnius Iuvenālis, commonly known as Juvenal, who was a Roman poet active in the late 1st and early 2nd century AD that wrote that phrase:

… Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions — everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses

[…] iam pridem, ex quo suffragia nulli / uendimus, effudit curas; nam qui dabat olim / imperium, fasces, legiones, omnia, nunc se / continet atque duas tantum res anxius optat, / panem et circenses. […]

(Juvenal, Satire 10.77–81)

Nothing has changed. Many people can name every person on some sports team but cannot name their political minister, congressman, or whatever lofty title they call themselves. The judge in a courtroom demands to be called “honorable” as do all public servants. They make a mockery of the very word.

athen550We are approaching the grave danger of a Dark Age beginning from the aftermath of 2032. Hopefully, I will be gone by then and will not have to face this horrible event. Yet Dark Ages are reoccurring events throughout history and in all cultures. The Greeks endured their between the Homeric Age that marked the end of the Mycenaean civilization around 1100 BC, to the first signs of the Greek cities (poleis) rising again in the 6th century BC (508–322 BC). It was during the 9th century BC (900-801BC) that we begin to see the rise of great cities outside of Greece including Carthage, which was founded by the Phoenicians.

Japan went through its Dark Age, which also lasted about 600 years and the same impact was endured in Europe with the collapse of Rome in 476AD. Dark Ages seem to come in units of 3 so they are 300 or 600 years. The cause is always political corruption.

Japanese-Debasement 760-958AD

In the case of Japan, each new emperor devalued the money in circulation with a decree that it was worth 10% of his new coins. There was no intrinsic value since they were bronze of iron. This process led people NOT to hoard money. Chinese coins were sought after since they would not be devalued. Eventually, nobody would accept Japanese coins and the ceased to be issued for 600 years. People used Chinese coins or bags of rice.


The Roman Monetary Crisis that saw silver vanish by 268AD, was naturally followed by  an attempt to restore the monetary system. A new bronze coin was introduced in 295AD known as the Follis. Again, one 52 year cycle saw its collapse from over 16 grams to under just 2 grams.


By the time you come toward the very end of the Roman Empire, you rarely find any bronze and when you do, it is less than an American penny. Coinage is debased because of the corruption in government. Those who think restoring the gold standard would do anything are wrong. Such monetary reforms appear repeatedly throughout history with little lasting impact. The system as we known it is always doomed to failure simply because we are satisfied as a whole with bread and circuses and let politicians run wild in their greed. Hillary is the example for everyone to see.

I will gather all the accounts and this is on much bucket-list of books to complete. We do have a choice. We can understand what is coming and WHY, and perhaps take that first step out of darkness and move into the light of a realistic political system that ends the bribing of citizens and this eternal battle of political corruption. We need a REAL democracy without career politicians. Only then can we hope to advance as a society.

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rhs jr
rhs jr
September 20, 2016 9:31 am

A big problem with our Democracy has been the gross debasement of the dollar since 1913 but a bigger problem is the gross debasement of our citizens since 1965.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  rhs jr
September 20, 2016 9:59 am


Both are big problems. If I had any advice for the rest of the board it would be simply this:

Let the fucker crash.

Quit worrying about whatever country it is you dwell in. It is an artificial construct run by oligarchs. Good riddance to them. As political entities they are corrupt beyond repair or respect. Abandon national patriotism and start working on a plan to secure your community and to rebuild. Small states with harsh punishment for political corruption, democracy redefined and cultural cohesion will lead the way out of the dark. The rise of super states must not be allowed to follow out of a collapse.

Ticky Toc
Ticky Toc
  Francis Marion
September 20, 2016 2:35 pm


I up voted you for your optimism and wishful thinking. Unfortunately, have you seen members of your community lately? Of the hundred folks I know well only about 3-4 seem to be awake and carry core beliefs similar to my own (not saying my beliefs are the correct or righteous ones). I simply see your wish and ultimate solution (let it crash) as being a very messy sordid affair that will take time to sort out because community cohesion is a hard construct to come by. As MA points out 300 – 600 years and that is a long time to live in the darkness. Remember we are armed with nuclear weapons and desperate rulers do desperate things.

  Francis Marion
September 20, 2016 9:09 pm

“Let the fucker crash.”

Indeed. This is one reason I won’t bother vote. Four years ago I likely would have voted for tRump. Hitlary is what is needed, not because she is going to fix anything but because she, like Obammy, will hasten the crash.

Despite my deep desire to see a peaceful resolution to our problems, a crash is inevitable and tRump will only slow that down. I’d rather endure that crash at age 50 than age 65.

September 20, 2016 9:32 am

What is so magical, diabolical, critical, cyclical or differential about 2032? Is it 100 years after FDR elected or after 16 years of HRC and Kaine expire?

September 20, 2016 9:52 am

I would like to have my own island in the Clouds by 2032.At least I got that going for me.

September 20, 2016 9:55 am

Psrmun ,you idiot , don’t you know anything ? Meathead.

Deb Harvey
Deb Harvey
September 20, 2016 10:38 am

no reform will ever happen.
human nature is always corruptible and will be corrupted.

  Deb Harvey
September 20, 2016 12:33 pm

No, reform will happen because it must happen. But, it reverts back.

September 20, 2016 11:22 am

well, there will be one plus to the dark ages…
Bayer-Monsanto-Syngenta won’t have anyone around
to eat their poison products. They will be stuck with them,
and then they too will pass on to the great beyond.
The people? They have overslept big time. But they will have
the encyclopedic knowledge of the various sports teams for

September 20, 2016 12:20 pm

I guess by 2032 I’ll have that flying car that I was promised as a boy in 1965 .

All systems crash because TPTB can’t manage money…just like ordinary people who get drunk on easy credit .

September 20, 2016 12:28 pm

We are doomed. The mass of humanity has been trained to be Fat and Stupid and love it.

September 20, 2016 3:53 pm

“We” are not doomed.

The mass of humanity that is Fat and Stupid is doomed.

Remember the lessons taught in Zombieland: “For obvious reasons, the first ones to go were the fatties. Poor fat bastard.”


DaBirds aka Deplorable DaBird
DaBirds aka Deplorable DaBird
September 21, 2016 1:08 pm

Zombieland makes me wish I liked Twinkies. The lesson learned is to find the thing that keeps you moving forward. But damn I hate me some Twinkies!!

Lysander The Deplorable
Lysander The Deplorable
September 20, 2016 12:36 pm

If it is a true Dark Age, then it will be a situation where Warlords rule their kingdoms and fight amongst other Warlords for more control. There may be pockets of modern technology that exists for a while, but they will deteriorate over time.

There will be many no go areas, and this is where this time would differ greatly from the past. All the spent fuel rods for the nuke plants will go critical not long after the power goes out. This includes the rods inside and outside the plants. Radioactive zones will stretch for hundreds (thousands?) of miles.

There won’t be many people, but the one’s who remain will de-evolve in several generations into peasants or hunter/gatherers. They will have myths and stories told over cooking fires of a Golden Age that once was and is now lost. They will poke through the rubble of cities and the debris of past technological wonders in order to get steel to make spear points and swords.

After a few hundred years, they will become superstitious and fearful of things they can’t understand, like lightening and earthquakes and the no-go zones.

Sounds bleak, yet kind of romantic, doesn’t it? I don’t really believe it would go like that. I think that a global nuclear war with the addition of all the bacteriological weapons, will wipe out most humans. Of course, women and minorities would suffer the most. 😉

The few remaining may make it, but probably won’t. The Earth will still spin through space, but now without us.

mark branham
mark branham
September 20, 2016 12:45 pm

Before lamenting our present afflictions or suggesting possible remedies, shouldn’t you know how we got here!!!

By universe definitions, we’re still at the savage stage… so we got some growing up to do. And a good place to start is understanding how our monetary system enslaves us. And while the FED must shoulder the blame, the commercial banks are the primary vehicle thru which the Oligarchs maintain their control, and their wealth… because every “loan” is newly created, out of thin air, “money…” which you owe back to the bank thru your labor. So understand that banks create nothing out of nothing and you repay with years of toil and labor.

and that’s only the beginning.

Muck About
Muck About
September 20, 2016 2:51 pm

I, too, would love to know where the “2032” date came from.. Either we’ve got an all time record 4th Turning grinding away or when our Fourth Turning does fold up and crash, the crash will be an exceptionally slow, long and smelly one!

Being of mature rears (op’s – make that years) I still have a crawling shot as making 2032 (I’d only be 94 at the time). I’m not at all sure I like that idea, having carried around the possibility of a fast and furious climax to our current 4th Turning. I’d hate to drag it out that far and to actually have to DO IT… Jeez – how depressing..

When the book is published, perhaps we could get Admin to let me do a review for it on TBP (I should live so long) so we can find out where that 2032 came from!


Lysander The Deplorable
Lysander The Deplorable
September 20, 2016 3:35 pm

The year 2032 is from Martin Armstrong’s computer model which forecasts future trends. His computer is based on a cyclical system of history, kind of like Strauss and Howe.

In Martins forecast, thing get bad, then worse, then much worse up until 2032, when everything collapses into a new Dark Age, or worse (Nuke war?).

September 20, 2016 3:51 pm

Since I have kids and grandkids, I have hope.

The masses of people behave as a single, multicellular organism and for them history is fully impulsive, i.e., the future is already largely written.

I am obviously rather arrogant. My sons are all probably in the 140-150 IQ range, and they are also high on the RQ (Rational Quotient) whereby they can think past some of the emotional biases and premises that otherwise stunt the thoughts of most people. This is a powerful combination.

I hope for my dynasty to be among the have’s, to avoid being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and to thrive no matter what happens, as long as humans can survive.

Where there is life, there is hope. And no one ever went bankrupt by overestimating the stupidity of his neighbors.

PS: I used the word “dynasty” for a reason. If humanity continues, someone will have to run the show (or at least keep the lights burning for those who run the show.)

Big Dick
Big Dick
September 20, 2016 7:29 pm

Face it the hildebeast is coming. Your lively hood will be sucked out of you. Your freedom to do or say anything will be compromised. Your children will be sent to die in another war for freedom. The corruption and lies will be far beyond anything in Nazi Germany. You are fucked. Accept it. Bend down and kiss the cankles of the omnipotent witch that will piss on your head and take away everything.