What Can Be Made from One Barrel of Oil?

Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist

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September 29, 2016 11:27 am

I’m going to be up there with Elon Musk.

Right now I’m working on my ‘Arab Energy Oil Press’. Squeeze an Arab hard enough and you can get a barrel of oil.

September 29, 2016 11:41 am

But it’s pretty low grade oil.

September 29, 2016 11:44 am

Bring on the immigrants – as Hitler would say “it’s the solution”. Will work on Mexicans also – but you get corn oil. Blacks – you get coconut oil.

September 29, 2016 12:48 pm

I have a question about a controversy currently in the air
waves. Is oil the declining remnant of dinosaur decomposition?
Or is oil a replenishing material coming from the layers inside
the earth? (forgive the oversimplification for the sake of space)

Thanks, Suzanna

September 29, 2016 1:48 pm

Not unless there were an awfully huge number of dinosaurs and the Earth turned itself inside out at some point to trap them so far beneath the surface in virtually all parts of the world to one extent or another.

October 1, 2016 4:27 pm

Dinosaurs. Really most of it is old algae and plankton, though. There’s been a lot of algae and plankton over the millenia.

September 29, 2016 1:08 pm


Lemme tell ya, I’m no Ph.D. in Geology, that’s fer sure.

It is inaccurate to say that oil comes from “dinosaur decomposition”. That’s only a small part of it. It is believed that the majority of petroleum comes from the fossils of plants and tiny marine organisms.

With that in mind, look at this map of the world’s remaining oil (well, what they discovered so far.)

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Some curious things about that map;

— Europe … what? Why no oil there? They didn’t have billions of tons of vegetation and tiny marine organisms?

— South America …. Why so little oil in Brazil? We KNOW that place is absolutely teeming with vegetation? And, why is Venezuela the only other country in all SA with large oil reserves?

— The Middle East … why dey got so much oil?? Ain’t that place a …ummmm, fucken desert???

— Canada has almost nine times as much oil as the USA!USA!USA! How the fuck did THAT happen? It’s a bad time to be Canadian when the rest of the world’s oil supply begins to run dry. We need to invade those fuckers promptly … while we are still The Most Powerful Fucken Military In Da World.

Here’s what I believe; science today REALLY DOES NOT KNOW exactly the whole when/where/how story of oil. No, I am not going to bring up Abiotic Oil except to say it’s one of several other alternatives. The current widely believed theory requires a certain amount of “faith”. Praise Da Lawd.

Lastly, let’s not forget the Conspiracy aspect. Oil could just be a false flag event, brought here millions of years ago by an ancient race of aliens, for the purpose of getting humanity totally dependent on oil, so that when it runs out … we all DIE!! . I just threw that in there for Bea Lever.

September 29, 2016 3:58 pm

“Lemme tell ya, I’m no Ph.D. in Geology, that’s fer sure.”

Oh I don’t know about that…….sometimes you come off as having a Ph.D in Geology!

Stuck, you have to go back and look at what those areas looked like during the Carboniferous Period. Plant life, including massive amounts of algae that made oceans more like gravy than water, was so abundant that our atmosphere contained enough pure oxygen to literally burn in certain areas due to lightening strikes. What happened to those areas after the Carboniferous Period determined how much plant life got buried.

September 29, 2016 3:59 pm

Anon above was I. WP bucked me off again! WPES!

September 29, 2016 6:39 pm

The term “fossil fuel” was coined in the 1950s when not much was known about the nature of naturally-occurring hydrocarbon products. Environmentalists have used this misconception about naturally occurring oil to their advantage; hence, the now-discredited concept of “peak oil”.
Oil is abiotic in nature, being produced deep within the earth by yet-unknown processes. Russian oil interests have been drilling deep wells, as much as 30,000 feet deep and coming up with oil deposits–far deeper than that of decayed plant and animal materials.
It turns that many of our depleted oil wells are “filling back up”; oil is migrating from deep within the earth, upward to many of our present drilling sites.
There are certain interests that do not want to see oil as a plentiful natural resource–FOLLOW THE MONEY…
As to vehicles, it’s about CONTROL. The powers that be want us OUT of our vehicles, relegated to high-rise, soviet-style apartments using bicycles, trains or buses for transportation–limiting us to certain areas. Of course, the pristine “wilderness” would be restricted to the “elite” with their “dachas” would be reserved for the “elite” environmentalists and their ilk…
I remember when it was discovered, years ago, that there are oceans of liquid hydrocarbons on Saturn’s lifeless moon, Titan. I thought to myself: Wait a minute. All my life, I’ve been told hydrocarbons are the result of the decay of organic matter… but there is no plant or animal life on Titan…

Lysander The Deplorable
Lysander The Deplorable
September 29, 2016 9:50 pm

@ Anarchyst…..You nailed it.

I don’t know how oil is created, but I was once a Peak Oil believer and now am strongly behind Abiotic Oil.

  Lysander The Deplorable
October 1, 2016 4:30 pm

Hilarious. It’s amazing what kind of bogus nonsense people believe.

The people who actually explore for oil know for a fact that it’s crushed lifeforms, mostly algae and plankton. So is coal. You have to find a spot which had a lot of ocean lifeforms which sank and died at the bottom of the ocean or a marsh a very long time ago, basically. These locations are different than you might expect because of plate tectonic movements.

Whether it forms oil or coal is dependent on how hard the seabed got crushed by later geological activity, mostly.