Ex Muslim Supports Trump and Dislikes Feminists

Thinks western feminists need their asses kicked. I think she would fit in well here.



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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 1, 2016 12:42 pm

I can’t take anyone seriously who does that to their face. If Ronald McDonald wanted to discuss Yockey, I’d opt out no matter how intriguing the thought might be.

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
  hardscrabble farmer
October 1, 2016 12:57 pm

Hardscrabble, you are showing your age. When “kids” protested the Vietnam War they had long hair and dressed like hippies. The elders at the time said the same thing you did. But, the kids were right and the elders were wrong, very wrong.

So don’t discount a person because they dress and look different than you. If what they say makes sense, who cares if they have jewelry coming out of their nose and weird colored hair. Right is right.

kokoda - Les Deplorables
kokoda - Les Deplorables
  Trapped in Portlandia
October 1, 2016 1:07 pm

My 2 cents: Yes and no.

You make an excellent point, but although being an older guy, I didn’t feel any different 35 years ago – I can’t stand or respect any female that adorns their face with shit. It is stupid and generally distracting from the person itself. IOW’s, they want you to look at the disfigurement and not the overall worth of the person.

October 1, 2016 3:27 pm

hardscrabble farmer / kokoda

It seems you both value STYLE over SUBSTANCE. Which you are free to do. But, it’s not something I would expect …. especially HF.

Really, her heart (what she is and believes) is 100x more important than her nose. You can’t see that??

kokoda - Les Deplorables
kokoda - Les Deplorables
October 1, 2016 3:49 pm

Stucky…you ever hear the phrase ‘Actions speak louder than words’? Well, a person’s ‘actions’ speak a lot – in this case nose piercings.

1st, it is UGLY; 2nd, it shows lack of confidence; 3rd, it directs people to her now Ugly nose instead of to the overall person.

You can’t see that !!!!!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 2, 2016 8:15 am

You assume I am reacting viscerally- “I don’t approve”- but it’s more than that. She may have great things to say- I didn’t dismiss them, I just said that when I see someone who has purposefully defaced themselves I am not going to be inclined to give them a hearing. The ring through the nose is an indicator of something- if she didn’t want to make a point she certainly wouldn’t put it on her face where everyone can see it. Now that point might be any number of things; I’m rebellious towards traditional concepts of beauty, I’m a follower of trendy fashions, whatever they may be, she’s communicating with her face before she opens her mouth and that message is that she stands in opposition to the things I value. That isn’t my fault. I don’t accept every single belief system as if they were all equal, that’s the current problem with our society that leads to the kind of disharmony and friction we see on every level in every discourse. I am sure that plenty of people will ignore it and look for her inner beauty and intelligence and they’ll more than make-up for the people like me who give her a wide berth. If she wants to be taken seriously by people with traditional values, then she comes to the table that way. It’s like someone inviting me to a wedding and I show up in manure caked boots and filthy flannels because “that’s just who I am”. It would be disrespectful to certain norms and demonstrate that what matters most is me, not the celebration. If you want to share a political perspective that you believe should be taken seriously, you don’t dress up like someone from Star Trek.

Edit to add: Okay, I went back to listen to her comments and try and ignore her “look”- that was hard to do because I missed the green hair at first and it was just disconcerting. I wasn’t impressed and what she brings to the table is- to my mind- every bit as destructive as what she fled from. Did I mention she is going to college? That she abandoned her husband, that she’ll “beat up” anyone who disagrees with her perspective, but not in Kuwait? It’s like they all have to come to the USA before their violent urges can be fully experienced.

I think it’s time for a new country. A country that caters to the misfits of the world with all their myriad expressions of self-hood and individuality without expecting the traditional, working families that have made up the substance of this nation to subsidize them. I don’t recognize this place anymore, I no longer feel like I have a stake in it, nor that the people coming here respect the values and traditions of my forebears who carved this place out of a wilderness.

October 1, 2016 3:30 pm

C ya’ll tomorrow.

Ms Freud and I are going to go see movies; Sully and Deepwater Horizon. Previews for both looked great.

Someone a week ago or so mentioned they went to see Snowden. Was it any good? We might go see it tomorrow. (We’re making up for the last 6 week where we didn’t do jack shit … due to the kitchen project.)

October 1, 2016 10:53 pm

We saw “Snowden”. If you already like Snowden, you will love this movie. If you think he is a dirty traitor, you will hate this movie. We happen to like him, and really liked the movie.

kokoda - Les Deplorables
kokoda - Les Deplorables
October 1, 2016 11:39 pm

Snowden a HERO. Love Movies – have at least 2,000. Only keep the ones I like so I’ve watch 10,000 anyway.

Will like Deepwater Horizon and many others.

October 1, 2016 4:02 pm

“1st, it is UGLY;” —– says YOU. Others, esp. her age, say it’s cool. Opinions are like assholes …. heh heh

“2nd, it shows lack of confidence; ” —— Nope

“3rd, it directs people to her now Ugly nose instead of to the overall person.” —- Yes, it DOES direct attention to her nose. That’s a shame. I’m a titty guy.


Your argument/attitude reminds me EXACTLY of my dad back in 1969 and …. my long fucking hair. My god! We tangled about that often, and hard. I initially won that battle … but at a damaging cost to our relationship. Then he won when I entered the USAF and the fuckers cut it ALL off.

She’s a wonderful gal with an even more wonderful message. You toss it out because of a fucking nose ring??? You, sir, are very very VERY shallow.

Have fun reaming me a new one. We’re leaving NOW for the Deepwater movie, which starts at 4:45

EL Coyote the not popular
EL Coyote the not popular
October 1, 2016 4:53 pm

Unlauded mentioned the story of Frankenstein a few weeks ago. I suggested transplanting Yohimbo’s head onto Billy’s body. Maybe Yohimbo said he’d opt for Billy’s heart. Anyway..

Men love to play the game of switched body parts with women. Later on, we do it in real time when we marry and have kids with a woman who has brains to supplement our cellular level thinking organelle.

Think about it, you are attracted to a certain biological template but you know intuitively that if you couple with a chickenhead (not you, Maggie) the kids will end up living in a ghetto dependent on EBT.