Obama & Martial Law

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong


For years there have been rather stupid rumors that Obama would call martial law to stay in the White House. This is not a power-hungry guy. He plays golf more than anyone and misses more than 60% of his national briefings. The ONLY rumor that comes from behind the curtain, and not the internet, is what I just reported regarding setting the stage for a Trump win and blaming it on Putin.

You have to understand that Trump is against nation building. Of all the things he says, crazy or not, that one hits home. He is, of course, right on this issue, but now he’s threatening the powers behind the throne. That is why they say he is not presidential because he is against invading the world and is an isolationist. Some say the CIA assassinated JFK for such a reason; Nixon knew it, wired the place, and not to mention he was mocked for creating what they called his “palace guard.” To what extent those rumors are true or not really does not matter. There is logic in this one, which is disconcerting.

The only possible way I can see a martial law decree is that Obama does what he is told. I would not attribute this one to Obama’s personal ego. He would rather be playing golf. They are in an all-out war against Trump because they are afraid of him on so many fronts. On the Hill, he will have the veto pen and may fire their family members and mistresses from cushy jobs.

The military, NSA, and CIA enjoy national building. That is where the real power lies. Yes, Obama might be a Democrat and the full corruption of politics may burst on to the scene. Nonetheless, Obama want’s to just play golf. I would not attribute this to his desire to remain in power. This is the power behind the throne where the REAL “Game of Thrones” is played out and we have no power to vote yes or no.

So indeed, we may be looking at November as a key target for a turning point in many markets on our timing arrays, which are not fundamentally based. Those who prepare, move the flow of capital in advance and that will pick up. It does not say who or why. It just says it’s on the move.

So do I think martial law would actually be called? I would not put it past Washington. However, it would be possible that Obama would step down and pass the reigns of power to Joe Biden. Obama is preparing for war against Russia. That much is clear. A Trump victory may be the excuse to blame Russia. Pay attention.

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October 5, 2016 8:41 am

A lot of people seem to think this is a potential or at least to talk about it as one, particularly if Trump wins.

Mostly because of things Obama has said and done.

I would suppose it would depend on who the military sides with to determine the success or failure of such a move if were to be taken.

I tend to put it as a low possibility depending on the state of world affairs (such as WWIII or breaking out or a total global financial collapse).

We’ll know one way or the other by January.

Miles Long
Miles Long
October 5, 2016 3:06 pm

Remember Stalin’s purges in the 30s?

Remember way back about 7 years ago when there was that survey about firing on American people, etc. given to officers above a certain (captain?) rank?

Just cuz yer paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you.

Crimson Avenger
Crimson Avenger
October 5, 2016 8:46 am

At least Armstrong called it martial law this time. Marshall Law sounds like the bass player for Lynyrd Skynyrd.

October 5, 2016 8:48 am

Agree with Mr. Armstrong on this one. Barky and Mooch want to live the good life, like they’ve enjoyed for the last 8 years, but without all the responsibility. All the upside (cash, fame) but none of the downside (press conferences while stoned out of his mind.) They will both sign their name to some nonsensical books written by someone else and collect $millions for doing their part. Not to mention the “speeches,” “directorships” and think tank money. No, it’s smooth sailing from here without ever having to work another day of their miserable lives.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
October 6, 2016 6:52 am

So true the little show of the first black president and his proud wife is all bull shit and as for all you racist blacks who voted for him twice because of skin color congratulations ! Your children cannot get an entry level job thanks to the flood of illegals that your BOBO president did nothing about but don’t worry he will need plenty of cannon fodder in this conflict he and his asshole buddies are stirring up and you will see just how much BLACK LIVES MATTER to him and all who follow his foolish world endevours

October 5, 2016 9:20 am

The Socialist would love for Obama to declare Marshall Law.All the justification they need to ban guns. Yes Marshall Law would be good for the gun grabbing Marxist traitors. Right Avenger?

Persnickety the inscrutably deplorable
Persnickety the inscrutably deplorable
October 5, 2016 10:13 am

He’s going to declare the bass player for Lynyrd Skynyrd????

We need a literacy test for TBP posters.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
  Persnickety the inscrutably deplorable
October 6, 2016 6:54 am

Spell check and auto correct can be a bitch

October 5, 2016 10:23 am


October 5, 2016 9:51 am

I hope he tries it.

The country needs a non Complience Revolution and a purge of all prominte leftist to turn the ship around.

DaBirds (Tin foil, the new Gucci)
DaBirds (Tin foil, the new Gucci)
October 5, 2016 11:12 am

HNIC may or may not want to hold the reins, but the puppet masters sure as shit ain’t gonna sit back and let Trump drive the bus.

  DaBirds (Tin foil, the new Gucci)
October 5, 2016 2:53 pm

mixed metaphor

October 5, 2016 12:25 pm

“The military, NSA, and CIA enjoy national building.” ——- article

Where’s SSS ?? Seriously, where the fuck is he?

Yo, SSS! Unless you’re dead or in the hospital, I demand you defend the CIA against such blasphemy!!!”. And, if you don’t, you go from Big Dog to Big Pussy.

I have spoken. So shall it be.

October 5, 2016 12:57 pm

The people that really run things are getting ready for the next big war.Too bad i don’t have the money to invest in weapons of death and make a ton of cash. I guess having a soul gets in the way.
Hillary fits in with the war machine,Trump? Not so much.
Listening to Maria by Blondie while looking at TBP.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
October 6, 2016 7:04 am

The shadow government will coranant Hillary and that’s it the fix is in and if by some fluke Trump gets such a land slide win he will be neutered like any eunoch in the realm and he and his ball less crew will go babbling of how they were cheated while our youth go completely bankrupt and die off in some foolish endevour in some place where if God was going to give the earth an enema that’s where he would stick the hose or if the shit really hits it may be in their own back yard