The Politics of Porcine Proclivities, Propensities, and Predilections

The Clinton campaign and cohorts are playing a foolish and dangerous game.

Guest post from Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

Much of Donald Trump’s success stems from the weird fixations, taboos, and hypocrisies of those who oppose him. A country can’t control its own borders or decide to whom it will allow entrance. Terrorists acts by Muslims cannot be called Islamic terrorism. Allow members of that religion, an appreciable portion of whom have sworn to destroy us, to enter the country without determining if they are part of that appreciable portion. Restrictions on guns for the law-abiding will control violent crime. Call the leader of the second most powerful nation on the planet, which has a nuclear arsenal that could destroy our country, “Hitler” and that furthers the cause of world peace, but embracing negotiations poses a grave threat to US security. Every release of information damaging to the Democrats comes from Russia.

No weirdness is weirder than the preoccupation with sex and gender. We are told that men dressed as women must be allowed to use women’s bathrooms, the girls and women discomfited, enraged, or terrified by their new bathroom mates be damned. The right to an abortion, on the rationale that it allows women control of their own bodies, is the most important right found—scratch that—”implied” in the Constitution, but income taxes, which steal from the most successful women thirty to fifty percent of the products of their minds and bodies during their entire working lives, and for which there once was a Constitutional prohibition, should be raised. And there ought to be, never mind that First Amendment, laws banning hateful expressions against women, ethnic, racial, sexual-preference, and gender-fluid minorities.

A 2005 videotape has been released in which Donald Trump expresses sentiments about the opposite sex that many find hateful. He has apologized, saying that: “[T]hese words don’t reflect who I am,” a recitation that has become standard in these sorts of apologies. Actually, the words are probably a pretty good reflection of Trump’s attitudes on women and sex. Most men have joined in locker room (or other all-male venues) discussions of female attributes in which the level of discourse is no more elevated than Trump’s. However, the worthies who are shocked, shocked to find that men engage in outrageously vulgar and sexist banter amongst themselves have probably swung the pendulum of today’s sexual orthodoxy as far as it’s going to go.

SLL noted in “Tribes” that the law cannot eliminate prejudice. Nor can it eliminate hard-wired aspects of the human psyche, especially those related to sexuality. Our species, like all species, is built to propagate itself. If it weren’t there wouldn’t be seven plus billion of us. SLL’s expertise is limited to the male half of the species. In the interests of returning some reality to a subject that has become increasingly devoid of it, let’s talk about human, heterosexual males.

Notwithstanding the admiration men may express for female executives, politicians, lawyers, doctors, and the like, most have trouble resisting the head turn when a comely and well put together young woman strolls by. No man has ever fallen for a woman because she gave good Powerpoint presentation or oral argument on appeal, or because she wrote an insightful article, performed a difficult surgery, or built a multibillion dollar business. It may seem unfair to women, given the abolition of legalized discrimination against them and their undeniable progress in so many fields of endeavor, that most men are so heavily influenced by biological, instinctual forces. Women’s roles and their conception of themselves have changed, why shouldn’t men’s thinking?

Life and biology are seldom fair. It is a hilarious conceit that law and edicts can change fundamental human nature, but one with tragic consequences. That never stops the commanders and controllers from trying. Those who would shred the First Amendment to ban politically incorrect speech cannot ban politically incorrect thought; the former effort may well increase the latter result. There may come a day when women rule, where they fill every important position and make every important decision, and men are their absolute slaves. However, when the Queen of the Amazons pronounces her pronouncements to her assembled subjects, if she’s buxom and beautiful most males will be thinking to themselves: “I sure like the way she fills out that outfit, wonder what she’s like in the sack.”

So label males as pigs and Donald Trump as a prime porker. This is a f__k you year in politics, and women, particularly those who want to make their way in this world based on their talents, brains, hard work, and merit, not their physical attributes, cannot be blamed for deciding: “If that’s the way he talks about woman, then f__k him, I’m not voting for the bastard.” However, making porcine proclivities an issue, hoping to steer female votes to Hillary, the Clinton campaign plays a dangerous game.

Take every offensive thing the Donald has ever said or done and he’s still a piglet compared to Bill Clinton’s blue-ribbon, two-thousand-pound swine. Clinton has: been credibly accused of raping or sexually assaulting multiple women; allowed a star-struck younger women to have sex with him; demeaned the office of the presidency with his Oval Office sexual hijinks; had a semen-stained dress proffered as evidence against him; paid $850,000 to settle a sexual harassment law suit, and had to defend himself against impeachment for perjury and obstruction of justice related to that suit. The release of the Trump video assuredly puts all that into play. Hillary brings a knife to this fight; Trump has a bazooka.

Hillary has been her husband’s biggest enabler and defender. The woman who once said, “Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported,” vilified and defamed every woman who publicly accused Bill Clinton. The hypocrisy has been breathtaking, but well in keeping with what’s become a standard liberal trope: we love mankind (or womankind), it’s individuals we can’t stand and will treat like shit. Calling attention to Bill’s depredations, she also calls attention to her own less-than-honorable role in them.

Speaking of breathtaking hypocrisy, how about that of the media, commentators, and Republicans who are deserting Trump and calling on him to quit the race? Many of the males denouncing Trump are sanctimonious hypocrites who have said or done much worse. Many of the media figures are the same ones who, acting at the behest of Hillary, tore into Bill’s accusers. They demonized rather than investigated, then said the particular accusation had been investigated to death, then issued calls to move on past “old news.” When the Lewinsky affair and the blue dress surfaced, they airily dismissed it as private, consensual sex, until perjury, obstruction of justice, and impeachment emerged as properly public matters.

Trump’s vulgarity supposedly poses a threat to all that is good and decent in American politics. For at least the twentieth time his campaign has been declared dead by the political establishment, media, and his opponent’s campaign. But think about it. They’ve had months to dig up dirt on Trump and this is all they’ve got? The pettiness smacks of desperation, and the difference in scale between allegations made against Trump and the Clintons’ well-documented sleaze, corruption, and criminality is yet another instance of the overwhelming bias against Trump, which has already driven so many fed-up-with-the-establishment voters into his camp. The disclosure may well boomerang, but Trump has to hit hard on the Clintons’ depredations and refocus attention among supporters and potential supporters on his issues. If he can’t do that, he has no business being president.

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DaBirds (Bang the drum slowly)
DaBirds (Bang the drum slowly)
October 9, 2016 3:26 pm

Mr. Gore, spot on as usual.

Bill Clinton should have said, ” I would not have sexual relations with that woman.”
We would have assumed he was talking about the Beast and just nodded our heads approvingly.

rhs jr
rhs jr
October 9, 2016 4:05 pm

Trump should apologize for hurting his wife, kids and supporters and swear to never do it again; then raise Harpy 10 and call (the stuff above and much more); that anybody in his administration who doesn’t learn from his painful example will catch hell from him. Then challenge Harpy to a debate on the political issues. I am as certain that there is a God in Heaven that if the Trump Republicans lose, this country will experience a Leftist hell.

October 9, 2016 4:17 pm

I hope TRUMP can prevail but no matter who wins our coming destruction cannot be avoided. To much debt , to much corruption , to many entitlements , to much government ,to much racial animosity .The only way I can see is to abolish the Federal Reserve and Fractional Reserve banking but TRUMP will not have the will to audit Fort Knox much less change the monetary system.I hope I am wrong . I sincerely hope for miracle.

October 10, 2016 7:40 am

Spot on bb,The only way are country may begin to heal is to remove the Federal Zionist reserve.

bb's kitteh
bb's kitteh
October 10, 2016 4:00 pm

And so many truck stops

October 9, 2016 4:21 pm

Almost forgot Robert , Good though provoking article as always. I look forward to reading your posts.

October 9, 2016 4:43 pm

Good summary of a wretched situation, Mr. Gore.

I too am sickened by the sanctimonious Republicans who have bailed. Apparently Paul Ryan has never, ever heard a man talk about a woman as though she were a sexual object, and I can only assume such a depraved thought has never crossed his holy mind. If only these fools were equally outraged about the criminal Clintons. Oh I forgot – the Clintons always get a pass. Always.

Anyway, I hope Donald is well prepared to discuss Hillary’s long past this evening if the moderators want to discuss his. If he plays his cards right, there’s the potential to make the opposition wish they had never heard of
a guy named Billy Bush.

Big Dick
Big Dick
October 9, 2016 5:18 pm

Its all a sound of wind and fury. None of it makes a tinkers damn. The game is fixed. The cheat and hack is in. The powers that be have too much to lose to allow anything to stop the continued lining of their pockets. I have said it before and I will say it over and over again. Trump could have millions upon millions of real votes in front, but will still lose to the hag bag. Bend over Merica, another one is coming. Anything else is not in the cards because the deck is stacked and a crooked dealer handles the cards.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
October 9, 2016 5:41 pm

Hell, its not about what Rump said, but that he was married and basically admitted infidelity.

Yes, alot of presidents had mistresses and affairs, but to gloss this over is the same as those who glossed over Cigar Bills vaginal, sweater staining, escapades.

And Hillarity is about the same.

  Kill Bill
October 9, 2016 5:48 pm

I wonder if these guys ever talked about pussy?

October 9, 2016 8:43 pm
Kill Bill
Kill Bill
October 10, 2016 4:04 pm

I am sure they did admin. Not because of love but just “she is good in bed”

October 9, 2016 6:01 pm

Remember how the pornographer, Larry Flynt, was, almost, allowed into polite society and his ‘publication’, Hustler, considered a champion of constitutional liberty, not for heroic photos of women’s genitalia but for a single cartoon that claimed Reverend Jerry Falwell had sex with his mother in an outhouse?

How many of those who are today pretending to be aghast at Trump’s indiscreet sexual banter not only said nothing but mocked Falwell when he was outraged by Flynt’s crude attempt at humor?

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
October 9, 2016 6:29 pm

This is slightly off the subject but I just spoke to my boss, a man with direct ties to the highest levels of the GOP. I asked him what he thought of the whole lewd comments thing. He told me bluntly that the Pat Ryan’s and the Kasich’s and the McCain’s and the Jebs! and all the rest of these RINO’s are desperate and hysterical at the emergence of Trump on the scene. They never in a million years imagined it. They know he has permanently ruined their “brand” and their game plans; they are enraged about it. The gang of scum who were running against Trump (with the few exceptions like Christie and Carson) had it all figured out before Trump came along. They all thought they had a guaranteed shot at the White House, or at least the Veep slot or a major cabinet post. If Trump wins, this all goes up in smoke and they are finished forever – they know it. Their only hope of stopping this sequence of events is to stop Trump and they are quite prepared for a Hillary win to do it. These knuckleheads are completely oblivious to what Trump represents. They actually believe that if they just knock him off (one way or another) all will go back to the way it was B.T., Before Trump. Listening to this I gasped out, “But that is insane! If Trump wins, yeah, they are all toast, but if he loses, the majority of the Trump voters will place the blame squarely on them! As for the Democrats, they will have no pity on these treasonous bastards – everybody hates a traitor and sell-out.” My boss chuckled and said that you had to know these assholes to appreciate how vile, unprincipled, corrupt, cowardly and, now, desperate that they are (he should know, he writes checks to these fuckers every election cycle, holding his nose while he does it – he has not donated one dime to any of them this year – they own one senator lock, stock and barrel and ORDERED him to drop the anti-Trump rhetoric, even though they have not given Trump a penny either.). He said this whole show was clearly cooked up with the Clinton campaign, probably in return for some vague promises of a future pay off (which Clinton has no intention of keeping). He said at this point Trump must throw down the gauntlet, withdraw HIS support from all of the RINO’s, attack Clinton without restraint or mercy, and let the chips fall where they may. Tonight should give us the answer as to whether his analysis is correct.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Southern Sage
October 9, 2016 7:23 pm

Mmmm….uh huh.

starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
  Southern Sage
October 9, 2016 8:05 pm

Robert, spot on. Sage, let me invite you to peek into last year’s starfck crystal ball. I could have written this script. Matter of fact, I did, almost exactly a year ago.


October 9, 2016 6:55 pm

Trump is stupid if he goes after Bill.

It is the 12 year old rape tapes that are the appropriate shiv.

October 9, 2016 7:53 pm

If he goes after Bill he loses the momentum because it’s not Bill her supporters see up there. They already know it all and don’t care. They are comfortable with the double standard.

He needs to make her compare his comments to hers regarding the rape case.

He needs to make her compare her “doing what’s legal” back then to his “doing what’s legal” with his taxes.

October 9, 2016 7:24 pm

Paul Ryan is gay. You would have to be blind not to see this. Ask Milo. He knows.

October 9, 2016 7:33 pm

You have made an emergency post!! lol

Any woman that was going to vote for Trump will continue
on to vote for Trump without regard that a decade ago he
said “nice pussy”about a woman. Big Deal.
I would like to know who recorded that bit and what amount of $
it was sold for. Hil Clintant was almost orgasmic over the
torturous death of Moammar Qaddafi…and that was the last
straw for me. “We came, we saw, he died.” Remember?
She is wholly lacking in basic decency.

The PC crap we are enduring is part of the play book of the
communist party. Read some history! Real women love the male
animal and his lust for her. Period. The “offended” women must
never have had an alpha male in their lives. The offended men?
Paul Ryan and John McCain? What a hypocritical bunch of crappy crap
crap. I hope more jerk males reveal themselves as the boot lickers, and
shite eaters they are. We will know whom to avoid. And laugh at for that
Thanks Mr. Gore/You are a sweetie.


October 10, 2016 9:05 am

What Suzanna said goes double with me, Robert.

October 10, 2016 9:23 am

Then I hope that you, too, have an alpha male in your life.

uncle fester
uncle fester
October 9, 2016 8:22 pm

The Donald has been written of more times than the 1969 Mets.

October 9, 2016 9:24 pm

He’s sniffing again.

He sounds whiny.

He is handing her a victory.

What a fool.

October 9, 2016 10:03 pm

as a female I am much less interested in what Trump says than in what he does. Worse comments have been uttered every day of the week by all people in supposed privacy. I see Trump as a sort of reincarnation of Lyndon Johnson, big loud and crude and not above twisting arms and knocking heads but by God he got in there and got things done!

October 11, 2016 2:22 pm

I sincerely hope Trump is not like LBJ. The latter was an utter demon, certainly had men murdered over politics while governor and was literally the only man who could have effected the cover-up of JFK’s assassination. That’s what Nixon told Roger Stone. This is not to mention LBJ’s “gift” of the Great Society….

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
October 9, 2016 11:42 pm

Whiny? He whipped the pantsuit right off of her, a gruesome sight.

starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
  Southern Sage
October 10, 2016 12:35 am

Chemist, wrong. Sage, home run. That was a beatdown. Here is a 24 second summary

  starfcker the deplorable
October 10, 2016 9:07 am

I guess I stopped watching it too soon. I had to walk off after 5 minutes, I was crawling up the walls.

WTF is with the sniffing though.

Lysander The Deplorable
Lysander The Deplorable
October 10, 2016 5:38 am

Trump whumped her ass good. The play with the media walking into an ambush facing billy boys rape victims was brilliant. How about the picture on Drudge of billy boy and chelsea? Chelsea looks sick and billy boy looks terrified!

I love it!

October 11, 2016 2:25 pm

We get the government to which our neighbors consent.

50 years of pathological altruism, pathological trust and pathological optimism baked a whole lot of ruin into this cake.

It is during the “boom phase” that all the rot, the corruption, the criminal conspiracies, etc. occur and take hold, and during the “bust phase” all the crap comes to light.

Can we begin to imagine just how much horror and gangrene must be in place, awaiting the end of this antebellum period?