Question of the Day, Oct 14

Yesterday’s question was hijacked for a time with a random discussion about HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup). Years ago, I had to go to the hospital, their conclusion – too much soda with HFCS. Apparently, HFCS causes symptoms that mimic a heart attack. The question is, if it was genetically modified, or created in a lab, should I eat it?

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 14, 2016 10:26 am


Come on, you know better than that.

BobM - uberLurker
BobM - uberLurker
October 14, 2016 10:34 am

Banned in Russia and much of Europe:

A frightening study found super high rates of tumor growth with GM corn. The maker of the GM corn in this study countered by pointing out that the rats used are a species that has a high tumor rate naturally and my research on those seemed to indicate that this is true, however not at the rates seen in the study. I believe this was the same study that also found something like a 95% sterility rate by the third generation among the rats fortunate enough to survive (depopulation agenda, Global 2000) but I could be mixing them up:

October 14, 2016 10:57 am

Most corn in the USA is GM. Literally pesticide in the kernels.
Then HFCS is sugar created from the corn because it is cheaper
and more stable…and it is in so many food items! So with the
HFCS…you get 2 poisons for one!! Check your labels. The
aspartame was not fit for humans but that monster Rumsfeld
worked for Searle (as a break from gov work) and when he got
back to the gov ranch, he pushed it’s use in food thru the
corrupt FDA. Most everyone drinking that diet soda crap gets
FAT. Then brain tumors follow. Solution? Drink something
else. If you are ambitious (without being OCD) get a big Berkey
and filter your tap water. Bonus? No fluoride or chlorine or

October 14, 2016 11:07 am

Susaana … thankyou! This issue has been on my mind for some time and i didn’t want to get involved in reverse osmosis and stuff like that. The free flowing of knowledge/information and manner in which readers of TBP share their ideas and knowledge AND DON’T HOLD BACK out of selfishness is what contributes to this site immeasurably.

October 14, 2016 4:55 pm

Be aware that you must buy special filters for the Berkey to be able to filter out fluoride. You will need to buy one fluoride filter for each black berkey filter you are currently using.

If you look around the innerwebz and youtubz you can find instructions for using two food grade buckets and a spout so that you don’t have to buy the full berkey system. Simply buy the filter elements, drill a few holes and get started.

In regards to using food grade plastic buckets, when you wash them only use a soft dishcloth and hot soapy water. Using a brush of any kind (except natural bristle) will scratch the surface of the buckets creating places for bacteria to propagate.

My local water comes from an Ice Age aquifer and is only treated with a tiny bit of chlorine to keep the distribution system clean. Chlorine evaporates if the water is allowed to sit. However, there is a tiny bit of algae in our water that will grow bright red if allowed to stand in sunlight. To demonstrate how effective the berkey black filters are, I’ve noticed that over time a bit of a slimy residue (which I assume is the algae) will build up in the upper chamber where the unfiltered water goes in. I’ve never seen a hint of this slime in the lower chamber so I assume the filters are working to kill the algae before it gets through the filter.

October 14, 2016 8:21 pm

I didn’t realize fluoride wasn’t filtered out routinely. Yikes.
The prefilterng bucket brigade is for stream water so as not
to unduly stress the Berkey with leaves and crap. Common sense that.
Anywho, thanks for the input. So far I am drinking point well water…
the old neighbor guy that installed it said we had “a nice aquifer down there.”
Fingers crossed.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 14, 2016 8:36 pm

suzanna- We bought our first Big Berkey 9 years ago and we always buy the white filters get rid of the fluoride as that was the reason we purchased one.

October 14, 2016 7:01 pm

Good post Susanna. It always cracks me up with a see a 10-tonner slurping down the “diet” cola! HFCS is in everything as a sweetener because it’s cheap. GMO’s are everywhere too but the downside of ingesting it isn’t as obvious….however I try to avoid all that crap when possible.

October 14, 2016 11:04 am

Have a look at “Sugar: The Bitter Truth” by physician Robert Lustig on YouTube.

It turns out that fructose as a sweetener is particularly problematic because it is metabolized by the liver as a toxin; in much the same way as alcohol. Lustig’s position is essentially that HFCS is poison.

Fructose is present in fruit of course, but fruit has been selectively bred to be much sweeter and larger than native varieties, and also the fiber contained in the fruit slows absorption.

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
October 14, 2016 11:28 am

Yes, avoid all GMO shit if you can. The problem is you can’t totally as there is no way to know. Even many of the seeds sold for gardening has been modified and labeled hybrid.

Avoid all highly processed foods also. Typically, the closer the foods are to their natural state the better they are for you.

Da Perfessor
Da Perfessor
October 14, 2016 11:30 am

“The question is, if it was genetically modified, or created in a lab, should I eat it?”


One step further, and observed in my house as well as that of my kids (all adults):

“If it wasn’t food 100 years ago, it ain’t food now.” Heck, I won’t even buy cut-up chicken or turkey because the processing is so open to infection.

Bacon comes from pork, not turkey. Ground meat should come from whole selected cuts being ground, not as the mass of crap scraped off a “separator” at a meat plant.

Maybe I am just a nutjob but I am not even a fan of pressure canning – – too much nutrient loss! Over the years I have reverted to old, non-energy intensive means of preserving food for the table.

Anybody interested would do well to grab this book through the TBP Amazon portal.

‘Nuff said?

Da P

PS. Any troll wanting to pick on these comments as “unsafe” should be very aware that your humble author holds an advanced degree in microbiology. Advanced enough that he used to teach medical students.

  Da Perfessor
October 14, 2016 11:50 am

“PS. Any troll wanting to pick on these comments as “unsafe” should be very aware that your humble author holds an advanced degree in microbiology. Advanced enough that he used to teach medical students.”

I hope you stick around, with an attitude like that you will be loads of fun.

October 14, 2016 11:56 am

Ha! No shit.

Calls himself “humble”. Proceeds to brag about his credentials.

October 14, 2016 12:25 pm

You cant “genetically modify” corn syrup. Its just fructose. Whether it comes from genetically modified plants or not it contains no proteins. You can however control how many impurities, like mercury, etc go into it. But the most important point is that you dont need fructose in your diet. You dont need any carbohydrates at all. In my opionion nobody should be drinking soda, ever. I havent drank pop in almost a year. Maybe once a month I have unsweetened tea mixed half and half with sweetened lemonade. After not consuming sugar for a long time, even this light drink tastes very sweet, even though it contains only 30 calories per cup.

October 14, 2016 12:59 pm

Obviously, Mike was struggling today for a good question.

Hey, Mike. My dick is genetically modified! (Bigger, stronger, wider.) So, would you blow me? Of course, not … cuz that also is a silly question.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
October 14, 2016 3:08 pm

Not at all my cranky, oversized friend. My forum is everyone’s forum.

October 14, 2016 1:58 pm


This guy will blow your mind regarding HFCS:

October 14, 2016 2:16 pm

” if it was genetically modified, or created in a lab, should I eat it?”

If you were genetically modified or created in a lab then yes, go ahead and eat it.

If you weren’t, then don’t.

Da Perfessor
Da Perfessor
October 14, 2016 3:36 pm

@Rdawg –

TPC had it right…

“Another man’s ‘bragging about his credentials is another man’s defending his credentials’.

I don’t see it as bragging. Der Perfessor was simply letting us know what he’s talking about by providing information on his education history.”

Maybe I did come on a bit strong but I am a bit tired of presenting the story on “real food” only to be told that “science” has a better way. (The same “science” that is making people weak, fat and diabetic for going on 50 years.) The attacks are usually bitter because people don’t want to think about the choices under their control. They want affirmation, not health.

I value my credentials less than my hands-on experience of 35 years.

Growing and putting up food? I am probably on par with my great-grandparents skills.

Risk Analysis & Troubleshooting of almost all mainline “popular” processed foods? I’ll just say this… if you had seen what I have, you would NEVER shop anything but the periphery of your grocery EVER again. And you would never buy factory-ground beef in any form. Buy the stuff ground in-store or from a local butcher.

I agree with Iconoclast – “You dont need any carbohydrates at all. In my opionion nobody should be drinking soda, ever.” But, if you must have them keep the ones with low glycemic loads and use them sparingly.

Much of what is on the store shelves or in the freezers has been made with addictive substances. (ie. excess sugar in any form, MSG, excess salt, etc.) They will kill you….slowly and eventually painfully.

Da P

  Da Perfessor
October 14, 2016 4:27 pm

Da P, I agree with all you said regarding the consumption of real food. Just last weekend I harvested a mule deer here in Utah and had some backstrap the next day. Now that’s real food.

I thought it was ironic that you referred to yourself as humble while touting your creds in the same sentence.

Flinging feces is a bit of the official pastime at TBP, hence the comment.

Rise Up
Rise Up
October 14, 2016 4:03 pm

I love corn on the cob, but only the silver queen variety. There was not much silver queen available last year at our grocery store, and even less this year. They mainly sold the “salt and pepper” white/yellow mix corn. Silver queen with lots of butter and Himalayan pink salt is delicious.

As to HFCS, I avoid foods that contain that. I do drink Diet Rite soda, which uses Splenda (Sucralose) as it’s sweetener. Probably not as bad as aspartame but still bad, so I limit my consumption to 2 glasses/day.

Rise Up
Rise Up
October 14, 2016 4:08 pm

To Mike in PA: Have you done a QOTD recently on whether or not TBPers think WWIII is imminent? I don’t check in here every day but am curious if commenters (and admin) think the chances of that happening are high. And I mean REAL WAR, not these proxy wars–that is, a direct shooting war w/Russia, even nuclear.


  Rise Up
October 14, 2016 8:03 pm

Oh geez, the current situation isn’t much worse than the Cuban missile crisis was so why would anyone think WWIII would be imminent?

Maybe a better question would concern Trump using vulgar language over a decade ago and whether he can be considered qualified for the Presidency since he did?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 14, 2016 8:16 pm

Anon- What makes you think WWIII is not imminent, I’m pretty sure it has already started.

October 14, 2016 5:18 pm

Hey professor ,I drink at 3 or 4 mountain dews a day. Or you telling me I’m stupid of just going to die an early death??I like them especially in the morning. Doctor told me years ago I was drinking to much coffee so I switched to sugar. Now you’re telling I have to switch again ?People like you make my life more miserable then it already is.

Da Perfessor
Da Perfessor
October 14, 2016 5:48 pm

I usually just skip you but this has me really fascinated, bb. Maybe you are just an idiot and not a troll bot. I’ll play nice here for a mo’…

4 MD at 12 oz each is putting 700 calories into you – pure sugar. Since driving a truck (or so you claim that’s what you do) isn’t a real high exertion job, that gives you over 30% of a 2,000 cal/day intake.

If you do not have a gut on you, I would be amazed. If you do have a gut on you, you have already done a bunch of damage which is reversible by going back to eating real food.

It wouldn’t surprise me at all if you run hypoglycemic most of the time….that’s why you have the urge to pound ’em down.

BTW, you are also getting the caffeine equivalent to two cups of regular drip coffee per day….just so you know.

Your life is up to you as I doubt someone else is force-feeding you or laying out your attitude for the day.

If you are miserable, that’s your fault and nobody else’s. Have a big dose of “Grow-a-Set” and move on.

Da P

Da Perfessor
Da Perfessor
October 14, 2016 5:29 pm

@Rdawg –

“Da P, I agree with all you said regarding the consumption of real food. Just last weekend I harvested a mule deer here in Utah and had some backstrap the next day.”

Congrats on the harvest! (The backstraps wouldn’t have made it until the next day with me though.)

Putting the creds out there was “pre-emptive defense”, I reckon. I have no problem with STM’s who are both honest and have a brain. (Which is a goodly portion of the TBP-ers.)

However, in my occasional drive-bys here, it is my experience that anyone taking dispute with some of the “popular science” draws the idiot trolls.

Sadly, I think I have reached the point where this is the last time that I will ever bring up the topic – anywhere. Everybody seems to want to dig their grave with their teeth. I’ll let ’em get on with it.

Da P

  Da Perfessor
October 15, 2016 12:25 am

“Everybody seems to want to dig their grave with their teeth. I’ll let ’em get on with it.”

Yeah, roger that.