If Hope wants to live blog, that would be great. Anyone else who would like to chime in, feel free. I’d like to see some fisticuffs.

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MN Steel
MN Steel
October 19, 2016 8:12 pm

Oh, goodie, another debate…

Wait, what?!? Oooh, shiny! Must follow shiny object!

October 19, 2016 8:52 pm

As much as I want to see Trump wipe the floor with the brain damaged career criminal known as Hillary, I hope he acts measured and reserved and presidential I will try to blog but I am still actually in the hospital.

October 19, 2016 9:27 pm

Donald doesn’t seem too fired up. He’d better get going.

Hillary has her sanctimonious grin on full display.

October 19, 2016 9:28 pm

I recorded the debate so I’m just starting to watch. ABC coverage started with the anchors basically saying Hitlery obviously has the election in the bag so she should pretty much just give her first presidential address instead of debating Trump. So much for impartiality.

October 19, 2016 9:34 pm

In Diebold We Trust.

October 19, 2016 9:42 pm

mmmmm. Nero vs. Caligula.

October 20, 2016 7:51 pm

Jerry Springer and Rosie Odonnel.
Jerry is an immoral slimy huckster who panders to the crowd but compared to Rosie he is an upstanding role model for our children.

October 19, 2016 9:43 pm

Trump is blowing it. It’s looking like the 1st debate again. So many missed chances. All that Putin/Russia nonsense especially. All he had to do was say something like ‘nice try on that unsubstantiated distraction. No one knows where the hacks originated from, anyone who tells you they KNOW the Russians did it is lying. All she is trying to do is spin this away from the terrible contents of those emails. She wants to distract you from things like the admission by her campaign staff that she hates ordinary Americans, and the disgusting collusion between you and the media. You couldn’t beat Bernie fair and square, and now you are trying to use the same underhanded tactics against me, and it’s not going to work”

Anything would be better than his mini blow up there. Come on trump, get it together. NO ONE has ever faced a person with more damning baggage hanging over their heads than trump is facing with Hillary, and he is letting her control the narrative. Hammer her like last time, get your shit together.

kokoda - 100% Deplorable
kokoda - 100% Deplorable
October 19, 2016 10:43 pm

Gator….agree with you on Putin. And, Trump blew it on Aleppo. He could have blown her out of the water if he had been prepared on those 2 items and they are sooooeasy.

October 19, 2016 9:51 pm

Why does the old hag keep looking down? Does she have a teleprompter again?

October 19, 2016 9:52 pm

When the human tampon speaks of the financial crisis I would think she would be vulnerable on Glass Steagall which her hubby signed into law and the Democratic Party’s support for Frannie & Freddie.

When she talks about Slick Willie turning around the budget, Trump should tell her to thank Newt Gingrich and his contract with America.

October 19, 2016 10:30 pm

He should also point out that this was accomplished in its entirety with accounting gimmicks. Social security robbery and other little tricks. Nothing but smoke and mirrors.

But, since that goes over most people’s heads, he should say that about Gingrich. Spending originated in the house, which was controlled by republicans.

kokoda - 100% Deplorable
kokoda - 100% Deplorable
October 19, 2016 10:45 pm

You said it wrong …Bill C. did not sign Glass-Steagall into law; that was sometime around 1932/1934.
But, I knew what you meant.

  kokoda - 100% Deplorable
October 20, 2016 12:27 am

Yeah, I meant it was the bill for the REPEAL of Glass Steagall that Slick Willie signed. Hard to blog with one eye on the TV.

October 19, 2016 10:02 pm

Hillary has practiced her lines and talking points over and over. Donald looks less-prepared, but when he brought up the tapes and emails, he at least wiped that grin off her face. Go Donald.

October 19, 2016 10:03 pm

She talks like she is repeating what is being fed to her, even looking down like she is trying to process what she hearing.

October 19, 2016 10:10 pm

WHY THE FUCK DOES HE KEEP PLUGGING HIS HOTELS? Stop with that shit. He worried he’s going to lose and will need the money? Stick to the fucking debate, hammer her criminal ass, stay on topic. He had her on the ropes last time, and has even more material to do so with this time around, and he is squabbling over nonsense. Do you want to win or not?

I don’t like many of your policies, but I’m sick of war and don’t want the hubris of hilligula and co dragging us into a nuclear confrontation with someone like Russia.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 19, 2016 10:14 pm

I agree. Nobody but Trump gives a shit about his hotels.

That said he is winning.

October 19, 2016 10:15 pm

He’s kicking her ass.

October 19, 2016 10:18 pm

He needs to answer one of the questions instead of constantly being critical of past decisions he keeps repeating their past failings but doesn’t answer the questions. Of course so does she. Nothing new here tonight. She is the master of twisting and the bob and weave.

Trump needs to deliver the knockout punch and he nee to do it NOW!

kokoda - 100% Deplorable
kokoda - 100% Deplorable
October 19, 2016 10:47 pm

Peace….noticed that also; I kept saying to the TV ‘answer the question’.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 19, 2016 10:20 pm

This is going to be decided by the greater number of good people or the greater number of not so good people, not by debates. That simple.

I guess we’ll see which way it goes.

She does look like one of the Hunger Games characters.

October 19, 2016 10:25 pm

Is that it? Is nobody watching it?
I was hoping to get the low down here because I can’t watch this shit. Guess I’ll have to wait for the Tom Woods/Lew Rockwell discussion tomorrow.

October 19, 2016 10:26 pm

I think the little Alleppo boy with the bloody forehead might have been planted there by the Clinton campaign. In light of the dirty dealing that as been exposed tis past week can we really rule it out.

October 19, 2016 10:27 pm

@HSF, yes she does. She would like right at home standing with president snowe.

The no fly zone thing, come on dude. ‘Let’s be clear, a no fly zone imposed unilaterally by the US over Syria would amount to a declaration of war against Syria. It would mean our killing thousands of Syrian army troops, without a declaration of war, during the initial phase where we must destroy all Syrian air defenses and their aircraft on the ground. This will lead to a shooting war with Russia. She is literally advocating for war with Russia.’

Something, anything. Come on Donald. Quit letting her off so easy.

October 19, 2016 10:31 pm

Hillary will not add a dime to the deficit, Obamacare was going to add a dime either. What a bunch of shit.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 19, 2016 10:34 pm

A no fly zone is a declaration of war. Always has been always will.

October 19, 2016 10:41 pm

Got paid to watch again…….What is so disgusting about this shit is that I could have easily given concise, on point answers to every question asked of tRump that would have destroyed her statements and positions.

What about the diseases brought in by immigrants and the drain they put on the welfare system? How the hell can Hitlary claim to not add to the debt? In a debt based system A L L growth I S debt. There is no way around that!

On abortion I’d absolutely agree that if a fetus is endangering a woman’s health in such a way that it endangers her life or in the case of rape and incest and possibly in the case of known genetic defects in the fetus, then by all means a woman should have the right to choose. However, any abortion including late term, partial birth etc used as alternatives to unwanted pregnancy should be illegal. If women want a choice in those cases…….keep their fucking legs closed, buy a vibrator or whatever. Why did tRump not raise the issue of companies finding ways to keep aborted fetuses alive to harvest various parts of them for profit? Why not bring up the issue of forcing catholics and others to fund abortion through health care laws?

tRump said nothing that would have encouraged me to vote for him tonight. I’d certainly never vote for Hitlary but tRump is not a choice either. I’d have mopped the floor with that evil cunt. I seem to be clearly better informed than tRump. He doesn’t even look like he wants the job anymore. I’m starting to think that tRump is a trumped up candidate to give the (s)election to Hitlary. I’m so glad I cancelled my voter registration.

October 19, 2016 10:59 pm


I started watching about 10 minutes after the debate and I was saying pretty much exactly the same as you. Trump could have beat her down so many times with valid, logical points but he didn’t. He went off course and looked like a total pussy.

I couldn’t watch it all and gave up about 15 mins before it ended because any person who has been reading the “real” news could have beat her so bad she would have stroked out.

Bottom line is what I thought from the beginning this is all Kabuki theatre. The cunt wins the 1st debate, dumbass wins the 2nd and then folds like a bitch in the 3rd. Nothing to see here folks, move along.

I said this after the primaries. This country is fucked no matter who wins. Better be ready.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 19, 2016 10:44 pm

Now they are interviewing Podesta.


That guy has zero credibility…

October 19, 2016 10:46 pm


1. I’ve seen how “MSM” has influenced people. Even folks like my parents who were IN WWII think Trump is “Hitler.” How many millions of votes will be cast by those who are on the “TEET” of that propaganda machine? Scary as fuck!

2. I know MANY people are FOR Trump. I see signs in my neck of the woods. 100 to 1 Trump vs. Clinton. Who will be “watching” the voting stations? Count how many people actually vote on the machines. “Fact Check” as these dumb-asses are parroting around?

3. Say Trump is “Up” (hypothetically speaking) by like 5 million votes. What is the power of the “FRAUD MACHINE?” How many votes can they tinker with for real? Is it possible that, despite their efforts, that Mr. Trump can pull this off?

4. What if the “election” (in quotes for a reason) does go to that bag of bones bitch. What recourse does Trump have? It would be unprecedented considering all the dotted lines in collusion with each other.

5. Lastly – say this election (which I TRULY feel is in Trump’s favor) does turn out it Clinton’s favor. How many of you would be IRATE to the point of… ? When our so-called “country” is now just a banana republic of privileged fuck-faces who have NO interest in the well-being of “US,” —- WHAT DO WE DO AT THAT POINT?

Big questions – but more important are the answers you all provide.

Please help me out. I don’t like what may come soon.

Thanks guys!

October 19, 2016 11:27 pm

The voter fraud thing would not require anywhere near 5 million votes to pull off in the electoral college system. You have to look at swing states, which are really only a few ‘swing counties’ within the swing states. The election is decided in maybe 2 dozen(at most) counties in a few swing states. Pull off a few thousand fraudulent votes in key precincts within those counties and you can steal it.

October 19, 2016 10:49 pm

A few notes…
1. I work with video as my profession – the two camera feeds were filtered differently to soften Hillary. Trump almost looked sickly in contrast. It was Nixon all over again.
2. Early in the debate Hillary had some clear fluid run clear out of her nose down to her lip, which she subtly wiped off after her turn speaking was over. WTF was that? Her eyes were also glazed over. They must have juiced her up good.
3. Once again, her podium had the glowing light, AND she kept constantly looking down. Teleprompter? Light to help with her Parkinsons disorentation?
4. Also as with the 1st debate, the mystery cleaner guy appeared after the debate. This time the cameras cut away, but when they cut back you could see the guy handing something (looked like a small electrionic box) to someone in the front row of the audience.

All that said, I think Trump carried himself very well. Much more diplomatic. He won the debate, but I doubt he changed anyone’s mind.

October 19, 2016 11:29 pm

@TC I noticed her ‘handler’ there too. Never more than 2 or 3 feet away from her, post debate. Keeping the seizure mess ready, I guess.

October 19, 2016 11:34 pm

I noticed the light and coloring on DJT seemed somehow dull compared to Hillary. Her lighting made her look all bright and sparkly.

October 20, 2016 12:12 am

The hag appeared taller than Trump on the split screen, and I mentioned above about the teleprompter—-she looked down constantly as though she was reading a script.

Also, there was one brief shot from behind. Sure enough, her podium had that glowing light. I’m sure plenty of people will make youtubes of it.

October 19, 2016 11:13 pm

We will NEVER….EVER create an economic machine like the one tRump claims he will create as long as private, for profit bankers loan every dollar into existence AT INTEREST. Not. Gonna. Happen. Not ending the fed condemns us all to continuous debt slavery.

October 20, 2016 12:21 am

IS, we need to end the Fed’s 96% monopoly on money issuance and demand the government start issuing debt free money again. We need balance.

October 20, 2016 9:09 am

We are already convinced, or being convinced that the bankers
are behind the machine, and controlling the scenarios.
Okay, bankers control the money “for interest” profits. However,
that wasn’t enough profit for these current goons. Bill repealed the
Glass-Steagall Act (1933) allowing the bankers to use private $ to
gamble. Recently bankers promoted laws that allow them to take
depositors $ (unprotected shareholders) to cover their reckless losses.
That is a mafia tactic. All mafia, everyday, every way. Further, in league
with others, these bankers have looted the country of 50 trillion dollars.

October 19, 2016 11:21 pm

All the MSM talking heads are now saying similar talking points like:

1.) how Trump’s performance made people feel good in the moment, but he will definitely lose the post debate spin over the next several days

2.) how Trump’s not committing to accepting the outcome of the election is akin to a constitutional crisis

3.) Nasty women comment

4.) Bad Hombres comment

Etc – again no one cares about any substance behind the comments – only the appearance of it all as defined by their own self-important opinions and condescending hubris.

Also – Hillary says to Google “Trump & Iraq” and when you do -the Fact Checkers are all on top of the page – obviously no collusion on behalf of Google with that – I’m sure it’s all legit.

Nope. Nothing to see here folks. No media bias whatsoever.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 19, 2016 11:22 pm


I agree we need to rid ourselves of the Fed and all it’s subsidary central banks across the Western World. Central Banks are monopolies and marxist in practice and intent. But getting rid of them only solves a portion of problem. Welfare and continual expansion of government needs to be reversed as well.

  RiNS the deplorable
October 19, 2016 11:39 pm

Where the fuck do you think the welfare money comes from? Where do you think the money that funds 17+ intelligence agencies and all govt expansion comes from? Is it loaned to us by little old ladies from the grocery budgets? Do cub scouts solicit it and donate it? FUCK NO!

EVERY SINGLE PENNY OF WELFARE and EVERY FUCKING PENNY of govt expansion is poofed into existence from thin air…….loaned to the government…….at interest……….by the central bank. The interest is in perpetuity because the debt NEVER gets paid back……..EVER!

Ending the fed and restoring value based money……….money that is not PISSED away on a whim to suit some oligarch’s fancy………puts an immediate end to welfare, govt expansion, wars of choice, special interests, bought and paid for corrupt education programs like common core, exorbitant salaries and golden parachute severance packages and a million other things wrong with this country and the entire world.

Central bank money is the greatest weapon of mass destruction ever unleashed on the world. No one would ever piss away trillions of dollars of value based money such as gold because you have to work too hard to obtain it. Central bank money requires no such hard work…….a few simple keystrokes and poof………trillions of dollars literally pissed away on NOTHING OF VALUE.

Why is this so hard to understand?

EDIT: Forgot to add that central banking needs to be ended planet wide but all I really care about is the USA. Ending central banking here will attract the best and brightest minds in the history of the world which is what attracted the best and brightest in the first place. It will also bring the most massive shift in investment the world has ever witnessed. Why do you think the central bankers fight so hard to keep their debt machines in place. They need the whole world indebted. If one country with resources throws off the chains of central banking the change will be immediate and obvious. tRumps business by comparison will look like a little kids lemonade stand.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 20, 2016 6:33 am


WHAT in the fuck are you doing jumping on me about this. I was being respectful and you are offside. You don’t need a central bank to print money. Bob Mugabe proved that in spades with what he did in Zimfuckway. But keep dreaming. If you get rid of the privately run Fed and do nothing else. Then the problem gets moved to Treasury. Money is just a promise to pay forward labour. Whether it is borrowed into existence or just printed, prudence is still required in controlling supply of money. It doesn’t even need to be printed to be debased. In Rome the money the silver % in Denarius was reduced over time so that the bread and circus could continue. But even that eventually ended. Check your history book the Civil War commenced during an era of so-called “Free Banking”.

  RiNS the deplorable
October 20, 2016 7:02 am

Your original response implied that even if we got rid of the central bank we’d still have to deal with welfare and govt expansion. My response was to that. All I did was vigorously ask where the hell you thought welfare money came from. Not offside at all…especially for TBP.

You must really be daft if you think that ALL i want to do is get rid of the central bank. I keep harping on the need to restore value based money but apparently that goes unnoticed.

Money is not a promise to pay forward labor. An IOU or DEBT is a promise to pay. Money is a medium of exchange. So what if the problem gets moved to the Treasury? The Treasury is beholden to the people. The central bank is not. We can audit the treasury and investigate their doings neither of which can be done with the fed. It is the Treasury’s job to issue our money and bonds and it should be again.

I just find it ridiculous to continually argue about how to fix this, that and the other thing while ignoring the 20 trillion ton elephant in the room. Good luck with that!

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 20, 2016 7:55 am

You are the one fucking Harping not me. Fuck man get outside and breathe some fresh air. Getting rid of the Fed isn’t going to solve the problem. Do you think Robert Mugabe is worried about Bonds and their long and short term yields. Fuck no! He just phones up printer and gets some more paper. And if the guy refuses he ends up on business end of an AK-47.

You are the one that needs to WAKE the fuck up. Not me. And you are right you weren’t offside as far as TBP standards go. I am one of worst offenders around here so I’d be a hypocrite if I let that offside comment stand. But I was having breakfast when I typed that not really in a shit flinging mood. Maybe it is because I have been watching baseball last couple of weeks instead of doom porn. Maybe..

Go Cubs! ya……..

Audit the Treasury and investigate their doings. Are you fucking serious. If it wasn’t for wikileaks they would already be paving Penn Ave for Hillary’s coronation.

Do you want to end Fractional Reserve system of making loans. If you do then cost of borrowing skyrockets and economy grinds to halt because nobody who is 50 or 60 years old is going to lend their money to a millennial with no hope of seeing positive return before they are pushing daisies.

Anyways you are the one being ridiculous not me…

And as for luck you can keep it. I don’t need it!

  RiNS the deplorable
October 20, 2016 5:28 pm

Fuck dude! Can you read for comprehension? Did I accuse you of harping? Go ahead, go back and read what I said.

You are the retard implying that I want to end the fed just to go the route of Mugabe. Again, you must be fucking daft.

Once control of our monetary system is transferred back to the treasury the people and the govt (one in the same) have absolute authority to audit and investigate the treasury. Congress had tried several times to audit the fed and they get rebuffed each time because they are a privately owned entity not subject to audit or even paying income taxes. The Congress has every right to investigate the treasury and that is a vast improvement over the fed.

Fractional reserve banking isn’t a big problem as long as practical reserve levels are maintained. It is the loaning of fiat money at interest that is the big evil. Just look around the world man. ALL of the corruption you see is enabled…..actually encouraged by printing pretty pieces of paper that have no value. As you allude to, with sound, value based money who is going to want to loan to some loser millenial?………………..EXACTLY…………it’s refreshing to see that you can at least comprehend the cleansing effect that sound money will bring back. No one, including a bank will want to loan to anyone simply because they have a pulse. Credit will again become a privilege instead of a tool used to enslave people and any interest earned on loans will benefit the treasury reducing taxes.

Look at the North Dakota State banking system. Kennedy himself (and others) planned to end the fed and even began the transition before being assassinated for their efforts. Ending central banking in the US can be done and has been done. It is well past time to do it again…….once and for all

You are the idiot being ridiculous. First off, you’re Canadian. Not that there’s anything wrong with that but our monetary system is none of your business. Enjoy your central bank if you like central banking so much. If you can’t handle doom porn in the morning then what the fuck are you doing coming here. Mosey on over to HuffPo or some other fantasy land where it’s always half past utopia.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 20, 2016 7:27 pm

Geeze touched a nerve here.

What in the fuck is wrong with you. Are you off your meds or something. I agree with you that Fed should be ended. Where exactly did I say that enjoy central banking. Where? Fuck man I agreed with something you wrote last night then while eating breakfast and checking the thread I see that you go Full Retard for no reason at all.

so my Bad on the harpy comment. I should have just said you are a Harpy. Is that better. Do you like that more? I laugh at tards like you. You blather on like a broken record.

End The Fed! End The Fed!

You talk about Utopia so just suppose at midnight tonight you can do your best Alice. Click your heels. Then what..

1600 Penn is going to turn into a Palace of Virtue. Gimme a break. The same lobbyists will be dining with the same corrupt politicians. Then you talk of audits. You really think that they will have audits Alice. Fuck there is 10 trillion dollars unaccounted at DOD. No Fed involved in that one. Yet not one peep from any politicos.

I have not always done it but I try and emulate what LLoph and Admin do around here. Civil should be responded with civil. But we are supposed to all bow down before the mighty and wise Indenturer. You I guess are the penultimate source for information on monetary policy. Maybe you should hop on bus and get to DC. What in the fuck are you doing wasting your time talking to us plebs here on TBP.

As for that last paragraph what in the fuck does it matter where I am from. None of my business eh! Since when did you get to decide who should have an opinion. Someone got a God complex!

If you don’t like mine tough on you.. Deal with it.
You can lick my Shwety Balls!

October 20, 2016 9:31 pm

Look dumb ass, where does the money come from that FUNDS all of the corruption you see in MY country and by extension, most of the world?

A financial collapse is coming. The people that orchestrated said collapse will attempt to hide it with a war while simultaneously implementing a bigger and better ONE WORLD central bank to play the old game again on a world wide debt plantation. My point is to take advantage of the collapse to get rid of the central bank and implement sound, value based money.

Why? Because as you alluded to, NO ONE will be willing to piss away sound money (gold for instance) on all of the evil shit we currently find ourselves mired in. The corrupt govt fucks won’t have a blank check to just maintain the alphabet soup agencies that steal our rights and freedoms. Welfare payments will no longer be made to buy votes. Social security, the defacto American retirement plan will go away and no longer be available to buy votes with promises of MOAR! Without thin air fiat money no one will be willing to build trillions of dollars in military hardware to just leave behind on battlefields for our (fiat financed) proxy armies like ISIS and Al Qaeda to seize control of and depose people like Assad. We won’t even be able to fund proxy armies anymore.

Do you think G. Soros would be spending gold to finance the levels of corruption he does? It’s the lure of free money to instigate riots, rig elections and force wealth stealing legislation down our throats that our politicians use to enrich themselves and impoverish us. Take the fiat money away from the assholes who are stealing our country and the entire world and people of integrity who aren’t looking to get rich (because it’s no longer an option) will come out of the woodwork to serve and rebuild the country. They won’t do it today because the fiat money will be used to bury them by the bought and paid for (with more fiat money) media.

95% of the evil that exists around us is paid for by funny money. Take that funny money away and everyone, including govt will be forced to live within their means.

You act as if I believe that simply ending the fed is some magic bullet. It’s not. It obviously needs to be replaced by something and in the grand tradition of socialist scum everywhere, never let a good crisis go to waste. I suggest we use the collapse to end the fed which will immediately dereail the NWO asswipes and simultaneouly attract the worlds best and brightest to our shores instead of the scum that is being imported (and paid for with yet more fiat) now.

You either get it or you don’t. Allowing these fucks to remain control of our money is not an option if you want the world that tRump has you believing he will build. Yes, the greed of man will always exist but when the money that feeds the greed goes away, the greed is tempered.

If my way is too crude for your delicate sensibilities then fuck you! Feel free to skip anything I write……… always comes with a big warning label right above every comment I write that says “IndenturedServant”! If TBP is to abrupt for you while eating breakfast then go read Rosie O.Donnel or like I said before, hit HuffPo because it’s always precisely half past Utopia over there and much closer to your speed.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 20, 2016 11:22 pm

I will say it again. Yes End the FUCKING FED YOU RETARDED FUCKTARD! I agreed with you at the start of this. FUCK!

I am so scared of you. Not! I can handle the doom. Newsflash you tard this is the internet not real life. I have had way too much practice with the real world to worry about some flunkie typing in a basement. I should point out that I am talking about you because from last couple of posts you have made you seem as thick as 12 cord of pulp wood with about half the IQ.

So somehow you think government will not print money to pay for entitlements without the Fed. The stupid burns. I could list a whole bunch of examples of how wrong you are…


To name a few.

But if you insist keep trying the Schweddy balls. I can make more tomorrow if you like another batch.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 20, 2016 11:33 pm

Oh yeah.. Go Cubs!

[imgcomment image[/img]

October 21, 2016 1:01 am

Aww, you don’t even appreciate the elaborate lengths I go to to call you a pussy?

You couldn’t get under my skin on your best day even if you talked shit about my wife and mother. If you’d been paying attention you’d already know that. If you don’t enjoy it, don’t participate.

  RiNS the deplorable
October 20, 2016 11:56 pm

Hey bb if your’re reading this, when Rob(in) shows up to claim the Village Idiot Crown (tiara in his case) from you, don’t flip him too much shit. He seems to have gotten his lady parts caught in his zipper and the friction set his tampon on fire. Consequently his lady parts are in quite a delicate state………you know, like when you rub your pussy….er little bb, the wrong way. Wear a cup too because Rob(in) seems infatuated with sweaty balls. Don’t hold it against him though, he’s a special kind of droolin’snowflake from Canuckistan…….probably swappin’ spit with Dougie Becker.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 21, 2016 12:08 am


Sad really just sad.

I have to admit I am enjoying this. I wasn’t even trying and it seems that I have got under your skin. You kind of threw me for a loop this morning. But if you want to be a dick well be my guest.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 19, 2016 11:26 pm

20 days til this shitshow is over, but will the Donald accept the vote? Wow, what a set up for the next shitshow…..what did you think about that? Civil unrest on the horizon?

  Bea Lever
October 19, 2016 11:42 pm


I am 100% surprised that all comments are not related to just two things:

1. For the very first time in my lifetime, I’ve heard a politician at that level of office openly state that he reserves the right to question the validity of the election results. I about crapped my pants when I heard that. Ladies and Gentlemen, that WAS the opening shot of the next Civil War. It was a clear call to arms. It was right there. Also, at that moment I could hear the fear in the moderators voice. I do production audio for a living – I can hear everything and I heard fear. I can imagine the producer barking in his ear, trying to back him out of the ditch he just drove into – wow wow wow

2. No fly zone. I heard a crazy woman openly state that she would impose a no fly zone over Syria. My god, some percentage of Americans must know that that would result in a hot war with Iran, Syria and the Russians. Could you imagine if the Chinese and N. Koreans piled on as well. We would be in an extremely desperate fight for our very existence. The fact that that moron Biden went on television and gave away all of our plans to attack the Russians doesn’t help our position much. These people will lead us to our doom.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 19, 2016 11:55 pm


You said what I was thinking and WELL put sir. You answered my question.

October 20, 2016 12:23 am

NT, on topic #1, as soon as the question was asked my mind went back to the hanging chad incident and I was trying to formulate an answer that might take that sort of result into account. However tRump should have just said: “Hell yes I’ll accept it when all of my supporters vote me into office! My supporters aren’t stupid!” and left it at that.

It’s part of the reason I thunk tRump is just a trumped up candidate.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 20, 2016 10:04 am


Great post. Went to a debate party last night at a friends place to watch. We noticed the same thing. Hillary essentially guaranteed that if she is elected there will be war with Russia. I wonder how many others caught it?

Trump almost guaranteed the same thing domestically if he is not elected.

Media bias has been relentless since. Nobody seems to be talking about Wikileaks, Veritas or the other dozen or so scandals that are ongoing from the Clinton camp but they are harping hard on the statement about acceptance of the results from Trump. They don’t understand how anyone could not concede defeat in a system that is so blatantly corrupt. They ignore the reality and manufacture a new one. Almost every station on the idiot box is running the same meme. It’s pretty disturbing.

Robert (qslv)
Robert (qslv)
October 20, 2016 12:45 pm

Some well thrown nickels

October 20, 2016 1:06 pm

The stupid bitch even blabbed about the precise amount of time between the U.S. presidential order being given and actual nukes being launched…She is so good with classified information.

October 19, 2016 11:37 pm

Next question – and it’s a real question:

I saw how the “interwebs” (somewhat) influenced the 2008 and 2012 elections – but a lot of “tech-mology” (as Ali G used to say) has profoundly changed since…

With so many fuck-tards living their lives connected to fakebook and others – how much influence do the “powers that be” have?

I’ve seen other polar opposite movements as well.

Is it the number of (eligible) Millennial voters vs. the “Baby Boomers” that will be the deciding factor? Or have the 16 George Soros states with his fucking voting machines already decided it?

I’d be sick to my fucking stomach if they paraded millions of AMERICAN CITIZENS out to “vote” when their vote did not count in the long run.

I would hope that those millions of Americans would also be IRATE to the point of no return.

Can you all please re-think about what I said.

Imagine if this whole voting “charade” and the spectacle leading up to the so-called “election” did not make a difference?

Shit – that is in line with how revolutions began. ABUSE of the people.

PS – what bothers me beyond belief – is that if “FRAUD” is TRULY happening (i.e., via the Veritas videos), what isn’t ANYONE coming forward? Is it the truly narcissistic world of “ME ME ME” that we’re living in? That they’d never cross the line of “what’s right” versus “hey, I got some cash?”

Is money that golden that it dissolved the values of a human being? For a few shekels?

Fuck me sideways.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 19, 2016 11:51 pm


You will never hear politicians speak of ending the money machine and that includes Trump, the un-politician. I agree with you 100% but you are grabbing for the moon.

  Bea Lever
October 19, 2016 11:56 pm

Why do we have to depend on a fuckstick politician to demand an end to the fed? It should be grassroots anyway. After all, it is the citizen that gets fucked by the fed………not the useful idiot politicians.

October 19, 2016 11:42 pm

EVERY single dollar spent by govt on anything ADDS to the debt. End the fed.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 19, 2016 11:52 pm

Politically it would have made sense for Trump to say he’ll accept the results. He could change his mind later if facts warrant it. Logically, no one should agree in advance to accept the results of anything. If the process turns out to be demonstrably, thoroughly corrupt, then no one should accept the results.

  Iska Waran
October 20, 2016 12:25 am


His stating that he would not agree in advance to accept the results was a warning shot fired across the bow of the establishment. Those were fighting words because what, exactly, would happen should Trump lose and he does not accept the results? How is that resolved? It could result in a regional war.

Trump just placed all his chips on the table. All of them.

October 20, 2016 12:00 am

The bottom line is that the sole reason for the existence of the US government is to protect and preserve the unalienable rights of its citizens as well as the freedom and liberty to exercise those rights. I didn’t hear a single word in the debate that even hinted at that. Gun control is the opposite of protecting and preserving.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 20, 2016 12:04 am

Could someone get Iska Warran a neon sign flashing “WAR….. WAR…..WAR…..WAR”.

October 20, 2016 12:17 am

Don’t be too disappointed TBP tRumpeteers. Those two fucksticks Fovel and Creamer invalidated your votes a hundred times over with their voter fraud efforts. The votes they gin up are the ones that matter.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 20, 2016 12:45 pm

I was hoping Trump would bring up their names during the debate last night. Shine the light on the crooks in the shadows. Too bad he didn’t name names.

October 20, 2016 12:19 am

Guys – you’re missing the point entirely.

One -there is massive voter fraud – how does that make you feel as a “voter”

Two – How do we fix this fraudulent voting system?

What fucking kind of country do we live in? Who are we as “the people?”

Shit man – wake up!

October 20, 2016 12:27 am

You wake up mrk030…………….YOU END THE FUCKING FED! What do you think pays for all this shit? It sure as fuck ain’t money with REAL value!

Hope@ZeroKelvin - Proud Deplorable
Hope@ZeroKelvin - Proud Deplorable
October 20, 2016 12:24 am

I ended up watching bits & pieces – so here is my 2 cents:

1) Trump looked presidential, most of the time. Hillary looked tired and her responses were canned. I swear she was looking down and reading from that “book” that got picked up by that guy at the end of the debate.
2) The moderator kept control of the debated but let Hillary talk too much.
3) Trump overall did better but left some sure home runs go by the wayside – Aleppo, the fact that a no fly zone in Syria will result in war with Putin, should have rammed home the Wikileaks stuff.
4) There was some weirdness in the lighting – HRC looked glowing, at least until her pancake makeup stayed on and Trump looked pale. Someone was channeling Nixon’s 5 o’clock shadow?

That bit about Trump seeing if he would accept a “rigged election” I think was pure genius. That all the Cuckservatives AND the MSNBC crowd lost their shit over it is proof positive. It was particularly good on the heels of the Project Veritas and Wikileaks stuff, esp when Trump noted that >95% of media has donated to HRC. I have always said that the elections were decided before the ballots were printed. Why else would the Dems fight so hard against any kind of electoral integrity – voter ID, same day regs, etc? Why else would the Obama regime use the IRS and other agencies to target groups like True The Vote if the Dems DIDN’T ALREADY KNOW THAT THERE WAS VOTE RIGGING GOING ON?

This WAS an opening salvo in an American Civil WarII, make no mistake. But it is a Civil War between the progressive/globalists/democrats/coastal elites versus the rest of the country. It has been brewing for a long time but now, I fear, will boil over regardless of who “wins”.

I simply have not stocked enough food and ammo – and clearly need to buy that place in remote Idaho I have my eye on.

We. Are. Doomed.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Hope@ZeroKelvin - Proud Deplorable
October 20, 2016 12:33 am

Seriously, tomorrow get some extra beans and rice.

  Hope@ZeroKelvin - Proud Deplorable
October 20, 2016 8:26 am

You are welcome here in the Ozarks Hope. You too Bea. Others will have to pass a target shooting test.

I drank too much wine and passed out early in the debate.

Robert (qslv)
Robert (qslv)
  Hope@ZeroKelvin - Proud Deplorable
October 20, 2016 1:12 pm

Hope, I’ve given a lot of thought to this prepping thing. Too much to carry. A saner basic list would be:

10 gallons of water
2 qts mixed nuts an dried berries
2 lbs dried beef or pemmican
Carry 2 gal of water and keep the rest in your vehicle.
Finally, a sidearm with 500 rounds loaded into magazines to protect your food and water. You’ll lose the vehicle at the first river crossing. The small amount of food and water will fit in a backpack. This will keep you alive long enough to join up with like-minded survivors, and if God wills it, your life will continue.
Robert (qslv)

October 20, 2016 12:25 am

Indent Service, you are right once again .End central banking.Period….But no one in Washington has the will .So we are still fucked.

October 20, 2016 12:41 am

Yeah the puppetmasters behind the Fed pull the strings and they will remain in power no matter who wins.

But, that said, I am starting to think Trump’s not committing to accepting the outcome of the election until “he looks at it” may have been a brilliant play on his part. Think about it. This gives him the maximum leverage. Of course the MSM will beat this hard enough for the republicucks like Ryan, McConnell, etc to all fall on their swords – but – in the end, the MSM will have to report on what the Donald says about this from now on right up until election day and beyond.

If you were in charge of stealing the election in key counties in key states – wouldn’t Trump’s move tonight be the exact opposite of what you would have wished him to do? In other words, if the Donald would have said he would support the outcome, the establishment would own him right now. But he didn’t fall into the trap. This may have been a strong strategic move by the Trumpster. Of course, we will see how it all plays out in the days and weeks ahead.

October 20, 2016 2:48 am


The last 17 months have seen record gun sales. Just last month, Americans purchased enough weapons to arm the 3 largest armies in the world. The people that have these weapons are probably Trump supporters and Trump has had ample opportunity to point out to them at his massive pep rallies just how corrupt the entire edifice is. At the debates this evening, Trump questioned how it was even possible for Hillary to be standing there as he believes her to be a dangerous criminal. Now, you cant allow a dangerous criminal to steal an election can you? Especially if you and yours just happen to have all the guns.

That was Trump’s way of letting the establishment know that he is not going to go quietly into the night.

October 20, 2016 9:45 am

“Yeah the puppetmasters behind the Fed pull the strings and they will remain in power no matter who wins.”

String pullers and bankers. Bankers have the money concession, and
(essentially) powers behind and bankers work together. A match made
in hell.
Okay, question? What % US residents know the Fed is a private enterprise
that skims all cream off the top?
The USA is a failed entity. As IS said, their job is to protect our borders and
support the welfare of the nation. That said, gov has pretty much done the
opposite, ….profiting for themselves and out country masters. That is the message
and the mandate of the 5% awake to change. Every man must maximize his testosterone.

Hope@ZeroKelvin - Proud Deplorable
Hope@ZeroKelvin - Proud Deplorable
October 20, 2016 12:58 am


No shit.

Taking the Suburban to Costco tomorrow, try to beat the rush. Also will check if has a good sale on 5 gallon food grade plastic buckets and gamma seals. Check them out, their prices are great, a lot of the time they have free delivery and quality/service is first rate.

Am pretty good on ammo, but you can never have enough. I am out to 400 yards free holding my 7 mag and hitting a 1 foot square target, heh.

It’s gonna get sporty, stay Frosty, my friends.

  Hope@ZeroKelvin - Proud Deplorable
October 20, 2016 1:40 am

I don’t think this will kick off Civil War II. I think we have a few years yet.

Most likely her first term will be disastrous. Her next election will kick off civil action.

October 20, 2016 3:23 am

Trump scored several good points – if you are aware of what is going on.

Unfortunately, the masses have no clue about the emails, about the vote rigging, about the fact that Clinton never said that the role of the Supreme Court has anything to do with the Constitution (she never mentioned the word – she clearly wants to stack the court with political hacks to push her left wing agenda).

So, those that know already understand Trump is right and Clinton us a criminal who should be in jail. Those that do not know remain as blissfully ignorant as ever, happy to push the Democrat lever to keep their free shit flowing.

It is a clusterfuck.

October 20, 2016 4:11 am

NOTES TO SELF (10/20/2016):

Call screenprinter. Have two (2) sets of PEPE T-shirts printed up with the following text written on the front:

1.) Such a nasty woman.
2.) We have some bad hombres here, and we’re going to get them out.

Sell online for $30.00 with free shipping. Deposit money into a bank account in the Cayman’s (maybe have Admin help set-up?) then use to buy physical gold, silver and a bug-out pad in Belize by 11/7/2016. Move there ASAP. Also buy a vacation home in Australia. Get Llpoh’s mobile phone # and text to invite him over for barbecue and brewskis sometime if he wants. Also, get some tips from El Coyote on how to speak fluent Spanish, put in next season’s order to Hardscrabble for a couple of pallets of maple syrup (dark amber), get Maggie’s bunny stew recipe and, very important, don’t forget to wire Stucky $20,000 so he will take less for his house and get the hell out of NJ before TEOTWAWKI.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 20, 2016 8:02 am


Very funny. Deplorably so….

October 20, 2016 8:52 am

LOL… good one Unrepeatable.

1. Thump bunny in the medulla (back of the lower head) hard so that it dies immediately without screaming (there is nothing sadder than a bunny crying… Silence of the Bunny).

1a. Place your bunny on a tree or post with a rope or twine around its upper neck so that it is easy to skin and gut. I prefer a tree, but when I was a kid we used the posts of the clothesline behind the house.

2. With the tip of your finely sharpened knife, carefully cut the skin just above the shoulders without piercing the flesh beneath.

3. Peel the skin with a strong downward motion. It will come off the legs but leave the feet in place for those wanting to save the lucky feet. Personally, I don’t like saving the feet because the one I was given by my survival school instructor got maggot infested and caused quite a scene with housekeeping at the AF dormitory at Fairchild AFB after I tossed it into the bottom drawer and forgot about it and my roommate didn’t buy my attempt to tell her to think of them as baby flies. It ruined our budding friendship.

4. Gut your rabbit by carefully slicing from rectum to pelvis, letting the intestines fall out into the bucket you placed below the rabbit for the skin, guts and head. I like to wear a plastic glove to avoid actually touching the guts, but bunny innards aren’t disgusting like chickens because their waste is contained in little pellets inside the intestines. You will have to reach up into the cavity to get the heart and the liver… and the testicles if it is male.

5. Slice off the head and drop it into the bucket. I burn the remains immediately to avoid drawing coyotes or bobcats, but that is personal choice.

6. If your bunny is less than 4 months old as mine are, you can cook it anyway you would cook a chicken. If it is an old rabbit, you will have to simmer it in a pot for at least an hour (or pressure cook it for 30 minutes) until the meat is tender enough to fall off the bone.

My rabbits are domestic, so there is no gamey taste at all… I have three 8 pound females ready to harvest, but have put it off because I saved them for my cousins who want them for a river party next Saturday. It is raining today, but I have to get them “dressed” before Friday night.

I missed most of the debate because I couldn’t handle it. I drank a whole bottle of Chardonnay and passed out. I imagine Nick is not happy with me, but he will forgive me. I married well.

October 20, 2016 10:31 am

Thanks Mags. I’ve made my list, now I’m checkin’ it twice. So much to do, so little time…

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 20, 2016 10:32 am

What do you mean, you couldn’t handle it?

  Bea Lever
October 20, 2016 10:44 am

I can’t handle the smug look on the Hillbitch’s face. And my husband can’t stand to listen to her talk, so after the first couple of questions, I gulped down a YUGE glass of wine and turned it off. I think we watched an old Western on GRIT.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 20, 2016 11:04 am

Good choice Maggie.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 20, 2016 7:11 am

The woman at the debate last night was clearly on drugs and not one mention was made of it? And she was reading from a lit screen in her podium.

  hardscrabble farmer
October 20, 2016 9:50 am


Barefoot ITW
Barefoot ITW
  hardscrabble farmer
October 20, 2016 11:42 am

You mean the bug eyed, bobble head every time she talked, or the nodding off, glazed eye corpse while she waited for her next turn?

Both? Yeah, what I saw was pretty scary even with her hollyweird lighting and makeup. Lipstick on a sickly little piggie.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  hardscrabble farmer
October 20, 2016 12:51 pm

Also noticed whens she was coming off stage she was moving super slow and very deliberately. Her handler was right behind/next to her while she was speaking to the folks in the crowd.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 20, 2016 8:30 am

I posted the other day about reading a article and the author guaranteed we would have war within thirty days, I agreed with his opinion at the time. I am sure of it now or in the least civil unrest.

Please….if you do not have emergency food and medical supplies, get some now. Also get water filtration capability, you must have clean water.

The script was clearly intended to set up Trump calling his faithful into the streets. The Nation of Islam has also been on the ready for Louis Farrakhan to call them into the streets. Add to that all the black yutes that could be twittered up in the blink of an eye and you have a really ugly mess.

  Bea Lever
October 20, 2016 8:57 am

I like the Berkey Water Filter, but you HAVE to get the extra filters for poisons.

October 20, 2016 8:54 am

I watched a few seconds of the debate by accident. I caught the part where the Donald screwed up the question about Alleppo. All he had to do was shut up while the moderator asked the question and then answer with some facts. This was an easy one and he blew it. I’m not sure if I watched long enough for the entire question to even be asked. What the fuck is wrong with us that we allowed these two bluffoons to be our two choices?

John Coster
John Coster
October 20, 2016 9:14 am

How odd! An old acquaintance from college moderates the final debate to decide who controls the arsenal of the US War machine, a nice enough guy from what I recall, but one who seemed strangely uninvolved in that turbulent time: assassinations, Vietnam etc. Of course, his Dad was famous. Now Chris Wallace tells us that he himself has determined the questions that would be asked. Did I hear that right? On one hand, we have Hillary, cool and competent, advancing the “Prospect for a new American Century”, the agenda advanced by Cheney/Bush and the neocons, the folks who brought you 9/11, Anthrax, the “Patriot” Act and the new post-Constitutional Warfare State. On the other side, we have tRumpus, the Joker. Because he constantly sets himself up for ridicule with outlandish statements and can be easily dismissed by the talking haircuts, he gets to say the forbidden words like “It would be a good thing if we got along with Russia”. But alas, tRumpus, acting like the hyperactive disrupter of the classroom, can’t control himself or really organize his thoughts, and so he blurts out “Liar!” rather than calmly skewering his opponent. It’s the old story: Because the Joker is primarily an entertainer, he gets to tell the truth once in a while, even to the King. Maria Zakharova, the Russian foreign ministry’s elegant spokeswoman, called it right by referring to this election as a “global shame”. I think she meant “disgrace”, but you get the idea. The most odious aspect of all this is the continued purveying of false unstated assumptions, particularly the notion that WE have the right to invade other countries in pursuit of the unipolar world envisaged by the neocons. I don’t think this is a cherished belief of the American people but it seems to be dogma in Washington. I can’t believe after what we went through in the late sixties, back when I occasionally sat with Chris Wallace in the dining hall at Harvard, that all the usual suspects are still up to their old tricks.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
  John Coster
October 20, 2016 10:32 am


A great comment! I just had to say that. Wallace did at least do his job. Held the Hillary to the fire a bit at least. Not likely going to make a difference.

All this flippant talk about No fly zones and entire Northern fleet and part of Russian Baltic fleet is steaming to coast of Levant for the showdown. To join what ships are already there. Analysts are making fun of the Kusnetsov when folks should worry about Peter The Great. That Cruiser was designed to sink aircraft carriers. Once it is stationed under the Aerial Umbrella of S-300’s and 400’s the stage is set. A deadly Kirov ballet shall commence 5000 sailors at a time.

Peter The Great will have last word once again just as it’s namesake so many years ago….

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  John Coster
October 20, 2016 10:55 am

John Coster

Mike and Chris Wallace are joos and in the club. They understand completely scripted manufactured news/elections. Too bad the great unwashed don’t get it.

October 20, 2016 9:53 am

Toddlers with guns. Jesus H. Christ what a crock of shit. So tired of hearing her talk about how she is doing it for the children.

October 20, 2016 9:54 am

A.) NickelthroweR says @ October 19, 2016 at 11:42 pm (above):

I am 100% surprised that all comments are not related to just two things:

1. For the very first time in my lifetime, I’ve heard a politician at that level of office openly
state that he reserves the right to question the validity of the election results.

2. Syria No fly zone

B.) NickelthroweR says @ October 20, 2016 at 12:25 am (above)

His (Trump’s) stating that he would not agree in advance to accept the results was a warning shot fired across the bow of the establishment. Those were fighting words because what, exactly, would happen should Trump lose and he does not accept the results? How is that resolved? It could result in a regional war. Trump just placed all his chips on the table. All of them.

First of all Nick, great points. I had not read them until this morning after posting my own comment above at 12:41 am where I wrote:

“Trump’s not committing to accepting the outcome of the election until “he looks at it” may have been a brilliant play on his part. Think about it. This gives him the maximum leverage.”

Obviously we were thinking about the same “play” by Trump in last night’s debate but perhaps from different perspectives.

I understand the “dangers” of what Trump did when he said he was going to keep the country “in suspense”. But at the same time, in my opinion, the country must face the fact that voter fraud is happening. We the people know it. In the 2012 election, Romney did not get even one vote in 59 philly voting divisions? Not even ONE VOTE?

OK, corruption in the polls probably go back all the way back to the Daley regime in Chicago on behalf of JFK, and, most likely, long before.

However, with Diebald voting machines, illegal strategies like recently revealed by Project Veritias, etc – the “danger” to democracy has never been more apparent than it is during this election. If Hillary wins, then there WILL be a “no fly zone” attempted in Syria and this WILL culminate in WW III, no doubt. The stakes are way too high at this point to have even the possibly of Trump voters being disenfranchised.

Therefore, perhaps this is why Trump laid it all on the line last night. If he loses, and his loss is, indeed, determined to have been delivered by voter fraud, then America is over anyway. Might as well tear it all down and paint it black. And, Trump may be just the perfect Gray Champion to pull this off. Or not. No one can predict the future.

Regardless, either way, in our respective FEMA camps: Civil War Cake or Nuclear Annihilation Pie will be served complete with a nice little Financial Armageddon Cherry on top. But, if I do make it out and get to Belize, be sure to look me up if you ever get down that way. I’ll leave the light on for ya’.

October 20, 2016 10:10 am

We are experiencing the shift to a multipolar world. That
is a good thing. PNAC (project for new american century) is
about a unipolar world hegemony for Israel by the/via the power
of the USA military.

Civil War #2? Nah, no way. Yes cities will erupt in indignation regardless
election results because a riot allows for free Nikes. More charitably, a riot
can signal the desolate frustration experienced by welfare/prison culture.
The coasts will fire it up…the center of the country will go about their business.
There will be exceptions. Changes in the balance of power always create some chaos.

October 20, 2016 10:28 am

There will be riots no matter who wins. The Free Shit Army is always ready to loot and pillage.

the tumbleweed
the tumbleweed
October 20, 2016 10:43 am

I feel that Trump threw the debate last night. He could have hammered her on jobs, terrorism, riots in the streets, and Obamacare and spoken directly to people on these subjects. He could have called out Hillary as a serial liar when she said she “supports the Second Amendment.” He didn’t do any of these things. It was the equivalent of a slugger bunting at the home run derby.

Something happened between second and third debates. A deal was struck, or more likely, an offer that couldn’t be refused was made. Most likely they threatened Trump’s family, which is the one thing he probably couldn’t tolerate. He backed off on all the serial corruption that is Hillary Clinton. Now there is talk about a Trump news network, as it seems he’s already making plans for after the election. He could still win, but I don’t think anyone, including Trump, is planning on it.

  the tumbleweed
October 20, 2016 11:47 am

I got that sense as well ….

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 20, 2016 10:51 am

Serious Question:

Those of you in the TBP community, if Trump won the popular vote but Harpy actually won the election in the EC, Trump protests and calls for his faithful to rise up, would you take to the streets in protest? No bullshitting, honest answer.

  Bea Lever
October 20, 2016 12:03 pm

@ Bea Lever: Why, a serious question requires a serious answer:

If Trump won the popular vote but the Harpy actually won the election, her win would be constitutional because we are a Representative Republic and not a true democracy. In this case, there would be no moral grounds to take to the streets. IMO.

However, I believe the more interesting question at this time is this: What if the globalists illegally STEAL the election from Trump via voter fraud? Then what?

For those who believe in the Biblical God, they would have to consider if it were His judgment on our once great nation that they would be fighting. If this is the case, then to do so would be to engage in battle against God Almighty His bad Self. Perhaps, in this scenario, they would be better to emulate the prophet Daniel as he was in Babylon?

However, for the non-believers and/or others who believe this is 1776 playing out all over again: To win such a war, or even to engage in guerilla warfare, would require those willing to put their lives on the line. To do this, one must believe in something “above” one’s own life. There are some who would fight for freedom. Others for patriotism. Some for revenge or, at the very least, righteous indignation.

Sadly, however, I am afraid they will be bringing their AR’s, AK’s, shotguns, revolvers and other various semi-automatics to a robot bomber, drone, tank, fully automatic machine gun, plane and helicopter fight. But I am sure subterfuge will not be a problem since there is no real surveillance society or global positioning satellites or anything else like that in place at this time. Oh wait…

In any case, soon, I suppose choices will need to be made. What am I missing?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 20, 2016 12:14 pm

“What am I missing?”________Undeplorable

Your answer. Would YOU participate? Shed blood for the Donald?

  Bea Lever
October 20, 2016 12:24 pm

Oh Bea. Don’t you know by now that you will have to buy me a drink first before I show you a little leg?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 20, 2016 12:45 pm

HAHAHAHA…….good one UN.

the tumbleweed
the tumbleweed
October 20, 2016 1:38 pm

What are you missing? It looks really, really bad when you start droning or machine gunning your own people. It opens up a whole can of unintended consequences that run contrary to the ruling classes strategy of perfectly planned incrementalism. Furthermore, their system of rape and pillage depends on straight white men getting up and going to work every day to pay into the system. Can’t really drone them without serious consequences to their heist.

In 1775 you could leave the wife and kids to work the farm and go off to join the Continentals. But in 2016, it’s no so easy. So that’s how they will squelch any protestors. Tear gas and criminal records. Mr. Deplorable can’t afford to lose even his shitty retail these days because the family is not self sufficient. Just one missed rent or mortgage check and they will be out on the streets in 60 days.

However this doesn’t change the fact that the ruling class is terrified of Mr. Trump’s 40%. They know they are outnumbered and depend on the military and police to do what they told at any given time. While you can probably get them to beat down Trumpsters with no qualms, they’d rather not take the chance. Which is why they are now so desperate to get Trump to agree to the results of the election as reported by CNN. While Trump’s debate performance left much to be desired, I must admit his performance at his own rallies and his playing of the media remains masterful.

  the tumbleweed
October 20, 2016 2:00 pm

I was hoping for someone else to fill in some blanks and see what would shake out. Your points are all great, Tumbleweed. It is definitely not 1776. Not to sound condescending here, but I am encouraged by millennials like you who not only have the sack to face this shit, but to think things through as well.

Other considerations would be the degree of incompetence on behalf of the globalists and the government, the amount of Snowden-type patriots within .gov (as well as the military, law enforcement, etc). along with the abilities of those currently, and soon to be, labeled “domestic terrorists” to communicate and organize. Planning and logistics would definitely need to be in place.

Regardless, for those wanting to wage war, the stakes will be much higher than playing Call of Duty in one’s basement. No doubt.