Hat tip starfcker

ABC News has a story on their website about how Trump is trailing in their poll by 9%. The story basically says he should hang it up. He’s already lost. Their poll consisted of 905 people they selected.


Then they offer their readers an opportunity to vote on-line. It seems 14,171 took the opportunity to vote, and here is the result:

The last time I checked, ABC News doesn’t attract an overwhelming number of conservatives to their site. How can this disparity be explained? Their highly controlled poll wouldn’t be skewed in Crooked Hillary’s favor. Would it?

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October 19, 2016 11:49 am

There are two possibilities as I see it:
1. Stocks are high and rising, so the “Status Quo” candidate (Clinton) wins easily.
2. Like polls ahead of “Brexit,” for both statistical reasons (oversampling “stay” populations or in this case, democrats) and for sentiment reasons (people were reluctant to admit they’d vote “leave” or are reluctant to admit they will vote Trump/#neverHitlery), the election will turn out to be too lopsided in favor of Trump for political operatives to steal in favor of The Wicked Witch.

I don’t know what we get from a Trump Administration. I do know what we get from another 4-8 years of democrat/demagogue. I’d much rather try Trump than FAIL WITH CLINTON.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 19, 2016 11:52 am

All of the media are totally against Trump and using every trick they can to thwart him, but we’re supposed to believe that the polls they pay for are legit. It’s ridiculous. All meant to suppress turnout. It may work, but they can’t suppress me.

  Iska Waran
October 19, 2016 12:22 pm

They (the inveterate leftists in media, politics and corporate America) think they can stage-manage the US population forever.

Whether it is this election, the next or an election down the road, things will change. This trend can’t go on forever… or else Orwell was right with his comment about the future of humanity: “picture a boot, stepping on a face…forever.”

I’m sticking with Victor Hugo: “Armies cannot resist an idea whose time has come.”

October 19, 2016 12:31 pm

Will we be able to find out the “true” results of the poll in November?

kokoda - 100% Deplorable
kokoda - 100% Deplorable
October 19, 2016 12:37 pm

1. Saw a poll this A.M. that called 1,000 people in each of the 50 states and 67% voted Trump.
2. Saw another poll mentioned on OAN; don’t remember the name of the site, but that was also overwhelmingly Trump. And, they had a tremendous record on all their prior polls.
3. Look at the turn out for Trump rallies compared to Hildebeast.
Look at the Trump signs on side of the road and none for the Beast.
This will be a rout in favor of Trump.

  kokoda - 100% Deplorable
October 19, 2016 12:49 pm

In all fairness, I saw my very first hillary yard sign yesterday. That makes it about 300:1 in Trump’s favor here in NC.

October 19, 2016 2:03 pm

The leftists have resorted to voter suppression as the corporate media are now claiming that the election is over and Hillary won. Don’t bother voting because it is already settled. AP, NYT, LAT, NPR, ABC, WAPO, and Vox, to name a few, are already calling the election a victory for Clinton…They have no shame.


October 19, 2016 2:03 pm

It’s very simple. We’re battling The Beast of Revelation. The Beast is a collective of humans with a very very specific mindset.

“I am a victim of God.”

Once you start to battle this beastly mentality… revelation after revelation about reality washes over you. Wave after wave. Until eventually you wash up on the shores of Nofuxgiven. And a continent of possibility lay before you. Just as soon as you clear the land of the excessive overgrowth of the Victim Vine.

October 19, 2016 2:10 pm

Ron Paul used to win a lot of online polls during the primary campaign for the 2008 election. Didn’t translate all that well to votes. The MSM should’ve learned from that and instead of focusing on the negatives of Trump, they would’ve done better to just pretend he didn’t exist. They are losing whatever grip they think they have. It will be interesting to see what election day brings.

Rise Up
Rise Up
October 19, 2016 6:56 pm

Ron Paul never became the nominee. Big difference.

Trump Cruz Kasich Rubio Spread
Primary Vote Total – 13,300,472 7,637,262 4,165,281 3,481,610 Trump +5,663,210

If Trump doesn’t win by at least 10% I’d bet those Soros-owned voting machines were rigged. He will need that margin to ensure a overwhelming mandate.

The Dem machine is trying to suppress the Trump turnout, but most likely they are shaking in their boots after seeing how he brought out voters in the Republican primaries.

STUNNING FINAL ANALYSIS=> GOP Primary Turnout Up 62% This Year – Dem Primary Turnout Down 21% This Year

Donald Trump continues to fill stadiums across the country…

Republican turnout was up 62% this year.
Democratic turnout was down 21% this year.

Despite her tight race with Socialist Bernie Sanders Hillary Clinton received 1,019,237 fewer votes this year than in 2008.

** In 2008 there were 38,111,341 Democrat votes in the primary. In 2016 there were 29,939,251 votes. A net decrease of 8,172,090 (-21%).

** In 2012 there were 19,214,513 Republican votes in the primary. In 2016 there were 31,108,968 votes. A net increase of 11,894,455 (+62%).

Republicans had 1.1 million more primary voters this year than the Democratic party.
These are stunning numbers!

starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
  Rise Up
October 19, 2016 7:35 pm

Nice stuff, rise up

Freed debt slave
Freed debt slave
October 19, 2016 3:43 pm

TJF – Very good point, however my reasoning on that is that the corporate media is so greedy, they could not resist the viewership that the controversy that is the Trump brand brings them in advertising dollars. In my experience, people that only think of the bottom line have a major blind spot for the obvious. You and I can see (and most likely Trump as well) that the more Trump’s face is in the spotlight, the more people are going to know about him. Hell, you can’t avoid a Trump story if you tried. At the same time, another blind spot they have is that the average Trump voter is mad as hell, focused, and very determined. The average Hillary supporter is emotional, easily distracted and frankly does not have much ambition. I suspect this “Hillary has already won” narrative may backfire, simply because the Trump demographic is so pissed off, they will take the initiative to register and vote simply because they feel they are losing and want to try to the bitter end. The Hillary folks will see she is leading, and in their mind, they will find better things to do since Hillary is already the defacto winner. This of course will not solve the voter fraud problem, and voter suppression etc. , however the more determined voters we have on our side the better. Nothing focuses the mind like the feeling that you are going to lose your rights, and many Trump voters (secret or open) feel that this election is about a lot more than just who is president, whereas the democrats feel they have already won. I suspect that is what happened with the Brexit.

  Freed debt slave
October 19, 2016 4:07 pm

FDS, you are correct. This election is about a lot more than just who is president. Personally, I look at it as a vote against globalism, open borders, unrestricted and unvetted immigration, the establishment, political correctness run amuck, corrupt lying politicians and a corrupt lying media. It is a vote against armed intervention and war. It is also a vote against the FED and the Wall St. criminal class. Now, whether Trump will do something about those issues remains to be seen, but that, I believe, is the underlying core of the movement to elect Trump. If he is successful concerning half of those issues I will be pleased. A vote for the lying, greedy, porcine bitch is a vote FOR everything mentioned above.

October 19, 2016 5:37 pm

I tend to believe the reason why the establishment seems so desparate right now is because they understand the deep support behind Trump.

The signs are everywhere and I don’t mean political or yard signs. The size of his rallies, how the “grab the kitty tape” and the latest sexual accusations aren’t gaining much traction (other than with Republicucks, libtarded womyns, PC independents, sensitive lesbians, transgendered teenagers and college snowflakes).

Instead of a complete collapse in support for Trump we are seeing stories like this one:


This demonstrates the depth of anger and resentment in the nation right now.

October 19, 2016 5:42 pm


I can’t believe that question would even be posed here on TBP. I thought people here were intelligent enough to intuit the answer on their own. It’s like asking if we should believe the Republipukes or Demoncrats.

The answer is “None of them.”

October 19, 2016 6:31 pm

I don’t believe ANY of the polls. Hitlery and her toadies will cheat like an election has never been cheated on before, BUT if the turnout is high (as it may be), I think Trump can win and if the turnout is high enough he’ll win big.

Rise Up
Rise Up
October 19, 2016 7:20 pm


October 20, 2016 9:53 am

Westcoaster and IndenturedServant are correct that polls are bunk.
I propose that it’s more informative to see how people are ‘putting their money where their mouth is’ – in other words, what is election betting telling us.
Here’s a sampling of three. Verdict: Trump is screwed. (Acknowledging this does not mean I think HC would be any better – America is fucked either way).




I wonder how long until someone claims that the online bookmakers are also on HC’s payroll…