I Score the Third Debate

Guest Post by Scott Adams

I watched the third and most boring presidential debate last night. Here are my thoughts.

Clinton’s goal was to stay vertical for ninety minutes and sound more well-informed than Trump while framing him as an unstable monster. She accomplished all of that and won the debate, in my opinion.

But it wasn’t a big win.

Trump only needed to act semi-presidential, and he did. We don’t expect him to have the same mastery of the facts. The bar is lower for the outsider. He needed a knockout punch but there was none.

Persuasion-wise, the most emotionally powerful moments involved Clinton describing Trump as a sexist/racist monster who can’t be trusted with the nuclear codes. “Scary” was the only message she needed to drive home, and she did.

Ask Clinton voters why they prefer her over Trump and few people will mention the economy or any specific policies. Almost everyone will mention Trump’s “temperament” or alleged racism/sexism. Those were the only variables that mattered. Clinton reinforced those messages and Trump did little or nothing to counter them. The rest of the debate and all of the policy questions were largely irrelevant to persuasion.

Trump mentioned Clinton’s various scandals involving email, Wikileaks, and pay-for-play. But the public assumes all career politicians trade favors and say things in private that they wouldn’t say in public. The public also expects some dirty tricks out of campaigns. The Wikileaks attacks are toothless so far. So toothless that Clinton’s “Russia did it” defense is good enough (for a debate) even though it is ridiculous.

The biggest buzz from the debate seems to be Trump’s refusal to say in advance that he would accept the election results if they went against him. The pro-Clinton pundits are framing that as another example of Trump’s terribleness. But of course it is nothing but Trump keeping all of his options open as he does in every other situation when he can. He wants to maintain the right to complain later if the result looks rigged to him. That seems reasonable to me, and no real danger to the Republic. But the Clinton-friendly parts of the media will make it a thing this week.

If you want a reason to be worried, ask yourself why the mainstream media is so keen on framing the election as “not rigged.” The message I’m getting from them, collectively, is that they think it will be. (Because it will be.) We just don’t know how much the rigging will matter.

Why do I say it will be rigged?

Because whenever humans have motive, opportunity, a high upside gain, and low odds of detection, shenanigans happen 100% of the time. Our vote-counting systems have plenty of weak spots. Rigging (to some degree) is a near guarantee.

And keep in mind that Team Clinton has framed Trump as the next Hitler. That gives every citizen moral cover to do outrageous things to stop him. The stakes are sky-high. In this environment, it would truly be a miracle to have an unrigged election. But again, we don’t know how much rigging there will be. It might not be enough to matter.

There will almost certainly be election rigging for the same reason there has been debate rigging. If you don’t believe me about debate rigging, ask a woman who did some of that debate rigging herself. Allegedly. Unless it was Russia’s fault.

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kokoda - 100% Deplorable
kokoda - 100% Deplorable
October 20, 2016 11:39 am

It was Russia’s fault. It was Putin’s fault. Bush did it.

Team Clinton has framed Trump as Hitler. I thought Putin was Hitler.

Disagree with Scott Adams on most of his opinions in this article.

October 20, 2016 12:02 pm

Allegedly the greatest country on earth, and this is what we get verbal bantering.

Trump says he will make America great again. How?

Hillary will give us ‘free’ stuff – like free college (a continuation of high school?) – what’s the worth? How will we pay for it.

I don’t think the ‘debate’ (really just an exchange of words) changed anyone’s mind about who they would vote for.

October 20, 2016 5:44 pm

“Trump says he will make America great again. How?”

Not only how but why? To keep enriching the bankers? To keep enriching the big business interests? Legitimate questions for a billionaire business man seeking the highest and most corrupt office in the world.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 20, 2016 12:08 pm

Why would we care how Scot scored the debate? Next we will have to hear how Babs Streisand feels the election is going and maybe throw in a couple of Baldwins. Bleeh!

October 20, 2016 12:21 pm

My personal feelings for Trump or Hillary aside, I feel like Scott Adam’s assessment of the debate is correct.

EDIT: The below is ridiculously off topic, I’m not sure why I posted it here.

Hillary will start a war with Russia, most likely citing difficult-to-prove electronic attacks and Middle East belligerence as the instigating reasons.

I believe China will use that opportunity to flex their muscle in the South China Sea, as they will be counting on the US to stay out of it due to close trade ties, our involvement with Russia, and our never-ending Middle East campaign.

October 20, 2016 12:33 pm

Madonna promises blowjob to anyone who votes for Hillary. And Scott Adams is a cuck.


October 20, 2016 12:37 pm

Hmm…I guess we’ll have to see if Assange truly has the knock out punch he claimed in regards to the Hilldabeast .

I think that the with the economic tsunami that is going to hit soon,the winner will wish they had lost . I think if the Hilldabeast wins they’ll blame George Bush for the economic damage and praise the Hilldabeast for her close ties to the savors of the economy….Goldman-Sachs .

If Trump wins it’ll be painted as he’s an economic idiot that doesn’t have a clue on how to fix the problem .If the Hilldabeast had won her ties to Wallstreet would have saved us…according to the MSM .

In the end I think that the winning sides party will cease to exist in its present form due the blame being heaped upon them because of the Greatest Depression .

Bread lines makes a person rethink their personal philosophy .

Yancey Ward
Yancey Ward
October 20, 2016 1:01 pm

I actually think Adams’ read on the debate is correct.

At this point, to win, I do think Trump’s hidden support has to be on the order of 5% or more. This isn’t implausible or even all that improbable- given the media hysteria, I can see a large number of Trump supporters simply disengaging from the media polling apparatus even if those pollsters were trying accurately gauge the election (and I don’t think a lot of them are any longer).

October 20, 2016 1:31 pm

It seems Hillary knows every Buzz word and phrase in existence and in several languages I would guess. Seems they are now in her blood, that she can’t talk without them. They amount to cliches and she seems not only to speak in them but it follows that she thinks in them. Sure the cliches survive in the political arena of doublespeak because they allow speech to flow almost without notice. But what did Hillary really have say that has any substance or that is even halfway (i.e., by 50% of the listeners) believable? These debates really amount to bread and circus and it doesn’t in the real world matter who is deemed to have won the debate; Americans will vote for who they think will do the most good for them individually, e.g., food stamps, welfare, favors. The one thing and the most important indication of things to come that came out at last night’s debate was visual not auditory. It is that Hillary didn’t look the camera square in the eye even once. Whereas her opponent almost constantly looked at the lens and the millions of Americans watching for signs that America still exists.

October 20, 2016 9:11 pm

I am voting and I will vote for Trump.
I can not hear the name Hillary anymore,
after +30 years, enough is enough.