Hillary Clinton is irreparably damaged, even if she wins


Renewed email probe ensures that Clinton faces never-ending investigations by Republicans

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton talks with aide Huma Abedin.

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — We don’t know whether the reopening of the FBI probe of Hillary Clinton’s emails will cost her the election.

It may be that she will still emerge the winner after next Tuesday’s vote, or that Donald Trump’s momentum from the Wikileaks emails, Obamacare’s failures, and Clinton’s flawed candidacy were going to carry him to victory in any case.

What we do know is that whoever wins, we are in for a fiasco in politics that will make even this fiasco of a campaign pale by comparison.

There is hardly any scenario that is too far-fetched. Even if the polls are right and Clinton’s lead translates into an electoral victory, she will be so damaged going into office that her chances of getting anything done will be virtually nil.

In this sense alone, Trump’s claim that this scandal is “worse than Watergate” could prove to be true. As an incumbent, Richard Nixon at least had an administration in place when he won re-election in 1972, though it took nearly another two years before he was forced to resign under threat of impeachment.

Clinton is likely to be stymied from the start, especially if the ongoing investigations into her email practices and the Clinton Foundation lead to further damaging disclosures.

For one thing, we now have the precedence of Watergate, and Republicans, who are sure to retain the House and now probably the Senate, will not let go.

There is hardly a chance that it will all end well for Clinton and that she will be exonerated because what is already known has many Republicans convinced that she is guilty at the very least of mishandling classified documents and perhaps obstruction of justice.

While the immediate attention in the wake of last week’s disclosure about reopening the email investigation has focused on FBI Director James Comey, the real conundrum in all this concerns his boss, Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

Lynch fatally compromised her position by meeting with former President Bill Clinton just days before the original investigation was closed without a grand jury ever considering the evidence. And now her failure to block Comey’s disclosure — while leaking that she wanted to — is another ethical lapse. Other reports indicate that she attempted to quash the investigation into the Clinton Foundation.

It is hard to see how she can remain in office even if Clinton wins and wants to keep her. Her resignation — or even impeachment — seems inevitable with Republicans out for blood.

The damage done to the whole Clinton entourage through the machinations exposed in the Wikileaks emails means that many of them — Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, John Podesta, Neera Tanden — will be virtually untenable in any position of responsibility in a new Clinton administration.

And this is the best-case scenario for Clinton. We all know what the worst-case scenario is.

Financial markets, Beltway pundits, mainstream media and the world at large now have just a week to get their heads around the idea that Trump might actually win the election.

This does not mean that the sky will fall, or even, as MIT economist Simon Johnson would have it, that the stock market will crash.

In fact, if markets have not already priced in some chance of a Trump victory, then they are hardly as efficient as we would like to believe.

Contrary to all the scaremongering that has accompanied Trump’s candidacy from the beginning, the strong institutional checks and balances built into our system of government will certainly be able to block any descent into authoritarianism in this country — even if that were what Trump is all about.

This was the thrust of David Gelernter’s raging commentary in the Wall Street Journal last month when he said that as reprehensible as Trump is, Clinton is worse, making a vote for Trump imperative. (For the record, Gelernter, a professor of computer science at Yale, does not fall into the media’s facile categorization of Trump supporters as, essentially, uneducated deplorables.)

Don’t worry about Trump doing outrageous things, he says. “Ordinary politics says that Mr. Trump will not do crazy things or go off half-cocked,” Gelernter wrote, “because Republicans in Congress will be eager to impeach him and put Mike Pence in charge.”

And what will happen if Trump gets his mandate to drain the swamp? Will lame-duck President Obama have the guts to pardon Clinton prospectively and see the remains of his tattered legacy dissolve into history? Will House Speaker Paul Ryan, facing a return to the back benches, wonder if he should have run for president this year after all?

And when Trump takes office, will he keep to his ambitious 100-day agenda of yanking trade agreements, canceling executive orders, starting deportations of undocumented immigrants who commit crimes, and restricting immigration from terror-prone countries — or will he temporize?

It will be a fiasco of epic proportions.


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kokoda - 100% Deplorable
kokoda - 100% Deplorable
November 1, 2016 3:31 pm

As I said a few days ago to another post – look at the pic of Hillary above and compare to her face at the 3rd debate.

USG Wallboard Compound must have a new formula.

  kokoda - 100% Deplorable
November 1, 2016 7:02 pm

Automotive Bondo!

November 1, 2016 4:30 pm

This woman has told so many lies, misstatements, obfuscations, half-truths – that nobody, including her can tell what is the truth / lie / fiction. She’s created such a fucked up mess, there is absolutely no credibility there.

November 1, 2016 5:34 pm

Her *only* path to a “win,” is massive election fraud.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
November 1, 2016 6:14 pm

Fraud maybe , I still fear the FSA will put the worthless POS Clinton over the top and I believe the electoral college is rigged to do so my vote here in Maryland never means shit because the 2 leading employers are governments local , state & fed and the FSA SO WTF ! At least if it were fairly divided up by area districts what ever democrat only needs to win Montgomery , Prince George’s & Baltimore city and the rest of the state voters are screwed ! We have a republican RINO governor but that’s because the last democrat fucked everything up so bad he moved on to try for the presidency and if Hillary wins he would be happy to be her yes man as she uses his tongue to wipe her ass , yes I believe he would do any thing !

November 1, 2016 9:44 pm

I’ve cast my vote for Johnson, since A. I am Libertarian, and B. it’s easier to educate Johnson in global affairs and groom him for the job, than it is to make a decent human being out of either of the two major candidates. Both candidates are oozing slime and dragging big loads of smelly baggage, but Clinton’s is probably more likely to be carrying a dirty bomb.

We won’t be pleased with either one, and whoever prevails will be the most hated person in the world within a few months of taking office. Trump at least has a few good ideas, while Clinton has only one. So let Trump prevail, even though it made me choke to cast for either of these two reeking douchebags.

November 2, 2016 8:19 pm

Makes no difference in Illinois. It will go for Hillary even if she is caught eating dead babies.

November 1, 2016 10:11 pm

Why do we care? Seriously! We act as if the next President will actually make a difference. The truth is we have $20T in debt to which we add $1T every 400 or so days. We have the lowest home ownership in 50 years because 93 million Americans prefer government handouts rather than getting a job. A government run by puppet politicians who perform as to the wishers of their master. Students have over $1.4T in debt with 1 in 7 loans in default. Auto Loans are starting to see major delinquenicies. By 2026, over 40% of the taxes collected by the US Treasury will go toward interest on the debt. The gig is up and we really think Trump or Clinton can save a divided nation that abhors the word “sacrifice.”

November 3, 2016 5:12 pm

Huma to Hillary: “Sorry Hillary, you’re going to jail. The FBI made me do it.”