Hillary’s Watergate?

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

Hillary’s Watergate?

After posting Friday’s column, “A Presidency from Hell,” about the investigations a President Hillary Clinton would face, by afternoon it was clear I had understated the gravity of the situation.

Networks exploded with news that FBI Director James Comey had informed Congress he was reopening the investigation into Clinton’s email scandal, which he had said in July had been concluded.

“Bombshell” declared Carl Bernstein. The stock market tumbled. “October surprise!” came the cry.

The only explanation, it seemed, was that the FBI had uncovered new information that could lead to a possible indictment of the former secretary of state, who by then could be the president of the United States.

By Sunday, we knew the source of the eruption.

Huma Abedin, Clinton’s top aide, sent thousands of emails to the private laptop she shared with husband Anthony Weiner, a.k.a. Carlos Danger, who is under FBI investigation for allegedly sexting with a 15-year-old girl.

The Weiner-Abedin laptop contains 650,000 emails.

The FBI has not yet reviewed Abedin’s emails, and they could turn out to be duplicates of those the FBI has already seen, benign, or not relevant to the investigation of Clinton.

But it does appear that Abedin misled the FBI when she told them all communications devices containing State Department work product were turned over to State when she departed in 2013.

Clinton, understandably, was stunned and outraged by Comey’s letter. For it casts a cloud of suspicion over her candidacy by raising the possibility that the FBI director could reverse his decision of July, and recommend her prosecution.

By Monday, Oct. 31, new problems had arisen, some potentially crippling or possibly lethal to a Clinton presidency.

Reporters have unearthed a near-mutiny inside the FBI over the decision to shut down the investigation of the Clinton email scandal and Comey’s recommendation of no prosecution.

Andrew McCabe, No. 2 at the FBI, has come under anonymous fire from inside the bureau as one of those most reluctant to pursue aggressively any investigations of the Clintons.

McCabe’s wife, in a 2015 state senate race in Virginia, received $475,000 in PAC contributions from Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a longtime friend and major fundraiser for Bill and Hillary Clinton.

After the Senate race that McCabe’s wife lost, he was promoted from No. 3 at the FBI to No. 2, where he has far more influence over decisions to investigate and recommend prosecution.

Justice Department higher-ups under Attorney General Loretta Lynch apparently disagreed with Comey notifying Congress, and the nation, to new developments in the email scandal. Yet Comey had given his word to Congress that he would do so.

In the Southern District of New York, which has jurisdiction over the Weiner sexting investigation, FBI agents have reportedly been blocked from opening an investigation into charges of corruption in the Clinton Foundation.

This follows revelations that corporate chiefs and foreign rulers and regimes, hit up for contributions to the Clinton Foundation, were then urged by an ex-Clinton aide to provide six-figure speaking fees for Bill Clinton.

This follows reports the Clinton Foundation took contributions for victims of natural disasters, and awarded multimillion-dollar contracts to contributors to do the work.

Still unanswered is what Bill Clinton and Attorney General Lynch discussed during that 30-minute meeting on the Phoenix tarmac, prior to the FBI and Justice Department decision not to indict Hillary Clinton.

The stench of corruption is reaching Bhopal dimensions.

What appears about to happen seems inevitable and predictable.

If Hillary Clinton is elected, the email scandal, the pay-for-play scandal involving the Clinton Foundation, “Bill Clinton, Inc.,” the truthfulness of her testimony, and reports of Clinton-paid dirty tricksters engaging in brownshirt tactics at Trump rallies, are all going to be investigated more thoroughly by the FBI.

And if Clinton is president, there is no way her Justice Department can investigate the Clinton scandals, any more than this city in the early 1970s would entrust an investigation into Watergate to the Nixon Justice Department.

If Clinton wins this election, and Republicans hold onto one or both houses of Congress, investigations of the Clinton scandals will start soon after her inaugural and will go on for years. And the clamor for a special prosecutor, who will, as Archibald Cox did with Nixon, build a huge staff and spend years investigating, will become irresistible.

Realizing that this is the near-certain fate and future of any Hillary Clinton presidency, and would be disastrous for the country, Sunday night, Doug Schoen, who worked for President Clinton for six years, said he has changed his mind and will not be voting for Hillary.

Donald Trump says this is worse than Watergate. As of now, it is only potentially so.

But if Hillary Clinton, this distrusted and disbelieved woman, does take the oath of office on Jan. 20, there is a real possibility that, like Nixon, down the road a year or two, she could be forced from office.

Do we really want to go through this again?

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Boat Guy
Boat Guy
November 1, 2016 6:38 am

What puts most people on everything from sex offender lists and jail sentences only elavates the Clinton’s the trail of corruption back stabbing dirty deals would make a career criminal blush with envy and that’s what low information voters want . If you want a woman for president , ok fine ! How about a woman of integrity and honor , I am certain they exist , they are probably not willing to lower their standards of carechter and respectability to attain the office . Sadly they are better than the likes of Hillary Clinton ! When did she change her last name legally because it was all over the news that when she became First Lady of Arkansas she retained her maiden name Rodham ?

Minnie Mouse
Minnie Mouse
November 1, 2016 6:57 am

Start the criminal processing now before she gets elected. We can’t run our government by allowing a person who is under criminal investigation to become the commander and chief of our country. She will be a distraction and already is a total distraction for the country and the government it’s entirety. We need a person to be elected who will be able to govern and do the job as they are elected to do. Hillary will not be able to focus on priorities of the country due to all her personal issues that her and spouse, co-workers etc.. own family have created amongst themselves which is jeopardizing the state of our country and how we run and control our government. No one person who has committed even one crime should be allowed to control the oval office in this country. This needs to be resolved and before November 8th, so we can get a president elected in who is immediately ready to go to work for our government and for the people of our country without being involved and sidetracked by lingering years of ongoing investigations and has had previous years of already been under investigation. There has been to many years of time and money put into this investigation. Enough is enough! When any person or people are guilty it’s time for indictments to be handed out and no matter who the hell you are! Our country doesn’t have the time or money to continue on an investigation to where everyone knows Hillary and her cover up people are all guilty as sin. We have real issues to deal with in this country and not one person in our own government can move forward until the first issue of Hillary Clinton is resolved. The only people who can move this country forward is our own FBI Criminal Justice System. We need to do what’s at the best interest of our own country and it sure as hell is not to elected our first woman president in as a criminal. Great way to go down in the history book for our children. So, sad so let’s don’t make that go down as a record in our country for the sake of anyone. We deserve better. We need a true leader and she is not one at all because she absolutely cannot make rational decisions that are good for our country. Every decision the Clintons make pertain to own interests.

November 1, 2016 7:02 am

“Donald Trump says this is worse than Watergate. As of now, it is only potentially so.”

Watergate was like a 6 magnitude earthquake. This Clinton crime family shit is many orders of magnitude worse. On the order of a high mag 9 quake with a followup VEI 7 volcanic eruption.

Nixon broke into some offices and deleted some minutes of recording tape. Woopdee fucken doo?!@ This cunt compromised national security so bad she makes the Rosenberg’s jealous. Let alone all the money laundering and fraudulent “charity” work they partake in.

kokoda - 100% Deplorable
kokoda - 100% Deplorable
November 1, 2016 7:13 am


EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 1, 2016 11:36 pm

Donald Trump has never understated anything, he is the king of hyperbole.
However, are you anticipating a post-election talk-show for the Trumpster?

November 1, 2016 7:23 am

How long before we find out most of the 650K emails were copied to Tehran & Riyadh ? And soon after, that somebody got paid thru 19 layers of flim-flam for the copies ?

November 1, 2016 9:56 am

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November 1, 2016 10:09 am

“The stench of corruption is reaching Bhopal dimensions.”

Dear Pat, our people, who run your 7-11’s and other fine dinning establishments, take offense to this comment. It smells more like the back side of an old dead Rajasthan.

John Coster
John Coster
November 1, 2016 11:33 am

This looks interesting: http://www.disclose.tv/news/nypd_rumor_its_worse_then_classified_emails_political_pedophile_sex_ring_exposed/136364?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=fb_organic

Whatever kinky behaviors the Clintons may have enjoyed, the email scandal reveals major incompetence as well as corruption. To me, the obvious motivation for putting government work on a private server is most likely the desire to conceal influence peddling. But even to my non-techie self, this seems like a very stupid and risky move. What I find most despicable is Hillary’s rush to blame Russia and thereby further inflame international relations. As if her war mongering and support for Sunni extremists (in hopes of blocking Russian/Syrian cooperation on a pipeline route) weren’t enough. Now she wants to distract us from understanding what she’s been up to by whipping up fear of Russia. It may be true that the shadow government has much more real power than our elected representatives, but with Hillary in charge, I’m sure the worst plans of our secret overlords would move ahead at a much faster clip. I’ve been driving a lot between western Massachusetts, Connecticut and Vermont recently. There aren’t that many political signs on display at private residences but those favoring Trump are the most common. What’s really interesting is that even now, there are more Bernie signs on display than ones for Hillary.

Hangtown Bob
Hangtown Bob
November 1, 2016 3:07 pm

Just remember, the FBI is not only looking at the email/classified info aspect of this, it also has an active public corruption investigation ongoing regarding the Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative, etc. and various foreign governments. The info on these emails likely pertains to both of these investigations and the FBI has already said that the public corruption “pay-to-play” aspect may be the more serious of the two.

November 1, 2016 5:31 pm

Comey: New shit has come to light man!

The Dude abides …

November 1, 2016 6:19 pm

Is it wrong that I want her to hang for treason on live TV?

November 1, 2016 6:33 pm

The FBI can investigate till hell freezes over and it changes NOTHING. The FBI can investigate and arrest. It CANNOT indict, charge or bring to trial ANYONE for ANYTHING. That is the job of the corrupted Just Us department. As long as the commies posing as Dems control the White House they decide who the Attorney General is and who controls ALL federal prosecution….because of this fact as long as this does not change NOTHING will be done to either Clinton nor anyone they choose to extend their corrupt protection to.

Regardless of any other fact Obama will give Clinton and probably other powerful Democrats full and complete pardons for any and all actions. Once that happens the ONLY way to bring real justice to bear is to prove Obama was ineligible to be POTUS and thus EVERYTHING he signed is null and void.
The odds of that happening are microscopic. We must face reality…..with the hacking of voting machines and massive DNC vote fraud in progress the odds of Trump winning REGARDLESS of what the people want is akin to winning Super lotto……. mathematically possible but it isn’t going to happen. Clinton and the commies posing as Dems have succeeded. They have successfully created a power and privilege system that renders them totally and completely beyond rule of law. The ONLY way they meet justice is if we overthrow the current system and give them the Ceausescu treatment.

November 1, 2016 7:50 pm

What an incestuous family of corrupt liars. And it is a big family,
extending across the seas and into other governments. The ‘blame
Russia’ chorus is kindergarten, but then, they have their marching
orders. Honesty in DC et al is measured in fractions.

November 1, 2016 10:54 pm
November 2, 2016 5:23 am