Trump in New Mexico

Trump looks, sounds, and acts like a winner.

Guest Post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

Sunday night my son and I attended a Donald Trump rally in Albuquerque. The rally was in a huge aircraft hangar next to the airport. The local paper said there were 4,000 people, but that seems like an underestimate; the hangar was packed. That Trump would campaign in New Mexico nine days before the election is significant. New Mexico is a majority Hispanic, reliably Democratic state. The trip was hastily arranged, but Trump wouldn’t have made it if he thought New Mexico was out of reach. He said a poll showed him in a dead heat. The state has only five electoral votes. It seems reasonable to assume that he must feel fairly comfortable about his prospects in the big swing states if he’s taking time away from them to visit New Mexico.

There were a few peaceful protesters, some of whom were dressed in clown suits. Trump supporters are clowns, get it? There had been some violence the last time Trump visited Albuquerque, but the airport is south of town. Maybe the drive and the parking—which left a hike to the hangar—deterred the troublemakers. Trump supporters ignored, smiled or waved at the protestors. My son and I stopped at one of the many vendors’ tables and bought T-shirts and hats.




I looked in vain for anyone exhibiting obvious signs of deplorability—racism, sexism, homophobia, or xenophobia. There were plenty of women and Women For Trump signs, T-shirts, and hats. Does Hillary For Prison constitute sexism? Hillary probably thinks so, but there was plenty of that slogan, too. About the closest anyone came to ticking off a box on the deplorables checklist was applauding Trump’s immigration proposals. Undoubtedly all correct-thinking Americans find such proposals xenophobic, but Trump supporters have this weird belief that a nation must control its borders to remain a nation, and they’re not letting go of it.

The crowd looked and acted like it could have been pulled from Albuquerque’s churches. It skewed older and white, but there were plenty of younger people, including children, and a fair number of Hispanics. One fact that the mainstream media will not acknowledge: an appreciable number of Hispanics were either born in the US or jumped through all the hoops for legal citizenship, are proudly part of the American mainstream, and are opposed to illegal immigration. This is especially true in New Mexico, where Hispanics arrived centuries before Anglos did (and Native Americans, some of whom were also in the crowd, arrived centuries before both). Is a Hispanic who opposes illegal immigration a xenophobe?

Trump knows a bit about showmanship. A white jet with an American flag and the Trump logo rolled up to the hangar about fifteen minutes before the speech was scheduled. Many in the crowd got excited, thinking it was Trump’s personal jet. A man next to me who worked on Boeing jets assured me it was not. About fifteen minutes later Trump’s personal jet taxied over from the runway (how refreshing, a politician who’s on time). It was a big Boeing 757, black with a purple Trump logo. It dwarfed the white jet, which must have been for the press, advance people, security, and the like. The Boeing expert said between the two planes there was at least $150 million worth of jet on the taxiway—wealth and success.

Trump stepped from the plane, waved to the roaring crowd, and strode to the dais. He had been traveling all day and it was his third speech, but he was dapper and energetic. Somewhere on that 757 he has a wardrobe of freshly pressed, expensive suits, a bathroom that most of us can only dream of, and a bed fit for a king. He radiates vigor and it’s impossible not to make the mental contrast with Hillary and her coughing fits, weird spasms and tics, and the 9/11 fall into the van.

New Mexicans and New Yorkers are different types of people, but Trump connected with his audience immediately. He didn’t talk down or up. Relaxed, with a ready smile, he spoke in an unaffected manner, sticking in some Big Apple sarcasm and humor. Until the Internet played it up, Hillary Clinton acquired a drawl in front of Southern audiences, which is just plain weird. Trump reminded the crowd that he’s visited New Mexico four times and Clinton has made no appearances. His speech ran about fifty minutes. It was the standard stump speech with a few factoids and appeals inserted for New Mexico. He’s given it hundreds of times, twice earlier that day, but like all good actors he delivers his lines with an enthusiasm and verve that makes them sound fresh.

He received a wildly enthusiastic response, with the audience chanting at various times, “Clean the swamp!” “Lock her up!” and “Trump! Trump! Trump!” He pointed towards the media platform and called them biased and dishonest, eliciting the loudest chant of the evening: “CNN sucks!” This election is as much about the mainstream media versus the Internet as it is about Clinton versus Trump. Whether Trump wins or loses, the traditional media is toast; it will never regain the presumptions of impartiality and veracity it once enjoyed. Its performance during the election is its death knell, hastening the triumph of the Internet.

Every Republican president since Gerald Ford has been portrayed as bumbling and stupid, while Democrats’ intellectual and character deficiencies are always downplayed or ignored. This year even ostensible Trump supporters preface their supportive words with the obligatory adjectives: crude, boorish, egotistical, bombastic, etc. Few among those who disparage him have made billion-dollar fortunes, and none have captured a major party presidential nomination and ran a competitive race in the face of daunting establishment and media hostility. Even as he may be on the verge of the most audacious feat in the history of American politics, few disparagers acknowledge what came through loud and clear at his rally: he is smart and successful, competent and confident, outspoken and independent.

America is headed for difficult times. Most Americans who aren’t drawing a paycheck from Silicon Valley, Hollywood, Wall Street or Washington know this. Do the majority pull the handle for independent, accomplished, and vigorous, or incompetent, corrupt, and sickly? In the privacy of mail-in balloting or the voting booth, a surprising number will choose the former, regardless of what they’ve told family, friends, and pollsters. Trump looks like a winner.

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Old Guy
Old Guy
November 1, 2016 2:58 pm

By any reasonable measure Trump should win this election by double digits. Even with massive fraud he should still win by a few percentage points. I’ve read several articles about near certain violence if Hillary should lose. I wonder if those folks on the left know what kind of hornets nest they’ll be walking into? Traditional Americans have been shit on, maligned and denigrated for the past 8 years. They’ve also been buying guns and ammo for the past 8 years. Just sayin’………

kokoda - 100% Deplorable
kokoda - 100% Deplorable
November 1, 2016 3:27 pm

Trump IS the winner.
Must be a good feeling to go to a Trump rally.

  Robert Gore
November 1, 2016 6:09 pm

I had a very similar experience at a Trump rally earlier this year and many of the same impressions. The one word you used “wholesome’ is very accurate, at our rally everybody in the crowd seemed like the same folks that turn out for the fourth of July parade or other such civic event. I don’t think you would see anything close to the same crowd at a Hillary rally.

November 1, 2016 3:48 pm


I’ve noticed a proliferation of Trump yard signs for the last few days, no more for Hillary than the few that were already out there.

This could mean two things, or maybe a combination of both:

1 The leftists have lost the will to steal and given up on stealing Trump signs.

2 More people are willing to stand out and show support for him in public.

Either way, it’s nice to see.

November 1, 2016 7:15 pm

I just saw a new yard sign today. It says “we’re gonna need a bigger basket”. It’s a 4 footer. Hilarious.

November 1, 2016 4:04 pm

I pray you are right about a Trump victory but we must remember it is the electoral college that determines who will be President.He has got to win Florida,Ohio and North Carolina. Pennsylvania would be a god send.
Trump is not our Savior but he will avoid a war with Russia.He will give us small businesses a tax cut. I’m getting to emotionally involved in this election.If he doesn’t win I will be depressed for the next century.

November 1, 2016 6:48 pm

Look, I’m no pollster but notice where Trump does not campaign. The Rodhamster could win California and New York 90% to 10% but it doesn’t add a single extra electoral vote to her total. Trump need only eke out a 50.1% vote in New Mexico to negate whatever vote tally Silicon Valley throws at him. Win Florida and Texas and you crush the entire state of California! Trump is aiming at the heartland and he only has to carry it by small majorities.

I just hope the ancient Hispanics in America’s Southwest realize that the Democrats want to insist they are forever as alien and repulsive as a 5 foot tall Guatemalan Indian who sneaked across the border last week. That their grandfather earned nothing by being at Iwo Jima or Normandy two generations ago.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 1, 2016 11:55 pm

Unit, the ancient Hispanics are almost all gone. Old Jerry fought in WWII, he died back in the 90’s – that’s 20 years ago. You know who’s left? Us boomer beaners. There might be some Korean war vets around and a lot of Vietnam vets around but the ancients are gone.

Ordinarily, we are a disunited front. I thing Trump has single handedly managed to unite Hispanics into a powerful voting block. Or not. As Jan Brewer says, Hispanics don’t vote.
Paradoxically, AWD said Hispanics put Obama in the WH.

  EL Coyote
November 2, 2016 8:25 pm

AWD, I miss that guy.

ragman, a redneck from the basket
ragman, a redneck from the basket
November 1, 2016 4:13 pm

I spent 31/2 yrs in USAF at Kirtland in the mid 70s. Absolutely loved the place! We just got back from the Balloon Festival an it was a memorable experience. ABQ is much bigger than I remember. The traffic was horrible, congested and the speed limit is just a suggestion. However, the people were very nice and the food was outstanding. Trump needs NM to win this thing and I hope the folks that live in NM do the right thing and award him their 5 electoral votes.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  ragman, a redneck from the basket
November 1, 2016 11:59 pm

That is a disturbing appendage to your name, do you mean you are redneck from the groin up?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 1, 2016 5:16 pm

Probably a good idea to make a stop in NM. He may not have a shot there, but would another stop in PA, OH, NC or FL really matter much at this point?

November 1, 2016 5:28 pm

I live in northwest New Mexico and this is Trump country.

November 1, 2016 7:03 pm

Good that you shared your experience with us,
Mr Gore, and glad you got to see wholesomeness.

I am feeling bummed out because the Clinton email revelations
seem nonsensical/absurd to me. People are emotional about that.
At the least, it has people buzzing and speculating. I heard today
(theory) that the election coming and the antics of the Dems
constitute a major distraction cover for preparations for war.
The report had so many details and involved so many NATO
countries…I got quite the sinking feeling. After all “we” are
at war/soldiers & mercs all over the place, using guns and bombs.
Why would they quit now?

November 1, 2016 11:32 pm

because the comander in chief tells them to come home and turtle up

November 1, 2016 7:23 pm

Excellent. Thanks for the report from the field, Robert. Great info and it sounds encouraging. This is my takeaway from your most excellent assessment and is a far cry from what is being reported in the MSM:

Few among those who disparage him have made billion-dollar fortunes, and none have captured a major party presidential nomination and ran a competitive race in the face of daunting establishment and media hostility. Even as he may be on the verge of the most audacious feat in the history of American politics, few disparagers acknowledge what came through loud and clear at his rally: he is smart and successful, competent and confident, outspoken and independent.

starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
November 2, 2016 6:01 am

Great write, Robert, I’m glad you enjoyed the rally, they are fun. I like the passage Unco quotes above, respect for accomplishment big in my world. Great insight into the secret weapon that is his plane and how he utilizes it. Most candidates travel and then sleep, he has been travrling the world in that thing for years. While he is traveling, he is sleeping in his own bed. So right there he gains a third of his time back. Whoever came up with those airport rallies is a genius, they are quick in and out, and the savings are enormous. Looks like the guy is about to get it done. A very impressive individual.

November 1, 2016 7:49 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 2, 2016 12:04 am

I think that was a JFK quote in reference to Clinton.

Keith Elder
Keith Elder
November 2, 2016 12:03 am

Did anyone catch the Peter Thiel speech at the National Press Club?
It was excellent.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Keith Elder
November 2, 2016 12:10 am

Doesn’t anybody read the TBP comments anymore? I’ve been saying the same damn thing since last year; the next republican candidate will be worse than Trump and with less of a sense of humor.

I said the next guy will take Trump’s little racist/sexist mis-adventure mainstream, Naziism will be legitimized as frustrated Americans dream of what might have been if Trump hadn’t lost.

Americans have willingly suspended disbelief and now are lovingly gazing at a beautiful Tranny without a clue as to how they are about to get royally fucked.

However, we are all fucked if he wins and worse fucked if he loses. Fuck!

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  EL Coyote
November 2, 2016 3:35 am

Relax, EC. Have a beer. We’re building a wall, and we’re making America great again. We’re going to win so much, you’ll get tired of winning.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Iska Waran
November 2, 2016 8:52 pm


November 2, 2016 12:41 am

Thank-you Mr. Gore for a real-life testimony. Personally, the thought of rubbing shoulders in an airplane hanger with 4000 white, “wholesome” Trump supporters makes me recoil in horror but I am glad you enjoyed yourself.
The choice between DT and HRC is not an enviable one. Neither one of them is even close to having the credentials for performing the miracle of salvaging a functioning state from the rapidly approaching melt-down of America.
Non-American observers are truly perplexed by the endearing naivete of Americans to willingly place so much trust upon the hollow platitudes of Mr. Trump – a man whom the rest of the world can easily recognize as a narcissistic blow-hard bully fully committed to his own self-aggrandizement. HRC is quite awful for all the obvious reasons.
I am glad it appears to be a horse race again, time to organize a party for the 8th.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 2, 2016 3:32 am

Who gives a fuck about the opinion of non-American observers? Not me, that’s for fucking sure.

  Iska Waran
November 2, 2016 10:41 am

Iska Waran: Spot on. I love how folks will point out what people in other countries think about what’s going on here, or how they do _____ better than us. Comparisons to European countries are particularly popular.
Well you know what? Most of those countries are circling the bowl right now, about to disappear altogether beneath the crushing weight of the third world hordes.
Are we supposed to be in awe of such masterful political leaders as Hollande and Merkel? Give me a fucking break. At least Trump is saying he will put America first; whether he would deliver on that promise is an open question admittedly. But we already know what European leaders are all about: selling their own countrymen down the river.

November 2, 2016 3:56 pm

You are quite right – you cannot be elected to high office in an industrialized country without becoming subservient to the wealthy elite. The difference is that most Europeans know that whereas despite being ass-fucked by every president for the last 40 years (and yes, most especially by Reagan) otherwise critically thinking Americans will believe in such an obvious two-bit huckster like Trump.

Too bad you are so gullible to fall for the myth that Europe is falling because of migrant hordes – yes they are a real problem but Europe will fall because of the predations of the bankers; migrants are a useful sideshow since weak minds are always willing to blame visible minorities.

November 2, 2016 12:01 pm

cdubbya… don’t speak for the rest of the world. Close your sphincter.

November 2, 2016 3:09 pm

Actually I was referencing the ancient Hispanic ‘communities’ of the American Southwest not WW2 veterans. They are as old as the United States and, obviously, totally invested in its future not that of Honduras or Mexico. Allowing the dregs of Mexico and Central America to pour into the US does not benefit an American family of Hispanic ancestry in Arizona or New Mexico anymore than it benefits an family of Anglo descent. After 4 plus centuries of seperation they may only share a last name but little else.

Why should an Hispanic family want to allow an illegal immigrant from Guatemala to attend the University of New Mexico or be hired by state government on an ‘affirmative action’ basis when they contributed nothing to building the state university either through generations of taxation or by virtue of family service in this nation’s wars?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 2, 2016 8:56 pm

Unit, the people of which you speak are white guys, I met one back in the 70’s in Santa Fe. These are not Raza and their history is as you say, pretty long here in the states.

larry morris
larry morris
November 3, 2016 10:14 am

right on, mex well put you in jail if caught coming in.

November 2, 2016 3:10 pm

While i hope Trump gets elected… I wonder about all the vague sweeping statements he has made.
Like the ones about security and making cities safe.How? The wall with Mexico,I will believe it when i see it.
It is strange that more isn’t made of about Obamacare and the giant increases in the cost to everyone.It is like Democrats just can’t believe that this is happening.Or they are ok with massive increases in cost.The idea of gov. mandated/enforced healthcare was a bad idea to me from the start.

November 2, 2016 3:51 pm

The Electoral College has already voted Hilary into office (, see page 4). IF the popular vote is for Trump, which it looks like it will be, what then? This situation has not occurred since Tilden vs. Hayes, which almost became a second civil war at the time. The halls of Congress and Senate were lined with people holding their rifles. The only reason the situation didn’t progress further is Tilden backed down. Does anyone think Hilary is going to back down if the popular vote is for Trump? How is that going to work?

November 2, 2016 4:07 pm

“This situation has not occurred since Tilden vs. Hayes”
You obviously missed it but in 2000 Gore beat Bush by 540,000 votes but Bush won the college 271 to 266.

Predictably, Republicans were not heard to complain greatly.

(FYI America does not vote in Presidents by majority, so even if Trump gets more votes, if HRC gets 270 or more college votes Trump is toast.)

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
November 2, 2016 4:33 pm

“in 2000 Gore beat Bush by 540,000 votes”
How many of those votes were fraudulent? Just last week Project Veritas posted a video of a Democratic party operative saying they had been rigging elections for the last 40 years.
Sucks when your side gets taped admitting widespread voter fraud, doesn’t it? Kind of makes claims like “in 2000 Gore beat Bush by 540,000 votes” ring hollow, doesn’t it?

  james the deplorable wanderer
November 2, 2016 4:43 pm

Of course James, I forgot about the Trumpian view: when your team wins the system is working properly, when the opposition wins it’s because of fraud.
5 year old children use the same logic when playing games. Most get over it.

And FYI the Democrats are not my side either, they are both equally corrupt.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
November 2, 2016 10:09 pm

I’m not making the claim – one of YOUR guys did, on videotape. O’Keefe just managed to capture it for us. If Democrats have been committing widespread voter fraud for “50 years” (correction per tape) as this Democratic operative claims, doesn’t that call into question every Democratic election victory since 1966? And we all know the story about how JFK’s father bought his election (JFK’s) while saying “I’m not paying for a landslide, damn it!”
Perhaps a 5 year old would stick his fingers in his ears saying “Na-Na-Na” to avoid hearing the truth – like you appear to be.