Thank You for The Best Year Ever

Guest Post by Scott Adams

Election Day is upon us and I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has been reading this blog, following me on Twitter, or tuning in to my coffee talks on Periscope. This has been the most fun I have ever had in one year. Hands down.

We made friends online, and in person. We learned a lot. We laughed a lot. And we fought hard for what we thought was right for the country.  It really doesn’t get better than this.

The news tells us that there have been polling irregularities in past elections, but not enough to influence a presidential election. The alleged exceptions are Kennedy Vs. Nixon, Bush Vs. Gore, and at least one Obama election. Those elections might have been decided by vote-rigging – say some people – although we can’t know for sure.

But something is different this year. This year we don’t have an election between two candidates that offer roughly the same outcome. This time we have a swamp-draining outsider looking to end term limits. And this outsider has been successfully branded by his opponent as the second-coming of Hitler. In this case, a rigged election is largely assured. Because, as I have taught you, shenanigans always  happen when you have the following situation:

1. Huge upside gain from cheating.

2. Opportunity

3. Low odds of getting caught, or low cost of getting caught.

That’s our situation today. And while I claim no knowledge of how our voting system aggregates the votes from each precinct, I know software is involved at a number of steps. And that means a handful of people have the power to flip a bit and change the count, probably without being discovered. And those people are under the impression that rigging the election might be the only way to keep the next Hitler out of office. They have moral cover to cheat in this election.

If you had a chance to kill Hitler – even if you knew you might die in the attempt – wouldn’t you do it to save the world? I would. If I knew I could save millions of people I would certainly risk my life to kill Hitler.

And if I were a software engineer, I would certainly write some software to do it. That’s an easy decision if you think you are saving the world from Hitler.

But I’ll ask Trump supporters to stay cool on election day even if they suspect shenanigans. Wait for exit polls. Let the truth trickle out. If there is one thing we know in the age of hot mics and Wikileaks and Project Veritas, the truth will find us. It might take its time, so be patient.

And thank you again for the most fun I have ever had in one year. This was truly special. I will miss it a lot.

Now it’s time to make history. Have fun and stay safe tomorrow.

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Patricia Boglin
Patricia Boglin
November 7, 2016 11:43 am

I recently found your website while doing some MERS research. Thanks for that article, “Who’s the Investor?”. I wanted to ask about the Federal Court filings for the $4000 fine. Has this proven to be effective? I haven’t completed all the steps listed in the article, but I was curious if everything listed is still applicable and how often the filings have worked in the homeowners favor. Thanks in advance, and thank you for creating this blog.

  Patricia Boglin
November 7, 2016 6:17 pm

I think Patricia is looking for The big Mary Malone thread.

November 7, 2016 12:15 pm

Stay calm, cool and wait for what?
Until the justice department charges the MSM, Democrats, Neo-cons, Wall Street, the Military Industrial Complex and the rest of the satanic globalists for engineering a faux-election? Until they force Hillary out of position as Empress of the Empire and run an investigation that shows Trump and the American people were the true winners?
We keep waiting, and we keep drowning–next will be the shut down of free speech on the internet–then no voices left to unify in protest when they finish off the rest of our Constitution, sovereignty and Western culture…….we keep being outraged and then we wait, more outrage and then more waiting………… nauseum.