The Quote

One thing everyone will remember about this election is the “basket of deplorables.”

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people — now 11 million. He tweets and retweets their offensive hateful mean-spirited rhetoric. Now, some of those folks — they are irredeemable, but thankfully they are not America.

Hillary Clinton, at a New York fundraiser September 9, 2016.

That quote was the election. Let if be memorialized as, “The Quote.”

Hillary Clinton wasn’t talking about a fringe of Trump supporters; she smeared half of them. Liberals have tossed their pejoratives at political rivals for so long, she thought she could lump all the old favorites into a refrain and toss with impunity. It appealed to her base and the fawning media, what could go wrong? Unfortunately for a woman who’s made deception a political art form, she couldn’t hide her own words, spoken publicly to a large group. Even if her media friends had had the sense to realize they were political dynamite and suppressed them for her benefit, there was no way to stop the Internet from lighting up.

The Quote marked a pinnacle of arrogance and an abyss of ineptitude. Hillary, the candidate of the status quo, gave voice to sentiments obviously accepted and shared by the members of her arrogant class. Never underestimate the power of a question. The question millions of Americans asked: What the hell does the arrogant class have to be so arrogant about? It has given us a sputtering economy, a steadily widening economic gap between itself and everyone else, factories and jobs fleeing the country, an unchecked immigrant flow entering the country, and a string of failed wars, which has created a maelstrom of blowback and greatly diminished the world’s respect for the United States.







Last night, the arrogant class got their answer: “Your fired!” Destined to be enshrined as the epitome of political stupidity, The Quote shows how a few words can destroy a political campaign, just as Mitt Romney’s 47 percent remark did in 2012. It was the locker room clipping that fired Trump’s team to victory.

The Quote galvanized and expanded his base. No way were they going to vote for the woman who labeled them “deplorable” and “irredeemable.” They stuck with him through every “outrageous” emission and tweet, and the attendant media horror, through the Access Hollywood video, through the unproven accusations, through the uneven debate performances, and through the Comey flip-flops. Towards the end of the campaign, their loyalty was rewarded in a way unnoticed and unacknowledged by his enemies. He started to sound and act like the next president of the United States (see “Trump in New Mexico”), no longer denigrating and insulting, but reaching out, appealing for the support of all Americans. It changed minds and may have been the margin of victory.

Commentators are busy highlighting the election’s winners and losers. One clear winner was mentioned in The Quote: “He has given voice to websites that used to have 11,000 people—now 11 million.” Her numbers are wrong—11 million is less than half a day’s traffic on the biggest Trump-supporting site, The Drudge Report. However, she did implicitly recognize the ascendance of the Internet. The bell tolls for the mainstream media. It will never recover from the mendacity, hypocrisy, and partisanship it demonstrated during this campaign.

All of which presents a danger. The Internet and social media have become powerful forces; Trump couldn’t have won without them. Hubris, and the same desire to cozy up to power for which the mainstream media has been justifiably excoriated, are inevitable. Once upon a time the best of the traditional press saw its role as opposition to power—afflicting the comfortable and comforting the afflicted. The alternative media must judge Trump by his fealty to his promises and his performance. He has to be held to the same standards both Clintons, both Bushes, and Obama have been held. Criticisms have to be voiced, mistakes acknowledged, hypocrisies ridiculed, scandals exposed and investigated, and injustices condemned. Bloggers and sites that fail to afflict Trump because he’s “their guy” will deservedly suffer the same fate as their mainstream counterparts.

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November 9, 2016 3:05 pm

The only time I have been happier than this was when I met the love of my life. Both then ( when I met her ) and now, my happiness is immeasurable.

This TRUMP win is second, and almost as wonderful !

Best wishes to all TBPers !


November 9, 2016 3:31 pm

Hillcunt has so MANY flaws that it’s hard to point to any ONE thing as THE thing which sunk her boat. Her basket-of-deplorables comment is as good a guess as any.

It seems exit polls point to two groups which put Trump over the top; evangelicals and WHITE women. Hillcunt actually got more women voters, but Donald snared the white women … enough of them who previously voted for Obama, switched to Donald.

Thank you white women of America.

Old Dog
Old Dog
November 9, 2016 3:52 pm

Hillary and crew are asking this question….

November 9, 2016 3:32 pm

Proudly wearing my lucky “Deplorable” t-shirt today. Somehow, it just feels a bit more comfy today. Oh’s beer-thirty already…

November 9, 2016 3:37 pm

For me it was her pandering to the gays and transgenders and black lives matter. I am so tired of victimhood in this country. It has been literally been taken over by the far left libs and if you say anything you are a racist or homophobe, or are attacked for being a practicing Christian etc. The limousine libs pushed the envelope too far and this is a natural swing of the pendulum back to the center. I can’t wait to see the libs squirming when a supreme court appointment needs to be made. Out.

November 9, 2016 9:58 pm

FOFOA had a great post about this today on their website.

Muck About
Muck About
November 9, 2016 3:52 pm

Another rung has just been nailed to the ladder toward the top of our own 4th Turning…. Now we have a warrior with a short fuse for a coming leader which is much more likely to exacerbate (or at a minimum, accelerate) the inevitable rise toward the peak of that 4th Turning toward which we are now climbing.

Mr. Trump is, without doubt, the absolute least qualified human being alive to head America. This makes it much more likely for him not to compromise on international issues, regardless of his own statements about “making a deal”.

It also makes him the ideal person to kick ass first rather than sit back and contemplate various possible outcomes from such an action. Just what we need at this part of the cycle to kick it on over the top.

Old Muck’s trip through four turnings (from just before the last 4th Turning peak to now) is being ground slowly in the mill – mostly for my own entertainment but maybe someone will find it illustrative.


  Muck About
November 9, 2016 4:16 pm

Most unqualified? Hillary was literally begging for an aerial war with Russia in their own backyard. She has been an active opponent to second amendment rights her entire adult life, and has always sought to control the American people through propaganda and fear.

Trump is a poor political candidate. HRC is worse.

Shit, she probably thinks she can FDR this bitch, print a shit ton of money, confiscate most of the nation’s wealth, and then start a war with China and Russia so that American manufacturing will be the only thing left functioning around the globe.

  Muck About
November 9, 2016 4:22 pm

“Mr. Trump is, without doubt, the absolute least qualified human being alive to head America.”
Hyperbole to the extreme and quite possibly the stupidest thing I have read yet on TBP; and I have seen a lot of BB’s posts, mind you.
The President is head of the Executive Branch. What is Donald Trump, if not an extremely successful executive?

  Muck About
November 9, 2016 4:54 pm

I think you should change your post name from Muck to Turd.

Semi-employed White Guy
Semi-employed White Guy
  Muck About
November 9, 2016 10:39 pm

Least qualified? What about Obama who had never as much as managed a 7-11? Or the Hildabeast who as Trump pointed out, had experience but made everything she touched turn to shit.

Go fuck yourself you POS!

November 9, 2016 3:57 pm

Payback’s gonna be a mother. The pressure is now ON for Obama to make a full presidential pardon of Hillary AND Bill. If he doesn’t, it will be protect the last shred of his “legacy” and/or be some payback of his own. I think he won’t pardon them, unless Trump or his appointees give him an perfect excuse.

November 9, 2016 4:40 pm

I imagine Trump will avoid stirring the prosecution pot before he takes office so it won’t give Obama reason to jump in with a pardon.

Really wouldn’t look good for Obama’s legacy to be giving pardons to people not under investigation or threat of prosecution.

Expect little or no mention of this till after he takes office.

November 9, 2016 10:10 pm

Doubtful. Obama is implicated; that’s the primary reason Hillary was protected. He sent emails to Hillary’s private server. If I were Trump, I would overtly threaten Obama like this: pardon Bill and Hillary and I am coming after you, but if you don’t, I’ll leave you alone and focus on them.

November 9, 2016 4:50 pm

The Clinton family is now an extreme liability to everyone that ever bribed them. I doubt they are going to live through 2017.

November 9, 2016 4:56 pm

One can only hope!!!

November 9, 2016 4:13 pm

“The question millions of Americans asked: What the hell does the arrogant class have to be so arrogant about? It has given us a sputtering economy, a steadily widening economic gap between itself and everyone else, factories and jobs fleeing the country, an unchecked immigrant flow entering the country, and a string of failed wars, which has created a maelstrom of blowback and greatly diminished the world’s respect for the United States.”

I love this line. Seriously. You could give a statistical breakdown of when Clinton took office vs. the end of Obama’s reign ends and it would be a very bleak report. How the mainstream politicians and intellectuals can even begin to hang their hat on this boondoggle is beyond me.

November 9, 2016 4:34 pm

Those who state that Trump is “unqualified” display remarkable ignorance. What part of founding, running and growing a multibillion dollar multinational business and entertainment empire for 40 years, under the unrelentingly hostile gaze of the media and government do you not understand?

Big Dick
Big Dick
November 9, 2016 5:05 pm

I must apologize to the TBP followers. I had predicted a rotten cunt steal of the election and a big number of Trump votes in the election. I was happily wrong. Not only did the rig fail and produce less votes than I envisioned My man actually won! I am ecstatic I was wrong and proud to be a deplorable!!!!!!

November 9, 2016 5:12 pm

One wonders if “basket of deplorable” will be as historic a phrase as:
“Then let them eat cake,”.
Or, “Useful idiots”.

November 9, 2016 5:28 pm

Mad dog meathead,,Muck is off his meds.As for me ” I do one thing at a time ,I do it extraordinary well and then I move on “

November 9, 2016 5:55 pm

“The alternative media must judge Trump by his fealty to his promises and his performance. He has to be held to the same standards [as] both Clintons, both Bushes, and Obama have been held. Criticisms have to be voiced, mistakes acknowledged, hypocrisies ridiculed, scandals exposed and investigated, and injustices condemned.”

This is most critical. He must be held accountable for his actions even if you are a rabid Trumpeteer. IF Obummer had actually followed through on his campaign rhetoric of being a true “Hope & Change” agent and not just another statist working for the benefit of Wall Street and the 1%, Trump would not have had a chance. He had so many chances as the head of the Executive Branch to do the right thing and he just didn’t take them (e.g., prosecuting the banksters, rescheduling weed, breaking up the biggest banks, stopping the growth of megacorps, stopping the persecution of medical MJ patients, etc, etc, etc).

I get so sick of bad actors expecting loyalty just because I’m supposed to be loyal. I’m as loyal as can be, right up to the point of your being completely WRONG. I carry this policy into my personal life as well. I will not defend the shitty actions of family members (even my wife) if they are categorically wrong. Collectively, we can’t do it for our political leaders, either.

November 9, 2016 8:18 pm

O stabbed us in the back repeatedly and unrelentingly.

Ordinary average guy
Ordinary average guy
November 9, 2016 6:16 pm

I must admit, I went to bed early, deciding anything I seen on the news was a attempt to discourage people from going out to vote. When I awoke @ 3am, I was treated to the sweet tears of NBC, The Young Turks and all the usual suspects. Crying and whining how horrible it would be. It was sooooooo enjoyable. Even if Trump is a Trojan Horse, that was worth it.
To see the real “Deplorables” crushed.

Old Dog
Old Dog
  Ordinary average guy
November 9, 2016 7:02 pm

I went a step further, since Sunday afternoon I went on a personal news blackout (no radio, TV, internet news or comment sites including TBP, newspaper, the lot) through and until 2AM Wednesday morning (that’s when I woke up, no magic there), but had an inkling of an idea. I was in a meeting at 6:30 PM last night where there was a TV on a wall that I could not see. I heard one of my more liberal colleagues gasp at something he saw on the screen. He and the rest of the group were told of my personal blackout (and as President of my organization they acceded to my request). But his reaction to some bit of information sort of set my mind at ease.

This morning, even the NY Times food editor was whining. As I can barely boil water I will take any help I can get. I get cooking recipes and tips from the Times, and here are the first two paragraphs from today’s offering…lo-frapping-l

Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Now What?
Sam Sifton

Good morning. It was a long night in front of the screens, and The Times ( a link: came sailing up on the stoop this morning with this front page (another link: . It was hard for some parents to explain the overnight news to their bleary-eyed children. Darkly: “We’ll talk more about it at dinner.” For others, of course, the opposite was true. Still: “We’ll talk more about it at dinner.”

So do that. Gather one another close this evening. Serve simple food – here’s an easy sheet-pan chicken dinner from Melissa Clark that’ll come to the table in about an hour – and talk. Get it all out there: fear, pride, confusion, glee, sadness.

November 9, 2016 6:25 pm

I am personally glad that Trump won even though I don’t trust him yet. I hope that he does what he says he will.

That being said, I hope Hillary gets tried for her war crimes and corruption. She should be hanged for what she did.

November 9, 2016 7:39 pm

Trump was right when he said “the system is rigged”

Hillary won the popular vote

true democracy denied ?

Paul Strachocki
Paul Strachocki
November 9, 2016 8:17 pm

The popular vote is irrelevant, and in fact, frightened the founders.
We have a democratic republic.
The electoral college is the law of the land, which Trump won.

  Paul Strachocki
November 9, 2016 8:26 pm

why do you hate TRUE democracy Paul ???

never mind
I know the answer

I didn’t figure my post would receive a warm reception

but the truth is the truth

MORE people chose Hillary

November 9, 2016 8:32 pm

Yes, with the densely (illegally) populated state of California coming in later in the evening, the Democratic vote tilts heavily in the Blue Column, skewing the numbers toward a region. That is one of the reasons the electoral college is actually more than fair… it prevents a state from weighting/packing its popular vote by trucking loads of motor-voters (literally) around polling stations.

Old Dog
Old Dog
November 9, 2016 8:41 pm

I wish there were a way to extricate the country from the cities. Here is (hopefully) a link too a map of how the vote went by counties. Let the city folk do their thing with “their” money and we will do our thing with “our” money. i see the price of eggs and milk going up in that scenario.

Let’s vote by acres….

(looks like you have too click onto the Counties map on the left)

  Old Dog
November 9, 2016 10:50 pm

They will be missing water and power way before eggs and milk.

November 9, 2016 9:11 pm

yes ,with the densely (illegally) populated state of Texas coming in later in the evening,the Republican vote tilts heavily in the RED column,skewing the numbers toward a region…..

November 9, 2016 8:35 pm

President elect Trump (sounds good) real battle for position has now begun and I hope he has the wear with all to step up to the challenge . Informing a load of agency heads their resignations will be expected on my desk at the end of the day and those that do not will be demoted or retired or fired and escorted out by security ! That will show a great deal . I also agree that the money/oligarchy in media will devote a great deal of effort to control internet news reports that are not to their likeing . Google and YouTube filter things out and people keep posting it’s going to be interesting to say the least !

November 9, 2016 9:41 pm

Readers: sorry don’t have time to read all your worthy comments. Nevertheless, feel compelled to point out to Mr. Gore. That it was not HRC’s portrait of Trump’s supporters that lost her the election – no it was the simple and indisputable fact that everyone, the common everyman, and insightful women (all regardless of college BS degree) realized in their minds, their hearts, and their souls, that HRC’s portrait was that of HERSELF AND HER supporters. Down to the last nuance ! This is what lost her the election. And made the phrase basket of deplorables immortal.

November 9, 2016 10:16 pm

Fuck democracy- this is just mob rule, plain and simple. We were given a Republic- not a democracy by the founding fathers. Hillary won the numbers but lost the electoral college. If you figure that half the population is below normal intelligence (by definition of the term -the NORM- and many of them are more stupid than that- you can see why hillary won the popular vote- by the mass of sheer stupidity in this country. There were other reasons too- frankly too numerous to count. Democracy is 2 wolves and a sheep deciding on what to have for lunch.

November 10, 2016 12:44 am

I absolutely agree with your last paragraph and especially the last sentence. It’s time to put Trump’s feet to the fire. Historically, the president elect waffles considerably between (s)election day and inauguration day. Let’s see if/how his message shifts during the next 11 weeks.

J.N. Tracy
J.N. Tracy
November 10, 2016 1:27 am

The check will be sent soon. Grandma has infected your heart. Because the real hurt is the lost opportunity. She occupied the same seat as you when it was a volunteer position for the Church. My family is a product of the thirty blocks before Grandpa moved to Overbrook then Lower Merion. One of my memories was driving through 52nd and Market in 1982 and she reminisced of how it used to be. Grandma was a liberal Catholic married to a Presbyterian republican. I know how it has been destroyed through policy. It breaks my heart. I now inhabit the Township of Lower Merion. I have been fortunate to have been surrounded by lawyers who could give two fucks if I broke apart cars with acetylene torches in Lower Merion. The thing about here is they never fucked with mechanics or work trucks. Helped a lot there was a cool liitle shop by the local post office manned by Lenny Moore at 108 Conshohocken State Road. Cool beans for a kid with imagination. It really felt good to vote for a change. Had not voted for 16 years. This time was different. Biden’s Brother is a neighbor who neglected to post a Hillary sign this year. We always had signs but Pops said no signs this year. He did not want the aggravation. Silent but not forgotten. PS I rented out the house to take care of Mom and Dad. I saw the poor souls sitting in piss when I worked for Leland Beloff at Harlee Manor.

November 10, 2016 7:34 am

I am interested to see how Trump handles himself between now and innaugeration day. Then I’ll see watch happens in the first 100 days of his presidency. Then I will decide whether or not this is another case of ” meet the new boss, same as the old boss” or if we really voted for change. Remember how many people thought they voted for change in the 2008 election and the inly change they got was skin color and not much else. I’m cautiosly optimistic, but not entirely convinced until I see actual actions. All politicians tend to have a delta between what they say and what the do, between what they say they believe in and what their actions tell us they actually beleive in.

I’m ecstatic over the election result, but we need to be realistic and realize only a small percentage of campaign promises usuaully turn into actual accomplishments and most end up being nothing but hot air or failed proposals.

November 10, 2016 7:52 am

The Rodhamster’s remark didn’t help but it hadn’t escaped the notice of people that every president since 1988 was an alumnus of either Harvard or Yale and every Democrat nominee since 1984 had attended one of those two schools.

That neither Dukakis, both Bush presidents, Bill and Hillary Clinton, John Kerry , Al Gore or Obama were particularly brilliant people made it plain that something other than a meritocracy was at play at the pinnacle of American politics. There was a hidden hand guiding who was going to rule the United States.

That hidden hand was seen by the people this Tuesday and they rapped it sharply across the knuckles.

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
November 10, 2016 11:52 am

Satori – It’s a Republic, not a “democracy”.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
November 10, 2016 7:54 pm

Hillary’s comment didn’t offend me – I considered the source, and if I am a DEPLORABLE to Hillary then I am a decent, kind, thoughtful, wise and worthwhile human being. If the left can re-define words, then so can we – “gay” was not always “homosexual”, and “progressive” was not always “leftist batshit crazy mindless worthless human walking waste”.
BTW, I am STILL DEPLORABLE, and plan to die that way in forty or fifty years – long after Hillary’s and Obama’s vision for America is a distant, bad dream. We will make them sad footnotes in a future textbook, one that mentions the Founders favorably and teaches what the Constitution promises us all – not just Hillary’s and Obama’s rich friends.

The Romulan
The Romulan
November 11, 2016 3:31 am

We LOVE the deplorable tag.

“Basket of deplorables” is often said in our house lately.

Bye, bye, Hillary. Sorry, but your coronation was cancelled. If I never see your smug, arrogant, ugly face again and hear your cackling laugh; it’ll be too soon.

Alice Nelson
Alice Nelson
November 14, 2016 6:04 pm

Hillary actually brought us together with her “off the cuff” remark about Deplorables.
Also I did not appreciate how she laughingly told her supporters to get their Trump friends “an intervention”.

She shot herself in the foot and she bled out.
Thank God.
Maybe America has a chance to recover now.