Via Branco

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rhs jr
rhs jr
November 30, 2016 9:07 am

The Democrats will be very sorry if an honest recount is made that reveals 25 million illegals voted, millions of the dead voted Democrat, millions of registered but known non-voters voted Democrat etc.

  rhs jr
November 30, 2016 10:34 am

A recount wouldn’t reveal illegals, only the number of total votes and who they went for.

Exposing the illegal vote -the ones Obama called for among all the others- would require a full audit of all votes cast against the voter registration roles and then a full audit of them as well against all public and government records (and that wouldn’t catch most of the illegals since they wouldn’t be listed unless they were felons or otherwise arrested and determined non citizens on some public record somewhere).

It also wouldn’t catch “flipped” votes since there would be no way to know they were flipped.

Catching the full illegal vote total would be almost impossible, however a recount would most likely catch the non-existent vote since there would be no vote to count and it would show up in the total count. This is probably a small number this time, too many people were watching the count.

The “recounts” the Democrats are demanding are not going to change anything and the Democrats know that, they are just a foundation for some new anti Trump strategey they are proceeding with, maybe in the electoral college or to undermine the legitimacy of his Administration if he actually gets to take office.

November 30, 2016 11:24 am

Numbered paper ballots. Hand counted.