The Idea You are Least Likely to Believe

Guest Post by Scott Adams

When Trump started his historic run for the White House last year, I blogged that he would change more than politics. I said he would forever change how we view reality. And so he has.

The mainstream media and the public now accept the idea that Trump ignored facts, science, and even common decency… and still got elected. I have been telling readers of this blog for a year that facts don’t matter. Policies don’t matter. The only thing that matters is persuasion. And Trump has plenty of persuasion.

To be perfectly clear, when I say facts don’t matter, I mean that in the limited sense of decision-making. If you make the wrong decision, the facts can kill you. That’s not in debate. I’m talking about the process or arriving at a decision – whether it is a good decision or not. The decision-making process is largely divorced from facts and reason. We live under a consistent illusion that facts and logic guide our decisions. They don’t.

The exception to this rule is when there is no emotional dimension to a decision. For example, if a mechanic says it will cost you $1,000 to fix your car, and you can see no other option that makes sense, one could say that facts and logic guided your decision to approve the repairs. But emotion-free decisions are unusual. You rarely see emotion-free decisions when it comes to politics, relationships, or even your career.

And this brings us to the question of President Elect Trump’s seeming disregard for facts as he plowed through the competition to reach the presidency. The common view from his critics is that Trump is an idiot. The common view from his supporters is that his facts are not so wrong, or at least they are directionally accurate. I don’t subscribe to either interpretation. I find the Master Persuader filter is a better way to understand this strange situation.

A Master Persuader – and anyone trained in hypnosis or persuasion in general – knows that humans don’t use facts and reason to make important decisions. Most persuaders prefer sticking to the facts when possible, but that is mostly to avoid looking like idiots. They know that sticking to facts will not persuade.

Trump just takes things one step further. He doesn’t pretend the facts matter when they don’t. To put this in more practical terms, Trump does the things that matter and ignores the things that don’t. He just has a better idea than the public and the media about what matters. For example…

The public thinks facts matter for decisions. They don’t.

The public thinks being “presidential” matters for getting elected. It didn’t.

The public thinks Trump should have studied the issues more deeply. And he will, as needed. But he didn’t need detailed policy knowledge to get elected (evidently).

The experts said Trump needed more ground game. He didn’t.

I could go on, but I hope you see the pattern already. Trump ignores the things that don’t matter – even to the point of looking the fool – and pays deep attention to what DOES matter. That’s what made him our next president.

When Trump was running for election, facts and reasons and policy details didn’t matter to the outcome. He knew that. I knew that. Every trained persuader knew it. But the general public did not, and that is the realization that is beginning to dawn on the world.

Once in office, facts and reason do matter more. Trump is moving from the job of talking about issues to the job of doing something about them. In his new role, he will pay attention to details and facts and reason as much as humanly possible, with the help of advisors. You already see this transformation happening as Trump moderates his positions on waterboarding, prosecuting Clinton, and even climate change.

If you have not studied persuasion it makes perfect sense to be in a panic about a Trump presidency. You see a pattern of irrational-looking behavior from Trump during the election and you assume the trend will continue into the presidency. But if you understand the tools of persuasion you see a Master Persuader ignoring what doesn’t matter and paying close attention to what does, for the benefit of the country. That is literally the safest situation I can imagine.

As president, facts do matter. Reason matters. Logic matters. But persuasion does too – and it is still hugely important to the job of being president. Don’t expect Trump to embrace any facts that are not important to “making America great again.” But I do think you can expect facts to influence Trump when they do matter.

If you are worried how a President Trump will address climate change, here’s what to expect. You can expect him to dissect the topic in terms of the facts that matter and the ones that don’t. You can expect him to eventually agree with scientists who say human activity is contributing to climate change. But when it comes to the prediction models, and America’s ability to fix the problem at a reasonable cost, expect him to be more skeptical than the general public.

That isn’t crazy. Complicated models that try to predict the future rarely succeed.

I realize that the stakes are high if I’m wrong. But keep in mind that a year ago I was giving Trump a 98% chance of winning the presidency when experts were at 2%. And my prediction was based on the persuasion filter.

I don’t believe human brains evolved to understand reality at an objective level. The best we can do is pick filters that do a good job of predicting what’s ahead. The Persuasion Filter predicted Trump’s win when most other models did not. Now I use the same filter to predict that Trump will turn from totally ignoring facts (because facts don’t matter to elections) to embracing the facts that do matter to the country.

You can still expect Trump to ignore any facts that don’t matter, such as the exact number of non-citizens that voted for Clinton. In that case he was making the press think past the sale (that non-citizens voted) and forcing them to spend time talking about the exact number until our brains uncritically accept his central premise that lots of non-citizens voted for Clinton. That is pure persuasion. He won’t change the methods that work. Watch and learn.

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November 30, 2016 4:26 pm

“The mainstream media and the public now accept the idea that Trump ignored facts, science, and even common decency… and still got elected. I have been telling readers of this blog for a year that facts don’t matter. Policies don’t matter. The only thing that matters is persuasion. And Trump has plenty of persuasion.”
yeah so did Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Castro, and even Satan himself….how weak your mind is, it is astounding….. public school?
Has everyone drank the kool-aid?
is there anyone out there still sane?
When a truth has the same value as a lie we are all finished regardless of the intentions.

Alter Boyz
Alter Boyz
November 30, 2016 4:43 pm

“When a truth has the same value as a lie we are all finished regardless of the intentions.”

Uh, No. Incorrect.

“The only thing that matters is persuasion”

ding, ding, ding – We have The Winner.

Extra Credit from Current Events: Call Hillary and ask her if she would do anything different.

Thank you for playing our game today. You can pick up you case of Creamettes on the way out.

  Alter Boyz
November 30, 2016 5:31 pm

So when you are persuaded to bayonet a baby because you believe in your “leader” I guess that makes you a hero in your book

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 30, 2016 7:01 pm

We expect- and in fact demand- a much higher level of troll around here.

Please inform yourself* before you start spraying the neighborhood like an angry skunk.


  hardscrabble farmer
November 30, 2016 7:25 pm

Respectfully you missed the point, in fact you bolstered mine, thank you.
Read the article, thanks again, was not even aware of the story, anyway I guess we can both see how important truth is for making educated decisions, as opposed to persuasion.
The anatagonists in the article are the folks that used “persuasion” to convince the British troops that these atrocities occured when that indeed had not, had these troops known the truth the reaction may have been different, however this persuasion produced the desired result from the troops to fight harder, and perhaps use more barbaric means to achieve their victory, justified by the false story
“the power of persuasion”
terribly sorry I did not agree with you
sorry not into it

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 30, 2016 8:04 pm

I certainly didn’t miss your point. You attempted to use persuasion in the form of centuries old propaganda in order to promote your message. The link was for either your edification or to rub your nose in your ham-fisted attempt to use such a worn out trope. You assume that the posters here are either ignorant of history or you are in fact ignorant of it, either way we neither follow “leaders” nor are we likely to be committing bogus atrocities in order to be “heroic”.

Again, up your trolling game or hit the bricks.


November 30, 2016 5:08 pm

Fascinating article. How have humans survived so long with such a fucked up brain? lol

Persuasion ….. instead of politics, imagine he’s talking about religion. Do any of his observations and arguments change? Nope.

Persuasion, it seems, is another word for bullshitting.

kokoda - A VERY PROUD Deplorable
kokoda - A VERY PROUD Deplorable
November 30, 2016 5:35 pm

“The mainstream media and the public now accept the idea that Trump ignored facts, science, and even common decency…”

BullSheet !!! Forget your meds?; one too many Martinis?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 30, 2016 7:08 pm

He’s right. Except for the common decency line because there isn’t any of that left in the 21st century USSA. In fact most of his comments were quaint as a spinster aunt compared to the Podesta set.

Funny times we live in where the people that are perpetually correct are marginalized and ridiculed and the ones who are wrong about virtually everything run the show.

I think the applecart is tilting heavily towards the curb, almost time for a reset.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 30, 2016 7:33 pm

/me tosses a cat into the cart…

November 30, 2016 8:32 pm

If you are worried how a President Trump will address climate change, here’s what to expect. You can expect him to dissect the topic in terms of the facts that matter and the ones that don’t. You can expect him to eventually agree with scientists who say human activity is contributing to climate change. But when it comes to the prediction models, and America’s ability to fix the problem at a reasonable cost, expect him to be more skeptical than the general public.

That isn’t crazy. Complicated models that try to predict the future rarely succeed.

Of course, Daddy’s approach to the principles of scientific method in the premise of anthropogenic (CO2-driven) global warming has been robust. The political push for Watermelon policies have been objectively bankrupt and scientifically idiotic.

In this wise and in much else, Trump has been correct.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 30, 2016 8:44 pm

I love that the answer to human activity altering climate would be human activity to alter the climate.

And I suppose it would be up to humans to decide what the ideal climate setting on the thermostat of life would be, right? Who gets that gig?

That kind of hubris only comes along every thousand years or so.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  hardscrabble farmer
November 30, 2016 9:27 pm

The optimal winter temperature is when you can take a rowboat out to your ice fishing house.

  Iska Waran
November 30, 2016 11:29 pm

Roger that. I just shoveled a foot of snow here in northern UT. Bah.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 30, 2016 11:34 pm

I read that back in the 70s when the next Ice Age was imminent, scientists were proposing to cover the poles with black plastic sheeting to prevent polar ice from forming.
I guess we would add or remove said sheeting to keep things goldilocks.

November 30, 2016 9:27 pm

Not a scott adams fan. Little weasely dudes seldom understand anything without running it through their justification filter. Wimps gotta wimp.

Uncle Charley
Uncle Charley
November 30, 2016 11:11 pm

I agree with Mr. Adams.
In this day and age, we are buried in “facts”. Some are true, many are not. Hire the right “experts” and you can always find the “facts” that support your position. Watch the news and count how many times they report “A new study shows XYZ”.
What we lack today is wisdom. Trump now seems less more focused now on his agenda and how to achieve it. I hope that is good. Though it won’t please everyone. But it never does.

  Uncle Charley
November 30, 2016 11:26 pm

“Trump now seems less more focused now on his agenda…”

“less” or “more”? Pick one please.

Uncle Charley
Uncle Charley
November 30, 2016 11:33 pm

You have your opinion and I have mine. I prefer Trump over Hillary any day.

  Uncle Charley
December 1, 2016 2:03 am

Wow, dude.

Please stick to just being Uncle, for the sake of the rest of us Chazlikefolk.

Uncle Charley
Uncle Charley
December 1, 2016 11:06 pm

Sorry Razzel, I misunderstood your post. I apologize. I meant more focused.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 30, 2016 11:48 pm

I didn’t read the article, sorry, I don’t need to hear for the umpteenth time from Adams about what a great persuader Trump is.

President Tweet is using huckster and promotional skills to keep his audience enthralled, hanging on his every thought or idea. Once they have you lapping the milk from their palm, all critical thinking goes out the window.

I’m afraid people will be led down the primrose path to wherever this pied piper is taking them.
Eventually, they will not be buying it. Even James Brown wore out the welcome mat.

I do wish Scotty would bring up an different theme. I’d like to hear how President Pence is in charge while Trump is the President Emeritus.

  EL Coyote
December 1, 2016 2:07 am

People don’t seem very interested in apple cats, it seems.

I agree… Scott has reached the end of his perception wave on this one and overlooking the giant pizza in the room. He has crushed his former revenue stream and his future depends on apparatchiking while pretending to be the opposite.

December 1, 2016 12:44 am

What does climate change even mean? Why don’t they call it global warming anymore? The climate is constantly changing. The earth is a dynamic system.

December 1, 2016 3:46 am

It means the “jig was up” on GloBULL Warming so they re-branded the message. With “climate change” they can NEVER be wrong and the “deniers” can NEVER be right.

It’s sort of like when a product you’ve been buying for years suddenly sports a “NEW and IMPROVED” label because the “old and lousy” variety had a lower profit margin.

In short, BOHICA!

December 1, 2016 9:34 am

google “nuclear winter facts”

“Earth is currently in a long-term warming trend. After a regional nuclear war, though, average global temperatures would drop by 2.25 degrees F (1.25 degrees C) for two to three years afterward, the models suggest.” (regional nuclear war means a limited exchange between India and Pakistan, 3 or 4 Hiroshima sized events would throw up enough dust from the fires that burn after the exchange, sending ash 50 mile up, that does not dissipate due to rain/weather)

Sounds like the global elite have a plan to cool the planet, so no one needs to be concerned with global warming or climate change. I would worry about how to keep the elites from robbing your IRA and 401k after they tank the market again some time in the beginning of Trumps term. These engineered crashes seem to happen on 8 year cycles, since 2000.

January 3, 2017 8:40 pm

Wouldn’t it be great if Trump has been truthful with us all along?