Get Up Off Your Knees

On your knees you may live to see another day, but you’ll never live to see better days.

Guest Post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

Zoos are among the saddest places on earth: magnificent but confined creatures on display for gawking crowds, prevented from living out their biological destinies, fed their daily rations, and domesticated beyond where they could ever return to the wild. You have to feel pity and sorrow for these innocent prisoners; they’d flee in a heartbeat if they could.



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Humans have made themselves inmates—whether of a zoo, prison, or asylum is hard to say, likely a combination of all three. Animals earn our admiration because they resist losing their freedom. Humans occasionally do too, but usually surrender theirs for promises and trifles. The promises are broken and the trifles grow more trifling as humanity for the most part gives up. Keep people amused and make sure the rations don’t stop and no outrage rousts them to try to reclaim their birthright. When they visit the zoo, the animals stare back at them with contempt.

In this country, we sing, “Sweet land of liberty,” and, “The land of the free, and the home of the brave.” We incant “freedom” and “liberty” during election seasons, but anything beyond that is considered embarrassing, bad form. A legislator denouncing a proposed law as an infringement of freedom would be regarded as a lunatic. Millions of pages of federal, state, and local laws and regulations already infringe freedom. The denouncer might be irrefutably right, but his denunciation would be irrelevant.

While wildlife should be free in the wild, coping with the risks to the best of their capabilities, humans are supposedly unsuited for freedom. Free humans might develop their own talents and capabilities, produce, exchange, exercise their rights, and engage in voluntary association and social intercourse, all unsupervised. You can argue that such activities are generally beneficial. However, there is a special class who are permitted to supervise and coerce the rest of us, to curtail our freedom. This special class ensures fairness or equality or some such thing. Who knows what might happen without them. Think of the dangers!

Just consider the concept of people deciding what’s in their own best interest. A hyphenated word lurks: self-interest. The special people are motivated by everything but self-interest, or so they say. Indeed, nobility of motive justifies their power and the destruction of your liberty. The desire to better your life is selfish, unlike the impulses supposedly animating those holding the guns to your head. After widespread surrender, few champion their right to their own lives, which is selfish after all, or challenge the special people’s moral superiority, which confers their right to hold the guns.

It might mitigate moral condemnation for liberty’s surrender if it had produced some benefit for those waving the white flag. An old bromide has it that liberty is irrelevant when people are starving. Nothing is further from the truth; it’s freedom that feeds people, creates wealth, and advances humanity. The historical record offers ample proof. It’s the absence of liberty that produces starvation, poverty, decay, destruction, genocide, and war. Here too the historical record is clear, one need go no farther back than the last century. During this ascendancy of the special people, humanity fought its two deadliest wars and over a hundred million were murdered, victims of special plans for a better world.

But somehow it’s liberty that’s dangerous. Fortunately the special people still rule, to make sure it doesn’t break out somewhere. Their reign assures that this century will challenge the last for the title: Century of Slaughter. They see their subjects are domesticated draft animals, just smart enough to keep economies running, not smart enough to challenge domestication. However, it’s been free minds and free markets, not draft animals, that have produced the wonders that make modern life modern. Welfare states are halfway houses to totalitarianism. As they grow, liberty shrinks and progress slows, stops, and reverses, the deterioration culminating in either anarchy or tyranny.

Judging from the prevalence of terms like “secular stagnation” and the “end of growth,” we are in the stop phase and reversal is nigh. People have seen their freedom shrink and have borne the consequences, although most don’t make the connection between the two. Incomes have stagnated, opportunities have diminished, life grows ever coarser, and fear of a looming apocalypse pervades the popular consciousness. Many are preparing for a future in which modernity is no longer modern, where access to necessities and conveniences cannot be taken for granted. Guns and gold are at the top of checklists, for a day when the inevitable failure of the special people leads to the inevitable tyranny or anarchy.

The discontent sweeping the planet is recognition that things are wrong on multiple fronts, although recognition of the root cause is rare. The idea that changing the hands on the levers offers solutions is magical thinking. The problems stem from granting the special people the levers in the first place. They may be replaced, but once the replacements have their hands on the levers, they’ll feel special, too. Power assuredly corrupts.

We’re closer to the real solution in the lament: “Why can’t they just leave us alone?” They—the special people—must leave us alone, it’s our moral right. Those who think the collapse will never come, or that freedom can be reclaimed without a fight, delude themselves. The craven adage: It’s better to live on one’s knees than die on one’s feet, offers a false choice. On your knees you may live to see another day, but you’ll never live to see better days. You may die on your feet, but liberty offers the only hope for better days. It’s worth fighting for. It’s worth dying for.

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EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 4, 2016 2:00 pm
  EL Coyote
December 4, 2016 2:42 pm

what the fuck does that degenerate nignog have to do with freedom?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 4, 2016 3:04 pm
  EL Coyote
December 4, 2016 6:42 pm

power to the people!!

  EL Coyote
December 4, 2016 6:40 pm

stay on the scene…
get on up!
love that.

  EL Coyote
December 4, 2016 9:38 pm

Dig it! Saw him 2x with the Soul Generals.

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
December 4, 2016 2:20 pm

I think this sums it up nicely.

  Smoke Jensen
December 4, 2016 8:34 pm

I like the speech he made in Patriot also. “Why would I trade 1 tyrant 3,000 miles away for hundreds right here?”

December 4, 2016 2:45 pm

Interesting when you think about it. What makes them special? Our votes. We give them the power to either serve or rule. Or is apathy the ultimate force at play? Maybe ennui and decline go hand in glove. In other words, maybe tyranny is a natural response to lethargy. Just a thought.

Miles Long
Miles Long
December 4, 2016 5:44 pm

Could be that lethargy is a natural response to tyranny as well. I know that I had little desire to “do better” while getting hauled into “domestic relations” (read child support enforcement) for more $$ every month or so on the littlest whim of the ex. She never paid for legal advice nor had to even show up being the plaintiff. It cost me between $400-800 a pop for a lawyer on top of a day of lost wages which could have been better spent on other things… like, you know, the kids.

  Miles Long
December 4, 2016 6:45 pm

court is quite the unfair drag for the divorced male,
feel lucky, he often has to pay her lawyer as well.

MN Steel
MN Steel
December 4, 2016 10:07 pm

Think the final days of the soviet union, with engineers working as cashiers and physicists as barbers. They could have done what they trained for, but CHOSE not to, in order to grind the system to a halt.

Lethargy/apathy and tyranny go hand in hand, just as freedom and fighting do.

December 5, 2016 10:53 am

Let us not miss the basic point from this article. The time when voting can be effective is long past.

“Those who think the collapse will never come, or that freedom can be reclaimed without a fight, delude themselves.”

The overriding principle at play now is that; power obtained through corrupt means will not be yielded because of public pressure, nor as a result of the requirements of the political process. Once power is obtained through corrupt means it will yield only to superior power.

This class of “special people” who believe they control the destiny of the nation and of the entire world have obtained their positions of power, privilege, profit, and prestige through all the typical and historical means of corruption -bribery, extortion, murder and mass murder. If we understand that power has been seized through corrupt means, it becomes a false notion to think that we effectively elect our executives or our representatives. And it is an equally false notion to think that our executive or our representatives have effective control over the direction and policies of our country.

Whether knowingly or ignorantly, national level politicians do what they are told. Those who are effective enough to become a problem for the “special people” are removed via the typical and historical means, bribery, extortion, murder, and mass murder.

I do not imagine that 9/11 was really conceived and accomplished by foreigners who hate our freedom? What nonsense. Our enemy is among us and is the worst kind of corrupt, -the psychopathic mass murdering kind. Which is why it should be self evident that our freedom won’t be restored without a fight. Corrupt power does not yield to the political process.

December 4, 2016 3:19 pm

IMO, the larger the population and greater the technology, the less freedom will be had.

December 4, 2016 3:26 pm

I found that minimizing my interactions with .gov gave me the most freedom to do what I wanted, when I wanted. Got back to my rural roots fifty years ago and have thoroughly enjoyed life.

Crime against person: Don’t do that.
Crime against property: Don’t do that.
Crime against government: Non-existent except in the mind of government.

December 4, 2016 3:31 pm

” It’s better to live on one’s knees than die on one’s feet”

Shit, I’ve had this wrong for a long time. I’ve always said it as “It’s better to die on one’s feet than to live on one’s knees”.

December 4, 2016 3:35 pm

Freedom was lost a little bit at at time and it will have to be restored a little bit at a time.

Try to get it back all at once and whatever it is that comes out of it will certainly not be freedom.

The left has been patient at taking it away, the right will have to be patient at getting it back.

MN Steel
MN Steel
December 4, 2016 10:15 pm

Surely you mean by one battle/skirmish at a time, the kind actually contested on a field of battle. You know, like the last war for independence from oligarchic tyranny that lasted, what, eight years or so?

For if you think working within the current system will bring change toward freedom, you are seriously going to be disappointed.

  MN Steel
December 5, 2016 8:21 am

Civil wars are won by the most brutal, and the most brutal don’t bring more freedom.

Castro would be one of the most in the news recent examples of this to consider.

MN Steel
MN Steel
December 5, 2016 6:46 pm

I would not consider the upcoming events to be a “civil war.”

Semantics aside, it will be a war of independence from an enemy occupying force.

Check out the charters of all the illegitimate (not in the constitution, therefor illegal) federal agencies. Bet you don’t find any actually working for you and I. FDR made the fedgov the enemy of the people with the War Powers Act of 1934.

Those are good enough reasons for me, you can sit around and eat popcorn or pick your bellybutton lint or whatever. I’m getting ready for the opening salvo.

December 4, 2016 3:42 pm

Most of those special people flock to government so they can obtain a life they never could in the private sector.they are motivated by envy more then greed with the intent of living at or on someone’s expense.they are the loafing class or parasitic class which describes them better.their religion is cultural Marxism whether they realize it or not.

December 4, 2016 4:07 pm

I don’t think it’s fair to say that the left has taken freedoms away and the right has put them back. It is my opinion that both the left and the right have done exactly the same thing – they have taken freedom away. Nobody can put it back but you. So stand up on your own two feet and put the freedoms back.

December 4, 2016 4:14 pm

“Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.” Thomas Jefferson
I side with Larken Rose’s view of the world. I own me and you own you.
Natural law could replace 99 percent of useless, wasteful, murderous, power mad, governments.
As we look around for root cause of this world’s problems in most cases we see the enslaving, thieving, insane, immoral, evil policies of governments are to blame.
Government needs to be cut to bare bones wherever it exists if humans are to reach
their fullest potential. Why is there fluoride in my water, mercury & aluminum and live viruses in vaccines? Why because the evil of government knows no bounds.
People need to take their countries back and place governments/corporations in subservient positions instead of authoritative ones. Vote with your dollar!
Larken Rose video on government

December 4, 2016 6:51 pm

velly powerful…why do we not just fail to obey?
Ha ha…we pay at the point of a gun. Mob the
enforcers. Gun control at it’s best.

December 4, 2016 4:24 pm

Two years ago I went to my company’s Christmas party. Every year we do the white elephant game with presents. I wrapped 2 copies of “The Most Dangerous Superstition” by Larkin Rose. After the party I told the receiver of the books that I gave 2 copies because I wanted them to give 1 as a gift to a friend.

December 4, 2016 6:50 pm

I just bought “The Most Dangerous Superstition” on kindle for $7, hard copies of his book
are over $50 bucks now on Amazon.

December 4, 2016 7:00 pm

I have it.

This book is dedicated to two people:
the first person who, because of reading this book,
disobeys an order to harm someone else, and
the person who, as a result, is not harmed.

Great book! Larkin Rose is a wonderful thinker.

December 4, 2016 8:24 pm

After escaping the matrix, these are the people/sites I visit or listen to regularly: James Corbett > Corbett report; Alex Jones; Michael Savage; Lew Rockwell; TBP; Activistpost; Zerohedge; Drudge; Jim Willie aka Golden Jackass; Larken Rose; wattsupwiththat; Realscience; Project Veritas; etc.
Found this site recently and really enjoy the discussions, articles, and people on The Burning Platform 🙂

December 4, 2016 4:57 pm
December 4, 2016 5:24 pm

The perfect society for libertarians does exist. It’s called Somalia. No government. No police. You can do anything you want 24/7. They die on their feet alright. They choose their destiny alright. I’ll pass

December 4, 2016 5:55 pm

Starfcker, Im a little disappointed that you just trot out the tired tripe of the left against libertarians. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard a little shitweasel leftist pull that line out. Its tired, you can do better. Somalia is a shithole country with little in the way of resourses and a country with an average IQ somewhere in the neighborhood of 75, with a bunch of muslims to boot. Ill agree with you in a sense though. A libertarian society can only exist with an intelligent and moral people.

I will say this though. You keep on insisting trump and the fedgov under him will save us all, you are wrong. If you keep waiting for the government to fix things, you’re going to be disappointed.

December 4, 2016 6:27 pm

Gator, you and Robert both completely misdiagnose the problem (at the present time). It’s not government. It’s capture of government by the concentrated power of the banks and multi-nationals. I’m a small, small government loving guy. That currently means nothing. There is no force ON EARTH strong enough to bring that concentrated power to heel other than a the federal goverment is the hands of someone determined to bring it to heel. We may have that. Maybe. Robert would be fine with goldman sachs running the country. After all, their private sector. That’s nuts. Private-good, government bad. Wrong. This is a big job. The libertarians have nothing. Don’t waste your time. Trump is going to run a top down, strong executive type goverment, make no mistake. It’s what I prayed for. It’s what I voted for. If he can’t break some eggs, it’s not going to happen. There isn’t another Trump out there. Minus Trump, we are fucked for sure. Libertarians are going to fix this? Wait by the mailbox. You’ll still be out there when you die of old age.

December 4, 2016 7:10 pm

“Starfckr”: so being down on your knees is OK? Being libertarian or statist are the polar opposites. I believe what Gore is trying to get across is the power of the individual, individuals are a pesky bunch for sure. Don’t place any faith in our leaders, I have said that all politicians are set up for failure, they will be voted out or tarred and feathered on their way out of town if not murdered. They are mostly sociopathic anyway. “We are fucked for sure” is giving me more credit than I deserve!

December 4, 2016 7:35 pm

We’refucked, No disrespect to Gator or Robert. Libertarian is a fine belief system. It’s just useless at the moment. Ideology needs to get out of the way. Time for common sense to replace ideology of any type. Standing pat with worthless libertarian ideology is truly the animal staying in the cage with the door open. Baaaaa. Time to get something done. Stop chewing your cud.

December 4, 2016 7:58 pm

OK, my cud is gone, what next, at the moment I will wait on a directive from you. You seem to know a lot!

December 4, 2016 8:42 pm

My problem and our problems have been if it feels good do it. OK, got me there, the more I do it the less good it feels. Scarcity of resources and pleasures make them much more valuable. If I went out and played golf everyday and made a “hole in one” it would be a much too easy game, I would have to quit. Damn, life is not supposed to be easy, it’s supposed to be a struggle, it gets us off our rear ends. It inbeds with our genetic materials to strive to overcome obstacles. The best I have ever performed is when I believe that others think I can’t.

December 6, 2016 3:10 pm

starfcker, I’ve wrestled with the concept of government or no government for a very, very long time and I’ve come to the conclusion after much thought that it IS government contrary to your comment that it is not. Your idea that government is just dandy if the right group is running it is just plain fallacious.

The Greek idea of a benevolent dictator is an oxymoron. Human nature, being what it is, precludes that as a possibility and history confirms it. Governments have a staggering antecedent of citizen abuse. One can characterize government’s rule as hell on earth at least for many millions of poor souls.

Your idea which many people hold is that all we need is a champion on a white horse to right the wrongs of government. You can’t solve a problem employing the same methods that created the problem in the first place and with your idea, you will still be left with big government running our lives. I am astounded at people’s belief in big government and lack of belief in themselves.

Libertarian-ism can only flourish where there is a just and moral people. This means people who have been raised and taught a moral way of life and choose to live that life, seeing the benefits in it. Have we as an American society been taught that or have we been taught just the opposite? Have our leaders exemplified that moral concept or has it been just the opposite? Lip service is not living the truth.

Make no mistake, we will be ruled, but we have a choice. Either we will rule ourselves, personally, as a moral and just people or we will be ruled over by others. That’s God’s way. He isn’t going to let you get away living in iniquity. He’s a Lawful God.

Hopefully, we will see the benefit of living a moral and just life and choose that. It’s an individual choice at an individual level that will work and I think that is where change will come from, not the top down.

December 4, 2016 7:18 pm

Thank you Brian,

Consider the Amish, they are their own farm.
Anyone else?… may get labeled a terrorist, and get burned
out. They bring the mega swat teams in for those shit-shows.

December 4, 2016 8:44 pm

Robert, no reply button on your post (?). I could care less about 1913 being our problem. Between 1913 and 1988 we became the most powerful, most prosperous, and certainly as free than any nation on earth. That’s just Ron Paul mumbo jumbo. Let’s take a look at GHW Bush’s NWO. He didn’t really get much done, but my suspicion is that was the incubator. Clinton was the rat. A moral degenerate without a patriotic bone in his body, who never met a scumbag bearing cash that he didn’t like. The dimocrat party was just as rudderless in 1992 as it is now, and never would have won except for Bush’s push for NAFTA. In 18 months he went from 90% approval to 36% of the vote. Clinton sold out country to the highest bidder, and put into motion the war on sovereignty, individual liberty and property rights that has raged ever since.

December 4, 2016 9:02 pm

Clinton was and is a traitor. Prior to Clinton, the battle for political power might have been intense, but both sides were basically pro america. Clinton showed the world how remorsless corruption was done. GWB and obongo are a new phenomenom entirely, clueless beta males way over their heads intellectually and tempermentally. Exactly who had the keys drove over us, and then backed up and did it again and again. They sold us those fools by giving us a menu with no al a carte. Here’s your menu of choices. If you care about gay marriage, you also want free trade and open borders. If you favor traditional marriage, you also want free trade and open borders. Worship Ron Paul, and just want to be left alone? Great, but you know that comes with free trade and open borders. We never voted FOR that shit. Ideology is poison, right now. Let’s use our heads and common sense, and see if we can work our way out of this.

December 4, 2016 9:14 pm

How is this for a political philosophy? Let’s do what’s best for the country. I believe Trump’s proposals to severely cut taxes and regulations are a good first step. We aren’t going to do that by consensus. Repeal obamacare. Only with a big we don’t care about your opinion to dimocrats. It’s not time to nitpick. It’s not time to worry about pet causes. It’s about breaking the power of the banks and the multi-nationals. It’s about restoring the rule of law. Then we can go back to the yin and yang of electoral politics. But right now, we have an opportunity. We may never have this opportunity again, let’s don’t squander it. Trump is a force of nature. Lot of hand wringing about what he might do. I’d bet the farm he’s pretty much going to do what he says. If he does, he will be one of the greatest americans of all time. And that is what I think motivates him. Common sense. That’s the political philosophy.

MN Steel
MN Steel
December 4, 2016 10:26 pm

And here I thought “None Dare Call It Conspiracy” came out sometime before 1988, the last of you Golden Age.

Who knew.

December 4, 2016 9:17 pm

Starfckr, it all began in 1913, the exponential growth of government, Clinton, Bush, Carter, Reagan, Obama, yeah, we are free at last. I would like to think elections made a difference, they have not, the globalization of banking has crossed over into every aspects of our lives. The “gig” is finally up, too many bills coming due, too many condos and SUVs floating on a cloud that is about to burst. There are a lot of people that earn money deserving of life’s bounty. Too bad that they will suffer, bust your ass, pay taxes, follow regulations. We are too far away from the bond to nature and too close to the bond of corporations and big government. We are fucked!

December 4, 2016 11:00 pm

We’re fucked, i’m not denying history, Robert isn’t wrong. It’s just completely unimportant at the moment. There exists no blueprint short of the french revolution for getting us out of this mess. Focus on the present and ways to make things better right now. We can study history later.

December 4, 2016 9:43 pm

We’ve been on a steady course of losing liberties long b4 Clinton,he just accelerated the process.

December 4, 2016 5:54 pm

If it matters at all, we are creatures that seek light, not security. I would rather wake up everyday knowing that I might die or I may thrive. Nothing is guaranteed in life, we all seek the easiest options in our existence. Every so often things sour for our options, if we chose security over light we are tunneled further down the livestock shute. It is exhilarating to know that you have cheated death in defiance of government policy by not being on our knees. If we are not on our knees it is even more exhilarating knowing that the elites may be fearful!

December 4, 2016 6:02 pm

Robert, this is beautiful. Thanks

December 4, 2016 7:30 pm

It could be, it might be…

December 4, 2016 7:48 pm

“Intelligent and moral people “? That leaves at least 80% of US population out. Libertarianism is out of the question. What else have you got?

December 4, 2016 8:20 pm

The Most Dangerous Superstition is a great read. “The End of All Evil” got me thinking to the next level. Wish I had come to realize this when I was 20!

December 4, 2016 9:34 pm

Well,a shame about Austria but Italy voted to stay on their feet!Hopefully this inspires France and the Netherlands to join in the growing chorus of fuck the nwo!This is across the world just a beginning and a long/perhaps violent battle ahead for our freedom/countries/identity but tis a nice start.

Europe,next,allow your folks to be armed,the nonsense you see over in your countries with criminal immigrants will be cut way down with a armed populace,and,a govt. that is at least a little fearful of you even though they have the best weapons is also a good thing!

December 4, 2016 11:47 pm

Good article & good comments.A few points.
We are not lost to the bankers & special interests If people get off their keyboards & participate.I enjoy reading you guys but in most cases it is like preaching to the choir.We need to be talking to candidates,elected officials,and the people in our daily lives.Politicians cannot betray those who hold their feet to the fire on a routine basis because they will not be re elected.
How many keyboard activists on this list have either called or hand written their congressman or senator?Emailing them is only worth half a point because emails usually only get tallied,not read, because there are so many and because so many come from out of their district.
How many of you have done the same with your state & local officials also?
How many of you have made a donation to a candidate?Even $5.00 makes a difference.
How many of you ever volunteer to work in a campaign?

Libertarians-we ain’t perfect & I do not agree with every bit of our philosophy but it’s better than being a full time Republican.I call myself a recovering Republican & will vote R if that is the only real alternative such as this year with Trump.
Star,you mentioned Somalia.Others have already replied on that so I will not.
A better example would be the island chain that is now part of (I think) Norway.It’s late & I’m not gonna look it up so I might be off a bit but the gist of this is correct.
The islands are far to the north & were not governed or claimed by any nation at the time.It was mostly fishermen & traders who lived there & they had no formal government & got along quite well.Just b4 WWII the great powers were concerned that they would be taken by Germany & a legal power play was executed & they were given to Norway.When people are decent & just and are prepared to stand up for their property,little or no government is needed.

December 6, 2016 11:56 am

Forced Psychiatric Treatments Expanded under Fast Track Bill Before Senate