If the Mainstream Media Were Patriots

by Uncola for TheBurningPlatform.com

Lately we’ve heard a lot regarding the evil Russian’s hacking of the 2016 presidential election and their sponsorship of fake news websites.  Evidently them nasty Russians have unfairly denied the innocent and victimized Hillary Clinton her right to become America’s first woman president.  This, after the poor woman went to all that trouble hitting the reset button with Russia just a few years ago.  Them ungrateful Rusky bastards!

Not surprisingly, the Neocon Democratic Party Warmongers are now attempting to nullify the results of this year’s election while simultaneously striving to resurrect a new cold war abroad and a civil war right here in the United States. These sore losers are not messing around.

Look what they have done.  They went and got the Hollywood actors all fired up again.  In a recent plea to Republican Electors an actor who used to play a president on TV along with a few other obscure entertainers, all seem to believe Alexander Hamilton would have preferred Hillary Clinton, or anyone else (insert name here __________)  over Donald Trump.  Not because these dimwits have ever read anything about Hamilton, but perhaps because they saw the hit Broadway play recently and this, in their minds, have made these has-beens, and relatively unknown stars, political experts.  Of course, the Electoral College should heed what they say.  And why shouldn’t they?  After all, these geniuses are from Hollywood.

Fortunately, we have the press to set the record the straight.

Oh, wait.

Instead, the New York Times has poured gasoline on the fire that was started by the arsonists over at the Washington Post.  The gazillion word article in the Times even comes complete with a photo of a filing cabinet that was broken into during Watergate sitting right next to a computer server they claim was breached by Russian hackers.  No solid proof of course;  just innuendo, unproven allegations, misrepresentations, hot air and all with a gigantic bullshit cherry on top.

The irony, it burns.  In her recent speech on Capitol Hill, Hillary Clinton lamented the epidemic of “Fake News” and “false propaganda”, the “real life consequences” and the danger to “ordinary people just trying to go about their days to do their jobs” and “contribute to their communities”.

Yet, she says nothing regarding the current death threats to Trump electors.  It seems Hillary prefers to assure the welfare of an alleged pizza-slinging, pedophilic D.C. power broker over ordinary citizens trying to meet their civic and constitutional obligations.

Real life consequences, indeed.

Look at the video below to see the heavy toll this Russian conspiracy is taking on the mentally ill and clinically insane:

If I were the caretakers for Keith Olbermann, I would sue both the New York Times and the Washington Post.

But that’s not all.  According to Zero Hedge, 55 democratic electors are now “demanding an intelligence briefing on Russian interference in the election prior to casting their vote”, and:

Harvard University law professor Larry Lessig, who has been providing free legal counsel to “faithless electors” from the GOP considering voting against Trump, claims that 20 GOP Electoral College voters have contacted him and are seriously considering flipping their vote.

Why wouldn’t these electors switch their vote?  Especially if Trump was in collusion with Russia prior to the election as the White House has claimed.

But, President Elect Donald Trump isn’t taking any of this lying down.  On December 15th 2016, he responded with a brilliant Tweet to ask the following very important question:

If Russia, or some other entity, was hacking, why did the White House wait so long to act? Why did they only complain after Hillary lost?

Yes, it seems Trump is still using Twitter to make the Deep State his bitch.  It is sort of like watching an episode from a future TV series entitled:  “Deep Throat Apprentice”.

But in watching all of this unwind, I can’t help but wonder how it might have been different.

What if those working in the mainstream media were patriots who upheld their solemn duties as keepers of the Fourth Estate?  What if these liars actually put their country first, instead of acting as slobbering lapdogs begging for treats from their globalist masters?

Perhaps, then, we might have seen headlines such as these:


Clinton Foundation Hacked by Cash Infusions from Saudi Arabia


Donations from Foreign Countries Funded Obama’s Presidential Campaigns


Benghazi Not Caused by a YouTube Video After All


Government Agencies Using the Patriot Act to Spy on American Citizens


NSA Caught Violating the Fourth Amendment


Was 911 a False Flag?


If the Clinton’s Left the White House Poor, Why Are They So Rich Today? 


George Soros Behind American and Global Chaos


Islamic State (ISIS) Growth Subsidized by the Obama Administration


Obama Committing Treason With Open Borders Policy


Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Aided and Abetted Foreign Enemies


Did the IRS Murder the Tea Party?

White House, Clinton and Top Democrats Lying to Overturn the 2016 Presidential Election


Actually, I HAVE read these headlines before.  Where?  Oh yeah, in the Alternative Media. Websites that are run and contributed to by people with day jobs who analyze and report facts in their spare time because they love their country.  Ironically, these just happen to be the very people who have been falsely accused by the CIA psyop: “PropOrNot”; the Democratic Party, the establishment (RINO) Republicans and the mainstream corporate media, as being controlled by the Russians.

“Fake News” my ass.

If the media diligently reported truthful facts in lieu of spinning narratives on behalf of the globalist agenda, there would be more American’s awake today.  Sadly, the gatekeepers abandoned their posts years ago and dropped to their knees in order to please the enemies of liberty.

It could have been different. Unless, of course, the American Sheeple were too far gone, too long ago.  If so, when did the end begin? Or, have we reached the end and are now about to start a new beginning?

In any case, I realize I am missing many other headlines that should have been splattered across the front pages of newspapers, went viral online and broadcast in the network and cable news programs throughout the past several years.  Mainstream media headlines that would have helped some sheeple to wake the flock up.

What other headlines might have made a difference?

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Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent. www.TheTollOnline.com

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December 16, 2016 6:32 am

Reading through your what if headlines, I was already formulating my response when I got to this, “Actually, I HAVE read these headlines before.”

BINGO-my thoughts exactly. The left dominated media’s sole mission is to undermine Trump. Just like they started doing so successfully to W long about 2004.

But can they undermine Trump? Ain’t happening. It’s just a circle jerk with snowflakes and the left dominated media participating. Do you think any Trump supporters are having second thoughts? I sure as fuck don’t. Even more likely is that some on the other side are watching this clown parade and are getting hit with a cluebat.

In the ye olde days, the left dominated media could dictate the narrative. Not any more. Trump can speak directly to us in any number of ways. Just last night, I caught him at a thank you rally, streaming on line. He castigated the media again and the feed I was watching actually did turn their camera and show the crowd.

Delusion-When You Feel The Wind Racing Across Your Wings As You Soar Through The Clouds, It Might Be Time To Roll Up The Car Window

Anyway, I love what ifs. Good post sir.

December 16, 2016 5:22 pm

Actually, it began with W the day after he was elected. Recall Maxine Watters, Cummings, Claybourne et al protesting the electors from Florida. Bush didn’t merit the vituperation he received from the MSM and the demos.wasn’t HRC one of his major humuliators? Why did he turn into a POS and along with wife and daughters support the harpy?

December 16, 2016 6:38 am

Uncola, you nailed it. The lies that the progressive mainstream media push are already around the world three times before the truth catches up with it, if it ever does. They count on ignorance and collective group think to keep the memes going. Orwell was correct in his writings about our future tyrannies. The media has much blood on their hands, they want more and are set on getting it along with the globalist progressives. They will start ramping up exponentially the closer the inauguration gets. Pray for our Republic!

December 16, 2016 6:58 am

“But can they undermine Trump? Ain’t happening.”

I hope so, but we’ll find out Monday.

That’s their best shot if they can pull off the Electoral coup they are attempting. Expect a lot of not niceness to happen over the next several days.

After that I doubt they’ll be able to overcome the certification of the Electoral vote by Congress but they still have a real chance there with both the Democrats and the anti Trump Republicans potentially teaming up to derail the normal formality and take him out there.

And lastly, he still has to be sworn in and become President. Obama could pull off several tricks there from declaring an emergency over something and setting it aside to starting a war with Russia over several things from their claimed -and totally unsupported- hacking of the election to a false flag attack on the United States resulting in a declaration of war.

Be vigilant, never trust a Clinton or you’ll lose.

December 16, 2016 8:08 am

Eternal Vigilance is the price of Liberty.

I do believe if Obama/Jarrett thought they could get away with abrogating the election results, they’d do it in a heart beat. I believe they will be content with trying to take as much credibility away from the Trump’s victory as possible. They will use the next 4 years to chip away at everything he does.

Of course I could be wrong…

December 16, 2016 9:08 am

You and I both know that the press is going to be slamming Trump every day of the next four years and Obama will be leading the pack. Two problems: Obama is an empty suit whose only audience is the lefties who hate this country-and will hold zero sway over Trump supporters-, and two only 5% of Americans according to a recent poll think the media reports the news accurately. When Trump gets the economy started and all the unemployed people-including Democrats-go back to work there will be less time to pay attention to all of the snark coming out of the media. I did notice that Obama gave away the Internet hoping the foreign powers would curtail our alternative media. With this last stunt his legacy will be a warning to all future presidents and he WILL BE the worst president in our history.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 16, 2016 7:37 am

I watched the Sheriff Arpaio Presser yesterday- Conclusive proof that the Obama birth certificate is indeed a forgery, 100%.

I have seen zero coverage in the MSM.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 16, 2016 8:24 am

I’ve never doubted it was faked.

The question for me has always been “What is it hiding?”.

I don’t think it is foreign birth (or that it is important since he would have the Court on his side defending his eligibility the same as Cruz) but it may be since that would destroy the narrative, I tend to think it is either to hide his true father or that he was adopted and that, again, would also destroy the narrative.

Barack is a phony persona, not much is really known about the truth of his claimed background, the birth certificate is just another part of it, a vital piece of the whole but not the whole.

December 16, 2016 5:57 pm

Wow, they are going to have to put Olbermann in a straightjacket. Nice job, Unco. I have the same thought often. What if the media played it straight? May have to happen

  hardscrabble farmer
December 16, 2016 11:17 am


The MSM I have been told repeatedly doesn’t cover fake news.

December 16, 2016 7:57 am

Other missing headlines in the MSM:

Vince Foster Was Murdered

OBamacare Unconstitutional & Doomed To Fail

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
December 16, 2016 8:01 am

“the revolutionary is a doomed man, subsumed by one single interest, single thought, simple passion/ revolution. all tender feelings of family, friendship, love, gratitude, and even honour must be squashed day and night he must have only one thought, one goal/ ruthless destruction” creed of the left and the clueless 4th estate

  fear & loathing
December 16, 2016 8:13 am

Kohlhaas. Single minded for justice above concern for life limb and family.

December 16, 2016 8:21 am

I watched the Arpaio/Zullo press conference as well. O is a complete fraud. This fact will be ignored…

Not Sure
Not Sure
December 16, 2016 8:41 am

My spidey sense is tingling, I hope its a false alarm. I am just remembering the Supreme Courts surprise decision (compliments of Justice Roberts), on Obamacare, that left me without words, in what I thought was to be a slam dunk. From that experience (not to mention the ’12 election), I have been taught to never assume what seems to be the obvious conclusion.

  Not Sure
December 16, 2016 9:17 am

Trump has one appointment coming and then Ruth Bader Ginsberg, who has cancer, will kick the bucket. She’s the oldest justice at age 84. Kennedy the swing vote-can’t wait for him to leave, thank you Justice Kennedy for gay marriage (NOT)-is next at 81. Steven Breyer is only 79 but he is the Living Constitution and anti-death penalty guy so he needs to go. Can you imagine if Trump serves 8 years and gets to reappoint replacements for all of these justices????? 7-2 opinions. Love it. Maybe the tyranny from the bench will finally end. It’s about time making law was the sole province of the Congress.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
December 16, 2016 9:52 am

This one is for IS:

“Federal Reserve Notes Have No Intrinsic Value, Found to be Just Paper and Digits.”

BTW – you’re on fire bro. Keep it rolling.

Cartersville Critter
Cartersville Critter
December 16, 2016 10:11 am

When are washed up douche bags like Olbermann going to realize that we LOVE his pain? More, please. Lay on the ground and beat your fists and kick your feet. The 3 Stooges should have been so entertaining.

December 16, 2016 10:21 am

Francis Marion ,the IOU ( bonds )in the social security trust fund are really you owe you ( bonds). Unredeemable any where else on this planet.Worthless pieces of paper . Nothing but debt paper in this Fiat monetary system . Except gold and silver if you can keep it.
What a damn scam these central banks have.Was watching Gold Rush last weekend and those guys were selling their gold for what really was just more worth less paper.

December 17, 2016 11:16 am

Free speech or sponsored treason? Kellogg Foundation = sponsor
of terrorism. Please do not purchase their GMO poison products.
And, exactly when, will the Soros organizations be banned and warrants
for arrest be submitted?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 16, 2016 12:30 pm
Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Iska Waran
December 16, 2016 12:31 pm

That’s Democrat congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard explaining to CNN’s Jake Tapper that the US is finding ISIS. Only 5:31 good watch.

  Iska Waran
December 17, 2016 11:25 am

I watched the video. Tulsi Gabbard has poise.
Gratefully, Jacob did not try to stab her on air.
Is Mr. Tapper wearing a wig? Inquiring minds
want to know.

December 16, 2016 6:07 pm

I hope Trump’s people – once in charge of the US intelligence apparatus – will leave no stone unturned investigating all these bogus claims about Russian “hacking”. And I also hope that after such an investigation inevitably uncovers a conspiracy, President Trump will present findings to the public, denounce the plot publicly and without equivocation, with names of perpetrators clearly spelled out.
This has to be brought to light.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
December 16, 2016 6:55 pm

More unreported real news (some old news):
Ron Brown murdered overseas to protect Clinton secrets
Seth Rich murdered as revenge for leaking Podesta emails
[ forget name ] murdered before he can testify before UN on Clinton Haiti charity thefts
Ambassador Stevens plus three others abandoned to die in Benghazi to conceal Clinton gun-running to ISIS groups
There are more people done in by Democratic operatives for breaking silence on Clinton crimes than perished in the Boston Bombing (3).
Every month more people die in Chicago from gang violence and crime than we lose in Texas from drunk driving (~350 vs. ~100). Great legacy there, Barry! (although them Texans could stand to hold the liquor a bit!)
If the real news was consistently reported in the form of fact it deserves, there would be fewer incumbents re-elected and less waste in government.

  james the deplorable wanderer
December 17, 2016 11:28 am

…term limits is the answer to a major problem…

and I was thinking about the murders as well.
Murdering a truth teller is a good way for perps
to hide their rapacious crimes and bids for endless

December 16, 2016 8:22 pm

Here’s the headline I would have expected on 9/12/01:

Attacks on NYC and Pentagon avoided by quick-response from NORAD and U.S. fighter jets.
(subhed) Military in charge as POTUS and Executive cabinet in custody along with military brass who are suspected of assisting in treasonous attack.

December 16, 2016 9:39 pm

“Main stream” media is a total false flag. Never have I seen such blatant horseshit. We have reached the “1984” point where you literally can believe nothing you see in the media. Unless you experience yourself you can not believe it. I think all those Isis videos of people kneeling, waiting to beheaded are fake. Who the hell would kneel and wait to beheaded? I would fight back or take a bullet before I would be submissive for that shit.

December 17, 2016 1:41 pm

Also as Jim Willie pointed out people that are beheaded spurt blood from where their head used to reside, so yes the isis videos are all fake.

Horace Turlock
Horace Turlock
December 17, 2016 10:57 am

Can someone help? I saw a color graph here, perhaps a week-10 days ago. GDP above the X axis and total Gov. debt below. Please direct me to this graphic. Thks. in advance.

  Horace Turlock
December 17, 2016 2:07 pm

Horace – Not sure if this is what you are looking for

The Narrative Changes: Republicans “Pour Cold Water” On Trump’s Massive Stimulus, Will Block Tax Cuts

Horace Turlock
Horace Turlock
December 18, 2016 9:58 am

Thanks, but not what I was looking for. The one I need shows GDP growth over the long term vs. debt growth over the long term……a horrifying chart. Again, thank you for your effort.

December 17, 2016 11:31 am

Thank you again for your insightful posts.