Julian Assange Talks To Sean Hannity: “Big Powerful Actors Want Revenge” – Full Fox News Interview

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As previewed yesterday, today at 10pm ET, WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange would be interviewed by Fox News’ Sean Hannity, in a wide ranging discussion touching most notably on whether or not Russia provided WikiLeaks the hacked Democratic emails – as pointed out yesterday, the answer was a “1000%” no.

For those who are unable, or unwilling to watch, Fox, here is a link to the full interview which will take place over the next hour, until 11pm ET.

Assange’s concluding remarks were uncharacteristically emotional:

“I have been detained illegally, without charge for six years, without sunlight, lots of spies everywhere. It’s tough… but that’s the mission I set myself on. I understand the kind of game that’s being played – big powerful actors will try and take revenge…it’s a different thing for my family – I have young children, under 10 years old, they didn’t sign up for that… and I think that is fundamentally unjust… my family is innocent, they didn’t sign up for that fight.”

Full Interview below (starting at 49:08…)

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January 4, 2017 9:35 am

I watched it last night and I have to say I was impressed with Julian Assange. When he first appeared and published Manning’s documents, as a retired vet and intelligence officer I was outraged. However, I cannot deny the value of the DNC, Podesta emails (plus O’Keefe’s videos of Hillary’s campaign operatives) so I agree that Assange has done Americans a huge service. You will notice that amid all of the posturing and hysteria about Russia hacking the election the fact that all of the information was true is not discussed. Hannity and other conservatives keep asking, along with Assange, how does giving more and correct information to the American voter harm our election. Well, it doesn’t. The lefties all voted for Hillary no matter what the emails leaked by Assange contained and no matter what the scandal about her private server revealed about Hillary and her trustworthiness, dedication to America, and pay for play schemes to enrich herself. IMO, it was the moderates who moved to Trump who were the most influenced and I don’t think that would have changed even if they knew at the time that the emails came from Russia. Russia and the old Soviet Union are/were famous for disinformation operations. As a former Russian specialist, it amuses me to watch the political class trying to convince us that this time the Russians attempted to sway the election by telling us the truth. Furthermore, as Assange pointed out in the interview, the “report” outlining what all 17 intelligence agencies (why do we have 17?) agree on does not mention Wikileaks. The report is meaningless unless it establishes who gave the information to Wikileaks. This whole thing is a disinformation campaign by Obama, Hillary and the Dem Party. It is annoying that so many on the right have fallen for this nonsense.

January 4, 2017 9:45 am

TUP, many of my friends are still riding the military/industrial gravy train, which is an easy ride with good pay if you are willing to ignore the fact nothing you do has value.

There is quote from “some” souce I studied for Communication Theory during grad school… “Let Truth and Falsehood grapple on an open field of freedom without interference and Truth will always emerge victorious.”

In my opinion, there is really no reason for all the fucking secrecy.

January 4, 2017 10:59 am

I agree with your first comment. While I was going to law school, I did my reserve duty at NPIC in the Washington Navy Yard and “contractor” jobs were plums.

January 4, 2017 3:04 pm

The leftists/globalists are fighting for their very survival. They are “all in” with their lies and subterfuge. It has taken them 100 years to get this close to bringing the greatest country on earth to it’s knees. There is no way they will just roll over and give in. We ain’t seen nothing yet.

January 4, 2017 8:06 pm

I’ve always wondered why these smaller govts such as Chile & Sweden cooperate with the US in keeping Assange as a de facto prisoner-is it because he is a threat to them also or is the US threatening or bribing them?

January 4, 2017 10:35 pm

Because if they refuse to play ball we ban them from access to the SWIFT payments system which is how all international monetary transactions take place. Or, we impose sanctions or onerous rules and regulations that hit them where it hurts.

A handful of countries on earth refuse to play ball and all of them suffer to one degree or another as a result. Just ask Saddam Hussein or Ghadafi……..oh wait……..

We are currently trying to fuck Iran, Syria, Russia and a host of other supposedly sovereign countries but they are proving to be tough nuts to crack.