Democraps MUST be totally DESTROYED

Off with their heads!!!

Have you heard of this new document; “Indivisible”?  The guide states its purpose early on; — “If a small minority in the Tea Party can stop President Obama, then we the majority can stop a petty tyrant named Trump,”

Here’s labia licker RM explaining it;

HERE is the guide online.

Below is a summary copied and pasted from the original document.



How grassroots advocacy worked to stop President Obama. We examine lessons from the Tea Party’s rise and recommend two key strategic components:

  1. A local strategy targeting individual Members of Congress (MoCs).
  2. A defensive approach purely focused on stopping Trump from implementing an agenda built on racism, authoritarianism, and corruption.


How your MoC thinks — reelection, reelection, reelection — and how to use that to save democracy. MoCs want their constituents to think well of them and they want good, local press. They hate surprises, wasted time, and most of all, bad press that makes them look weak, unlikable, and vulnerable. You will use these interests to make them listen and act.


Identify or organize your local group. Is there an existing local group or network you can join? Or do you need to start your own? We suggest steps to help mobilize your fellow constituents locally and start organizing for action.


Four local advocacy tactics that actually work. Most of you have three MoCs — two Senators and one Representative. Whether you like it or not, they are your voices in Washington. Your job is to make sure they are, in fact, speaking for you. We’ve identified four key opportunity areas that just a handful of local constituents can use to great effect. Always record encounters on video, prepare questions ahead of time, coordinate with your group, and report back to local media:

  1. Town halls. MoCs regularly hold public in-district events to show that they are listening to constituents. Make them listen to you, and report out when they don’t.
  2. Non-town hall events. MoCs love cutting ribbons and kissing babies back home. Don’t let them get photo-ops without questions about racism, authoritarianism, and corruption.
  3. District office sit-ins/meetings. Every MoC has one or several district offices. Go there. Demand a meeting with the MoC. Report to the world if they refuse to listen.
  4. Coordinated calls. Calls are a light lift but can have an impact. Organize your local group to barrage your MoCs at an opportune moment about and on a specific issue.


Didn’t Admin just state that America is more divided than ever?  He is 100% correct.  That divide is now an uncrossable chasm.

As such, it’s time to actually PICK A SIDE, even if it is distasteful for you to do so. The time to “reach across the aisle” no longer exists as a viable option.  Fuck compromise. It’s Us vs. Them.  Eat, or be eaten. Kill, or be killed. It is time to utterly DESTROY a Demoncrap whenever, and wherever, the stinking rat bastards are spotted. Today is not a Day Of Mercy. Today is the Great Day Of Vengeance. Eradicate the evil pustules. MAGA.

That’s the Stucky Manifesto.

(note to DEA,FBI,CIA,TSA,DHS, and the other 12 so-called “intelligence” agencies, all calls for violence are symbolic and figurative only … so go fuck yourselves (not figurative))




Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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January 8, 2017 12:22 pm

“As such, it’s time to actually PICK A SIDE, even if it is distasteful for you to do so. The time to “reach across the aisle” no longer exists as a viable option. Fuck compromise. It’s Us vs. Them. Eat, or be eaten. Kill, or be killed. It is time to utterly DESTROY an ISRAEL FIRSTER/NEOCON whenever, and wherever, the stinking rat bastards are spotted. Today is not a Day Of Mercy. Today is the Great Day Of Vengeance. Eradicate the evil pustules. MAGA.”

Fixed it for ya.

kokoda the deplorable
kokoda the deplorable
January 8, 2017 12:31 pm

I’m 100% geared to destroy a Democrap/Liberal.

I am not interested in reaching across the aisle to a maggot.

B Lever
B Lever
January 8, 2017 12:49 pm

You guys sure love you some banksters and billionaires.

Make America Goldman(er) Again

There fixed it for you.

January 8, 2017 1:12 pm

The manifesto is stupido…
LL…can’t bear to listen.

I have a fantasy…as perhaps others do also:
Divide each state, as opposed to a region or two, or 3-4-5.
Divide the states into R and L and may each get the gov. they want and deserve.
We will each have our own share of virtue signalers and mischief makes.
A place to begin sorting it out could be the red blue electoral map. It is important
to realize (B Lever) that there was no choice in the pres. election. There was the Hil and
there was the Don. I have a sneaking suspicion Hil was never going to make it anyway.
If the prez. is selected, and we largely know this is so, then Trump was selected.
End of story. The drama was orchestrated, as most of our politics is. TPTB just want
to kill us, and make money in the process. Get as many as possible stone sick
then que the velocity of money machine. We are doomed…enjoy life while you can.
Any remote chance fantasy can come true? Many of us just crave being left alone.

B Lever
B Lever
January 8, 2017 1:35 pm

Suzanna- You are most wise. The bullshittery encompasses the entire system.

Just a reminder to some of the violent community members, tRUMP was a very commited Democrap up until 2008.

  B Lever
January 8, 2017 5:18 pm

Maybe he was, and he likely rode the fence when it suited.
Many of us can’t help but be giddy having “escaped Hillary.”
Who in their right mind would vote for her? I hear people
lamenting the loss of Sanders. I nod and small smile. What
can a girl do? Try not to eat too much GMO.

January 8, 2017 1:38 pm

The Useless Idiots that serve Satan, the Globalist Banksters, the NWO, Elite Oligarchs, etc don’t know God is against them. We’ve had a bloodless Counter Revolution against the Leftist so far and God is not done reforming America; we still have a lot to accomplish and there is no compromise with Beliar (homos, dopers, baby killers, commies, muzzies, pedophiles, etc). Our American Heritage and people’s Souls now and for generations are at stake.

  RHS Jr
January 8, 2017 5:20 pm

Belial/Beliar = Demon

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
  RHS Jr
January 10, 2017 9:44 am

yeah, group “homos” in with pedophiles. people like you are always obsessed with The Gays.

FUCK you with a rusty chainsaw

January 8, 2017 1:48 pm

I would like to destroy the Democrats/liberals but in the process I fear we will destroy our republic.

January 8, 2017 2:27 pm

The “Republic” was destroyed long ago, what we are trying to do now is restore it as much as possible if possible.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 8, 2017 1:52 pm

Sounds like an open invitation to set up a privatized version of COINTELPRO.

Just sayin’.

  hardscrabble farmer
January 8, 2017 5:24 pm

The FBI COINTELPRO Program and the Fred Hampton … Proxy Highlight
Dec 3, 2013 … These documents exposed the FBI’s super-secret and profoundly illegal COINTELPRO program and its focus in the 1960s on the black…

counterintelligence program…where would we start?
Check out George Webb .com…..he has some research data that
is amazing. He says he expects his door to crash in any moment.
day 77 now (I think) “still no Braverman”)

Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly
January 8, 2017 2:36 pm

Is there the social/cultural strength left in this (former) Republic that we will need soon, to vanquish those who have betrayed us? Will we unite to smite the Schumers and the McCains, the Pelosi as well as the Ryan and (yes, there are more than a few) Hasterts and Wieners? Will we send Roberts packing along with Sotomayer, and Rove along with Brazile? We owe them the chance to leave voluntarily, and our fathers, sons, and daughters the effort to make them leave if they will not go under their own steam.

Soon it will be time for real discrimination, and I hope we still have the strength and will to carry it out. Social exile will suffice from my end, but if it be the knout, the wheel, and the gallows, then bring it on. No quarter asked, none given, and no party labelers need apply for the job. Patriots Unite!

  Brian Reilly
January 8, 2017 5:31 pm

that was succinct, and I am sure many cheer your statements

January 8, 2017 3:11 pm

Good article Stucky,thanks 4 taking time to research & post it.I’m a lurker on’s site.These people stay at a fevered pitch-they’re like troops who are hepped up on drugs & then sent into battle.
People on our side need to decide whether they want to be keyboard activists or real activists,water cooler politicians or real political activists.
These people are not going away unless they are constantly confronted & defeated.Admin’s history post today was about Crazy Horse’s last battle.
The American Indian was not a fighter in the war sense,more of a battle or short campaign,and he did not normally fight in winter.One of the things that caused his defeat was that the white man was relentless and wore him down.
The left in this country is like the US Army and we are like the Indians.We gird our loins for a relatively short campaign & then go back to our lives.These people on the anti-American radical left are not going away unless they are completely defeated.
Other than national defense,one of Trump’s first priorities must be to defund the left.The FSA must be cut down to those disabled people who would literally die w/o government assistance.
Probably as importantly,grants to non profits should be completely cut and massive investigations of large charitable organizations & their donors should be undertaken & exposed.
These people cannot operate if they have no $ and currently we are funding a large % of their operations in one way or another.
If we on the right want to stay in the majority we must use these people’s tactics.The most important tool you have is the Hand written letter and showing your face at a public meeting.
It also never hurts to look online & see who the representative’s donors are.If they are local,call or write & ask why they give $ to a person who has these values(if you have a leftie representative,if your representative is good,congratulate them for donating).
If a large amount of your lousy representative’s $ comes from outside the district,write a letter to the editor of the local paper and ask why.
Bottom line-we have to beat them at their own game.

January 8, 2017 5:33 pm


January 8, 2017 3:21 pm

The combination of economic liberty and peace is a difficult one to reverse. It would be a Venezuela redux.

The good news that the EU will collaspse because of the deadly combo of socialism and immigration. For the Dummycrats to advocate taking the asylum pieces from the reckage wont indear their cause.

January 8, 2017 3:44 pm

Here is a different perspective–

An Older Lady Who Loves Obama

One 82-year-old lady loves Obama and she may have a very good
point. She says that Obama is amazing, and is rebuilding the American dream!
She gives us an entirely new slant on the “amazing” job Obama is doing, and she
says that she will thank God for the President. Keep reading for her additional
comments and an explanation. When discussing Obama, she says:

1. Obama destroyed the Clinton Political Machine, driving a stake
through the heart of Hillary’s presidential aspirations – something no
Republican was ever able to do.

2. Obama killed off the Kennedy Dynasty – no more Kennedys trolling
Washington looking for booze and women wanting rides home.

3. Obama is destroying the Democratic Party before our eyes! Dennis
Moore had never lost a race. Evan Bayh had never lost a race. Byron Dorgan
had never lost a race. Harry Reid – soon to be GONE!
These are just a handful of the Democrats whose political careers Obama has
destroyed. By the end of 2016, dozens more will be gone. Just think, in
December of 2008 the Democrats were on the rise. In two election cycles, they
had picked up 14 Senate seats and 52 House seats. The press was touting the
death of the Conservative Movement and the Republican Party. However, in just
one term, Obama put a stop to all of this and gave the House and the Senate –
back to the Republicans.

4. Obama has completely exposed liberals and progressives for what they
are. Sadly, every generation seems to need to re-learn the lesson on why they
should never actually put liberals in charge. Obama is bringing home the lesson
very well: Liberals tax, borrow and spend. Liberals won’t bring themselves to
protect America. Liberals want to take over the economy Liberals think they
know what is best for everyone. Liberals are not happy until they are running
YOUR life.

5. Obama has brought more Americans back to conservatism than anyone
since Reagan. In one term, he has rejuvenated the Conservative Movement and
brought out to the streets millions of freedom loving Americans. Name one other
time when you saw your friends and neighbors this interested in taking back

6. Obama, with his “amazing leadership, “has sparked the greatest
period of sales of firearms and ammunition this country has seen. Law abiding
citizens have rallied and have provided a “stimulus” to the sporting goods field
while other industries have failed, faded, or moved off-shore.

7. In all honesty, 4 years ago I was more afraid than I have been in my
life. Not afraid of the economy, but afraid of the direction our country was
going. I thought, Americans have forgotten what this country is all about. My
neighbors and friends, even strangers, have proved to me that my lack of
confidence in the greatness and wisdom of the American people has been flat

8. When the American people wake up, no smooth talking teleprompter
reader can fool them! Barack Obama has served to wake up these great
Americans! Again, I want to say: “Thank you, Barack Obama!” After all, this is
exactly the kind of hope and change we desperately needed!!

9. He has saved Carter’s legacy and made Jimmy Carter happy, since
Jimmy is no longer the worst president we’ve ever had. Credit goes to where
credit is due. I feel better now!


January 8, 2017 5:45 pm

The woman is correct/as it goes. People rationalized this outcome
at the outset, if you recall. I never did. Every day and year it was
cope or go nuts. One thing positive…we moved. There is a silver
lining to every cloud…wink wink. This present mindset of the “disenfranchised,”
should it continue? Certain groups will be at your doorstep, demanding your
home. Maybe you get to leave intact. Of course, many will say,”that can happen
anywhere!” And it does. Consider the lands given over to mining interests,
perhaps lands now controlled by the Chinese. The Clinton’s and the O’s didn’t
leave much for us…but some of us are more “awake.” Wow…that’s big.

January 8, 2017 3:53 pm

Once Soros backed funds are gone……..Next start trying all corrupt in gov for corruption and fraud.Start with Obama and his fake birth certificate and who printed it.Confiscate all tax payer ill gotten gains,Biden giving contracts to brother,Polosi contracts to husband.Michelle giving obamacare contracts to friend that did questionable work plus money dissapearing,now daughters net worth $$$$$$$.The mother of all corruption and fraud the clinton foundation.Then watch the rest of the spirit cooking parasites scatter like rats.My guess is they will put it Swiss gold bars and leave the country.They all got greedy and counted on more taxpayer gravy,then Hillary lost.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 9, 2017 12:08 am

Deport ASAP the illegals who can be shown to have voted illegally in 2016. Mostly in CA where “motor voter” + drivers licenses for illegals means a lot of illegals registered to vote, in a state culture that deems denizens the same as citizens. Any non-US-citizen who’s voted in the US should be forever banned. Sneaking back into the US after deportation = 5 years hard time. Add in penalties for hiring illegals and we’ll see a lot of illegals self-deport.

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
January 8, 2017 4:12 pm

My solution is perhaps A little severe. Baraaaaaak the bomber and his live in faggott plus all the other communistic/liberal scum. harry a## reid et al. castrate them then shove the testes down there throats. Just like the jews did. Perhaps still do. Take satans children off the planet.

  Jack Lovett
January 8, 2017 6:47 pm

Question for you Jack-if we take “satans”children off the planet,that will leave gazillions of $ abandoned.How do we divide the pot?Do we each get an equal share?Do we give it to the charities they support?To the employees of the businesses they own(they didn’t build them,the gentiles built them)?
Should we give it to the Muslims in Palestine?

Why do you hate Jews so badly Jack?Did a Jewish guy steal your girlfriend in high school?Did you have a Jewish boss give you a bad review?Maybe you’re adopted & when you tracked down your birth mom you found out that your real dad was Jewish?
Acceptance starts with understanding Jack,and we’re trying to understand you,so let us hear back from you.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 9, 2017 12:13 am

What to do with the Jews’ abandoned money? Can’t we just split it?

January 8, 2017 4:32 pm

Jerk Lovett has never made a post that is not anti-Semitic. Never. What a one trick pony. Guess his one brain cell cannot focus on anything else. Again he seems to advocate genocide.

January 8, 2017 5:55 pm

paid troll

B Lever
B Lever
January 8, 2017 8:43 pm


B Lever
B Lever
January 8, 2017 8:40 pm

John Rapoaport was completely serious, ‘THIS IS A COUP” is what he is saying. Go to his site.

January 9, 2017 3:57 am

Sorry to interrupt but I found a picture of Stucky that I just had to share.

[imgcomment image?w=550[/img]

January 9, 2017 7:23 am

That must be the arm you typed with when you working on your Biblical posts,right Stucky?

January 9, 2017 9:19 am

One problem I see and have experienced in the past: regular folks have satisfying personal lives and unlike the perpetually angry, resentful, envious and personally frustrated lefties, simply don’t wish to devote a great deal of their time to confrontational politics. Unfortunately, in order to maintain those satisfying personal lives regular folks are being left with no choice but to copy the tactics of their self-declared enemies.

Calls to mind the Louis Armstrong song and my incomprehension as to why these people wish to make it a miserable one because of their own petty resentments.