Why California’s Silly Secession Scheme Can’t Succeed

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Why California’s Silly Secession Scheme Can’t Succeed

America’s dopey adolescent California is sulking because Hillary lost, so now it’s talking big about moving out of Mom’s house. According to one local bison, who presumably speaks for much of the proggy herd, the rest of America is unworthy of the Golden State’s glorious presence anyway.

I’m a resident of California, and I say, “Great – pack your crap and get out.” As tempting as it is to keep you in the Union as a cautionary example of what happens when liberals run everything, the pain you would suffer running away from home would be so overwhelming that it might even teach you hapless denizens of this ridiculous state a much-needed lesson. So, go for it.


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Now, I’ve previously explored the whole idea of America breaking up both here in Townhall and in my new novel People’s Republic, which features the M4-oriented hero infiltrating blue America and finding Venezuela without the charm (This spring, look for its even more proactive prequel Indian Country). But now that the local nimrods seem to be at least semi-serious about putting the question of whether the Golden State should stay or go on the 2018 ballot, perhaps this is as good a time as any to do something that liberals really, truly hate.

Let’s confront them with facts by walking through how their stupid secession idea would actually work in the real world.

Now, let’s assume the separation would be peaceful. It would have to be – I’m thinking that the declining number of the kind of people who pick up rifles still living here would not be psyched to die so San Franciscans can ensure that illegal alien hobos are able to defecate on the street unmolested and that people who misgender via their pronoun use can be incarcerated. The typical California social justice warrior would make a poor warrior warrior. It would have to be an amicable divorce. So, California is an independent country with about 40,000,000 people. What now?

Well, let’s talk about food. Where’s it going to come from? The Central Valley is a remarkably fertile area. All sorts of stuff will grow there – except, it doesn’t anymore because California has decided to stop stockpiling water and has prioritized flushing what water it does have out into the sea for the benefit of bait fish. The California water system was sufficient when we had 20 million folks, but decades ago we stopped building dams and reservoirs because of Gaia or something. So, to eat, California would need to change its priorities from tadpoles to people, or become a net importer of food.

Oh, and that Colorado River water that quenches LA’s thirst? Yeah, the United States is probably going to need that. But you can still get some of that H2O – in the form of food grown in the USA that you now have to import. Except grapes. We have lots of grapes. Can’t make bread with them though.

And then there’s fossil fuels. We know you want to go green because of your bizarre weather panic religion, but that’s a lot of infrastructure to build (and, as we will see, you’re going to be short on cash), so for now you’re stuck with dino juice. Since you’ve pretty much banned fracking and limited oil production (and I bet you’ll be shutting down those rigs off the Santa Barbara coast because rich libs hate looking at them), you’ll need to import oil. A lot of oil. The good news is the USA will have plenty to sell you.

In fact, the USA will have plenty of everything to sell you since you’ve largely driven manufacturing out of California with your regulations and taxes. Who makes cars in California? Well, Tesla, sort of – except its big new battery plant is in Nevada. And generating power? The USA will be happy to oblige since your climate change scam laws will essentially require you to outsource your greenhouse gas emissions – and the USA will be delighted to let you pay it for the privilege.

But hey, California still has entertainment and technology! Except much of the entertainment industry has already been driven out of SoCal by costs and regulations – wonder why the credits on all the TV shows you watch tell you they are filmed in Vancouver, Georgia, New Mexico, or somewhere other than Hollywood? Even the porn industry is hitting and quitting Cali! But you still have the tech companies that are stubbornly clinging to California; I hear Twitter is doing great. Oh, right. And those companies hire what – a few thousand genderfluids named Kaden? They may make rich punks richer, but other than that, nada. Well, perhaps you can still partially offset your stunning trade deficit with exports of karma and synergy.

Let’s talk spending. Don’t think California gets to just leave behind its >10% share of the $20 trillion dollar Obama-enhanced national debt. Here’s an invoice for $2 trillion. And we already talked about the California military – with >10% of the population, will it pick up 10% of the current $582.7BN defense budget? That’s $58BN on top of the current $167BN budget – ouch. Now, California might be tempted to free ride on the more martial USA, but that is going to engender some bad blood. Do you really want to tick off the people who feed and fuel and defend you?

Now, those 40 million California citizens are also going to be expecting their Social Security and Medicare and government federal pensions and all the rest of the goodies they think they’ve earned. Guess who gets to scratch that itch? Let’s not forget California’s own existing bond and pension debt – the rest of America won’t be around to help you with that. Plus, the all-Democrat legislature is going to be hard-pressed to turn down any deadbeat constituency looking for a handout, and a third of America’s deadbeats live in California now. It’s already well on its way to becoming America’s dead weight.

Not wanting to be oppressive to people who shouldn’t be there in the first place, California is going to want to legalize all the zillions of illegals currently living here. And when it does, since immigration laws are racist or something, more uninvited folks will be showing up as California becomes Mexico’s Spare Bedroom. Even if it keeps all the income taxes its residents pay to the feds now, California is still going to have to come up with a lot more dough. Sure, an independent California can run a deficit, but after Greece, who is going to lend tens of billions to Sacramento – except at crushingly high interest rates?

So taxes get to go up. California’s income tax on the wealthiest (who aren’t actually that wealthy when you realize a shack a couple miles from the beach costs $1 million plus) is something like 11%. The current top federal rate is about 39% (with no state tax deduction anymore!), so assuming that dough goes to Uncle Moonbeam, you are at a 50% rate before local taxes and without considering payroll/self-employment taxes. That’s still not enough to pay for California’s progressive utopia.

Taxes need to rise. Of course, the really rich can suck it up (or, more likely, shelter their income), and the poor don’t pay income taxes anyway. So that leaves the already depleted middle class to pick up the tab. But the few remaining middle class Californians are more likely to pick up and leave – after all, plenty of their pals from California are in Austin already and at least there they can afford a house outside the ghetto. Guys like me – a lawyer who prospers because of the state’s idiotic regulatory regime – will milk this Cal until it’s dry and then take off to sunny, low-tax Florida with our loot. So, California will become, even more than it already is, a place consisting of a few really rich people and a lot of poor ones. Not really a recipe for long term stability and prosperity – sure you want to forgo an army?

And then there are the substantive changes the extreme lefties left in charge would make. Bathroom antics and mandatory cake baking are just the beginning. Does anyone think a California unrestrained by the Constitution will retain unchanged any of the liberties enumerated in the Bill of Rights? Think of an independent California as a giant college campus that is a country – who in Sacramento will resist the inevitable call to criminalize “hate speech” and “racism” and “sexism?” Of course, those words simply mean anything progressives dislike – look for censors in the form of “Bias Review Commissions” and the like scrutinizing every word you utter.

Freedom of religion? Come on. Do you think they won’t legislate the content of religious teachings? You’ve met liberals, right? They’re aching to destroy the alternate pole of power that religion represents. Watch “hate churches” – by which they mean ones that actually follow Jesus’s teachings – get stripped of their tax exemptions. The bankruptcies and tax sales that follow will not be bugs – they will be features.

And as for the Second Amendment – don’t make me laugh. Crime will run rampant (hell, it already is) because the left sees criminality as a valid expression of oppressed peoples, and opposition to it as pure bigotry. But fear not – the rich will still be safe behind their walls and armed guards. Everyone else? Too bad, so sad.

But for all the big talk, California will never try to secede. It’s dumb, but not that dumb. The clowns in Sacramento fully understand that the folly and foolishness that flourishes on the left coast is an indulgence of, and made possible only by, the patience of better Americans in the rest of the country. California is just lucky that Mom has so much patience with its nonsense, and that she will let it keep crashing on the futon down in the basement in the likely vain hope that someday it will get its stuff together and grow the hell up.

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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 13, 2017 12:58 pm

“bizarre weather panic religion”. Good stuff.

January 13, 2017 1:38 pm

There is so much more: the bullet train from Sacramento to Bakersfield, who will subsidize that lost leader, but illegals aliens and drugs can move faster within central Cali; the delta tunnels to protect more bait fish while the port of Stockton is a ghost town on a barge; the roads, freeways, overpasses, bridges after a #10 on the Richter scale will require funding from who-a state with a trillion dollar deficit; the state employees unions and their lofty retirement packages for cops, prison guards, state and county workers, firefighters (who all seem to retire early on comp ins) and CalTrans–whose going to pick up that dime, especially when they leave the country (of CA) for the U.S.;and my favorite– the wine industry, which is responsible for sucking up more water and draining local counties for the cost of education, housing, crime, incarceration, medical for their workforce just so the Hollywood and political (Pelosi) elite investors can write off their losses. Ah, but the new marijuana industry will provide a new economy for the dopers who already don’t work and rely on EBT for survival. Oh, by the way, all the food, wine, technology, Tesla cars, lumber and oil will be subject to Trumps new economic plan of import tax. Way to go Shit Brown and democrats, push the rest of California in the mud slide headed into the pacific ocean, and make sure you take Gore’s mansion with you.

kokoda the deplorable
kokoda the deplorable
January 13, 2017 2:54 pm

Way to go…Ammo

Shinmen Takezo
Shinmen Takezo
January 13, 2017 3:52 pm

Hey, don’t knock the dope growers in California.

These hippies drive nice cars, posses large ranches–and make more money in one year than you do in ten. These people keep the small communities going with their cash flows.

Most of the Sherrif departments in California look the other way when it comes to growers–except when it occurs on public lands. Even Sherrif’s deputies who own land grow 420 (as I have seen). Real estate listings now even rate country properties for “growing opportunies.”

Actually it’s not only the hippies that grow the dope–everyone that owns property in the country grows dope (at a current price of $1,500 per pound)…. and they are not leftist types at all — and do not wander onto properties unannounced in the country side in California. These people are well armed and know how to use guns to defend their grows.

There are many, many filled holes in the back country in California…. if you know what I mean.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Shinmen Takezo
January 13, 2017 4:17 pm

Recreational weed only became legal under CA law two months ago. Being OK with illegal enterprises is part of a Third World mentality where everyone just expects that bribes will make the authorities turn a blind eye. It’s like setting the speed limit on the highway at 5 mph but saying “it’s ok, they hardly ticket anyone”. Or the libtard city of DC where mother-in-law rental units are illegal but government overlooks it as long as you don’t voice the wrong political opinion too loudly. Weed growers in CA booby-trap their crops. They’re not against using their guns to defend their crops. Tolerating that is no better than Mexicans being ok with the narcos just because they spread money around. Californians are starting to think like Mexicans.

January 13, 2017 2:09 pm

“But you still have the tech companies that are stubbornly clinging to California; I hear Twitter is doing great. Oh, right. And those companies hire what – a few thousand genderfluids named Kaden?”

There were a lot of gems in this one. The quote above got a chuckle out of me.

January 13, 2017 2:14 pm


I thought 1 out of every 2 spoonfuls of food I put into my mouth comes from Cali. How is it they would have to be a net importer of food?

January 13, 2017 2:43 pm

The problem with the whole ‘most food comes from California’ meme is that the areas that produce the food are mostly very conservative. The measure will probably pass, because the leftist looms want it and they out number the normal people there. What then come up is that the conservative areas will then want to secede from the coast and go their own way. They’d just end up with a bunch of tech firms, Hollywood, and a shitload of illegals in about 20 counties on the coast. Only about 20% of the landmass in that state went for Clinton.

January 13, 2017 2:16 pm

I say we should let it go. When the ‘big one’ happens, it will be one big scrap heap of concrete and twisted metal. It’s really a liability.

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
January 13, 2017 2:21 pm

You really know how to burst a guy’s bubble. I had my money on secession then invasion. To hear the lamentations of their women…and the gender fluid. Each state could be given an equal portion of Cali to rule as it sees fit. It could work I’m telling’ ya.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Smoke Jensen
January 13, 2017 4:21 pm

Who wants to invade if the spoils include a bunch of trannies?

smoke Jensen
smoke Jensen
  Iska Waran
January 13, 2017 5:44 pm

Who else will teach our wimmin to apply makeup correctly.

kokoda the deplorable
kokoda the deplorable
January 13, 2017 3:01 pm

I had a dream

January 13, 2017 3:10 pm

Bet the Civil War starts there and the Left Coast Useless Idiot queer garbage gets pushed into the Pacific because they are to stupid and lazy to put up an effective fight. Then sanity can return.

January 13, 2017 3:38 pm

Like the song from Frozen says,” Let it go, let it go!”

Shinmen Takezo
Shinmen Takezo
January 13, 2017 3:39 pm

Most retards (such as Kurt) who write tripe like this don’t know California at all.

Actually the majority of the counties in California are wildly conservative.
The majority that is. But the majority of the illegals/leftists/zipper-heads who vote are in just two small enclaves, they being the coastal strip of Los Angeles County down to San Diego (about 20 miles deep). And the San Francisco Bay area.

This is where this “leftist majority” comes from which controls the one-party state legistature in Sacramento; and it cannot be broken because of the illegals voting in mass in these areas. (FYI–the illegal and otherwise votes which put Clinton ahead of Trump in the popular vote came mosty from these areas in California).

If you look at the published “Red/Blue” voting map of California, it is deceptive–in reality these “Blue” areas are about 35% to 40% smaller than they are portrayed. Look at San Bernadino County in the South–it shows blue all the way to the Nevada border… and this is ridiculous, because just one city (San Bernadino) causes this with their heavy illegal Mexican/leftist voting block.

Actually if you took San Bernadino County precinct by precinct–only the actual City of San Bernadino would be blue–and the whole rest of the county to the Nevada border would be red… and believe me these areas are wildly conservative areas, they just don’t have the population density that the major cities in Cali have.

So if you were to look are a real “red/blue” map of California, you would see only two major “blue” areas–and both of them being “super-city/metro-plexes where all the major economic activity takes place.

The guy who wrote this piece (Kurt) is one of the typical dolts who do not live in California–and who sits outside, typing away somewhere in the country side in his ‘double-wide’ thinking he is in the shit.

In reality the “Red/Conservative” areas of California controls all of the consumable water flows out of the Sierra Nevada range, all of the water aqueducts, all of the transportation arteries/choke-points, all of the major hydroelectrical generation stations, all of the major food supplying areas (San Joaquin valley–Oxnard plain), all of the oil supplying areas and pipeline routes, all of the communications cable routes/choke-points, all of the electrical transmition routes… and in short all of the ingress and egress (other by air) into these “super-city/metro-pleses” where the leftist controlling voting blocks reside (including access by rail.

In California there exists a tyranny by a majority (in a small geographic) area over a minority of freedom loving citizens (who reside in the vast, productive land mass of California).

Defeatest zippheaded, smug individuals like Kurt are quick to lump everyone together in Calfornia out of aggressive stupidity– and they are quick to abandon freedom loving peoples in California in dire need.

Actually (as a super-conservative) I am completely in favor of ‘secesion’ by California.

Because I am (along with others now) am thinking that there can be a “double secesion” if and when Calfornia drops out of the United States. And belive me, conservative people in California are talking about this possibility now–because the ballot measure will assuredly pass in 2018.

It is a 100% certainty.

And what would or could stop us (meaning the red areas) from also claiming our own indepencence and freedom once California declares its independence, once we are free of the legal constraints and threats of force from Washington DC? Do you honestly think a bunch of Ipod waving leftists using harsh language could stop the red areas from leaving their socialist paradise?

FYI–these red-areas are in many ways wildly more conservative than Texas, and the people there own 90& of all the firearms purchased in Calfornia in the last two decades. The majority of combat veterans live in the red areas. The majority of the III% types ditto–and ditto down the line.

FYI–there is massive private owneship of firearms in California outweighing most of the western states combined. So who would enforce this leftist paradise outside the ‘blue areas”

Answer: no one… not for long that is.

The police hate the leftists and are only working to draw a paycheck. The California National Guard is a joke–and those who are inside the units also hate the leftists–and would assuredly ignore any and all calls to duty (of those left after a secesion).

No–this guy (Kurt) who wrote this article is a complete imbicile when it comes to the demograpics of California and what would happen if the state drop out of the Union (a happy thought).

Red secesion from Blue could be done on a county-by-county, precinct-by-precinct basis without the involvement of the Sacramento government–and without interference by DC goons and wonks. Why would we plead our case to leftist degenerates in black robes and communists sitting in some room to decide our fate and liberties? Why would any sane person do such a thing?

We should sieze our liberty at the appropirate moment when we are free of the United States. We should do so as are fore-fathers did in 1776 when they decided to divorce from Great Brittian.

Tyranny of a majority will not be tolerated by the sizeable, motivated, well-armed minority of freedom loving California citizens (about 15 million BTW). Tyranny by the majority should and could be overidden by a new “Calfornia Free State Declaration Of Independence”…. followed up by force of arms if necessary (which believe me would be a short process over the snowflakes, butter cups and Ipod wavers).

Ideally after a state secesion–there would be two leftist city states (north and south) where they can run rampant–fucking each other in the ass in the streets and putting condoms on cucumbers…. and the rest of the state can be split into perhaps three smaller countries (or kept whole) -–with new a constitution/s based upon the original US constitution (no property or income taxes, no gun restrictions, no welfare, all illegals run out at bayonet point, low sales taxes, generous business climates and so forth). This new country could base its small defense force upon the Swiss Landswier system (all men/women serving until age 60) –all issued HK G3’s, etc. We would have constitutional sheriffs in each county. Invite foreign business and their capital in with low, low tax rates. Low fuel taxes–which would actually go to road inprovements, with contractors awarded on the lowest bids regardless of union status. Schools that actually teach. A university that actually has worthwile classes. A government funded by import tarrifs and road tolls imposed on non-citzen/truck travel on our interstates leading in and out of blue-areas.

A small constitutional republic could be funded and easily functionin such a manner (see Switzerland). (FYI–the proposed new country would be bigger than Switzerland).

Think about it–and discard the shit you read in Kurt’s insipid article.

It can happen if you discard a defeatest, smug attitude which Kurt propels in his tripe.

Thus spake Shinmen.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Shinmen Takezo
January 13, 2017 4:27 pm

You mad, bro? So the acreage:voter quotient is higher in conservative areas. What does that have to do with the price of underwear in Borneo? CA delivers its 55 electoral votes to the socialists and the CA assembly is elected to inflict Utopia on the denizens of the state. If you can find a way to disenfranchise LA and SF, God bless you.

  Shinmen Takezo
January 13, 2017 4:59 pm

@ Shinmen Takezo

Pretty much spot on. You’re absolutely right when you talk about parts of Cali being ultra conservative, and these people, (we) would do almost anything to get out from under the heel of the California libs. This attitude coming from decades of having little say in state gov., this state being entirely run by some of the most fanatical liberals in the country.

As a farmer in far NE Cali., I’ve had the same thoughts only I would fight to stay in America, and hope the coastal elites break off.

kokoda the deplorable
kokoda the deplorable
  Shinmen Takezo
January 13, 2017 5:47 pm

Shinmen Takezo – copy and save – will come in handy for a future comment.

Dick Jones
Dick Jones
  Shinmen Takezo
January 15, 2017 4:55 am

Coulda, shoulda, woulda?

You “Constitutional government will really work if we give it another chance” types are as pathetic as the numbskulls who sat around thinking that Obama was going to pay their mortgages. As pathetic as the right-wingers who thought that Obama was going to fling them into FEMA camps; as pathetic as the left-wingers who think that Trump will do the same to them.

People believe in the tooth fairy; the God fairy; the weather panic fairy; the good government fairy. They’ll believe whatever they need to, to prevent cognitive dissonance from overwhelming their fragile minds.

I think the red/blue kabuki theater has only gotten stronger as this Turning continues.

January 13, 2017 3:58 pm

The problem is you base your thesis on the notion that those who want secession are doing it because they desire something better. They do not. They are in league with the like of La Rafa, Aztlan, and the Islamists that have been put in place by Obama and the left.
Here is a breakdown of what they plan for the state of California and by extension the rest of the country.
And this

Those leading the charge to secede California do not have her best interest in mind.
And while you are at it check out this video showing what CERN is capable of.

Time is short. Get right with Jesus. Or get left behind!

Shinmen Takezo
Shinmen Takezo
January 13, 2017 7:02 pm

Come on now… you posted video by DAVE HODGES.


Dave Hodges is a complete psycho path. Nothing he pontificates upon, nor predicts ever, ever comes true. His sources are phony. His claims are phony. The man is a complete fraud.

Anyone who believes a word this man says is also completely nutso.

January 13, 2017 4:45 pm

I say GO! Frig the vegetables and oil. Let freedom ring. Secession is the moral way to go when disparate groups of people truly don’t want to associate with each other. Then separate, wishing each other only well. Think 4th amendment. Freedom of association. The Confederacy was exactly right and but for the millstone of slavery around their necks they would have had the high moral ground in the “Civil” War (actually the 2nd American War of Secession-The Revolution being the 1st-from England.)

Besides how ever are we going to tame that malignancy on the Potomac? Cut them down to size with voluntarily action. I say let every state that now claims “Trump is not my president” leave peacefully. Fine. You win. Take Gavin Newsome or Elizabeth Warren and have a ball. NY, Illinois, New England? For Heavens sake go! And I truly mean without rancor. We’ll still need to interact. Time to put the Malignancy on a crash diet.

January 14, 2017 1:07 pm

Yeah, Cali might still be the largest producer of our vegetables (the data is several years old), but foreign sources are quickly taking-over that market. The stupid fools running the state systems are cutting their own throats. I agree… let the libtards try to leave, they will be in for a shock when the conservative areas of the state have had enough.

January 13, 2017 6:24 pm

Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.
H.L. Menken

January 14, 2017 11:21 am

Congress should rescind California’s statehood & appoint a territorial governor until the state is straightened out.

kerdasi amaq
kerdasi amaq
January 14, 2017 5:57 pm

I’d prefer to see California expelled from the union.

January 14, 2017 6:41 pm

No-the land & resources are too valuable.Plus,most of the people could probably be straightened out.