In Blistering Interview, Conway Tells Chuck Todd “We Are Going To Have To Rethink Our Relationship With The Press”

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To members of the mainstream media, it would appears ‘size matters’, as the Inauguration crowd-gate debacle continues following Sean Spicer’s unusual press conference yesterday. During a combative interview this morning with NBC’s Chuck Todd, Trump top advisor Kellyanne Conway blasted media “falsehoods,” crushing Todd’s ‘size’ issues by noting that “Presidents aren’t judged by crowd sizes at their inauguration, they’re judged by their accomplishments.”

But Conway was not done with the “Meet The Press” anchor yet, as she cornered him, noting this was just more evidence of the unfair and biased treatment of the Trump administration by the media:

We’re going to have to rethink our relationship with the press…


Yesterday, we allowed the press into the Oval Office to witness the signing of executive orders and what happens almost immediately – a falsehood is told about removing the bust of Martin Luther King Jr – that’s just flat-out false.


“I’m thrilled that all of a sudden NBC News and Chuck Todd is so focused on covering crowd control, because we were mocked daily for talking about the historic significance of the size of the crowds at our rallies during the campaign… on great days were ignored, and on most days we were mocked.”


“You want the American people to think they can’t trust The White House press secretary, that’s a very dangerous statement to make. Your job is to report the news, not to give your opinion, you’re not an opinion columnist.


you’ve got a 14% approval rating, that you’ve earned…”

And Todd’s response…

“…you attack us [the media] with some weird Twitter feed that you guys are obsessed with.”

See the full bloodbath interview below…


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January 22, 2017 1:36 pm

She said what American patriots have known for a very long time. I hope she is not just pandering to us.
Trump needs to keep his promises plain and simple. And it appears as if he is off to a good start.

kokoda the deplorable
kokoda the deplorable
January 22, 2017 1:50 pm

Just small-minded and bitter typical liberal attack against their winning opponent (Trump).

I can see why Trump picked Kellyanne – Go Girl !!!

  kokoda the deplorable
January 22, 2017 5:22 pm

She’s tough, smart, and doesn’t take shit from anybody. You go Girl x-1000!

January 22, 2017 2:07 pm

Hey chuck todd. I’ll bet your days are numbered. What a tiny piece of shit. And why weren’t you wearing your pink hat?

January 22, 2017 2:23 pm

Chuck had his ass handed to him.


hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 22, 2017 2:33 pm

He sounded like an angry child. Simply repeating the same thing over and over again is a horrible strategy, it makes him come across as combative and bullying, especially when it’s a woman on the receiving end. It’s as if they have forgotten every single trick they’ve ever used now that the shoe is on the other foot.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 22, 2017 2:41 pm

I actually thought she did poorly. I see that “alternative facts” has already become a meme and a joke among progs. She should have said that the media were purposely underreporting the crowd size. An interactive picture is available here:
I’ve been in a crowd of 1/2 million. This crowd was bigger than the 250,000 figure that I’ve heard from the MSM. The reason Trump made an issue of it is because the media is so full of shit. Showing a picture of the crowd before everyone got there (which is what the media has done) is typical manipulation. Also Upchuck Todd has a goatee. BTK had a goatee. Coincidence? I think not.

  Iska Waran
January 22, 2017 3:21 pm

I think by “alternative facts” Kellyanne meant other facts used to make the point, not made up facts.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 22, 2017 2:52 pm

We’re going to have to rethink our relationship with the six corporations…

Years ago, Rush Limpdick made fun of the Clinton inaugo, refering to ‘Bill’s balls’. That might have been inappropriate for prime time tv back then but it was just fine for CNN to refer on their banner to Trump’s balls…

The snark is real, folks.

January 22, 2017 3:12 pm

IS DUDLEY DO-RIGHT GOING TO SAVE US? Is DUDLEY going to put the kibosh on Snidely Whiplash, aka Chuck Schumer, and his evil machinations and restore justice and the American Way?
That’s what all America wants to know. At least Americans that voted Republican.

Dudley has a difficult job ahead of him. Great forces are aligned against him and against those Americans who voted for him. Americans have yearned for a long awaited change and now that change is in the wings awaiting its entrance on the stage of political history. Can Nell Fenwick be saved? I, surely, hope so! But…For Dudley to succeed he needs your prayers and your active support. It is indeed a battle between ‘good’ and ‘evil’. For ‘evil’ to succeed the ‘good’ must only stand by and do nothing. Don’t lament to your grandchildren that you should have done more.

So I ask the question, IS DUDLEY DO-RIGHT GOING TO SAVE US? The answer rests with you!

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EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 22, 2017 3:24 pm

Sounds like a war poster, Uncle Sam wants You!

Years ago, only a handful of folks were interested in politics. Today, even toddlers can point out political figures before they can recognize their own grandparents.

The same toddlers must now make politically important decisions like gender identity before they can tie their shoelaces.

There was a time when the same passion Americans feel for the president was reserved for god. It seems as though the president is now our god.

We might as well emblazon his name on buildings and paint his likeness on great walls. Praise the cult of personality! It’s just another sign of how far we have fallen.

  EL Coyote
January 22, 2017 3:36 pm

That statement EC could be transposed as an indictment of religion.

  EL Coyote
January 22, 2017 4:02 pm

EL Coyote, 120 years ago, most people’s only contact with the Federal Government was the Post Office. Today, the Federal Government occupies the greater part of your life. Is it any wonder that politics is a national concern?

Today, the Federal Government want to take the place of God in your life. The only president, I recall growing up that came near to God elevation, was FDR. I never shared that sentiment, viewing him as a danger to the Republic only surpassed by A. Lincoln.

When I start seeing huge portraits of Trump on building facades, I will reassess my thinking. I don’t think that the ‘cult of personality’ characterizes Trump as it did Lenin or Mao. Trump has plenty of people openly demonizing him and his every utterance. Trump’s popularity rest in his promises not his personality and that’s what got him elected.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 22, 2017 4:15 pm

Please keep in mind that I am not for any side. Stuck hates the bible because it lied to him, I hate politicians for similar reasons. Politicos are not my god. Hmm, sounds like a meme.

  EL Coyote
January 22, 2017 4:22 pm

As well as it should be. You must hold those who hold your hopes, dreams, and future feet to the fire.

  EL Coyote
January 22, 2017 11:58 pm

I almost like that. Your cynicism is showing.

January 23, 2017 1:14 am

BTW, EC. I mean the comment above with all the thumbs down. I told you they are little badges of honor!

I know you don’t need no stinkin’ batches!

January 23, 2017 9:34 am


Every once in a while it is nice to post something many don’t like. It is what makes this place unique.

  EL Coyote
January 23, 2017 12:21 am

Trump said we are going to succeed because God will be with us. There were more prayers spoken at Trump’s inauguration than any previous inauguration in our history. Unlike Obama and the Clintons, Trump regularly attends church. President Trump has his priorities properly ordered and he fears the Lord which” is the beginnings of wisdom.”
We are going to be alright.

January 22, 2017 5:24 pm

And all this time I thought Dudley was a Canadian.

January 22, 2017 8:29 pm

Of course he was, a Mountie-Canadian Mounted Police-more specifically the Royal Northwest Mounted Police.

The comment was sort of satire. Dudley Do-Right was a character on the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show which entertained me beyond the cadre of cartoon comedy shows currently viewed today with the possible exception of the Simpsons. Its subtle humor was joyous to my heart.

Dudley’s comparison to Trump had to be expressed. The thumbs down that I received, probably, attest to the fact that some people are more than likely under educated and didn’t know the Dudley reference, addicted to an ideology, or just plain humorless.

I hope some of the dear readers understood the comparison, appreciated the reference and had a laff at the memory of the Great–Rocky and Bullwinkle Show. It was the Mad Magazine of the airways without the satire. A laff from beginning to end!

January 22, 2017 3:36 pm

I’m in love with Kellyanne Conway. It was love at first sight when I saw her on Sean Hannity for the first time. I was spellbound.

She’s intelligent, articulate, a quality woman and a beauty, too. Does it surprise me that Trump surrounds himself with quality people, no, hell no! He’s done it all his life.

These are trying times and I have hope Trump fulfills his promises to the American people.

It was great watching Kellyanne not fall into the trap Chuck Todd laid for her. Yup! My kind of gal.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 22, 2017 4:13 pm

I’d do her too. She has a je ne sais quoi quality that most of what we call beautiful women lack. Then again, I instinctively hate ‘beautiful women’. Don’t know why.
Perhaps that is why I find the idea of a President Ivanka offensive.

  EL Coyote
January 22, 2017 4:29 pm

Kellyanne isn’t as perfect as Ivanka Trump. Ivanka has symmetry and is pretty. Kellyanne has an underbite and her eyes are not symetrical–she’s not perfect, but that’s what I find most attractive about her aside from her mind.

January 22, 2017 4:44 pm

Damn, she’s a fucken pitbull. And I mean that in the most complimentary sense possible.

What about Josh Earnest …. talk about an ironic last name for a serial liar! Enormously huge fucking liar. Did the suddenly-now-concerned media even once have concerns back then? We’re going to see levels of hypocrisy in the next four years never before seen in human history.

At the risk of beating a dead horse ……….. we Deplorables are AT WAR with every aspect of the retarded libfuks. Especially first and foremost the media.

Today’s op-ed section of the Newark Shit Ledger had a story on the front page of that section with a font size that took up nearly the entire page. You may not know this …. but Donald Trump is trying to destroy the First Amendment. He is the most dangerous demagogue ever to have occupied the oval office. That’s why freedom loving Americans, like the Shit Ledger, MUST fight this Administration at every turn, until they are out of office. That’s what they said. It really IS a war, only the bullets are missing.

If and when TSHTF, these libtardfuks should be the very FIRST that should be hunted down in every city and valley across the land. And, shot.

Chatham Police
Chatham Police
January 22, 2017 5:05 pm

Stucky says:
January 22, 2017 at 4:44 pm
If and when TSHTF, these libtardfuks should be the very FIRST that should be hunted down in every city and valley across the land. And, shot.

Be at our office at 9:pm Monday 1/23/17 to discuss this or we will come pick up you up. If it’s the latter then you can also sit for half a day in the holding room. Perhaps you might have some interesting company.

  Chatham Police
January 22, 2017 5:38 pm

Blow me.

Come pick me up. I know you know where I live.

However, I’m moving in a month. And I’m not leaving a forwarding address. You fuckers will NEVER find me …. cuz I’m not giving my address to that traitor, Admin.

January 23, 2017 12:06 am

You can hide out in a van by my pond, Stucky. Since Ann Barnhardt would never dirty her immortal soul living near a lapsed Catholic and his second wife who are technically, in the eyes of the Pope whom she thinks is Anti-Pope, living in sin in a log home. So there’s a vacancy.

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January 23, 2017 7:43 am

Congrats on selling the house. And for God’s sakes man, PLEASE stop reading the Ledger. PS: I’ve seen the Chatham PoePoe, you got nothing to worry about! 🙂

January 23, 2017 8:24 am

I don’t really read it. I never buy it. I was at my parent’s house delivering groceries, and dad has the paper delivered … cuz he got no internet, and can’t drive. On the bright side, they have a cat … and they use the Shit Ledger to line Bootsie’s (cat) shit box. Unfortunately, on some occasions the cat won’t even shit on that paper. Smart cat.

Haven’t actually sold the house …. “sold” meaning signing the fucking papers over. It’s under contract. Appraisal, inspections, title, blah blah blah are all done. The buyer is waiting for the bank Commitment Letter. Fucking bank is working at the speed of a retarded edwitness snail.

Maggie — actually, I was going to surprise you one day by just showing up. I know where you live. I have sources. But, now that you splattered and yapped that all over the internet I will now have to surprise someone else. Thanks for the offer though, Ms Yappy.

January 23, 2017 8:45 am


Come to Nova Scotia if you can. My family has cottage on shore. It isn’t as fancy as Maggie’s spot in the Ozarks but it does have a nice view of ocean.

Maybe could turn this into a TBP fundraiser.
A three or four night stay on the Northumberland Shore.

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Flag Optional!

January 23, 2017 9:04 am

wink, wink… good use of the secret code, Stucky. I’ll have the treehouse ready. You know where the key is hidden, secured with tape under the breaker box underneath the back of the house. Don’t tell.

Nick said no more photos of our place on here. He thinks I’m probably on some kind of list other than several readers’ shit lists. However, I specifically did not hear him suggest I should not post images of the guest house.

This is the image of the guest house safe where you can store your valuables while visiting. At one time, I had $45,ooo in a PVC under that old shitter in a sealed PVC to pay our builder when he asked for payment. Don’t tell.

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January 23, 2017 8:55 am

Run Stucky Run!

I saw this post and avatar of the Noble Knight and The Holy Grail came to mind.

The entire Movie is online.

January 22, 2017 6:04 pm

Her response to the effect of “clearing the air” wasn’t answering this pricks question? After a long list of grievances against media bias, which is no secret to anyone? What a charade.

I hope Trump kicks everyone of those assholes out of the White house, they are there for one reason only, to destroy the Trump presidency and it doesn’t matter to them if they have to burn the country down to do it.

January 22, 2017 7:30 pm

The mainstream media has always been dishonest. From the “yellow journalism” of the late 1800s and early 1900s, journalism has shown its true (communistic) roots.
From the lies about the Spanish-American war to the New York Times walter duranty hiding the truth about and denying the artificially created and forced communist “famine” in the Ukraine, to the lies about the 1968 Viet Nam communist Tet offensive (a military victory for the South and American troops) reported by walter cronkite as a military defeat, cronkite and his ilk were successful in prolonging the Viet Nam war for years, giving “aid and comfort” to the enemy, who bragged about being supported by the U S media.
Look at NBCs doctoring of GMC truck gas tanks, rigging them to explode, and the deliberate mischaracterization of George Zimmerman’s conversation withe the 911 dispatcher, deleting a key phrase.
The media has become a “fifth column” of the government and is not to be trusted.
To our advantage, we now have the internet, which gives the ability for ordinary citizens to be real “journalists”, quite often getting and reporting the story TRUTHFULLY before the mainstream media.
In fact, there are calls by “mainstream media” to “license” journalists, in an attempt to keep these “citizen journalists” out…twenty years ago, any journalist suggesting such a scheme would have been thrown out, but nowadays…

January 22, 2017 7:52 pm

My new favorite show, “Beat the press”…….

Hope@ZeroKelvin - Proud Deplorable
Hope@ZeroKelvin - Proud Deplorable
January 22, 2017 8:02 pm

I love Kelleyanne. She has 10x the testosterone and intestinal fortitude of 100% of the male MSM presstitute corps.

She is the very definition of a Happy Warrior. Whatever else happens in the Trump Admin (and I sincerely believe it will be mostly good), Conway’s is a great example for now to fight moving forward. I would pay serious money to see her in a match up with Maddow and Sally Kohn. She will wipe the floor with them.

@Stucky: You sold your house? Congrats! (I think.) Don ‘t go to far away, we will miss you!

  Hope@ZeroKelvin - Proud Deplorable
January 23, 2017 12:08 am

Hope… see above. I’m going to hide Stucky out here in hillbilly country. I think he’ll blend in.

Alter Boyz
Alter Boyz
January 22, 2017 10:00 pm

Todd – I hope you put some money away for a rainy day. You’ll need it.

Since the beginning of last week and ending with Conway giving you a good Old Fashioned beat-down on Sunday seen by the entire world, your personal forecast doesn’t look so good. I wouldn’t look for the network to help you either, the are wobbly and praying the bell rings soon so they can stagger bloodied to a neutral corner.

The scraggly thing your trying to grow on your face for these last years doesn’t help either, and it appears your hair is falling out. A bald spot in your business is usually fatal.

I’d say it drizzling now and the forecast for you is heavy storms ahead. Red Sky in the morning, Chuckie.

I predict you’ll be gone and a distant memory on the National Stage by Memorial Day (or with another performance like this morning, sooner). Don’t worry, many in your business will suffer a similar fate very soon now. Maybe you can call in a favor or two and transition to a local affiliate station and bump the blonde bimbo and take over the weather reporting slot They will explain how to minimize the hair – thing. (Donald is making it work for him rather well, So Far…) You’ll be O.K. …

Your time has come & gone, Chuck. You fucked up as they say in the business. . .

You picked the wrong occupation. You should have been a used Yugo salesman in Detroit. There’s still time.

January 23, 2017 12:40 am

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 23, 2017 10:02 am

Obama’s crowds appeared larger because most of his supporters are obese.

  hardscrabble farmer
January 23, 2017 10:10 am

Out loud, I laughed.

January 23, 2017 11:39 am

i’m for trump, and shoot the rest