Via Branco

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January 22, 2017 6:46 am

Did it occur to anyone else that President Trump got more fat women walking in one day than Michelle Obama did in 8 years? – taken from commenter on ZH.

January 22, 2017 10:26 am

Felony Charges, on the 2012 law signed by Obama in 2012. Ironic, isn’t it?
Rioting in the presence of Secret Service Agents


January 22, 2017 10:44 am

So far, from what I understand, the only ones brought before a Judge have been released without bail.

Something that would be unexpected in the case of someone from somewhere else that is facing a ten year sentence on a serious felony charge.

We’ll see how this plays out over the next week or so.

January 22, 2017 10:42 am

Have the leftist demonstrations convinced anyone that they made a mistake in voting for Trump?

As for me, they have reinforced my belief that I made the right one.

But, who am I?

Just another nobody, a zero that voted his single lowly vote for Trump hoping it would bring America back closer to something it once was and can be again.

Hope@ZeroKelvin - Proud Deplorable
Hope@ZeroKelvin - Proud Deplorable
January 22, 2017 8:18 pm

I was busy at the spa and taking my daughter shopping for a really nice outfit, so had to catch up on the liberal insanity on you tube, but I did manage to tweet some pretty good zingers, heh heh.


These women are completely nuts. I wonder WHO paid for the 1200 buses? Maybe one of the 50 groups in the march that are associated with Geo Soros?

Somewhere there are dishes to do, laundry to fold, a floor to mop, or Gods forbid, some children to look after. (I doubt any of them have husbands, or if they do, they are totally pussy-whipped beta males that traded in their Guy Card for a wedding ring.)

That Sansour lady’s Islamic group, which is always crying poor, got $10 MILLION dollars from a Soros associated group last year. She is an avowed fan of Sharia law, which if it was practiced in the US like it is in the Muslim world, she would be locked up in her house and in a full burqa, not spouting her hypocrisy on national teevee, so there’s that.

I was particularly pissed off by the hijab done in the American flag. Firstly, it is total disrespect to make clothing out the American flag. Secondly, the colors weren’t even true red or true blue, another insult. Lastly, the face in the photo was both seductive and intimidating, typical Muslim tactics.

And for the black women to be donning these things is doubly stupid, as close to 80 million Africans were murdered during the slave trade – WHICH STILL GOES ON TODAY.

I note that there was no marching in front of the Saudi Embassy or the Turkish one.

Nor was there any outcry for the true “War on Women” which is occurring every single day in places under Muslim control.

Nor were Pro-life women or people wearing #MAGA hats allowed to march.

Fuck ’em. Except most were so ugly and gross I would call their march #TheMarchofTheDoubleBaggers.

(Any reference to marching Emperor Penguins alive or dead is completely unintentional.)