Via Goodbye America (in a photo)

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February 9, 2017 1:11 pm

In 1962 for my 12th birthday my father bought my first rifle. It was an Ithaca .22 Magnum, lever action, single shot. Men of that time taught their sons how to be proficient and how to be safe. Folks knew that if a youngster was carrying a long gun he’d been taught and he was responsible.
I miss those days not so much for the remembrance of youth but for the remembrance of moral uprightness. As a native Virginian we were steeped in Southern tradition and the importance of honor. And that once a man lost his honor, it would never be regained. However quaint and archaic that may sound today, that attitude served me well in life.

February 9, 2017 1:23 pm

Flashman: Agreed, but how does one have a “…lever action, single shot.”? What is the function of the lever then?

February 9, 2017 2:45 pm

The distinction is made between semi-auto where the loading of the next round is accomplished without any action of the person operating the firearm, and single shot which requires the person operating the firearm to perform some function (other than pulling the trigger) to load the next round; the fact that the firearm is bolt action or lever action and that it is feed with a magazine or not doesn’t change that distinction. Lever action firearm is a single shot and not semi-auto.

To more directly answer your question- “What is the function of the lever then?” – The lever is what the person uses to manual load the next round, thus making it a “single-shot” firearm

February 9, 2017 3:13 pm

Nope, sorry.
A single shot by definition has no magazine and can only hold one cartridge at a time. Examples include break-action and falling block rifles.
A repeating action rifle would have a magazine (the one on the photo above is a tubular magazine under the barrel), and the cartridges are cycled manually via bolt, lever, or pump action mechanisms.

February 9, 2017 1:16 pm

Foreign, racial, & cultural diversity without assimilation is a recipe for national destruction….just what the Libs, Progs, Dems, & media are promoting. And then there is invasion by ILLEGAL aliens too! Save the Republic.

February 9, 2017 1:18 pm

Do you know why there are no niggers on the Flintstone’s ? Because they were still apes.

February 9, 2017 1:21 pm

Thx for the laugh. Made my day.

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
February 9, 2017 9:16 pm

Ok. That was funny.

February 9, 2017 1:35 pm

It has always puzzled me why the Jews of this nation almost always have tried to undermine and “transform” this nation that saved their bacon and supported (except for Barry) their heritage country-land of Israel. I wonder too if they are among the Chosen Jews.

February 9, 2017 3:40 pm

Glad some people have finally figured out who the real enemy is.The real enemy will use negro’s , Muslims , Hispanics , third world bottom feeders of every kind to attack white people and Western civilization .This animosity ,this Burning hatred comes from their Talmud (their so called holy books )not the Torah( first 5 books of Bible ).The Talmud is at constant war with Christ and his church. The so called Jews are not God’s chosen people .This is subversion of Christian Doctrine .From day one Jews were the adversary of Christ .This war on Christianity is the most important element of Judaism. Understanding this is the first part of your red pill education.

February 9, 2017 3:46 pm

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February 9, 2017 3:53 pm

” You are of your father the DEVIL ,and the Lust of your father you will do.He was a murderer from the beginning ,and abode not in the TRUTH , because there is no TRUTH in him.When he speaks a lie ,he speaks from his own character : for he is a liar and the FATHER of lies ” John 8:44
Jesus was talking to the Pharisees from Babylonian ,the modern day So called Jews.I don’t know how anyone could read the New testament and say the Pharisees are God’s chosen people unless these so called Christian ministers are getting paid alot money to lie .

February 9, 2017 10:20 pm

In a war between Israel and the Islamic nations, which side are you rooting for?

February 9, 2017 4:01 pm

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February 9, 2017 4:52 pm

I think the headline should read “Tune in next week to see Mary get Niggered”

February 9, 2017 6:28 pm

Remember that add the next time you are shopping your insurance rates. Even if State Farm were the cheapest in the marketplace, I would not buy jack from them. Hurt their bottom line bad enough and their adds will be whiter than rice.

February 9, 2017 4:03 pm

Smart Growth moving Forward

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February 9, 2017 4:05 pm

Mad dog meathead , you should have sympathy for stupid white girls . Especially ones that get beaten to death by black boyfriends.Thses white girls have never been told the truth about blacks because the God Damn Jews own almost all mass media. Remember mad dog ,

Mass media is controlled by Jews which means mass mind control of the Goy.( Goy,that be you in Jewish Luciferian language ).

February 9, 2017 5:01 pm

BB brain,

I do.

Do *you* have sympathy for stupid black girls that get beaten to death by their boyfriends of any color?

February 9, 2017 4:12 pm

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February 9, 2017 5:37 pm

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February 9, 2017 6:21 pm

Flash- Ten bucks says they are joos. heh, heh.

February 9, 2017 8:05 pm

And I’ve said as much,but for some reason my comments have been wiped as soon as I make a comment using the Jay word.

February 9, 2017 8:07 pm

Here’s one example of Stucks regulah Joos I’ve tried posting before…maybe this time..

Shock Pew Research Poll: American Jews prefer Muslims over Evangelicals

According to Pew Research, Evangelical support for Jews is very high. However the feeling is not mutual. While 69% of white evangelicals say they have a favorable view of Jews, only 34% of Jews say they have a favorable view of Evangelicals.

February 9, 2017 8:11 pm

WP won’t let me post the link , so if you must ,just Google it.

February 9, 2017 11:36 pm

I thought Flash was making that one up but he was correct.This one leaves me scratching my head.

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February 9, 2017 8:20 pm

Drag a five dollar bill through the faculty lounge and see what you get.

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
February 9, 2017 9:28 pm

It’s illegal to bait game animals on campus. Just a heads up.

February 9, 2017 10:08 pm

” … only 34% of Jews say they have a favorable view of Evangelicals.” —-flash

That’s because Evangelicals

— want to destroy Judaism by having them convert to Christianity

— deep down HATE the Jews … calling them Christ killers

— all evangelicals long for Armageddon … where pretty much the entire Jewish population is wiped out, except for those who accept Christ

So, do tell me why Jews should like Evangelicals. Honestly, if I was a Jew I would definitely dislike them as well.

February 10, 2017 9:39 am

Fundies fervently believe that Jews are God’s chosen people and thus by supporting Jewish initiatives they think they are doing God’s will. But you knew this didn’t you? So now you turn to blatant lies to promote your “regulah Joo” nonsense…so sad to see you stoop this low Stuck.

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February 10, 2017 9:56 am

Here’s something to chew while plotting your next inane comment,Stuck .There were no white people in Africa or Palestine 2000 years ago. Do you agree ? If so, you just blew the feet off you “regulah Joo’ argument. There’s nothing regular about a mass psychosis.

The Myth of the Jewish Genome Unveiled

The Myth Of The Jewish Genome as Biblical as Dracula
op Israeli scientist says Ashkenazi Jews came from Khazaria, not Palestine
An Israeli geneticist challenges the “Zionist” hypothesis that all Jews belong to one race and are intimately related, thus giving them a common ancestor in the Holy Land and a Biblical claim to Palestine.
Scientists usually don’t call each other “liars” and “frauds.”
But that’s how Johns Hopkins University post-doctoral researcher Eran Elhaik describes a group of widely respected geneticists, including Harry Ostrer, professor of pathology and genetics at Yeshiva University’s Albert Einstein College of Medicine and author of the 2012 book “Legacy: A Genetic History of the Jewish People.” For years now, the findings of Ostrer and several other scientists have stood virtually unchallenged on the genetics of Jews and the story they tell of the common Middle East origins shared by many Jewish populations worldwide. Jews — and Ashkenazim in particular — are indeed one people, Ostrer’s research finds


February 10, 2017 1:17 pm

“Fundies fervently believe that Jews are God’s chosen people and thus by supporting Jewish initiatives they think they are doing God’s will. But you knew this didn’t you?” ——-flash

That changes nothing. In fact, it aids my argument. Yes, fundies love Jews (because, God loves ’em too) …… but only those Jews who convert to Christianity!! Why the fuck is that so hard for you to comprehend?

I’ll tell you this …. the most hateful anti-Joofuk shit posted here are by those who call themselves Christians. I won’t name names but, you and I both know who they are.

================ =

Lying? Really?? A difference in opinion now makes me a liar? And “inane”?. As I said a couple days ago …. you just cant help yourself being a fucking asshole. And I think that’s a majority opinion.

YOU are the liar. In the Joo question of the day you made it a point to declare your neutral opinion about the Jews. But just look at the stuff you post. Just look at how pissed you get, … even saying I post ” “regulah Joo nonsense”. Hahaha! You’re as fucking anti-Joo as they come! Question is, why do you lie about it?

February 10, 2017 7:43 pm

Stuck , I’m not trying to be an asshole, but you just keep doubling down,much like your past support for George Jr. . For some unknown reason you simply refuse to admit the truth , even when presented with blazing evidence.
As you well know Christians do not hate Jews.On the contrary they absolutely idolize, maybe even jealous of their covenant with God. You of all people should know this. Why do you continue to foment the lie that US Christians want harm to come to Jews? It’s just ain’t so and there are plenty of polls to back up the fact that Christians support Israel monetarily, spirituality and politically.
I believe that many Christians blindly support anything Israel does thinking it may curry them favor with God which is why you hear and see the “I support Israel” slogan in Fundy churches , social media and on bumper stickers. I have no proof , but what other reason could there be.

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Not to mention that even though Jews are only 2% of the US population , they control 6% of Congress. Is this too more proof Christians hate Jews which is why they’re so disproportionately represented in Congress.

Are you alright? You seem a little off.

February 10, 2017 7:51 pm

BTW, facts don’t lie and I was never been pissed off on this thread or the other . You simply, as you often do, let your emotions overwhelm your capacity for reason [imgcomment image[/img]

February 10, 2017 7:52 pm

nothing to see here…move along.

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February 11, 2017 4:20 am


Rather than debate me … how about going to all those Jewish people you know and ask them why they distrust Christians. Before you ask the question, make sure you let the Jewish person know that Christians just LOOOOOVE them to pieces!

You simply refuse to understand that this “love” is conditional . There’s a nefarious reason for this “love”. Christians “love” Jews and feel they have this obligation/responsibility to win them over to Jesus. But just like many of us Deists, agnostics, atheists, and all people of other beliefs Jews don’t want to be “won” over!!” They want to be left alone, so don’t get all butt-hurt because you love them and they don’t love you back. They know your real intentions, nefarious as they might be, and are not impressed.

How does that “love” play out in the End Times? Well, of the millions of Jews alive, only 144,000 are saved. Millions die. God’s Final Solution, according to Christians. You don’t think they know this?

If none of the above makes sense, I’ll try one more example. England, France, Spain, Germany, Russia, Belgium, and even Rhode Island (Prior to 1776, Rhode Island refused to grant Jews citizenship stating “no person who is not of the Christian religion can be admitted free to this colony.”) ……. ALL of them Christian nations ….. and ALL of them persecuted Jews at one time, and quite severely in many cases …. and that’s only a partial list. So, yeah, when you tell a Jew how much Christians love them … is it any wonder why they look at you like you’re nuts in the head?

I will say it again. The most vehement anti-Joo tirades here come from people who go to church on Sunday.

February 11, 2017 11:22 am

How about you stop blaming Christians for your dishonesty and fucking admit that Jews have overwhelming and unnatural influence in modern culture, global finance and politics .That’s what you argument is all about wasn’t it. Regulah Joos aint’ like dat? So now we come to the question of what the fuck is a regulah Jew. Are those that support cultural Marxism via mass support of any leftist candidate that the Democrat Party cares to shove up our collective ass, regulah or not?
BTW, I know one Jew. A staunch leftwing homosexual state trooper who was fired for mysterious reasons perhaps involving fraternizing with known criminal elements. Regulah Joo you think?

You really should give up the sophistry.It’s very unbecoming and damaging to your credibility here.