Via Branco

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February 11, 2017 2:54 pm

Aww yes…….the ninth jerk off court of repeals. Aren’t they the most overturned court in the land. I heard someone once say that those assclown hacks couldn’t make peanut butter stick to the roof of your mouth.

February 11, 2017 4:15 pm

The trend of the left is now to go rogue and ignore the law

February 11, 2017 4:56 pm

Congress created these courts, they can abolish them as well. Perhaps now is the time to disband the 9th circus and divide it up into 2 or more new districts. Purging all of the whackjob judges in the process.

Jack Worthington
Jack Worthington
February 16, 2017 12:31 pm

There is no factual evidence that the constitution and law apply to you just because you are physically present in some geographical location such as Wyoming. See Lysander Spooner’s No Treason No. 6, The Constitution of No Authority and then head on over to YouTube and view some of Marc Stevens’ No State Project. Honest judges and prosecutors are throwing out traffic tickets where the question is put to them as to such factual evidence. Honest judges and prosecutors know that they don’t have jurisdiction when one challenges them as one cannot be forced or coerced into being “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” (14th Amendment) as that would evidence stinkin’ naggar slavery to the government, the masters/politicians and the overseers/enforcers. Every judge has a conflict of interest as he is paid out of the trough into which fines or penalties that he imposes are deposited.