Another Carbon Tax Has Been Proposed… But By Republicans, The Anti-Tax Party

James Baker, George Shultz, And Hank Paulson

Last week, it was reported that a carbon tax was back on the table.  I expected it to be from Democrats, as part of a “proposal” that would never pass muster under a Trump administration that all but squashed the idea during his campaign.  However, I was in for a shock, when I saw who was actually proposing it – a group of allegedly anti-tax (neocon) Republicans:

A group of prominent Republicans and business leaders backing a tax on carbon dioxide were taking their case Wednesday to top White House aides, including chief economic adviser Gary Cohn.

The group, including former Treasury Secretaries Hank Paulson and James Baker, is pressing President Donald Trump to tax carbon dioxide in exchange for abolishing a slew of environmental regulations. They unveiled their plan with a press conference in Washington and an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal.

“We know we have an uphill slog to get Republicans interested in this,” Baker said before heading to the White House. But “a conservative, free-market approach is a very Republican way of approaching the problem.”

I actually had to do a double take when I read that last sentence.  What is exactly conservative and/or free-market about a regressive, useless tax that hurts the working class (whom elected Trump) the most?

But it got worse, and fast:

Baker himself conceded he remains “somewhat of a skeptic about the extent to which man is responsible for climate change” but the “risks are too great to ignore.”

James Baker isn’t even certain that carbon is the end-all that the climate change crowd says it is… but he’s more than OK with using dubious science from scientists known to lie, all to force the taxpayer to pay to “solve” the carbon “problem.”  Take note, Baker takes the position that climate change will doom us all, but provides absolutely nothing to support his claim.  Perhaps he’s so skeptical, he’s also worried that others will join in his skepticism, and not support the tax?

While Hank Paulson seems to be less skeptical than Baker is, his rationale for a carbon tax is remarkably even worse than Baker’s:

“Climate change poses an unacceptable risk to our climate and to our economy,” Paulson said in a statement. “Putting a price on carbon is by far the most efficient and effective way to restrict emissions.”

Yes, Hank Paulson stated that instead of promoting nuclear power, or even banning certain high per-capita carbon activities, he believes the most efficient and effective way to reduce carbon emissions is to make the taxpayer pay more for them, from everything to your power bill to the price you pay to fill up your car with a tank of gas.  And that doesn’t even factor in increased aviation costs, or the higher costs consumers will pay for goods, as manufacturers will be forced to pay more for their inputs, and required to pass their costs along to consumers.  Bear in mind… the less income/capital you have, the more a “carbon tax” hurts your bottom line.

George Shultz was co-author of a plan along with Baker and Paulson that was recently promoted in the NY Times.  Notice how the whole purpose of a “carbon tax” was to abolish a “slew” environmental regulations?  Take a closer look at the proposed plan:

First, the federal government would impose a gradually increasing tax on carbon dioxide emissions. It might begin at $40 per ton and increase steadily. This tax would send a powerful signal to businesses and consumers to reduce their carbon footprints.

Second, the proceeds would be returned to the American people on an equal basis via quarterly dividend checks. With a carbon tax of $40 per ton, a family of four would receive about $2,000 in the first year. As the tax rate rose over time to further reduce emissions, so would the dividend payments.

Third, American companies exporting to countries without comparable carbon pricing would receive rebates on the carbon taxes they’ve paid on those products, while imports from such countries would face fees on the carbon content of their products. This would protect American competitiveness and punish free-riding by other nations, encouraging them to adopt their own carbon pricing.

Finally, regulations made unnecessary by the carbon tax would be eliminated, including an outright repeal of the Clean Power Plan.

The whole reason to “compromise” would be to eliminate regulations.  But in their editorial for the NY Times, the group seemed more concerned with extracting funds out of the taxpayer than they did in even mentioning one regulation that would be eliminated.

Bear in mind, nowhere in this plan is there any global mandate, which is absolutely mandatory to “solve the carbon problem” and lower carbon emissions globally.  Think about it – if the US is the only country that taxes carbon, and China/India/etc keep polluting like crazy, what is the point?  The only point would be to… screw the taxpayer.  But isn’t that the point of all carbon taxes anyway?

Carbon tax proposals are the type of lunacy we’ve come to expect of the liberal left, not the party that was just elected with a reduction in taxes as part of the platform.  The only Republicans that would be a part of this would be… the same group of neocons (Baker, Shultz and Paulson) that were architects of the Bush-era government deficits.

And the only reason to advocate a carbon tax would be a renewed push for government control.  Only now, these neocons want you to pay for a problem that they are not even certain is a problem at all, and they are prepared to hijack Trump’s platform to push for it.

These sorts of proposals and the individuals proposing them are precisely the “swamp” Trump has pledged to drain.  This is not the sort of thing that should come out of the party that has signed Grover Norquist’s pledge to reform and reduce taxes.  We can only hope Trump doesn’t listen to the neocon trio of Baker, Shultz and Paulson, and shelves carbon taxes for the remainder of his presidency.

When it comes to carbon taxes, if the liberal left wants to propose this, let them propose it; Trump got elected precisely because he plans on shooting down the left’s ridiculous taxation proposals.  The only thing more ridiculous than these proposals is where they are coming from; not from Al Gore and the left, but from the neocon right.

Note:  For reference, I’ve included my previous “plan” to attack emissions below.  Please also take note the final paragraph: 

Emissions from every segment of this chart would need to be reduced via mandate. Here is a hypothetical proposal that might meaningfully reduce CO2 emissions on a global scale:

  • Force the closure of all coal power plants globally, and put a maximum CO2 output target on any source of power generation
  • Ban coal and wood burning, as well as any other combustible within a similar CO2 emission profile
  • Replace lost power generation with nuclear plants and subsidize their construction
  • Ban any source of heat generation that does not meet strict CO2 emissions criteria
  • Ban deforestation and the destruction of any tree that is not dead and no longer undergoing photosynthesis
  • Provide subsidies to anyone who maintains any plant undergoing photosynthesis
  • Mandate handling manure as a solid and ban liquid manure storage
  • Ban all civilian and non-military government private aviation, and set low CO2 emission targets per passenger
  • Reduce vehicular and aviation military exercises to an absolute minimum
  • Cease production of any vehicle that doesn’t meet appropriate fuel efficiency target, and seize, destroy or recycle low efficiency vehicles, especially luxury and exotic cars
  • Mandate strict CO2 emission limits for all industrial processes
  • Mandate energy efficient building codes, light fixtures, temperature controls

For the record, I’m not in favor of or an advocate of mandating any of the measures listed above, I am merely trying to illustrate what would be necessary to actually reduce global CO2 output. I also do not believe in the hoax perpetuated by the mainstream media that CO2 emissions are detrimental to the environment and a survival threat to mankind.

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February 13, 2017 5:08 pm

Those wanting a carbon tax should wait at the back end of an elephant to collect it. This should be a life sentence.

February 13, 2017 5:14 pm

This is a classic example on why I have detested the republican party my entire adult life. I understand the democrats. They believe in a government solution for every perceived problem. I disagree with them but at least they’re honest about their true intentions. To me they’re a silly and unpleasant fact of life like maggots or dung beetles. But republicans purport to be the party of free enterprise and limited government. They are in fact insidious, vile, diabolical subversives intent on manipulating the free market to the sole benefit of themselves and their Skull and Bones nest of vipers compatriots. And if in the process their rapacious appetite for loot and power destroys everything noble and righteous about America they will do so without a second thought.

February 13, 2017 11:35 pm

These and other RINOS need to be neutralized.

February 13, 2017 11:40 pm

While you are right about RINOS, it is not true that the leftists are “…honest about their true intentions.” They claim to be trying to help all the downtrodden and special interest groups and “improe” the world, when in fact their true goal is to enslave all others to exercise power, control, and wealth for themselves.

February 13, 2017 5:58 pm

We want a tax on what you exhale, your lucky we allow you to do that, now pay up!

kokoda the deplorable
kokoda the deplorable
February 13, 2017 6:39 pm

Paulson and Baker = Establishment

February 13, 2017 7:21 pm

CO2 taxes, what a joke, don’t all of these so called experts know that decomposing organic matter in our forests and jungles give up a gigantic amount of CO2. Not to mention the volcanic eruptions that occur that really spew it out. Globalists are going to do what globalists do, control people through taxation, what cannot go on for ever won’t. I hope Trump thinks about his supporters and tells the republican establishment to shove it!

michael smith
michael smith
February 13, 2017 7:49 pm

CO2 controls are totally misguided. Sure, if a planet had zero CO2 and you started adding it, it could make an important difference at first, but there are diminishing returns as CO2 rises. At 400 ppm, about where we are now, the particular wavelength of light that is “trapped” by CO2 is so thoroughly saturated (as astronomers can observe with a certain type of telescope) that additional CO2 makes an immeasurably trivial difference on temperature.

Supposedly, additional warming would result from higher CO2 levels increasing the ability of the air to retain additional water vapor, the most pervasive “greenhouse” gas by far, but decades of accumulated measurements have shown that correlation to be nonexistent.

CO2 in the upper atmosphere also has a cooling effect, which may not be subject to diminishing effects, but it still remains a relatively minor climate feedback.

But alas, almost all of our lawmakers and judges are scientifically illiterate (which seems to be the case with lawyers in general); thus, some years ago the US Senate voted 98-1 that global warming was definitely the result of human activities rather than natural causes, as though realities of nature could be dictated by the votes of politicians. I am sure the lone dissenter was Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, who has been like a voice crying in the Senatorial wilderness since the 1990’s the man-made global warming is a “hoax.” At first, I thought he was jumping to too quick a conclusion (as the “True Believers” certainly were), and maybe he was, but it turned out he was right.

  michael smith
February 14, 2017 10:15 am

Michael, the above is some foreign substance called – facts. In the political / taxation of everything / Government is king world, you can’t deal with things like that. You have to spew forth a narrative, find people that need funding from you that will sell out and reenforce that narrative, and then move forward selling it to the undereducated and those lacking ANY critical thinking skills. This deomographic, unfortunately describes about 75% of the world population. The other 15% could possibly be converted if they were presented with a factual narrative, and the other 10%, are those that come here and are capable of objective thinking and can think critically.
All three of these conmen just want their 15 minutes of fame and fortune again. Instead of retiring, they feel “obligated” to come forward and tell the world their thoughts. Well, George Schultz and Baker I can’t speak on because I was not even an adult yet when they had their “moment”, but having seen the handiwork of Hank – lie to save the bankster at all cost – Paulson, if the other two are like him, I will give all three of them a big round of shut the hell up and go back from where you came.
Carbon taxation is just a big con to continue funding schemes like Elon Musk and others that only have a business plan as long as people think mother earth is in peril by us humans. Mother earth is in no threat from us. She could quiver a little bit, and that would be the end of us. See hurricane Katrina.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 13, 2017 11:01 pm

Hank Paulson should consider himself lucky that he didn’t get strung up on a piano wire in 2008. That fucker should have had to move to Tasmania to avoid the wrath of Americans. He took hundreds of billions of mortgage-backed securities that said on PAGE 1 “this is not backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government” and put us all on the hook for those obligations. The investors in those mbs’s should have lost their asses, but they were backstopped by Paulson so that the bezzle could continue. If he wanted to guarantee MBS’s, he only needed to backstop the NEW ones, not the already-existing ones.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
February 14, 2017 12:44 am

It didn’t take long for swamp thing to return ! Note the same band of cocksuckers that fucked us over for 40 years and their collective masterpiece was TARP and other such nonsense to cover their colllective financial fuck ups and shenanigans designed to bail out all their asshole buddies wit bonuses for royally screwing the American economy and leaving us holding the bag ! Well here we go again same shit different day !

February 14, 2017 1:26 am

Hank Paulson sales job. James Baker (86 years old), and George Schultz (96 years old) really don’t have a huge stake here. “Reagan’s guys!” are suddenly window dressing everywhere, fossils that they are, to try to recapture some of the credibility Bush’s guys lost

February 14, 2017 8:33 am

A carbon tax is a VAT tax

February 14, 2017 9:29 am

No need for a carbon tax. Dams are overflowing and snow is falling.

By the time it is over we will be snowed in for 3 days where I live.

February 14, 2017 12:04 pm

We have high taxes where I live (Argentina), but many of us know how to work around them. If a carbon tax ever manages to be instituted here, I’ll be very disappointed if we don’t see open rebellion against it. I recommend the same for y’all.

February 14, 2017 1:40 pm

There isn’t a conservative or patriot in this group of scumbags. Hank Paulson should indicted for theft and fraud related to bailout of gangsters and thieves on Wall Street. I say hang the lot and get it over with.

February 14, 2017 2:06 pm

I’ve said it somewhere else, and I’ll say it again:
If diamonds are a girl’s best friend, then perhaps carbon can become the new currency.

Miles Long
Miles Long
February 14, 2017 3:26 pm

Paulson can swing from the rafters (yet another positive use for hemp), but the other 2 could be a warning. Wondering how many CO2 credits we would need to heat up a batch of tar & pluck some chickens for these clowns?