“Day by day the money-masters of America become more aware of their danger, they draw together, they grow more class-conscious, more aggressive. American political corruption was the buying up of legislatures and assemblies to keep them from doing the people’s will and protecting the people’s interests; it was the exploiter entrenching himself in power, it was financial autocracy undermining and destroying political democracy.”

Upton Sinclair, The Brass Check

“People of privilege will always risk their complete destruction rather than surrender any material part of their advantage. Intellectual myopia, often called stupidity, is no doubt a reason. But the privileged also feel that their privileges, however egregious they may seem to others, are a solemn, basic, God-given right. The sensitivity of the poor to injustice is a trivial thing compared with that of the rich.”

John Kenneth Galbraith, The Age of Uncertainty

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February 16, 2017 9:53 am

This is totally off target of this Post topic, but I feel the need to share it:………..I just got up from a dream/nightmare where a very short section of it involved HiIlary Clinton.

I have not been thinking about her much recently except for her part in the SOC (Sorros-Obama-Clinton [Hillary, Bill & Foundation] Cabal against Trump.
Near the end of a rather long, non-political dream, while looking for some missing shoes, I saw Hiterly, in her pantsuit, walking out into a brown field with a somewhat younger woman, dressed in a knee-length skirt, followed loosely by a small entourage of about 8, somewhat behind. I did not take notice of any cameras, but it had a feel of being both casual and official, a little awkward in nature.

They were about 35 feet ahead of the others, when all of a sudden they turned toward each other and quickly kissed each other in an awkward, excited, and immature manner. The jumped back, giggled and then did it again even briefer. Quick little pecks. This was followed by a little childish, and excited prancing around and giggling. I, off to one-side and a little further back, and the entourage, all gasped and partially hid out faces upon seeing this. The meeting, or rendezvous, promptly ended, and I returned to my other activities, a little disturbed by what I had witnessed.

It was vivid and unsettling. Maybe it means that she will find someone to her liking and may mellow out…..or get Stronger. I don’t know if this dream has any significance or maybe portends a similar event to come, but I just felt that I had to share it as a warning. Here’s hoping that your dreams are sweeter in nature.

February 16, 2017 10:55 am

If I were dreaming about Hillary, I don’t think I’d admit it.