Ashton’s Idol

Guest Post by Rob in Nova Scotia

How was this man at one time a potential Leader of Free World? The combination of dumb, stupid and Senator is dangerous to World Peace. When they hacked off the skin cancer the Doctor must have given him a lobotomy as well. This guy needs to be Sopranoed thru a woodchipper. For the good and safe well being of the world.

He just got trolled hard by some of those evil Russian Hackers.

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February 17, 2017 7:53 am

Tinker Bell ,you must remember that you are almost a real Canadian.John MacLean is a real American with credentials unlike most of our neighbors to the north.Sure he loves war , wants revenge for never have fought in one . Being a POW for what 8 years doesn’t count. Tinker Bell ,you are lacking in humility ,gentleness ,self-control and marksmanship .In other words you lack Compassion , Sympathy , Empathy and understanding of what war does to our POW heroes.Now personal repentance is in order.Say you are sorry and give me 50 push-ups with 3 Hell Mary’s.

February 17, 2017 8:30 am


Correcto bb. Ole John must have got all flustered from Ashton Kutcher blowing kisses at him.

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Need to try harder…You are right aboot one thing. I am almost a real Canadian. See being from East Coast only qualifies me for EI and free pass this year to Canada’s National Parks!

50 push-ups! Geebers Crispins you be a hard ass! and 3 Hell Mary’s to boot! Is that how Fedex is training drivers these days! No wonder those anarchists were sooooooo scared a couple of weeks back in Iowa

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I suppose I do lack Compassion , Sympathy, Empathy and understanding of what war does to weak minded Neo-tards. All available evidence suggests though that McCain he has been on a suicide mission his entire life. Crashing planes, a pretty game attempt at sinking the Forrestal, a stay at Hilton courtesy of Ho Chi Minh, and of course the various atrocities supported by him in Middle East and Former Soviet Union. It is tragic that one of them wouldn’t involve him as well.

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So John if you read this do us all a favour (spelled correctly with a “u” by the way you Yankee biatch). I will say a prayer and become a Christian, again (for fuck sakes!), if you do us all a solid and drive something sharp thru your thick skull.

It’s a win win. I get saved and the world gets to moveon.

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And while you are at it McStain take your buddy György as well.



February 17, 2017 9:04 am

John and his baby brother Lindsey need to retire to more local bucolic locations to watch nature and take their meds……

February 17, 2017 10:26 am

Good points Tinker Bell!!!

February 17, 2017 11:10 am

Thanks bb

I think I am feeling a cold draft.
Fuck the end times must be close and hell hath frosted over.
I was able to pry a compliment from ole’ bb…..

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Well sort of….

February 17, 2017 11:10 am

They also got Maxine Waters. They told her that Putin hacked the elections of Limpopo and that the Russians were going to invade Limpopo

February 17, 2017 11:17 am
February 17, 2017 11:26 am

To most of you, McCain is simply an ass clown.
To many veterans over 65, he’s a traitorous POS.
Go to You Tube and watch the way he treated the families of POWs/MIAs in congressional hearings.
It’ll turn your stomach.

February 17, 2017 11:56 am
February 17, 2017 12:59 pm

Thank you RiNS. There’s actually a front page article in a June, 1968 edition of Stars and Stripes that reads “Tape Has McCain’s Son Praising Red Doctors”. As stated in the video he was called the “Hanoi Songbird”. Another point, while never definitively proven was his “wet starting” (equivalent to making a car backfire) his jet aboard the USS Forrestal to startle other pilots which caused another jet to fire one of its missles. This in turn started the fire on the flight deck which killed over 125 men. What IS known is that he was flown off that Carrier to another that same day ostensibly because of death threats to him.

Alter Boyz
Alter Boyz
February 17, 2017 1:48 pm

Nicely said. Thank you.

Don’t forget McCains’ Daddy and Grandpa were both Navy Admirals which may have helped the songbird out on that nasty Forrestal episode. . . – Just say’in.

February 17, 2017 3:38 pm

Being a POW does not automatically make one a hero, which is the mantra to the public.