Putin may be watching his brilliant American plan go ‘poof’

Guest Post by George Friedman

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If the Michael Flynn affair is true, the Russians have seen a brilliant plan blow up in their faces.

But I have been dubious about the speculation around Flynn’s actions and motives. So let’s turn it around and assume that there indeed was a major Russian intelligence operation intended to help elect, and then control, the president of the United States. This would certainly justify the angst in The New York Times, whereas the national security adviser lying to the vice president just doesn’t make the cut. I am trying to imagine the number of times Henry Kissinger lied to Spiro Agnew or Brent Scowcroft lied to Dan Quayle.

Let’s imagine this was the most audacious intelligence operation imaginable, designed to take control of the United States government. If that’s the case, it has turned into a total fiasco. Flynn, a key recruit, is out of a job. President Donald Trump, regardless of what he promised, will be under intense scrutiny on all matters Russian.

The key to the success of this operation would have been that no one could suspect the American president and his national security adviser were under the control of Russian intelligence. Even if they weren’t Russian assets, enough people now think that they are, rendering them useless to the Russians. The CIA, National Security Council, and FBI have them — and anyone else who was part of this — under constant surveillance. It’s the agencies’ job to find Russian spies, regardless of whom those spies might be.

If all of this is true, the president now may be hesitant to make any concessions to the Russians. All other Americans involved in the conspiracy will be identified and fired at the very least. The Russian intelligence apparatus in the U.S. and the Moscow directorate dealing with the U.S. will be identified and dismantled as forensics are carried out on the failed operation. A generation of Russian operatives will be suspected by Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) of having been compromised by the Americans. All of these people will be looking for exciting careers in the food service industry — if they are lucky. When an operation of this scope fails, everyone is blamed except the big guy, and who knows what suspicions will fall on him.

Interesting shifts in U.S. policy already have occurred. A few weeks ago, the U.S. said it did not favor ending sanctions on Russia, something the Russians really wanted. Now there are reports that a Russian intelligence-gathering ship was identified in international waters off the coast of New England. The U.S. also charged the Russians with violating a treaty by deploying a new generation of cruise missiles — a repeat of a charge made in 2014 by the administration of then-President Barack Obama.

It is possible to create a delightful trail of dementia here, but the fact is that I doubt the Russians had any such grand ambitions. For one thing, the level of scrutiny by U.S. intelligence — and every other intelligence agency in the world — is such that there would be no chance this type of an operation would not be detected.

If the Russians were doing anything, they were jerking the American chain with the hope of creating a domestic crisis, something which the Americans excel at. A meeting here, a hacking there, a kind word from Russian President Vladimir Putin about Trump, and then the Russians could lean back and watch the fun. But trying to control the president of the United States? I really doubt that.

Some really trivial charges were generated to sink Flynn.

What I do believe is there was an internal battle within the Trump administration, and some really trivial charges were generated to sink Flynn. U.S. intelligence was delighted to help out since they never liked Flynn, who never liked them.

For the Russians, life returns to grim reality. The price of oil is still well below the minimum needed to maintain Russia’s national budget. There are reports from areas outside Moscow and St. Petersburg that salaries are not being paid, banks are failing or being closed by the government in an attempt to create a sustainable system, and the first indicators of unrest are showing.

A newspaper in Vladivostok, for example, has reported small anti-government demonstrations gaining in popularity in a region where oil activities play a large role in the local economy. Last week, five cities in Primorsky region — Ussuriysk, Artyom, Arsenyev, Nakhodka and Vladivostok — saw people participating in “protest walks.” These walks consist of participants circulating in public areas, discussing politics and calling for a cleansing of political ranks. The decline in oil prices is not going away and is playing out its painful hand.

In Syria, the city of Aleppo has been taken, and the Russian government is trying to figure out what comes next, as well as remember why it went there in the first place. Sanctions on Russia are in place, and Ukraine, the site of the last Russian intelligence calamity, remains beyond Russian control. Russia has made a gesture at being a major power. Having made the gesture, it must now figure out how to sustain it.

The Flynn situation has been blown vastly out of proportion by the media, but the Trump administration did not practice the caution that is required in executing its foreign policy. The Russians, who undoubtedly were pleased that their intelligence apparatus had subverted the American presidency, now face problems.

First, they didn’t subvert the presidency, and if they actually tried, they failed. The blowback to their own intelligence service could be grave.

Second, and much more important, it is now time for the Russians to turn their attention to the far less-pleasant task of surviving the oil crisis and dealing with limits on their power. There is something neat in being regarded as intelligence geniuses when you actually didn’t do anything. But like all hidden pleasures, there is a price to pay, and the realities of the real world to return to.

George Friedman is the founder and chairman of Geopolitical Futures LLC , an online publication that explains and forecasts the course of global events. Republished with permission.

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February 17, 2017 2:00 pm

Speaking for myself, I wouldn’t care if Trump WAS Russian.
I wouldn’t care if he was certifiable.
All I care about is he’s not more of the same s–t I’ve seen my entire life.

February 17, 2017 2:09 pm

How about, “After my election I will have more flexibility.” Where was the outrage?

February 17, 2017 2:09 pm

IMO, Flynn was a “plant” by Trump to draw out the CIA rogue operative. Now, he knows exactly who they are. Trump is making a list and checking it twice, gonna fire those who are naughty not nice.

February 17, 2017 2:27 pm

I heard this morning that Tillerson is cleaning house over at State. Good!

Miles Long
Miles Long
February 17, 2017 3:02 pm

CBS says most of the 7th floor is gone. From the top down.


February 17, 2017 2:53 pm

I wouldn’t have cared if Hillary had come down with acute Polonium poisioning 🙂

February 17, 2017 3:02 pm

Assumptions lead to false conclusions which, when stated often enough, become believed as the truth even though they are falsehoods based on an original erroneous assumption someone made.

February 17, 2017 3:11 pm

Some folks are suggesting that the folks in the whitehouse just dangled this stuff out in front of the criminals to see who bit. If they started to howl their name went on a list. Jake Tapper and Shemp Smith are both on the top of that list as are a bunch of morons over at the CIA/NSA. They stepped on their dicks when they gave the story to the Washington Post, which has been on the list from the beginning. It turns out that the National Security Adviser said nothing wrong to the Russian Ambassador. He told him that they couldn’t talk about sanctions until after the swearing in. That is exactly what he should have said. Trump knows that. Congress knows that. Shemp and Jake might know that but it is hard to say. But for sure somebody at the Propaganda Central of CNN and Fox should have raised their hands and said “Hey, shut up you fool. You will get us all killed.”

My opinion is that when something seems to make no sense, it’s likely because you don’t know what the rules are and you certainly don’t know what the goals are. Sure it could be that Trump is a moron – he certainly can’t talk good. But it’s more likely the case that he and his team; and there are a lot of people on that team, know that they need to do a smack down on the dark state and this is them winning the smack down. The next National Security Adviser clearly would know that he could not talk to Russia before he is confirmed. The fact that this is a story at all indicates to me that he was a pawn who knowingly dropped some damaging stuff onto the phone lines knowing full well that Hillary people in the NSA would capture it and knowing full well that he would loose his job so the closet liberals could be routed out of the shadows. You can never know what a person is thinking. You can only offer them a chance to demonstrate their true character and then you can judge them by their actions. If they are stupid, then they out themselves and loose their jobs.

But what bob know?

February 17, 2017 3:16 pm

I’m so outraged that Trump gave MIRV technology to China, oops I meant Buba.

I am outraged that Trump sold 20% of all US uranium to Russia, oooh I meant the Hildabeast.

I am outraged that Trump allowed Russian aggression against the Ukraine and continued to do so, oh my bad that was Obama.

So what is it that the media didn’t report in these events that has them so riled up now?

Yeah, Trump has forgotten that they are truly gods who stride the earth spreading truth and wisdom with each step. Gotcha.

February 17, 2017 7:29 pm

Pretty good re-direction by the author. America is in greatest distress in decades – totally self-inflicted – but somehow it’s the Russians that should be alarmed and uneasy. Laughable.

February 17, 2017 9:08 pm

Maybe just wishful thinking.

February 17, 2017 9:17 pm

Really? Trump would never play second fiddle to Putin, nor do anything knowingly to hurt this Republic. The Russians were not in cahoots with the new Administration, no matter how the in-bedded Left and MSM may claim. More likely that they were working with the SOC (Soros-Obama-Clinton) Cabal. But that is probably not the case either. It is just wanton, manufactured destruction by the Left. Thing is, that those who don’t want coziness with the Ruskies, may have just made that worse, since Flynn was not fond of the Reds-over-there, and would have been a tough negotiator. Hope Trump keeps him close for advice & counsel.

Hollow man
Hollow man
February 17, 2017 10:38 pm

Putin is having a wonderful time watching us slowly destroy ourselves. He may help us along once in awhile but he does for laughs. We arebdoing a fine job screwing the goose all by our lonesome.

February 18, 2017 6:36 am

“For the Russians, life returns to grim reality. The price of oil is still well below the minimum needed to maintain Russia’s national budget. …. banks are failing or being closed by the government ….. and the first indicators of unrest are showing.” ——from the article

What a joke. This guy should have submitted his article to The Onion.

Let’s see what Putin has going for him;

— a country spanning eleven time zones
— an unconquerable country (short of a nuke war in which everyone loses)
— a country with ENORMOUS natural resource … far far more than just oil
— a country with virtually zero debt
— vast gold reserves
— a country without $200 trillion in unfunded liabilities
— a military every bit as modern and powerful as ours … and exceeding ours in some areas
— a USA!USA!USA! series of ridiculous sanctions which only made Russia much stronger and self sufficient
— a mostly homogenized and unified country …. unlike the USA!USA!USA! which is splitting apart at the seams … with more and more people talking about civil war
— Putin has a ridiculously high approval rating

Trump should be so fortunate as Putin.

This Friedman dude is a putz. Isn’t that a Joo name? In his case, .. he would be an eeevul Joo.