Question of the Day, Mar 8

If you look around, you can actually see our society decaying. What are some of the little things you notice regularly that would have never or rarely happened before?

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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March 8, 2017 10:41 am

Sexual deviance given more respect, legal protection and praise than normal sexual expression.

Islam taught and promoted in public schools while Christianity is banned and suppressed.

There are no “little” things, just ones that haven’t become fully developed yet.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
March 8, 2017 10:51 am

A lack of basic manners.

  Francis Marion
March 8, 2017 11:04 am

I was scrolling down to write the same thing Foxy when I saw you had already posted it.

Also,a lack of self discipline and moral courage.

  Francis Marion
March 8, 2017 2:52 pm

Also agree with this, as a friend of mine so eloquently said, “people have become trifling.’

Foul language when standing in line or in public, loud talking on cell phones, not taking off hats at the dinner table or during the anthem at a sporting event, cell phones at the dinner table or restaurant table, angry drivers, nobody smiles or looks at you and says “hello”, people let their kids run wild in public or in a store, loud and demanding…the right to call you any name in the book but won’t tolerate you having a right to a different opinion or voicing anything they consider objectionable.
No self respect whether it is shaving, dressing neatly, being clean, tatting everywhere on their body with the ugliest images, bull rings in the nose and/or lip, plates in the ears………Like my friend said, “Trifling”

  Francis Marion
March 9, 2017 1:39 am

Sorry but I’m not seeing that here in Texas. In fact, not at all, and I travel through n and w Texas quite a bit.

Of course you have the exception but that’s what it is, an exception, rather then the rule.

kokoda - the most deplorable
kokoda - the most deplorable
March 8, 2017 10:51 am

Police shutting down a little girl’s Lemonade stand.
Cops shooting unarmed people in the back.
Political divisiveness causing violence – thanks Obama
Racial divide – thanks Obama

March 8, 2017 10:55 am

For me the biggest thing is the amount of farmland that has become overgrown. Fields that I cut hay in as a child are now forests. Fields that were cleared by men with oxen and horses, axes and pickaxes, and maybe dynamite to remove the stumps if they were lucky. Dozens and dozens of farmhouses have been abandoned within an hour’s drive of where I grew up, and hundreds of barns have collapsed.

When I think of all the labour and effort expended to clear this land and turn it into something far more productive than a forest, and see what it has become, it really saddens me.

As I am fond of saying, there never has been and never will be a self-sufficient city. Everyone living in a city owes their standard of living to people who live in the country, yet most of these urbanites hold most of us in contempt. A society/state that can’t feed itself is living on borrowed time.

March 8, 2017 11:04 am

On that note it is truly frightening how the corporate agro businesses are buying up all the independent farms, and turning them into a “profit”centers.
A few years back I ran into a fellow at a resort in Mexico, who was on his vacation after selling his 23 sections of land to a corporate interest. (that’s a lot of land!!)

March 8, 2017 10:57 am

When I was a kid in the 60’s, nobody bagged their dog’s poop. Being aware not to get dogshit on your shoe was just taken as a fact of life.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
March 8, 2017 11:06 am

True. Dogs ran free then. That’s why there are about 100 times more rabbits everywhere now.

March 8, 2017 11:07 am

Hell,out in the country where I grew up in the 60s/70s lots of dogs were allowed to roam,just like the kids.However,it was starting to change,which truthfully,was a positive.

March 8, 2017 12:10 pm

When I was a kid there were THREE homes who owned dogs on the entire block. Now there are three homes on the entire block who don’t. The childhood three had ONE dog each, most people now have two or more. There is simple a lot more dog shit, way more. Our society has substituted and elevated animal (particularly dog) worship for childrearing. In suburbia you can have a yard with five pit bulls, but not one chicken or dwarf milk goat. This is something I wish would change.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
March 8, 2017 11:03 am

There’s fucking garbage everywhere – especially along the highways here in Minneapolis / St Paul. Since good neighborhoods have zero garbage and bad neighborhoods have mega garbage, I have to assume that it’s denizens of the bad neighborhoods doing the littering. “Littering” doesn’t do justice to the size and scope of the garbage, though. It’s like people are taking grocery bags full of shit and whipping it out their car window. A few weeks ago I drove through Lincoln, NE, Omaha, NE and Des Moines, then back here. Virtually no garbage the whole fucking way. Get back here and it’s fucking Garbage Town. We always had black people here (and not just Prince and Kirby Puckett), and it was never like this. It has to be the new denizens – although if I were an illegal, the last thing I’d do is throw garbage out my car window. How hard is it to not throw garbage?

I suppose it could be the rich people coming in to the ‘hood to spread garbage around at 5 AM just to make the people of color look bad.

MN Steel
MN Steel
  Iska Waran
March 8, 2017 6:27 pm

I also notice a lot of garbage around there, when I make an infrequent drive south.

Most of it is parked in the street, dented to shit, half in the driving lanes, and tinted to all end.

The rest is behind the microphone in drive-thrus, and trying to understand that gibberish makes me drive off.

  Iska Waran
March 9, 2017 1:43 am

The most litter strewn area I’ve seen was around Herzalia in Israel. Driving from Ben Gurien back to my friend’s home there, I saw several cars just toss bags of trash out their car windows and the road side calf deep in garbage.

Hollow man
Hollow man
March 9, 2017 7:41 am

Lamesa Texas by chance?

March 8, 2017 11:28 am

The thing that stands out the most to me is the sexualization of little kids. Truly shameful what Hollywood, public schools and politicians push upon us. Believe me, I am anything but a prude, but damn lets let our kids be kids for a few years before putting all this garbage in their minds.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
March 8, 2017 11:12 pm

I agree, and with it the sexualization of EVERYTHING.
Lingerie should be; some literature should be; perhaps some scenes in some movies should be. But Everything? Clingy clothing to outline the curves it covers; yoga pants as daily wear; dresses with cutouts on every curve; pretty much all rap music (not that rock didn’t, and was rarely even very subtle); pretty much every movie (rare exceptions like Doctor Strange and Fantastic Creatures are welcome relief); pretty much every TV show (even Big Bang Theory, the title itself an allusion but supposedly about nerds); commercials for perfume, clothing, you name it; an alien sociologist would conclude we think about nothing else.
And along with it, a decline in expected behavior. Any two adults alone together for any reason for any period of time implies sexuality. We have become Ancient Rome, with all that implies.

March 8, 2017 11:29 am

Freedom is dead and mentioning it will provoke anger among most.

March 8, 2017 2:11 pm

It’s called denial.They get angry because deep down they know you are correct or because they are parasites.

March 8, 2017 12:01 pm

Language – people using ‘fuck’ in everyday speech.

The number of unwed mothers.

March 8, 2017 12:44 pm

I can’t get over how foul language has become fairly common in my office, just within the 15 years I’ve been here. I swear like a sailor at home, but almost never do at work (even in non work-related conversations with a co-worker).

March 8, 2017 9:40 pm

“People using “fuck”in everyday speech.” I thought we were friends, Dutch.

March 8, 2017 12:12 pm

The complete breakdown of anything resembling political discourse. The closing of the American leftoid mind to anything that casts doubt on its politicians, and the censorship or worse of any dissenters from the hive mind. Deadly situation.

March 8, 2017 12:18 pm

“Blow up your television”.

………….John Prine

March 8, 2017 4:14 pm

My wife has the deluxe box set collection of John Prine

March 8, 2017 12:51 pm

What I see are grossly overweight people dressed for cleaning
the basement.

March 8, 2017 1:16 pm

So you saw my seat neighbors on my last dozen flights.

March 8, 2017 4:15 pm

Suzanne, that sounds “trifling ” ( as my friend uses it, it means no self respect or dignity)

March 8, 2017 1:21 pm

What are now called “free range children” were not too long ago referred to as just “children”. The State taking custody of children away from parents because the kids were allowed to walk a few miles on their own is vile.
Weekends and summertime, me and my 10 year old friends in Orange County, CA would grab our bb guns and be out the door at sunrise and disappear into the hills or orange groves for the entire day with no problems. The only real rules any of us had were that we had to tell our parents where we were headed (though plans change) and we had to be home by the time the streetlights came on. The rest of the time we were trusted to make good decisions and rely on our training. Not commando training or anything like that. Just how to function in society.
Almost every time I go to the hardware store I see an idling SUV with a 1/2 gallon of water underneath from the A/C. The SUV contains a child using a smartphone or tablet. When my parents would take me into the store I would learn. How to hold a door open for someone carrying a load, how keys are made, how to find the right sized bolt, how to manage time, how to find the store employee who knows what he is talking about, how to select lumber, how to find damaged goods that will work for my application and ask for a discount, how many are in a gross and countless other life skills. That’s training.

Rise Up
Rise Up
March 8, 2017 1:23 pm

Dwindling number of “mom & pop” restaurants. Suburbia is stuffed to the gills with what I call corporate dining (both fast food and chain restaurants). I see fantastic places that have great food on TV shows like “Diners, Drives, and Drive-ins” but they are hard to find, at least here in Northern Virginia. There is plenty of high-priced restaurants that cater to the upper crust, but few reasonably priced, home-cooking style eateries.

March 8, 2017 1:46 pm

30+ mins Standing in line at Safeway last night behind some one who reeked of weed. I’m in Cali.
Not able to move around stacks of cans in the middle of the aisle? Giant 8 ft Monopoly guy blocking the entrance to the store?

A biggee for me and my family is the degradation and state of the Catholic Church. I can go on with this one but it’s been very tough on me personally and spiritually.

Katze im Sack
Katze im Sack
March 8, 2017 2:05 pm

Back titties.

Never saw them 20 years ago. Now they are everywhere.

Now that’s one thing I was made aware of on TBP. Could have done without it. Puke.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Katze im Sack
March 9, 2017 12:42 am

Krazy Kat, fat people were rare back then. As were ambulant oldsters.

Speaking of which, the beautiful blonde is nearing 60. She still dresses in painted on jeans and goes man hunting at car and motorcycle shows with her GF. WTF is that?

A sexy granny in my day looked like the old bitty in the playboy cartoons. Today, thanks to booty panties and magic bras, these old bitties keep in the gene pool like boomers past retirement age hold on to a job.

Keyser Söze
Keyser Söze
March 8, 2017 2:35 pm

The portion sizes at nearly every restaurant are ridiculously large. An entree will easily feed two adults.

We have gluttony in just about every thing or service in our nation–from food and cars to infinite entertainment choices.

Also, young adults today seem much more clueless and lost. They often don’t get their first “real” job well into their 20s and also may have never done the “kid” jobs like mowing lawns and flipping burgers (apparently working at Wendy’s means you need enough to support a family of 4 now).

March 8, 2017 2:36 pm

I say let’s re-staff the Senate with our TBP crowd!

March 8, 2017 3:00 pm

Finding someone to do a hard day’s work is almost as possible. My facility is located in a predominately urban county. We’ve pretty much stopped taking applications from certain zip codes unless their resume really jumps out at us. Every last one of our production crew are from the adjacent counties, and have a strong farm background, or other similar skill set.

Its nuts.

I remember 15 years ago when I first hit the real work force, I had been raised by a community that made sure your back was strong enough to handle a 70 hour workweek in all temperatures while carrying brick, pipe, or other work. I dug in like I was competing with the workers of the Great Depression, and as a consequence I even put our Mexicans to shame, out-producing all but one other guy who luckily was my boss. We made a good team. Damned good man.

People have forgotten the value of good honest labor, the nobility that the simple act of creation and self-reliance confers upon a person.

I’m not a fuckin’ pet. I sell my strength for an honest day’s wage, and I get paid an honest day’s wage. Nobody gives me a goddamned thing, and thats probably the one goddamned piece of fucking information that everyone in this country should have crammed down their throats.

Jobs are not given, wages are not given! It is an exchange between two free peoples, founded in the mutual assumption that both will hold up their end of the bargain. This voluntary slavery by the wannabe pets of the world is destroying hundreds of years of humanity’s progress, moving towards a goddamned Feudal system because people can’t be bothered with their own goddamned freedom. What the every living fuck is wrong with them???

March 8, 2017 4:11 pm

Who is John Galt?

March 8, 2017 4:20 pm

Confession time, I have not actually read Ayn Rand’s works. Any of them.

March 9, 2017 1:28 am

By the way, by “urban” I meant “city folk.” Damned city slickers!

March 9, 2017 8:49 am

Hence the rise of mini excavators, that cost $30k new yet can be outworked by two solid guys with spade shovels – if you could find two solid guys.

Idaho Homesteader
Idaho Homesteader
March 8, 2017 4:26 pm

This is just a small thing…

Last weekend, I visited the big city of Spokane to buy a couch off of Craigslist. I was driving down a busy street and noticed that two blocks down if I stayed in my lane I would have to turn instead of continuing straight. I turned my blinkers on to change lanes and nobody would let me. I started easing the nose of my car into the middle lane and that just elicited honks and grumpy looks. No one would let me move over. Being from a smaller town in North Idaho, I didn’t realize how aggressive and rude drivers are in the city. Come on, folks! It’s Saturday afternoon in Spokane, not rush hour in Seattle.

Other things I noticed…

Spokane had quite a few more “people of color” compared to when I moved away 30 years ago.

Heading up Division Street, the quality of the type of stores had gone down. I saw tattoo parlors, cannabis stores, ethnic grocery stores, Buffet restaurants, etc.

However, the Northtown Mall was packed. No sign of an economic downturn there. I went to JC Penny’s and could see why they are losing money. My daughter and I had –buy $10 get $10 off– coupons. They had rack after rack of clearance clothes. More clearance clothes than regular clothes. The clearance stuff was super cheap and the regular stuff was outrageously expensive. So why buy anything new, just wait a couple of months. Come on $104 for a swimsuit?!? (Dressing rooms were a disaster by the way. Clothes strewn everywhere.) I ended up buying a shirt for my daughter for 12¢. For myself, I bought 7 wash clothes for under $1.

Dan in Nevada
Dan in Nevada
March 8, 2017 4:27 pm

These are everywhere; pretty much every third car. It’s the temporary tag the dealer puts on when you get a new car.

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March 8, 2017 5:14 pm

Two things I see more & more are:

1) people, who don’t appear to have been in a gym recently, wearing sweat clothes as everyday apparel, having given up on maintaining a presentable appearance while in public.
2) especially in s/w FL, people whose grip on life is so fragile that they are compelled to treat their dogs as humans, taking them everywhere including the grocery & restaurants; I’m a dog person but I don’t want them to be able to lick my food.

March 8, 2017 6:54 pm

All the panhandlers around on every street corner now days. Never used to see these in my town even 15 years ago. I envy their tax free income.

March 8, 2017 9:46 pm

Girls fighting nearly as often as boys.Unless you have a teen who tells you about it or you are “in the system” you have no idea how common it is for girls to fight.

March 8, 2017 11:12 pm

Trash, litter, urine stains of sidewalks. More panhandlers and homeless. I do still see acts of kindness, though. People letting you ahead in line if you have 1 or 2 items; holding the door open, etc. In LA it’s gotten dangerous to drive. I was on the 101 not long ago and some dude in a 2 seater Benz passed me going at least 100. Weaving between the lanes, and this was rush hour. Gotta watch for the bikers too, because in CA it’s legal to “split lanes”. Crazy!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 9, 2017 12:46 am

Wester, I’m not sure it still is legal to split lanes, it’s been restricted on base for a few months now.

norman franklin
norman franklin
March 9, 2017 12:54 am

Young Women (twenty somethings) going out in pajamas, fake service dogs, surly and incompetent workers in most stores, little kids that sit in front of tv all the time, white men being constantly made to look stupid. I could go on but you get the drift.

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 9, 2017 2:22 am

The amount of wealth exploded during the 50s up until about last month. There was no welfare for Whites; my dad worked two jobs and mom usually one. Welfare Maggots today have a hundred times more stuff than we had as a family of six in the 40-50s in the rural South. We had no phone or TV, no car, no A/C or fan, mostly ate fresh garden or wild food and home canned stuff; never had enough of the store bought stuff. Ate oatmeal with watery powder milk for breakfast, a homemade peanut butter and a bologna sandwich on “day old bread” for 6 years before I started getting some lunch money, dad made homemade beer, we wore old hand me down clothes, a neighbor cut our hair, every weekend we used a wringer washing machine and clothes line, dad worked me and hired me out to others, and I always had bruises from a belt buckle because mom beat me almost every day because she said I was just like my SOB dad and deserved it for something (and the police would haul her to a nut ward or lock her up regularly because she deserved it for something), etc. At about 10 years old, my brother and I went to Jacksonville and bought our first rifles from a pawn shop. Socially, EVERYTHING has changed and as much for the worse as for the better. Hyperinflation is coming. Metrosexuals will melt like butter in the sun if they try to grow a garden for food. If they come round here, they’ll eat some lead.

March 10, 2017 1:46 am

The number of people living in motor homes parked on the streets and people living in tents on the side of the roads is on the increase. They used to put some effort into hiding now they don’t seem to bother. Not the many years ago I never saw that type of thing at all. Now I see it everywhere. At some point their numbers will reach critical mass and they will take over areas and will be impossible to get them to move; their camps will become permanent.

We don’t need to import more people into this country.