
Democrats may want to reconsider their embrace of the moronic.

There is no greater earthly pleasure than seeing people who pose as intellectually superior revealed as morons. Hillary Clinton was wretched, but Democrats have bought off half the electorate; there was no way they should have lost to a man who had never held office. Her defeat was a glorious culmination of delirious delusion that connoisseurs of the moronic will forever cherish. Shakespeare said, “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players.” When you don’t know at whom the audience is laughing , it’s you. Last week, Reasons to Vote for Democrats: A Comprehensive Guide, a book of 266 blank pages, was number one on Amazon’s bestseller list (a few notches above Prime Deceit). Still, the donkeys don’t get the joke.

They have hitched their wagons to a galaxy of falling stars—in their infatuation with Hollywood, literally as well as figuratively. Once upon a time Tinsel Town was glamorous, but familiarity borne of celebrity overexposure has bred contempt. Except for their groupies, the Oscar red carpet set just doesn’t generate as much excitement as it used to. Hollywood is beset by challenges, including labor costs, the Internet, new competitors Netflix and Amazon, declining attendance, and over reliance on comic book franchises. It doesn’t take much of a literary bent to see the Best Picture snafu as a metaphor.




It takes beyond Best Actor or Actress acting to hector “ordinary” people for their benighted ignorance while convincing them of your deep concern for their welfare. The ordinaries aren’t stupid, but the Democrats have gone all in on hectoring, insincere celebrities. Stars write campaign checks. “Public service” ads featuring Hollywood luminaries warning of Trump disaster helped more than hurt him. Thirty million is a big US audience for a Hollywood blockbuster; 32.9 million watched part or all of this year’s Academy Awards. A much smaller group consistently follow the stars (People magazine’s circulation, a good proxy, is around 3.5 million). Anywhere from 50 to 150 million Americans ignore or despise Hollywood. If they had any humility, which they don’t, contemplation of that imbalance would humble stars and their codependent Democrats.

The Dems have hitched their wagons double-tight to other falling stars that have already blazed their brightest: the mainstream media (MSM), the intelligence community, and academia. Just like Hollywood, the MSM’s stock in trade is make-believe, and just like Hollywood the MSM’s numbers are dwindling. It shed even the pretense of impartiality this last election, destroying what was left of its credibility while pontificating on “fake news.”

“You’ve got to know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ’em.” So crooned Kenny Rogers, and its usually a good idea to fold a few hands or step away from the table after a big loss. The moronic play is to bet heavily the next hand, regardless of the cards, and try to get it all back at once. Having lost big with Trump’s victory, the Democrats, their captive media, and the gang that couldn’t spy straight were well-advised to sit it out for a while. Instead, they doubled down with the equivalent of eight-high showing, nothing in the hole—the concocted Russian story and attempted coup.

With Wikileak’s release of Vault 7, and the promise of much more to come, Trump’s raking in yet another big pot (see “Plot Holes” and “Trump and Vault 7”). If the guy across the table’s stack keeps growing, and you’re reaching for your wallet, reconsider your dismissive evaluation of him and realize that perhaps you’re not as sharp as you think. Unfortunately for morons, the don’t do reconsideration and self-evaluation. The coup plotters had a weak hand they played poorly. Fortunately for them, unfortunately for the rest of us, they’re in the United States and will live to plot again. In most of the rest of our unfree world, they’d be lined up and shot.

In academia, slogan-spouting, mental-midget professors sing the praises of government—which pays their salaries—and shout “academic freedom” at anyone challenging either their funding or nonsense. Students ban challengers or knock them senseless as the faculty and administration look away. So much for academic freedom. Parents take out second mortgages and students take on six-figure student loans to be herded through politically correct curriculums that leave them intellectually stunted, prepared only for careers as baristas, Uber hacks, paid protestors, gender-neutral bathroom attendants, or social justice forum moderators. The code has been cracked on using modern technology to provide meaningful higher education at a fraction of the cost, but Democrats have plighted their troth with the costly, crumbling, and corrupt academy.

There are still a few Democrats around who protested the Vietnam War and reviled the establishment. Hockey superstar Wayne Gretzky said he skated to where the puck was going. Politically, the Democrats have skated to where the puck was back in 2001, embracing all the worst aspects of establishment Republicanism: foreign intervention, unipolarity, the military-industrial-intelligence police state, crony capitalism, bogus “free trade” deals, Wall Street bailouts, and noxious central bank machinations. Hillary Clinton is a political transvestite, wearing the garb of the opposition so well she’s indistinguishable from it, yet her moronic minions decried tepid enthusiasm or outright rejection among the Sanders’ supporters they screwed.

Anti-establishment revolt, fiscal constriction, devolution, and decentralization are where the puck is headed. Switching back to the poker analogy: if you preserve your stake and bide your time, eventually the cards come your way. The Democrats still have a substantial stake; their opponents’ grave dancing is wildly premature. That bought-off half of the electorate remains a formidable asset. The Democrats need to make the antes to show everyone they’re still in the game—jeering Trump on immigration, cheering him on infrastructure spending, and so on—but quit throwing their chips away on loser hands like the Russian fabrication.

Even as the Democratic gerontocracy slides from moronic obliviousness to moronic senility, there are perhaps younger political opportunists who see the party as the ideal vehicle for their ambitions. A stock market crash and recession are way overdue. Crushing debt will make this next contraction a doozy and Trump’s support will drop with the DJIA and the GDP. His foreign interventions will be just as disastrous as his predecessors’. He, his party, and his military and Goldman Sachs appointees are now the establishment. One would think somebody in the Democratic party would skate to where the puck is going and reorient it, or at least its rhetoric and tactics, to capitalize on anti-establishment fervor as it reaches full boil. Or maybe not, but if they don’t, the Democrats will join a long line of morons who leave the game flat broke.

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March 13, 2017 1:19 pm

Good read

March 13, 2017 1:22 pm

If your opponent is fucking himself out of the game, don’t interrupt him. I’d like to see the dims keep on like they’re going until they slide on down the drain.

March 13, 2017 1:38 pm

The repukes could use a wake up call as well.

Barnum Bailey
Barnum Bailey
March 14, 2017 9:27 am

We’re watching both official parties destroy themselves.

The question is not whether they’ll be replaced. The question is whether or not their names will be retired along with their policies.

March 14, 2017 9:55 am

Yes, WIP, the repubes are actually worse. The seem to think that nobody notices that their pretense of opposition is actually a “me too” statement. It’s really tragic that the old Dixiecrats and Blue Dogs didn’t just dump the dems in the ’60s and form a new party instead of switching over to the “me too” side.

It’s ridiculous to see the descendants of Confederates belonging to the party that waged war on their states and their people for 150 years. The pubes haven’t changed their tune, only their buzzwords. They’re still the party of Yankee progressivism that they were in 1860. Karl Marx was a big fan of their first republican revolution.

norman franklin
norman franklin
March 13, 2017 1:59 pm

Nice job Robert, as usual. “Her defeat was a glorious culmination of delirious delusion that connoisseurs of the moronic will forever cherish”. It was a spectacle like none I have ever witnessed. Probably won’t see anything like it again either. I agree with ed, we should not stop the dims from taking themselves out. It’s very hard however not to point out how colossally retarded some of these proggie’s are.

March 13, 2017 1:52 pm

Excellent read Robert. The Gretzky analogy paints a great image for how the game should be played. It is a poker game that Democrats continue to play when they should be licking their wounds. Taking a time out to walk away from table. Instead they continue to play their pair of eights thinking that they will win by bluff. Meanwhile Trump is sitting there smiling with aces up his sleeve waiting for those dolts to move all in.

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Dumb move but you can’t fix stupid.

March 13, 2017 3:14 pm

Still can’t shake the feeling that Trump is a set up.

March 13, 2017 4:13 pm

For what?

And why, how would it work?

March 13, 2017 3:46 pm

Thanks Robert,
and your picture is handsome too.
If Trump is a “set-up” I hope he’s set up to cushion the
financial disaster we are facing. Half the adults in the USA
aren’t working a productive job. The banks have announced
they are at will to steal our remaining deposits. We have Muslim
spies littering our gov, (see George Webb) and likely pedo blackmail
galore in Congress. Rubio just got 8.6 million in campaign contributions
from the NAR (not NRA) and he told us he was quitting politics. Bribe?
The common man and woman can’t catch a break. I gambled on Trump.
Let’s see what happens, okay?

Ricky Collins abused child
Ricky Collins abused child
March 13, 2017 5:18 pm

How boring and dull. Same bromides are repeated endlessly rather than focusing on the uniparty and the need to limit the size of government. More bs about the military-indyustrial complex from people who would never serve and will not engage our enemies. I bet this boy wonder wants to legalize drugs.

As I said before, heard this patter from other snake oil salesman and it always gives off that faint, decaying smell of rotting turd.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
  Ricky Collins abused child
March 13, 2017 5:28 pm

“…More bs about the military-indyustrial complex from people who would never serve and will not engage our enemies…..”

sounds like you need to march your fat ass down to the local army recruiting center and SIGN UP

  Gay Veteran
March 13, 2017 6:18 pm

Good one, GV.

  Ricky Collins abused child
March 13, 2017 6:17 pm

RCac, What the fuck are you trying to say? It’s annoying to see you struggling. I hope you don’t say shit like that in the beer joint where you hang out. Somebody would beat the piss out of you and tell you to shut the fuck up.

March 13, 2017 6:39 pm

I thought he had been drinking. Re-read his twaddle but use a slurred, drunken narrator voice in your mind, fits perfectly.

  Ricky Collins abused child
March 13, 2017 8:02 pm

I can smell it now.

March 13, 2017 11:14 pm

The left may currently be in disarray and appear to be on the ropes, but do not be deceived at their apparent weakness. They are still a power to be reckoned with. They control the vast federal bureaucracy, the major cities, the media, and the education system. Stamping out leftist lunacy is like playing whack-a-mole with stupidity.
What needs to happen to progressives in general and democrats in particular is a political version of what the Romans did to Carthage: lay siege to the city, level its defenses, burn it to the ground, sell into slavery all those not slaughtered outright, and salt the ground so nothing will ever grow again. The left is our Carthage.

Barnum Bailey
Barnum Bailey
March 14, 2017 8:44 am

Leftism is more than stupidity.

Leftism is a religious cult, and it rose these last few centuries until it became a de facto theocracy that ruled every Western nation. Take a step back and you can see that every Western European and Anglosphere country is run by this theocracy; each nation enshrines in law most if not all of the sacraments of Progressivist Theocracy:
(1) All Races are the Same (or race doesn’t exist.)
(2) All sexual preferences must be tolerated (pedophilia is still a hard sell, but they’re trying.)
(3) Belief in the palpably unreal must be enabled (e.g., men who say they are women must be treated as women.)
(4) Hitler is Satan. Nazis were demons of hell.
(5) People cannot be expected to improve themselves.
(6) The “haves” are not entitled to the product of their efforts; the product of their efforts must be redistributed to the “have-nots.” (e.g., Obama’s “You didn’t make that” bullshit.)

All of these laws were passed in order to “make people better.” They exist to align our world with Heaven (Utopia.)

This is why argument is fruitless. You’re trying to logically persuade someone that their religion is false.

Good luck with that.

  Barnum Bailey
March 14, 2017 9:15 am

Barnum B- The tenets of leftism are merely to strong arm countries into the ultimate goal of world domination and the NWO. The question is can they succeed?

G. Gordon Liddy once said he didn’t fear the concept of global domination by any one group because there are too many factions who have the ability to rip power away from anyone who might attempt to control the world. I hope he is right.

Barnum Bailey
Barnum Bailey
March 14, 2017 9:23 am

BL, I don’t fear it because Nature simply doesn’t go in one direction forever. I know that’s a metaphysical observation, but it is demonstrably true.

People herd in one direction for a while (that’s why we call it a trend) and then we reverse and go in a different direction. Call it by any other name (depending on your preferred hypothesis, a 4th Turning, a Grand Supercycle Wave 4, etc.), it’s still the same thing.

It is simply astonishing to see the parallels between human social trends and trends illustrated in investment markets (esp. commodities.) The underlying behavior of both is so similar that it startles me.

Trannies in the girl’s locker room were the Blow Off Top of a commodity chart. Trust me, in 1980 when gold was going vertically past $800/oz the world thought its future was straight up, even as the underlying strength of the trend was falling away. Ditto tech stocks in Q1 of the year 2000.

As the trend slowly changes from up to down (or left to right), people will continuously expect the old rally to reignite.

It Will Not. Leftism is entering a bear market that will likely last to beyond the lifetime of my grandchildren.

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
  Barnum Bailey
March 15, 2017 12:24 pm

i.e. – imminentization of the eschaton (W. F. Buckley)

Barnum Bailey
Barnum Bailey
March 14, 2017 8:22 am

Excellent column, Robert.

My thesis is that one aspect of the very large turn occurring will be a dramatic decrease in attention paid to the pinnacle-people on Mt. Olympus and a vast increase in attention paid to that which is nearby.

The pinnacle-people occupy high public offices and “enjoy” high celebrity status. They are our rulers in Mordor-on-the-Potomac, the executive suite and boardroom managers of major (household name) corporations, and the celebrities on the TV news, in movies and TV shows. All of these people have transcended the climb from success (income ranges up to low-to-mid six figures annually) to Mt. Olympus levels of wealth where counting expenses becomes a job one delegates to the hired help.

I do honestly expect that Joe Blow will soon not give two figs what these Olympians say, do or think. This will occur two ways:
1. Joe will have more pressing matters to attend to, as promises to help him from “on high” prove empty and he has to do things himself.
2. The Olympians will continue to make utter fools of themselves, taking daily jackhammers to their own pedestals on which their fame and fortune rest. Every time these clowns open their mouths they’ll crush another brick in their own foundation.

What will happen when people realize that some Olympian dictates something, but no one will enforce it, or the enforcers are too few to matter?

We approach a true crisis of legitimacy of our central system. For good reason, good people have cause to ignore it, as those who run it are continuously revealed as cretins, criminals and out-and-out demons.

Ticky Toc
Ticky Toc
March 14, 2017 1:13 pm

I believe the accepted spelling of moron here on the TBP is in fact “moran”.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Ticky Toc
March 14, 2017 10:04 pm

Fucken right.

March 14, 2017 8:54 pm

Great column

What if the Pelosi/Schumer branch of the DP were the Troskeyites, and something far worse was waiting in the wings, holding their chips..silent…

History is non-linear. Can’t remember where I read that, nevertheless still true.