I guess I shouldn’t have given away all those micro machines, hot wheels, and transformers.

Collectible Investments
Collectible Investments by ABC FINANCE LTD.

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deplorably stanley
deplorably stanley
May 10, 2017 9:53 am

As an avid watcher of the the big auction houses and Antiques Roadshow here’s what I think –

US vintage toy memorabilia is crashing. The people who remembered and played with those toys are nearly gone. Not many other people want them.

US WWII memorabilia is is downtrending.

Victoriana and early 20th century goods are crashing.

Tableware china and figurines are crashing.

Clocks are toast no matter how old they are. Nobody wants them.

Large pieces of furniture from any era and any country are crashing. Nobody has a place big enough for that stuff. Big stuff is just out, period.

American folk art and decorative arts are down.

Mid-century modern everything, is up. Paintings, furniture, decorative arts, jewelry.

Natural pearls have soared out of sight, often fetching 2 – 20 times their estimated value.

IMO vintage fine jewelry is undervalued at this time.

Fine original autos are soaring.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  deplorably stanley
May 10, 2017 11:01 am

Hi Stanley,

I was buying, trading and selling collectible guns for years out of the Big US auction houses while the CAD was close to PAR with the USD. I stopped a few years ago when the Looney began to lose ground against the USD and have not been keeping track of the market in those goods since. What are your thoughts on how collectible firearms are doing the in the US right now?

deplorably stanley
deplorably stanley
  Francis Marion
May 10, 2017 11:06 am

Guns in general are up, but not easily traded on the international market.

May 10, 2017 11:24 am

My son went through his Pokémon cards I bought him in the 90’s. Most are a quarter but several were $15 and one of them a limited addition expansion pack Wartourtle is $1400

May 10, 2017 12:05 pm

My mom had many Hummel figurines. I looked them up on several websites and they aren’t worth a damn. Not sure what these folks are talking about.

May 10, 2017 4:43 pm

if you read more closely the Hummel figures are listed as a Heartbreak….

May 10, 2017 4:06 pm

I’m about to unload my vinyl albums including a bunch of picture disks from Europe for a significant gain.

My mother pissed away tens of thousands on Precious Moments figurines. We’re in the process of clearing out her house and there must be 500 or more of these things, most still in their boxes having never been opened. According to my brother most are worth about $10-$15.

Didius Julianus
Didius Julianus
May 11, 2017 6:50 pm

Hi I.S.,
Curious as to how you are selling your vinyl – ebay type stuff or did you find one buyer who is willing to pay a fair price relative to the “retail value”? (In other words, not 5 or 10 cents on the dollar but maybe 35 to 70 cents, depending on how desirable individual pieces are). Reason I ask as I have a lot of good vinyl as well. (I used to manage a used record store in the 1980s so have some familiarity with what is good and what is not but do need to get up to date on the market).
